It started with a pie.

That's not quite true. It started when the Charmings invited themselves over for a 'family dinner'. There was relative peace in Storybrooke. Her son knew who she was, the Charmings were being all familial, probably still trying to come up with excuses to keep Emma and Henry in Storybrooke, and Henry was with them for the day.

He would be there for dinner, and then the plan was for him to stay the weekend as well.

The dinner was going to be the interesting part of the experience though. Regina and Snow weren't quite best friends, but they weren't adversaries anymore. And Regina was slowly realizing that when he wasn't trying to kill her David wasn't a bad guy, and they even shared the same sense of humor.

Regina would never say that any of the 'family' dinners were totally comfortable, but more and more often during the dinners she didn't feel like she wanted to strangle any of the Charmings.

Regina had made pie for dessert, not apple since she didn't want to push it, but a nice blueberry pie with blueberries that she had picked herself. She found that the frozen ones from the supermarket made the pie taste slightly off.

Henry had wanted to cut it and everything had been going well. He'd cut almost everyone very generous pieces, except for littlest Charming, he'd gotten just a bite of the pie since he'd only just started solid foods. It was as he was cutting his piece that he yelled in pain and brought clamped his left hand around one of the fingers on his right.

The most experienced mother at the table, it was Regina who reacted first. Without a thought she took the napkin, linen of course, from her lap and wrapped it around the profusely bleeding digit. "Emma. The car."

"What… you could… I didn't even see what it…"

Gasps of pain came from Henry as Regina pulled him to his feet and towards her. "It's deep Emma. Just. Get the car."

David stood, "Should we call 911?"

Regina, still holding pressure on her son's finger, her other arm around his shoulders, gave David raised eyebrow look, "David, I live closer to the hospital than to the fire station."

David nodded, "Right. I…"

Regina was nearly to the door as she spoke again, "Stay with your child. We'll be fine." And then she was gone. They heard the Bug not start, and then start and tear down the street.

David blinked and after a moment sat back down, "That was…" He shook his head, "Regina let Emma take the Bug too…"

Snow stood and started clearing the table. "Let's clean up a bit, then join them at the hospital." Snow winced, "Would you…"

David smiled just a bit and did a faux salute, "Diaper Duty. I'm on it. C'mon little guy," he tickled his son's belly, "And let's try not to pee on Daddy this time hmm?"


Emma was practically fighting out of the uncomfortable plastic seat. Regina sat perfectly still, occasionally glancing towards Emma.

Emma glanced up at the room where one of the nurses had taken Henry. "Are you sure that he'll be okay? I could… I'm O negative, the universal donor."

Regina frowned and looked to Emma, "You're O negative? What was Neal?"

Emma looked over at Regina, then resumed her staring at the door, "I don't know. He's…"

Regina shook her head, "He'll be fine Emma. He'll have stitches." Regina started to stand, but looked down when Emma put a hand on her arm. "He'll be fine. I was very fast. Will you wait for me if he is discharged… I need to..." She trailed off.

A small smile came to Emma's lips, "You're all cool, calm and collected, but, you didn't say one word then or now about the fact that we took my Bug here."

Regina stood and groaned, "Indeed, perhaps I will walk home."

Emma rolled her eyes and spoke after Regina as she walked down the hall, "Hey, it survived the year in New York…"


Regina wasn't going to the bathroom or wherever else Emma thought she was going. Instead she walked through the halls with a specific office in mind. Dr. Whale's. When she got there it was locked, but that had never been a problem for her in Storybrooke. She held out her hand and closed her eyes for a moment and her keyring full of keys appeared in them. Without looking she chose one and put it in the lock, opening the door.

She carefully closed the door behind her and sat down behind Whale's desk and knocked the mouse. The screen came up immediately, and to both Regina's chagrin and gratefulness, he was still logged in.

She quickly typed a name into the boxes and waited for the response. She closed her eyes when she saw the answer. "I couldn't have just been given a simple rest of my life?"


Regina stood in the doorway of the waiting room and watched Emma. She was about to reenter the room when David and Snow, the little Charming in David's arms, entered the room. "Emma- is Henry okay? Where's Regina?"

Emma focused on her parents, pulling her gaze from the exam room's door. "The nurse didn't seem worried. I think she was a NP, I- ah- I think she commented that the blood flow had slowed already."

David frowned, "Emma, are you still going to let him stay at Regina's this weekend?" Emma shot her father a deathly look, "What. Did I say that you should or shouldn't? It was just a question."

Regina held her breath just a little, wondering how Emma would answer her father. "He's 13 David. He's not a boy and he wanted to cut the pie. His hand slipped, he cut himself. I-" She looked down at her hands, turned one over and traced a very faded scar along one of her fingers. "So, no, I'm not going to take her son away from Regina because of something she had no control over."

Snow put a hand on Emma's arm, "Emma. We're, we're on your side, always. I think that's what David was trying to get across with his question."

Emma rolled her eyes and stood as the door to the exam room opened, "Yeah, thanks, I think." She looked over as Regina entered, "You fall in?"

Regina shook her head, "I'm going to put your crass joke up to the fact that you're worried about our son."

Henry popped out of the room chuckling at something that the nurse had said, "Yeah, yeah, no swords until I can master the knife. I promise." He looked up, "Whoa. The gang's all here. I'm fine. Melissa said that your really quick hands helped a ton Mom." He looked back and forth between Emma and Regina, "Really, I'm fine. Seriously." A concerned look came over his face, "We're still doing riding lessons tomorrow, right Mom?"

Regina seemed to consider it for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, yes of course."

Henry let out a breath he'd been holding, and Emma's face creased into a frown, "Riding, actual horses?"

Regina nodded, "We could try riding Pongo, but I would presume that he wouldn't love that."

Henry snorted out a laugh, and although Regina managed to keep a straight face, her eyes did twinkle a bit. Emma rolled her eyes, "Ha ha, funny. I just… will it really be safe if Henry's down a hand?"

"The horse will be doing most of the work, and if the horse is well enough trained Henry wouldn't even have to use the reins he could direct it with his legs." She paused and the next thing that came out of her mouth surprised even her. "Would you like to join us?"

Everyone in that room was stunned by those words, especially Emma, who stuttered her answer out, "Ah, I mean, this weekend was supposed to be you and Henry, I don't want to, I mean, I wouldn't want to get in between you and he and…"

Regina shrugged, "It's up to you." Regina put a hand on Henry's shoulder, "Ready to go Henry?"

Henry nodded, then frowned, "Oh, wait, no, I think my bag is in Emma's car."

Emma put an arm around Henry, "Let's go get it."

Snow gave David a bit of a push, "Go with her."

David looked a bit confused at his wife's request, but, followed

Regina resisted rolling her eyes, "That was very subtle."

Snow gave a half a laugh, "I don't get enough sleep these days to be subtle. What is going on? The way you're looking at Emma when she's not looking… today it's different than it's been for the last few weeks." Regina started to speak, but Snow kept going, "And don't tell me that it's not my business, or that I wouldn't understand, or any of that bullcrap. Like it or not we're family, in many, twisty, weird ways, but Emma is Henry's mother, and so we're in this- whatever this is- forever."

Regina stared at Snow for a long time, then pulled her towards a corner of the waiting room. She let go and shook her head, "What if- what if that wasn't true?"

Snow frowned, "Excuse me? Regina, what did you do?"

Regina blew out an annoyed breath, "Do you think… just. What if Henry isn't Emma's child?"