After that is when things start going perfectly and all to shit all at the same time. Most of that time is hazy at best, but other parts I remember vividly.

My little confession put out there how I feel about Derek, and he has somewhat acknowledged his feelings towards me. That is one of the fuzy parts unfortunately, all I know is that we went from just being really close friends, to friends that kiss and cuddle occasionally. But he is adamant that nothing happen between us until I am eighteen and legal. At first I wanted to fight him on that, I was almost seventeen at the time, and knew what I wanted. But then I remembered what happened to him at my age. How a woman came into his life, making him feel what he thought was love, and then destroyed everything around him.

He was/is nothing like Kate, and I was/am not as unaware of the cruelties of life, but this is something major for him, so I have respected his boundaries. Those times are the most hazy, and I hate that.

The pack was thriving, everyone was really coming into their own. Scott was calmer about the whole werewolf business, Cora was making an effort to be a part of the pack, Isaac was leaning more about his magic, Boyd was opening up more to everyone, Lydia wasn't hiding behind her walls, Erica was just as snarky, and Derek was finally letting go of the demons that have been haunting him for too many years. Jackson has slowly started to make a place for himself in the pack too, he is a bit kinder, and is only his usual level of asshole. Overall, it's good for him. Of course I had to go and ruin that.

With everything calmer, the pack started to spend less time around casa de Stilinski, so when the nightmares started back up again, no one was there to witness them besides Dad. Derek knew that they were there, but he like my father, thought that it was just the continuation of the ones Peter and Gerard had instilled in me. And to some degree that was true with Kali's face entering in here and there. But for the most part, my night terrors have been taking a different turn. A darker one. One where I am the one killing people and had the pack dead at my feet. As if seeing the pack dead around me wasn't enough, now I was the cause of their deaths.

Then the sleep walking started. At first it was just to the bathroom or down the hall. Once it started taking me down the stairs and out side, I started sleeping in the basement locked in by mountain ash. Dad started to ask too many questions, so I just told him that I was thinking of moving my room down to the bigger space. He didn't really buy it, but didn't push me too much for answers either. Having to wake your son up from screaming in his sleep a few nights a week was starting to worry him more than he would have liked to say.

The nightmares made getting any restful sleep almost impossible. The pack noticed, so I came up with excuses about studying and researching other supernatural creatures. Knowing that there were a few others in town helped to sell this point, but Derek and Erica weren't buying my bullshit. Erica never called me on it in front of the others, but once she had me alone, it was worse than Derek's interrogations. I got her off my back finally when I told her that I would try better to sleep and not let the nightmares bother me.

It was a truth, but not one that was made easy. It was started to get harder knowing if I was awake or asleep. I started counting my fingers as a way to tell. Then written words stopped making sense. Now there is a voice that seems to haunt my dreams and my waking moments. I can't ignore it either. The more I try, the louder it gets.


This time I am shut up in my bathroom. I've counted my fingers but I can't keep the numbers in my head.

"...Stiles...Let me in..."

Rocking back and forth, trying to stop the sobs that are wrecking my chest, and wiping the tears away is all can do to stave off answering the rasping voice.

"Stiles...When is a door not a door?"

"Stop, just stop."

"Stiles, when is a door not a door?"

"Stop, please, just stop."

"Stiles! When is a door not a door?"

"I can't." my voice gets quieter while his gets louder.


Finally I scream out, "When it's ajar!"

The voice starts laughing and the next thing I know, I'm out side standing by this large tree stump in the middle of the preserve. The Nematon. Isaac told me that this is where my dad was held by the Darach. That this is the thing she was sacrificing all those innocent people to for the power she craved to destroy Deucalion. Suddenly I know what is happening to me. My mother fought an evil spirit and with the last of her strength, sealed it here. It was only by some miracle that she made it home so that Dad and I could say our goodbyes before she died.

But how did it escape. The power that was sacrificed to the tree was never released. Nothing else happened that night except...

"Yes, Stiles. You broke your tail. You broke your tail giving me the perfect opportunity to slip in and make my self at home before your power came back to you. I've waited five years to get my revenge for being trapped here. Unfortunately, the one who imprisoned me is gone, but she left behind someone that I can use to finish what I started. Thank you, Stiles. Now sit back and enjoy the ride."

Things started happening that I couldn't stop. The Void kept up the illusion that everything was normal, and that I was finally getting better. The nightmares stopped, and Dad was so relieved that he didn't think to question why. I can't blame him, the whole situation was stressful for him, and the Void was a very convincing actor. Even the pack was oblivious that anything was wrong. The Nogistune preyed on my fears of him hurting the pack. Made comments about how easy it would be to just start taking them out, one by one. Begging and pleading with him only caused him to laugh and taunt me further.

Derek was the only one who grew suspicious. He was always more attuned to others and their small quirks. As much as the void tried to be me, there were certain things that he couldn't quite pull off. The love that I had for Derek was one of them. The subtle looks that only Derek noticed, the quite way we would lean on each other during a pack meeting, the fether-light kisses that would happen before we left each other's company. The Void couldn't manage to get all of those nuances of our relationship. So it covered it up with impatience. It was a very 'Stiles' thing and it worked for a few days, but Derek knew that I respected him too much to try and go further than he was comfortable with. Too bad for the Void that he was impatient for better results.

Instead of trying to fool Derek, the Nogistune started to avoid him. He still attended pack meetings, gave small bits of affection, but kept his distance. Basically sending hot and cold messages to Derek about how I feel for him. This only went further to hurt me and make the Void happy.

Nogistune feed on strife and chaos. He started to cause small fights between pack members, always giving just enough truth to avoid lying, but not being honest at the same time. It is a carefully crafted art of lying to werewolves, and he knew that. All Kitsune are tricksters, and the Void is in a class of it's own. The hardest part was just siting back and watching all of the turmoil he was causing and not being able to do a damn thing about it.

The only time I gained any semblance of control was at night when the Void slept. I would only have seconds sometimes before he woke and took over again, but I relished each moment, and started to retreat and withdraw in my mind to plan a way to stop him.

There was only one way that I knew of. One way that would completely stop him from causing any more damage. It wasn't a road I wanted to go down, but it was the only one I could see. There was no way for me to send out a message to the others to let them know that I wasn't myself, no way for me to do anything other than end it all.

There was a place out in the woods where a truck was wrecked a few years ago, and there was no way for a tow truck to get out there and get it. So instead they placed a type of poison around the place to keep wild animals away. Not one of my more thought out plans, but if that poison is still there, and I am able to get out there and keep the Void from gaining control, then I can take both of us out before it knows what's happened.

So when I'm not trying to take control, I keep myself withdrawn. This starts to piss off the Void though. His entertainment from my pain and suffering is no longer there. Even though I still know everything he is doing, I am no longer reacting to him.

This causes him to take his game further. From subtle manipulation to outright hurting others. Seeing as I never quite the lacrosse team, he started to hurt the other players in ways that wouldn't be able to be pinned on me. Tripping them, shoulder slams, and in a few cases doing things at a speed that others no one would be attributing to me.

Through all of this, Derek is still the only one who notices that things aren't quite right. Unfortunately every time he tries to approach the topic with the Void, he is shut down or the Void talks his way around the subject. stating half truths and ecading saying anything that would cause further suspicion.

It takes me a few weeks, but finally I am able to gain small bursts of control. So in the middle of the night, I decide that it's time. I make sure that the Void is well asleep, then slip into the reins. All I can do is leave a note for the others. As I write, I realize that I am writing a suicide note. There is a part of me says it's okay, that I am ready to die. The fact that I am calm and collected says a lot to my metal state. I can only hope that my dad and the pack can forgive me.

It takes me about an hour to get out of the house and into the preserve to the right location, but once I do, I hunker down in the abandoned car letting the poison do it's work.

By the time the Nogistune notices that there is something wrong, it is too late. The poison has already taken some effect and my body is too weak to move. A few houirs have passed and he screams in fear and anger as to what is happening. "You thought you could win. You were wrong."

His scream increases in volume, and all I can do is laugh. Our roles have been reversed. "This isn't over, Stiles. Not yet."

"Yes it is. No one knows where I am, no one is coming to save me. We are both done for. There is nothing you can do about it."

"What get's bigger the more you take away?"

"What? Really, more riddles?"

"Just answer me. What get's bigger the more you take away?"

"A hole."

"What get's wetter the more it dries?"

"A towel. Why does this matter? It's too late."

"Everyone has it but no one can lose it, what is it?" I don't answer. This is stupid.

"Stiles! Everyone has it, but no one can lose it?"

Knowing that this is going to get me nowhere, I relent. "A shadow."

"Yes! And do you know that we have had a shadow the last few weeks? Or were you so withdrawn the entire time that you didn't notice that we had one following our every move. One that would check up on us at night to make sure that we were nicely tucked away in our bed. No, I bet you didn't. Tsk, tsk, Stiles. Now our shadow is here."

That is when I feel a hand wrapped around my torso, dragging me out of the car, dragging me out of what was supposed to be my final resting place. All I can do is scream. "No, Derek! Let me go!"

"Stiles, I need to get you out of here." His voice sounds far off. I know that it's the poison addling my senses. I can't fight him, I can't do anything.

"Derek, you have to let me die. I'm not me. I'm not me!" Things start to go black then, and I know that I am out of time.

When I come to next, I am in a hospital room with an IV hooked up to me, and there is a weight at the end of my bed. Dad is sitting in the chair with his head resting on the bed. All I can think is how this was supposed to be over. This was going to be done. But now, he can just hurt more people.

"Not me, Stiles. You did this all on your own."

This time, he's right. I did this. But what other way is there? I can't let this spirit do any more harm than he already has.

"If you thought I was harming others before, you haven't seen anything yet. I think I am getting tired of playing this role. It's time for a little more fun."

I don't know what that means, but I have to stop him.

Silently, he crawls out of bed and takes the stack of clothes that were sitting off to the side waiting for me. He dresses in silence, then walks out of the room and into the hallway. There aren't many people there, but once he sees one, it takes only a second for him to rush toward them and snap their neck.

I am screaming, but he is the only one that can hear me. He walks down the hallway like he has all the time in the world, killing one person after the other. Their deaths are quiet so no one is alerted to his presence until it is too late.

By the time he makes it to the elevator, he has killed at least a dozen people. "Stiles, this is only the beginning."

I don't remember a lot of what happened after that. I tried to keep myself withdrawn so that I wouldn't know what the Void was doing, but there were moments where I couldn't stay away.

There are a few that stand out though.

Standing in the middle of the loft with Allison, Chris, Derek, and my dad is one of them. Chris and my father have guns pointed at me, Allsion her bow, and Derek looking like he is helpless to stop them. He tries to advance on me, but the Nogistune throws him agaisnt a pillar and then faces off with Chris. He taunts my dad, but Allison is smarter than that, and she uses on of her flash arrows to distract the Void, which causes him to retreat. I know at some point he uses his powers to make the others go a bit insane for a while, but all of them come out of it in the end, and that pisses him off to no end.

The last memory I have of him while being possessed to this point is thrusting a sword through Derek's chest. The whole time the Void is trying to get a rise out of him and me, but the only thing Derek does is try to calm me. He says things like 'It's okay', and 'We are going to figure this out'. If I could talk to him I would tell him how much I care about him. That I love him. But the Void just gets angrier that we aren't doing what he wants.

Thankfully that is when Isaac appears and injects me with a syringe that almost instantly knocks us out. It must be Letharia Vulpina. "Looks like they might be ending this right now."

"NO! I will not be finished like this."

"Too bad, you don't really have a choice in the matter." Everything goes black as I am laughing.

When we wake up it is to Derek and Isaac talking about five feet away from me, while we are tied to a chair. It looks like the train depot where the pack has trained a few times, dark, musty, and a little dirty. They have duct tape over my mouth so I can't talk, not that I am the one who is in control anyway. All I am able to do is listen to their conversation.

"I've looked through all the books that Stiles's mom had, and Lydia has tried to find an answer in the Argent bestiary, and online, but nothing says what this is, or how to get it out of Stiles." Isaac sounds so lost and on the verge of tears. "I don't know how to help him."

Derek lays a hand on Isaac's shoulder. "It's okay. You are doing your best. That's all we can ask."

"NO! We have to find a way to free him! There has to be a way."

"Is there a way that we can suppress whatever it is so we can talk to Stiles?"

"Maybe, with the right combination of Letharia Vulpina and Mistletoe it should be possible."

"Okay, maybe Stiles can tell us how to help him." Derek is always smarter than the others give him credit for. I wish that I could be around longer to see the kind of man he really becomes after a few years of being the Alpha.

It takes a little while to get the concoction ready, but before I know it, there is another needle going into my arm and I can feel the Void being paralyzed long enough for me to take over. As soon as they take the tape off I am telling them what the Nogistune is.

"Is there any way for us to get rid of it? Any way to save you?"

Derek has tears welling behind his eyes that he won't let fall. So strong. "Yeah, there is. But you won't like it." No one says anything, so I continue. "I can't be a wolf and a fox. Only one. If I were to receive the bite, it would force the Void to leave my body, when it does, you can trap it in a jar made out of mountain ash." I look towards Isaac, "I'm pretty sure my mom had one with her things."

"What happens to you?" Derek's voice is rough and full of emotion. I can't help but turn back to him.

"That doesn't matter. We can't let this thing do any more damage. It has to be stopped."

"It's going to kill you isn't it? You can't be both so your body will reject the bite, and it'll kill you."

I don't take my eyes off of Derek. "Yeah, Isaac. It will kill me."

"No. I won't do it. I won't kill you too."

"Sourwolf, if I get to pick how I want to go, then this is it. You aren't to blame, and you won't be the one to kill me. That will all be the Void."

"That's not the way it will feel as my teeth sink into your flesh." Silent tears start to stream down his face. "I can't lose you too. I couldn't bare it."

"I know, but this is the way it has to be. If you don't then he will be able to come back, then you will either have to fight him while wearing my face, or let him kill you too. And you can't do that cause you have too many people relying on you now. You can't give up. I love you too much for you to do that." It's the first time either of us has said the 'L' word, but he knows that there is no skip in my heartbeat, that I'm not just saying this for his benefit, he knows I am saying it because its true.

"Stiles, there's so much I haven't gotten to tell you." He crouches down and holds my face in his hands. "You're not just pack, you're my mate. You're the one that keeps me grounded, my anchor, my reason to keep getting up in the morning. I love you too much to let you go, to watch you die."

"Mate? That's a real thing? Of course this would be my life, find a guy that I would sacrifice my immortality for, all to just lose it because some stupid ass Spirit had to get revenge for being put in his place." It makes Derek let out a watery laugh though so my rant isn't a bad thing.

"Yeah, so I can't go losing you now."

The tears that were welling in my eyes finally begin to fall. "Derek, you will lose me if you don't get rid of this thing. I'll always be with you, but if the Void is allowed to survive who knows who else it will hurt. I love you, but you have to let me go. You have to be brave and selfless one more time. For me."

Isaac rests his hand on Derek's shoulder and then walks up the stairs to leave us alone while this happens. We are both crying as Derek rests his forehead on mine. "I love you."

I can't help it. "I know." It's said with a watery laugh and I kiss him for the last time unable to say everything it is I feel. He stares into my eyes for a few moments longer before pulling away the neck of my shirt and sinking his fangs into my shoulder.

Not wanting to make this any harder on him, I hold iin my cry of pain. It hurts, and when he pulls away, I can feel the changes already starting. The Wolf that wants to take hold is waring with the Fox that is already in residence. Before too long, it hurts too much to keep silent. Derek is there leaching away pain but he can only do so much for someone who is slowly being killed by his own body.

The last thing I hear is the I love you's he whispers into my hair as he cradles my body in his strong arms as everything goes black.

When I come too again, I am standing at the base of a giant tree. It seems familiar too me. The scent of the woods, and the sounds that surround me remind me of the preserve.

There is movement from the trees behind me, and I turn to be met with a person I didn't think I would ever see again. "Mom."

She is wearing a long, flowing, silvery gown and her chocolate hair is gently moving with breeze that is blowing through the trees. She looks exactly like she did when she died. Beautiful and ethereal. "Hello Genim."

Stumbling forward I wrap my arms around her and hold tight, trying to take in every detail. "Mom, how-" And that's when I realize what is going on. "I'm dead, aren't I?"

"Well that has yet to be determined."

Pulling away I give her a speculative look. "What does that mean? I couldn't have survived the bite. I can't be a Wolf and a Fox at the same time."

"No, but you can be one or the other."

"Right, I am a Fox so I can't be a Wolf."

"But that doesn't mean you can't become a Wolf." As my head tries to wrap around that logic, her hand comes up to caress my face. "I am so proud of the man you have become. Know that."

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"You may not know what I mean, but your subconscious does. It is already making the decision for you. Keep living your life. I love you."

And everything goes white.

The next time I come to I am in my bed surrounded by the pack. Derek is wrapped around me and it's then that I realize, I can't be a Fox and a wolf, but I can choose to be a Wolf instead. Things are going to be a different kind of interesting now that I don't have the same set of abilities. But I have my pack and Derek, so I think overall, I made out okay. Growing up as a fox alone worked for me, living as a wolf with a family is going to be better.

So this isn't how I orginally wanted this to end. I had more planned for after Stiles became a wolf, but I just don't have the inspiration to work on this story anymore. As it is, I have left you guys hanging for quite a few months. For that I am sorry. I knew I would finish this story, I just didn't think it would take this long.

So to tie up a few loose ends, here are some facts for you.

-Derek finally got a nickname that stuck. Raven. Both becuase Raven and Beast Boy were together in the comics, but also becuase Derek's personality was much like hers. I thought it was cute, and it fit.
-Stiles freaks out on Derek a little when he remembers the Mate comment. Now that he is a wolf he can feel it too, and after being mad at him for hiding it, they make up and live happilie ever after.
-Stiles as a wolf still holds some of his Fox-like tendancies. He can be a bit of a loner sometimes, is the fastest of all of them, has exceptioal hearing, while still being somewhat physically weaker. It does take him a while to learn control, but once he does, only Derek and Boyd are better than he and controling the wolf side of themsleves.
-Jackson eventually gets the bite and joins the pack becoming less of a D-bag in the process.

I can't think of anything else, but if you guys have any questions let me know! I will be more than happy to answer them for you.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who stuck this out with me. I know that I let things slide and the ending wasn't as good as I would have liked, but I am happy with the end result.

I am going to be working on a few other stories, but from now on I will not post them unless they are finished so that I don't run into this problem again.

Thanks again, let me know what you thought of this story as a whole!

Until next time.