
I was sitting in the sofa when the door bell rang. I was playing a hand-held video game and had no intention of getting up anytime soon, but unfortunately I was the only one home. When I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, I had no idea what lay beyond, that my life would change.

I opened the door and my heart stopped. Sitting there was a small wrinkled baby. To small for even a new born. My first reaction was to panic. I looked down at this little sleeping baby who could possibly need a hospital by the size of it. I had a choice.

I could pass this baby on to the next door step, make it someone else's problem, that was what I normally would have done. If it wasn't my problem, it wasn't my problem. But this was my problem. I knew what I had to do, but I didn't want to do it. I would take this baby in.

It was a chilled September day, and with only a thin yellow blanket as protection from the cold, this baby wasn't going to last very long in its premature state. I had to get this baby warm. I carefully took the child's frail frame in my arms, not very experienced at the practice of holding babies, I was panicked.

The baby was either dead or asleep. I hoped it was the latter. I took the tiny pink thing to the sofa and got more blankets on it. I could feel its tiny chest filling with air. Good, not dead. Maybe it didn't need medical care, but I hadn't really been around babies, only enough to know that this baby was to small, 3 pound, 5 pounds tops.

"It's okay." I say out loud, more as a comfort to myself than the baby. Only half an hour to wait for my mom to come home. I was afraid that the baby would poop itself by then, but I was 15, I could handle that right? I would call my mom, but I knew that she was in a meeting right now.

I look into the little wrinkled face of this tiny human. It's eyes flicked open. It's eyes were blue. It sneezed, I flinched.

"It's oaky." I said, once again. "It's okay."