this is my first time writing a fanfic, ever.

I haven't quite figured out these writer's notes either :3

so if I'm doing something wrong, sorry, and tell me so I can fix it!

(I own none of these characters except Kitty)

A Meta Love Story

Meta Knight x OC


The Day We Met

P.O.V Meta Knight

'Uhg, dumb fangirls. They keep on coming!' I thought.

I was hiding in a tree from the persistent fangirls that stalked me.

I creeped along a branch, hoping it would hold the weight of me and my armor.

It was dangerous, especially with my broken wing. (Long story)

I was about forty feet above the ground when my foot slipped, I resisted the urge to cry out, I knew that if I did, the fangirls would find me in a heartbeat!

So I smacked the blade of my sword into the trunk of the tree and held on.

I hauled myself onto a limb of the tree, but someone else was already there!

"Please! No more fangirls!" I pleaded.

"What? I don't understand," the figure said.

I stepped closer, and the figure shrunk away in fear.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you," I said, hoping Galaxia wasn't going to intimidate it.

"Please don't attack me monster!" Said the figure, who had now come into focus as a teenage girl, about that same age as me, with ice blue fur and sea blue hair that covered one of her purple eyes.

"I'm not a monster, I'm a Star Warrior," I said, hoping to earn her trust.

She flinched as I edged closer, even though she was scared, she had a defiant glint in her eyes that entranced me, and I couldn't help but feel- NO. No way, I am the fearless Meta Knight, I will not feel these emotions.

"Are you who I think you are?" She stood her ground as I inched closer.

"Depends, who do you think I am?"

This poor girl was scared senseless! Well, I was carrying a sword...

"You're the Star Warrior, Meta Knight!" She took a step forward and flipped her hair out of her face.

Only then did I notice a long cut down the side if her face, and I felt a tug in my stomach, like I was feeling her pain.

I finally got ahold of myself and spoke; "yes, I am, who are you?"

"Kitty Knight, I've been running from monsters all week! Finally another Star Warrior!" She clutched the side of her face in agony.

"You don't happen to have a healer or something around here, do you?"

She asked, still holding the side of her face.

I racked my brain, trying to think, then I thought of Cappy Town.

"We have a doctor in Cappy Town, I can take you there," I said.

Kitty's eyes rolled back into her head and she started to lose her balance, I ignored the pain in my wing and caught her just in the nick of time and flew her back down to the ground.

When I stepped away from her,'I could see the blood gushing from the gash on the side of her face, and I realized this might be more serious then I thought.

I rushed her towards the Cappy Town hospital, the whole time she just moaned and eventually became very still and silent, my heart sank with dread.

'She can't be dead!' I thought, and ran faster.

When I got to the Cappy Town hospital, there was no line, luckily, so I got her in emergency care right away.

The doctor said I had to wait in the lobby, I sat in there for about three hours, I couldn't think of anything but how heavy my heart would be for the rest of my life if she died, I didn't even get to know her!

I was very close to a nervous breakdown when the doctor came out pushing a wheelchair.

The one in the wheelchair was Kitty!

The doctor said she would just have to be closely monitored to make sure her breathing stayed normal.

So everything seemed good until the doctor said "she's lucky she has such a good boyfriend to get her here so fast!"

I turned as red as a metamato, and I was sure it was so bright red they could see it through my mask.

I started to tell the doctor that I wasn't her boyfriend, when she leaned over and kissed me!

At that, my face, which was already as red as a metamato, turned an incredible shade of maroon and I hid my face with my wings.

Kitty just giggled.

The whole way home I was silent, the whole way thinking about the kiss.

I hadn't expected it, but I liked it, I definitely liked her, no other way to put it.

We were both quiet until Kitty spoke; "why did you take your time to save me?"

"Uh," I couldn't think what to say, I saved her because my gut told me to, and I'm pretty sure my heart did too, but I would never tell her that.

So I simply said; "do you have a place to stay tonight?"

She thought about it for a moment; "well I can't go back to my spaceship... So no, not really."

"You can stay with me on battleship Halberd," I offered.

She seemed desperate for any place to stay, so I bet even Halberd with its loud engines and squeaky scaffolding and rumbly floors would be better then staying in the woods to defend herself.

She agreed to stay with me on battleship Halberd, she didn't really have another option other then stay outside in the rain all night.

When we got to the Halberd, I remembered I never had a guest bedroom built!

I never really had company other then Kirby, and he usually slept wherever he felt like, even if that spot was my head.

So I let Kitty sleep in my room, I slept on the floor in the control room, not very comfy unless you like rumbly floors under your head as you sleep.

I'm gonna try to upload every week, if I don't... Sowwy :3

kk baiz