Chapter 19

Yui followed the silverette down the hall out into the courtyard. "Zero hold on!" She called out to him, but he just kept walking as though he didn't hear her. He had more important things on his mind rather than patrolling for Heartless with some girl who suspects him of bringing them to this world along with her partner. The silverette wondered how Yuki could trust both of them when they haven't been at the school for very long.

He turned around to face the ravenette with a slight glare. "Why are you following me anyway?"

"Didn't you hear the Headmaster?" Yui retorted. "We have to stay together in case one of us gets ambushed by Heartless, and that gun of yours isn't any good against them."

"Well it's better than nothing," Zero replied in his usual tone of voice. "Would you rather leave me defenseless?"

"Of course not, but-"

"Then leave me be with my choice of weapon," The silverette cut her off with his own statement before starting to walk away. "Besides, I have a reason for keeping this around with me." Before he could take another step, a small Shadow jumped up from the ground below him and lashed out. Yui summoned her Keyblade as a horde of Shadows and Soliders surrounded them. It's the same from when I was with Yuki, She thought as she glanced at Zero. Maybe they're drawn to the darkness that covers his heart. She saw the silverette pull out his gun and start shooting them one by one, and she destroyed a few that were sneaking up on him from behind.

Yui looked back to see a few students from the Night Class staring down at them from their classroom, giving the ravenette an uncomfortable feeling. There's something off about the Night Class, but what is it? What is it about them that makes me feel uneasy? She swung her Keyblade towards a few Soldiers, blasting a Firaga spell towards them. No. I can't think about them right now. I have to focus on the Heartless. I can worry about the Night Class another time. As she fought the Heartless, she couldn't shake off that uneasy feeling; not with the Night Class glancing at them with those eyes of theirs. It bothered her to no end.

When the two finished, Yui's Keyblade disappeared and she turned back to the window the Night Class students were glancing from. That uneasy feeling never disappeared even when she turned away. The Night Class's presence just bothered her in a way that she never felt.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She turned back to Zero, who was making his way back towards the school building. She looked back to the window only to see that the Night Class wasn't glancing at them anymore. "It's nothing." She called out to Zero before running after him. The two of them entered the school and made their way up the stairs to the headmaster's office, until Yui tripped over her feet and fell. "Ow." She muttered as she tried to get up, but fell back as she stared at her knee, seeing a trickle of blood flow down her leg.

Zero stopped midway the moment he smelled blood, his eyes glowing a crimson color. He looked back at the girl that was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, seeing the scrape on her knee and feeling his instinct boil. "I should really watch running up stairs." She muttered before looking up to see Zero kneel next to her. She felt a bit relieved, but at the same time, scared by the way he was glancing at her injury; he had the eyes or a predator wanting to devour its prey, and it looked like she was the prey.

Yui started to scoot away until he grabbed her leg, pulling her back towards him. Slowly, he bent his head down and drew his tongue across the trail of blood, making her shiver. The ravenette found his actions very disturbing and unlike him, making her have the desire to stay away from him.

Without warning, she kicked him and tried to make a run for it. She tried to jerk herself down the stairs, but the silverette grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Yui feared for herr life when she felt his tongue trail up her neck. "Z-Zero what are you-" She was cut off when something sharp pierced that same spot, and she screamed as loud as she could, hoping someone would hear her. She felt her strength start to leave her, but she had enough to push him off. "Zero stop this. Get off!" She was able to unlatch herself and pulled away, giving him a horrified glance as she saw his collar and mouth just drenched in blood, fangs glistening in the moonlight.

The ravenette heard her partner call out her name from the hall, and watched him screech to a stop at the top of the stairs with a worried expression. The moment he saw the silverette's clothes and Yui's neck covered in blood, he raced down the stairs, pulling the terrified ravenette behind him and giving Zero a cold glare. "What did you do!?" Zero didn't answer, only take in what just happened. He glanced back at Yui, who hid herself behind the Keyblade Wielder, and then turned towards the floor; he couldn't say anything to her, not after what he did.

The three of them heard Yuki calling out Riku's name, and her fast-approaching footsteps grew louder with each step. "Riku you shouldn't run off li-" She froze when she saw blood and the silverette Keyblade Wielder keeping Yui behind him. "Z-Zero, what did you. . ." She trailed off with a horrified expression. The silverette couldn't say anything to her except for a quiet, "I'm sorry."

"I wonder how I expected this."

Everyone jerked their heads to see Kaname staring down at Zero with a cold glance from the top of the stairs. "Has the smell of blood made your true instincts take control?" Zero lowered his head before the brunette turned to Yuki. "Please inform the headmaster on what has happened. I will try to calm down the Night Class. I'm sure the smell of blood has them in a frenzy."

"A-Alright. Thank you, Kaname." Yuki rushed off to the headmaster's office before he turned to the Keyblade Wielders. "As for you, head to the infirmary to clean yourselves up. I'll have the headmaster see you shortly."

"Um okay. Come on, Yui. Can you stand?" With no response, he lifted her off of her feet bridal-style before carrying her down the hall towards the infirmary.

After cleaning off the blood, Riku carefully placed the gauze around her neck. He pulled back to wipe the remaining tears that rolled down her cheeks. "Will you be alright?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine." She muttered in return as she lowered her head. Riku gave her a concerned look and gently placed his hands over hers. He heard the door open and saw the headmaster step inside. "I had a feeling this would happen. I'm still curious as to why his body won't accept the blood tablets."

"Blood tablets?" Riku raised an eyebrow as the headmaster sat in a nearby chair. "You see, Zero's been keeping a secret he's held for four years, and he's been in a terrible condition ever since."

"What kind of secret?" Cross turned towards the ravenette. "Surely you know what secret I'm talking about." Yui's eyes widened as she tensed up in fear, having Riku clutch her hand in comfort. "Those fangs, eyes with a blood-colored lusture, the look of a predator waiting to devour its prey," She lifted her head towards the headmaster with the same frighened face she had that night. "He's a vampire, isn't he?" Cross nodded with crossed arm. Riku turned to face him. "Vampire?"

"He's not the only one," Cross replied. "All of the Night Class are vampires too." The two Keyblade Wielders stared at him with shocked expressions. They never really thought that the Night Class were vampires, but it explained why they gave off such a strange vibe. Yui strayed closer to her partner and clutched his arm.

Cross continued to explain. "You see, the Night Class has been hiding the fact that they're vampires from the school to avoid panic among the Day Class. They're doing this nder the orders of Kaname, who is a Pureblood vampire. Purebloods are basically the highest class of vampires; Anyone who disobeys them are killed on the spot."

As the two continued to listen to the headmaster, they both started to understand the Night Class's motives, how Zero became a vampire, and other situations involving the Disciplinary Committee. Once the explanation was finished, Yuki rushed into the room and asked if the ravenette was alright after what happened. Yui replied tha she'll be fine and that she just needed some rest.

The next morning, Yuki spotted Riku heading to class and started to run towards him."Is Yui alright?" She asked once again while pulling on his arm to stop him from walking. The siverette nodded to her. "She said that she just needed to take it easy, and said that she didn't want classes to interfere with that."

"I see," Yuki let go and lowered her head with half-lidded eyes filled with sorrow. "I'm sorry tha had to happen. If I knew that Zero would-"

"Don't go blaming yourself," Riku interrupted while placing a hand on her shoulder. "Yui told me that she scraped her knee on the stairs, and thus shed blood. Didn't you say that some vampires cant't control themselves when they smell blood?" The brunette nodded in response. "Then what's your fault? Zero was just following his instincts. How can you blame him?"

Yuki looked up at him. "You're right. I probably shouldn't worry." The two of them heard foosteps and turned to see Zero stepping toward them. "I see that Yui isn't with you," He lowered his head and relaxed his shoulders. "Listen, I'm sorry about last night. I wouldn't be surprised if either of you held a grudge against me."

"That's not it at all," Riku replied while pulling away from Yuki. "Yui will be fine and from what she told me, she doesn't blame you for it. So don't beat yourself up on it." Not hearing an immediate response and seeing the uncertain look on his face, Riku placed a hand on his shoulder. "Just remember, darkness will always find its way into a wounded heart." Zero nodded before the bell rang for their first class. As the three of them headed towards the classroom, Riku looked behind him towards the Moon Dorm. Yui, please be careful.

Me: Finally done with this chapter. I honestly had no idea as to how Riku and Yui would find out that Zero and the entire Night Class were vampires. So then I started watching Vampire Knight from the beginning and I saw how Yuki found out how he was a vampire(I didn't understand how she didn't have the thought that he was a vampire when she found A FUCKING BLOOD TABLET IN THE BATHROOM!), and I'm sitting her like "Why the fuck not?" so that's why this scene looks so familiar. And I think everyone knows where Yui is heading if you know what happened the day after Yuki found out about Zero. So until then, await the continuation.