Author'sNote: So I know I was going to wait until I had finished writing DwtD or TT2 before I started another KiGo story, but I couldn't help myself I really really really really wanted to start posting this, i've only written the first two chapters... but I still had the urge to start posting - so i'm sorry to all those who were waiting for an update for the other stories ^^; don't worry, i'm still working on them, I just got a little distracted with this new idea :p Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it :)

Disclaimer: I'm not entirely sure how to write a disclaimer, but I don't own Kim Possible or any of the characters that appear in the TV Show that are also in this story. I do have a few made up characters of my own. Umm let's see... any places or names are not meant to resemble anyone in real life, and if they do, I apologize - I just pick random names and random places and roll with it. So yeah, I don't own anything other than my OCs and the storyline.

"Jack, I told you, you have to hold my hand when we cross the street," the redheaded hero scolded the 8 year old child. "The street is a dangerous place to be, and my cousin will kill me if the girl who can do anything, can't take care of her own cousin's child."

The black haired boy only pouted as he took his second cousin's hand and allowed her to walk with him across the street and take him to class. He may have been pouting on the outside, but he really didn't mind. Any time the hero took him to school everyone always said it was super cool that they were related. It'd been over a year since she last took him to school, and there had been a few transfer students he hadn't gotten to brag to yet.

As Kim walked him to the classroom, kids and parents alike would say hello to Kim. Even after high school she still amassed fame, even if she wasn't a teen hero anymore. She started working for Global Justice and she became more widely recognized and trusted, now having an organization to back her up, not just one computer genius and a clumsy sidekick.

He tugged her hand and tried speeding up, "Come on, come on! I want you to meet everyone."

Kim chuckled. She didn't mind being pulled around. She had the week off to take care of him while his parents were out of town for work.

When she entered the room she greeted everyone and she recognized a few of the kids, and those she didn't recognize she was sure to say hello to. There was one little girl who caught her interest. The child looked like she wanted to say something, but she stayed away from Kim. It almost seemed like she was being eyed warily.

Kim frowned slightly, but she quickly removed the look on her face, trying to stay cheerful for the other kids.

After she was done chatting with the kids and class was about to start, she headed for the door and grabbed the teacher on the way out.

"Is that girl alright? She seemed a little off, I think she was glaring at me."

The teacher seemed confused, "Really? She's a rather nice girl. Most of the student's love her. But she is rather solitary when she wants to be, doesn't always need to play with the other kids to be happy."

"So her situation at home is ok?"

"I should think so. Her mother is a single parent, but is very affectionate towards her. I've not heard about any issues at home, and she is well integrated with the other children."

Kim shrugged, "Must be me then."

The teacher was quick to reassure the hero, "No that can't be possible. You're such a wonderful person. Maybe she has a tummy ache or something."

Kim chuckled slightly at the teacher's attempt to ease her mind. "Well thank you, I'll be back to pick him up after school. Have a nice day."

"Same to you, Miss Possible."

The redhead waved one last time to Jack and then went off. Since she didn't have work, which usually occupied all her time, she decided to spend it at the gym.

As she was leaving, she was too busy thinking about her plans to notice the woman rushing past her and stopping at the room Kim had just been at.

The woman seemed to be a little rushed, and was holding a lunchbox. The teacher seemed a little surprised to see her, but since class hadn't started, she was ok with the woman coming in.

She walked over to the little girl who'd kept away from Kim and handed her the lunchbox. "Sorry I forgot it when we were leaving the house."

"It's ok," the little girl said with a smile, just glad her mom brought her the lunch. She was about to mention something about Kim, but then forgot when the woman pecked her on the forehead and ruffled her hair.

"I'll be back after school. Love you, Sara."

The little girl grinned back up at her, "Love you, Mom."

The woman smiled and then left, nodding a quick hello to the teacher.

… …. ….

Sara was sitting on the curb, waiting for her mom. A few other kids were still waiting to be picked up and sitting or walking around.

Jack saw the girl on the curb and took a seat beside her.

"Isn't Kim awesome?" he asked with a grin. He figured she'd be a good topic to talk about, and it gave him a chance to do a little bragging to the new girl.

Sara shrugged, "She's ok I guess… but my mommy is better."

"Nuh uh!"

"Yuh huh!"

Jack pushed Sara, "Kim is better!"

Sara immediately punched his nose and it started to bleed. "Don't touch me."

Several teachers had started running over when Jack shoved Sara, but picked up speed when Sara punched him.

Just as the two kids started to hit each other more, the teachers pulled them apart and Sara's mom pulled up.

She got out of the car asking, "What happened?" She immediately took over keeping Sara from pummeling Jack to the ground. She'd taught her daughter how to fight, she just didn't think that she'd use those skills on a classmate.

"Jack shoved her and then she punched him and that started a quarrel," the two kids' teacher said.

Sara's mom frowned, "Sara, Jack, why were you two fighting?"

"She said you were cooler than Kim!" Jack said in a huff.

"My mom IS cooler than Kim!" Sara yelled back.

Raising an eyebrow the woman asked, "Who's Kim?"

Jack puffed out his chest, "Kim Possible!"

The woman raised an eyebrow and squat down to be near Jack's height, "I am cooler than Kim." She grinned as his mouth fell open. It was one thing for a girl to say their mom is cooler than Kim, it was another for the mom to agree.

Another voice suddenly interrupted asking, "What's going on?"

Sara's mom stood up, still holding the wriggling Sara to keep her from hitting Jack some more. A small smirk crept onto the woman's face. "Hey Princess."

Kim's jaw dropped, "Shego?! What're you doing here?"

The green skinned woman gestured to her daughter, "Picking up Sara. Anyways, you might want to take a look at Jack's nose. I think Sara broke it. She has a mean right hook."

Kim was alarmed as she rushed over to Jack. She looked him over as he said repeatedly, "I'm fine! A girl's punches don't hurt."

"Why did she punch him?" Kim asked, looking at Shego.

A teacher interrupted, "They were having a little quarrel and then Jack shoved her and she hit him back."

Kim sighed, "Jack, you know not to hit a girl."

He frowned, "She said her mom was cooler than you."

Shego smirked, "She was right."

Kim rolled her eyes, "Hah! Please, how many times did I win?"

"Zero. You only won because I never wanted to win. So technically you won because I was never even trying."

"Oh please, you were so trying to win."

Shego shrugged, "Whatever you say, Princess. Anyways, see you around. Sara and I are on a schedule today."

Sara grinned and stopped squirming, "That's today?"

"Yeah, that's today," Shego grinned. She started walking to her car and strapped Sara in. Then she turned to Kim and said, "See you around, Cupcake."

Kim decided to try to think things over a bit later, shaking off her surprise and focusing on Jack and his injury. Luckily his nose wasn't broken, but his pride was a little wounded. She gave him a stern talking to as she drove him home.

That night, after putting Jack to bed a thought crossed her mind. Was Sara Shego's child? If so…. Didn't that mean Sara was 8 like Jack, and that Shego had a kid while the two of them were still enemies?

A/N: So, what'd you guys think? Do you guys forgive me for deciding to start writing this one and procrastinating the other two? Let me know your thoughts, and don't forget, if I do forget or take too long to post an update for any of my stories, remind me about them - knowing that people are still waiting for me to update is what motivates me to write, even when I have writer's block. Thanks for reading guys :)