The sun hit my face. I knew I should have closed the curtains before I went to bed last night but this new neighbors where moving in and apparently they set their hearts on moving furniture all night long, so I guess the thought of shutting the blinds kind of skipped my mind. I turned around so that my back was facing the sun and took a quick glance in my phone, it was eight in the morning.

"Hmpff..." I called in frustration. There was no way I could fall back asleep now, no when I heard singing coming from the kitchen.

"If you wanna be my lover." Rachel screamed.

"You gotta get with my friends." Kurt sang.

"Make it last forever." They continued. "Friendship never ends."

I admitted defeat and slowly left the warmth of my bed. It was really cold so I picked up one of the many hoodies lying around on my floor. I prepared myself for a singing Rachel and Kurt, but just before I left my room the finished singing.

"What are you doing up before noon pretty lady?" Kurt asked me as I walked into the kitchen.

I sat down on the chair next to him and buried my head inside of my hands. "Forgot to close the damn curtains and the damn sun decided to wish me a happy morning." They giggled in respond.

"Well sweetie, I am sure it's nothing that my amazing vegan pancakes can't fix." Rachel placed a plate in front of me with at least ten pancakes and a mug with steaming black coffee.

I practically jumped the one and started shoving pieces of pancakes inside my mouth. "Damn Berry, you are one hell of a cook." I said with an open mouth filled with pancakes.

"You don't have to be so surprised every time." She returned to the stove and resumed her pancake making process. "Remember when she refused to eat them at first?"

"Remember? The landlord almost kicked us out when she threw the pancakes out of the window and hit him in the head." Kurt said and laughed.

"Hey, in my defense it was like five in the morning I didn't. Know someone would decided placing is huge head outside the window, who I'm sorry looked like a dart board from up here, not my fault just saying."

They both tried to conceal the smirks on their faces, but eventually gave up and laughed freely. I just rolled my eyes but couldn't help start laughing myself.

"Santana, how was your shift last night?" Rachel asker me when our laugh finally died down.

"It was okay, there are worse job then bar tending."

"I'll drink to that." Kurt lifted his orange juice in the air, me and Rachel joined him with our coffee and we all called 'cheers'.

There were noises again outside our apartment, it sounded like a big wood was falling on the floor repeatedly. "Those bitches moved furniture all night long, I slept like a minute." I said when the noises got even louder.

"I didn't hear anything." Kurt said.

"Maybe all those creams you insist helps your skin finally destroyed your hearing."

"Santana that was really weak."

"I know Rach, you can't expect me to be funny after a sleepless night."

She just shrugged, took the dished to the sink and started rinsing them.

"When is your last class ending today Rach? I really want to do lunch together." I asked her, I remembered Kurt is free from elevenish.

"My last lecture is ending at twelve."

"I finish at twelve thirty."

"So let's all meet at your school?" Kurt asked, and Rachel nodded in agreement.

"You don't have to go all the way to NYU. We can meet some where in the middle?" I offered.

Rachel didn't answer she just walked to the bathroom to take a shower, when I heard the water running I entered the bathroom hesitantly, making sure she was in the shower and that I want surprise her naked.

I started brushing my teeth when I heard the shower curtain behind me being moved, I turned around to see Rachel's head poking out of the shower. She had shampoo in her hair and she shaped him to look like an anchor.

"You liked?" The brunette asked me and I simply nodded in respond because I had foam in my mouth. "You're buying me lunch." She said and returned to wash herself.

I spat into the sink and rinsed my mouth. "What makes you think I'm gonna do that Rachel?"

"I made you pancakes, it's common courtesy to buy me lunch in return."

"Okay." I turned to leave. "Don't eat a lot though fatty." I laughed and ran out of the bathroom quickly, shutting the door behind me. I heard something heavy hitting the door and Rachel mumbling something.

I went into my room and look through my closet, looking for something to wear. My class starts at eleven but I hate sitting around the house in sweats. I settled on a black skinny jeans that made my ass look great, a long red shirt with white stripes and my favorite black leather boots with four inches heels. I let my hair down and looked in the mirror, happy with the outcome 'yeah I look hot'. I applied eyeliner and mascara to my eyes, and tons of concealer to try and cover the bags under my eyes.

Kurt entered my room with Rachel following suit. Well I wouldn't call it a room per se, more like a small space shielded by curtains hanging from the ceiling.

"We are leaving." Kurt said.

"Try not to kill our new neighbors." They said in unison.

"Stop doing that, it really creeps me out." I proved my point when a chill went down my back. "And as for our neighbors I can't promise a thing."

Ten minutes later I found myself sitting in our living room, watching re-runs of Castle. I think that all those crazy ideas they are making up are probably being used my murderers all around the world. I once shared that theory with Rachel, and after teasing me for like fifteen minutes on 'how much of a dork Santana is' she showed me an article written a year ago about a murderer killing random people C.S.I Miami Style. Sometimes Rachel can be really cool, I'm glad she is my best friend.

Just in the middle of the scene where Castle does something very stupid and Becket has to save him 'this happens every single episode' I heated a knock on the door.

I sighed so loud, I was sure that the person on the other end of the door heard me. I opened the door and in front of me stood two beautiful blondes. The blonder girl was pretty tall, she had long straight hair and deep blue eyes. She wore green sweatpants with Juilliard printed on them and a white t-shirt with a picture of Mickey and mini mouse hugging. The other blond was short, shorter then me I think.. She wore a white simple dress and a yellow cardigan, and of course to complete the girl next look she rocked a big cross necklace. But when I looked at her faces she didn't look like the typical Christian girl, her hair was really short and her hazel eyes looked annoyed.

The taller girl started talking. "Hey sorry for interrupting so early in the morning, my name is Brittany and this is Quinn." She pointed at the other girl who just rolled her eyes. "We just moved across the hall from you and we were wondering if maybe we could trouble you for some help." I didn't answer right away. "We met your roommates and they told us you'd love to help, because you like to see the smile on people faces."

'I am going to kill Rachel and Kurt', she didn't noticed my annoyed look and looked at me with hopeful eyes. I was about to agree because she looked so naive and cheerful and I didn't feel like being the one to ruin her day.

But before I could answer the other blonde 'I think her name was Quinn..' Barged in and said softly to her companion "Britt boo, they were probably messing with you honey, let's just go." She turned to me with a perfect fake smile and said harshly, "thanks." Then she grabbed the other blonde hand and they disappeared down the stairs.

'What the fuck just happened here?!' Was the last thought I had before I decided to run down the stairs after the pair.

Author note: hey guys, tell me if you think I should continue writing this story. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions please write them to me. Tell me what you think about it.

The song Rachel and Kurt sang was: wannabe by the spice girls.

Thanks, Spencer.