here we go, the last of this story!

i have decided I will do A Meta Love Story 2, but I'm gonna wait until I get home from this road trip, but then I have Girl Scout camp, then NAMiss, so I have a busy schedule, but I'll write AMLS 2 eventually!

I can't even try every day uploads again, it might be like, every week, with Triple Update Days every month!

So here it is... A Meta Love Story Finale Grande, Part Three

A Meta Love Story (Final Chapter)


Is This The End?

P.O.V Kitty

It had been an hour since we were kidnapped.

It was freezing, and I was shaking from cold.

Mety wrapped his cape around me, but I was still rigid with fear and cold.

The wolves threw some other creatures in with us, two Puff, a human and some Demon Beasts.

The human was female, she had armor on and spiky pink hair.

She said her name was Jewlia and she was from Earth originally, but she moved to Pluto when her parents discovered Deep Space Travel.

The Puffs were brother and sister, the sister was the younger one, and she was brown with red hair, her brother was grey with black hair.

The girl's name was Coco, her brother was Rann.

The Demon Beasts were a couple of wolves who decided they didn't want to serve Nightmare.

They didn't have names so we named them Don, Flitter and Orchid.

We all had the same goal in the end though, overthrow Nightmare.

Jewlia wanted to destroy Nightmare because she was a bounty hunter and she was paid by the Galactic Army to assist wherever necessary.

The two Puffs wanted revenge, Nightmare killed their parents.

And of course the wolves didn't want to be slaves their whole lives.

We couldn't keep a conversation going, wolves came in every two minutes.

Mety counted.

So we had about two minutes to plan, then the wolves came, two more minutes.

Eventually we came up with a plan...

P.O.V Jewila

Being a bounty hunter was harder then my parents made it look!

I had some connections inside Holy Nightmare, such as the newly reformed Music Mage, but she was in prison for betrayal.

I also knew Customer Service, he used to sell bounty hunter monsters to my parents when they had a tall order.

Unfortunately neither of those connections would help me right now...

But I think I knew one that would.

She wasn't technically a part of Nightmare's fleet, but she could help.

Just as long as Meta Knight didn't see her.

Metiya Knight.

Last time I talked to her was about a year ago, and I didn't know I she still stuck around this massive space station.

But if she was still here, she could help us escape.

I pulled out the only thing the wolves hadn't confiscated from me, my trusty cell phone!

I called Metiya in the corner, she didn't pick up the first time, but after about three minutes I called again, and she answered.

"Yello, Metiya speaking," she answered.

"Metiya, it's Jewlia, I need your help," I said.

"What for?" Metiya questioned.

"We're trapped by Nightmare, we need some help getting out," I explained.

"Oh, I saw them bring people in, was that you?" Metiya asked.

"Yea, can you help?" I said.

"Sure, headed over there now," Metiya said.

"I didn't even tell you where it is," I said, slightly confused.

"I have my ways," Metiya hung up on that ominous note.

I shrugged and went back over to the group.

Kitty and Meta were snuggling, as usual, Coco and Rann were trying to make a fire with the stuff they could find around, and Meta tore a piece of his cape off for their cause.

The wolves were trying to use their flame breath to light the fire, but the most they could make was sparks...

But Kitty, the clever girl, had a solution!

She pulled a small pocketknife out of her hair.

"That's cool, and slightly weird," I commented.

"I always carry a pocketknife in my hair, in case of emergency, and this one happens to have flint and steel!" Kitty explained excitedly.

"Then let's get this fire going! I'm freezing!" Meta jumped up.

Kitty walked over to the small pile of scrap fabric, lint, and wood chips.

She took out the flint and steel and struck them against each other.

For a while, the sparks were minuscule, then the wolves joined in, and eventually we had a small fire.

P.O.V Meta Knight

We must look like homeless people cuddled around a tiny fire.

Kitty and I still snuggled, mostly because it was comforting.

Coco and Rann were still scavenging for stuff we could put on the fire, I had ripped up my whole cape and put it in a pile away from the fire.

The wolves kept the fire going even longer with the most fire breath they could muster.

Rann stopped looking and went back over to he fire, but Coco pressed on and kept looking.

In our "firewood" pile, we had...

My cape.

Some of Kitty and Coco's hair.

LOTS of Jewlia's hair, the hairspray she used was SUPER flammable.

Some of the wolves' fur.

The sticks Coco and Rann found.

That was basically it.

And eventually we got Jewlia to hand over her emergency hair spray, whenever ANY of that stuff touched the fire, the flames soared to the ceiling.

We decided to save that for a last resort.

The evil wolves stopped coming, so we resumed planning.

Jewlia said she had someone helping her get out, but I think that all that hairspray is making her brain go a little nutty.

At one point she went over to the bars of the cage and started whispering, so I though she'd lost it.

P.O.V Kitty

I was really tired, I didn't even know why.

I presumed it was because of whatever it was that the wolves injected into me the first time to make me pass out coming back to haunt me again.

I pinched myself to try and stay awake, and it worked, sort of.

I closed my eyes, but I was still awake.

Since Mety had put his cape on the fire pile, I spread my cape out underneath the two of us.

In return Mety held me close and warmed my freezing skin.

My fur didn't do anything against the cold, I had it cut when spring came along, but Nightmare's fortress was in another galaxy where it was always cold.

I knew I should've kept my fur long.

At least my hair was keeping my head warm, it didn't really matter that I had trimmed it to put on the fire.

Jewlia gestured for me to come over.

I shrugged and slipped away.

When I got over to Jewlia she was talking to a Puff on the other side of the bars who looked strangely familiar.

"Kitty, meet Metiya," Jewlia said.

That's what was so familiar about her!

She was Mety's gender-switch!

"Hi, I'm Kitty," I introduced myself.

"Metiya, you do know Meta right?" She asked.

I nodded.

"So Kitty, do you know how this space station is sustained?" Metiya questioned.

"No, not really," I answered truthfully.

"Your emotions," she said.

"What?" I said, very confused.

"Your wedding was never finished, so Nightmare used that energy to make an illusion," Metiya explained.

"So how do we escape?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

"Finish the wedding."

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know," Metiya admitted.

"We'll figure something out," Jewlia said optimistically.

"Well it better be soon," Metiya gestured to the wolves that were approaching.

"Gotta bolt!" Metiya pressed a button on her wristwatch and disintegrated.

Along with part of the wall.

"Come on!" I shouted.

Everyone quickly ran over and out the hole in the wall.

It was a matter of seconds before the wolves noticed us.

Then a mad fight began.

We defeated wolf after wolf with our bare hands and my pocketknife until we made it to the armory.

We grabbed our weapons and some assorted laser guns.

I took two long range sniper pistols, but Mety just stuck with Galaxia.

Everyone else got heavy duty blasters.

"Let's kick some wolf butt," I said, getting my game face on.

"Yea!" Everyone else cheered.

So we blasted wolf after wolf, and other assorted monsters until the station was a charred ruin.

We thought we had defeated them all, but as we rounded a corner, we were face to face with Music Mage and her wolf army.

I aimed the laser pistols at Music, but she grinned and held up a Star Warrior pin and said, "I'm on your side now."

I was skeptical, but I nodded, and everyone else followed.

"Now to escape," I said.

P.O.V Firefly

Haven't seen me in a while have you?

Well that's because I've been TRYING to date, but everyone always turns out to be a butt.

So when I got Kitty's SOS mail, I was ever so happy to have something to do.

I grabbed a cape and armor, then went to the castle with Wolf, Kitty had told me to bring Lady Like.

She sent me her coordinates so I could get there, and told me to be careful.

By the time I got to the castle, everyone was in high activity, apparently DDD ordered a monster but it backfired!

Sound familiar?

Lady Like agreed to come when I told her Kitty and Meta needed her though.

So I used the teleportation watch Kitty had given me just days after she saved my life for a second time.

I teleported right into the middle of the fray.

Kitty blasted monsters left and right, Meta sliced like a madman, and some other Puffs I didn't recognize we're fighting alongside them and a human.

"Kitty!" I shouted over the noise of the plasma guns.

"Firefly?!" Kitty shouted back.

"Yea! I brought Lady Like and Wolf!" I kept shouting as I protected Lady Like.

"Kill these monsters, but don't kill the wolves with bandanas!" Kitty shouted instructions.

"Got it!" I shouted as I took down three flying monsters with my crossbow.

After the bloodbath was over, we all regrouped.

Kitty and Meta were the worst of all, with blood spilling out of them in waves.

The human spoke, "Lady Like has to finish the wedding! It'll make everything go back to normal!"

Lady Like nodded.

"We were almost at the end, just the I dos left," Lady Like explained.

"Then hurry! I don't think any of us can hang on any longer!" The human gestured to the wounded Puffs and wolves lying around us.

Lady Like nodded again.

"Meta, do you take Kitty to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Lady Like said, slightly desperately, as if just truly grasping the weight of the situation.

"I... Do," Meta choked out.

"And Kitty, do you take Meta as your lawfully wedded husband?" Lady Like kept her desperate tone.

"I do..." Kitty said.

"Then you are now husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," Lady Like said quickly.

Kitty and Meta collapsed on each other.

"Close enough," Lady Like said.

The world started to disintegrate around us, then a blinding light...

And darkness.

P.O.V Kitty

We woke up seconds later in the grassy fields of Pop Star.

I looked around to see the faces of Jewlia, Coco, Rann, Music, Wolf, and the wolves, all alive.

"We're alive!" I exclaimed.

"We're married!" Mety exclaimed.

"And I'm not bored anymore!" Firefly said.

"You know, dating really sucks if you don't REALLY know the person," Firefly pointed out.

Everyone cracked up at that.

The world was safe from Nightmare, Mety and I had our Happily Ever After, and Firefly wasn't bored, Jewlia, Music, and Coco joined the Halberd Crew, the wolves ran free in Whispy Woods, Rann became a solo warrior, everything turned out perfectly in the end...

So I conclude...


or is it...?