"Tainted Ice"

Summary: After being sealed away, Pitch is determined to get revenge on Jack and the guardians. Remembering the day he had combined darkness with frost, Pitch starts to find ways to imitate Jack's powers. The years pass and he finally gets it. But he has one problem: he can't use it. Frustrated, Pitch tries to find someone who can use it. He travels to worlds beyond and finds in the city of Arendelle – two princesses. He initially thinks the younger would have been okay but sees potential in the eldest. This is where the story starts… JELSA Semi-AU

Me: Hi this is my first time writing a Frozen x ROTG fanfic! Right now, this is a tentative title. Hopefully things turn out for the best and I'm able to keep you guys interested in this story! Please don't forget to review at the end of each chapter! I don't own Frozen or ROTG! I only own the plotline of this fanfiction!

Chapter 1

"Foiled again," Pitch growled and kicked over a rock.

His last attempt to take over the world ended up in a mess. He had smashed Easter Bunny's eggs, he had kidnapped all the fairies of the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus – his gifts were all intercepted! And their newbie didn't even not squat on how to get his powers to be at his peak!

"Everything was perfect," Pitch narrowed his eyes at the dark globe that swirled around in his chambers. "Sandy was gone… I had his powers! He became a part of me! But how…!"

How did those stupid guardians still manage to win?

Pitch paced around back and forth in the dark cave, looking at the cold stone walls that surrounded him. They managed to overpower him and all it took was one little brat! He looked at the black sand swirling in his hands before crushing it angrily. How did that one little brat manage to jumpstart everyone else?

"It was impossible," Pitch growled and threw a black sand ball at the globe, smashing it with a loud clang. "That one little brat could not have made a difference!"

Or could it?

Pitch darkly remembered the child who managed to stand up to him. Jaime, Jason – whatever his name is, Pitch brushed it aside with an annoyed scowl. That boy meant nothing! How could someone as insignificant as him manage to power up the guardians with just a single statement? He even got his little bratling friends to change his nightmares into something golden! However, Pitch paused for a moment upon remembering what North had said.

"As long as there is one child who still believes, then we will still fight and protect this world!"

Pitch's eyes widened in realization.

The belief was there!

Even if it wasn't in numbers, as long as one believed – they all still existed!

"Yes, one child," Pitch nodded slowly with realization as a devilish grin curved up his lips. "I don't need everyone… I just need one child. One who will know fear in its purest form… But how will I do that…?"

Pitch began pacing around the room again, thinking deeply. If he were to choose a child, the guardians immediately would spring into action. It was as if their eyes were on him every time! He cursed inwardly to himself while looking at the globe before stopping in realization.

"What if," a sly smirk appeared on his face. "The child was nowhere on their radar…?"

Pitch chuckled in amusement before opening his closet, revealing orbs. "Hmm yes… Yes!"

He pulled out a small orb with a castle in it. The orb soon flashed pictures of beautiful docks and people digging for ice. Kids laughing happily while running around as Pitch cringed.

"Fun? Bah," Pitch remembered the Jack's centre. "Those frost powers would have had more use if…"

If it was associated with Fear?

Pitch's eyes widened in realization; was it possible? He remembered the time he had faced Jack in the farthest ends of the earth. Guilt stricken and angry, Jack had immediately started throwing frozen blasts at him. They clashed for a few moments when their powers neutralized one another and formed a huge black frozen glacier, glimmering between them.

"Frost and darkness," Pitch pondered for a moment before snapping his fingers. "Aha!"

The black sand started swirling around as his eyes narrowed deeply in concentration. Pitch controlled the sand's movements with his fingers as the sand began to swirl and compress. Soon, the black sand began to harden and turn into solid ice.

"Yes, yes," Pitch held onto it to maintain its form until it cracked. "No…!"

The ice immediately burst and shattered in his face before falling onto the ground like dust. Pitch stared angrily at the mess before kicking the ice shards around.

"Tch, ice clearly belongs to that brat," Pitch scowled in annoyance before gathering it up. "Hmmm, maybe…"

He slowly began to mould the ice that had fallen to the ground. The ice dust swirled up into the air and began forming a huge deformed crystal. Pitch exhaled sharply before morphing it again, making it smaller and smaller and smaller until it was nothing more but a little drop in a bottle. The moment it was placed in the bottle, the bottle itself began to freeze.

"Perfect," Pitch grinned in delight while looking at the orb. "Now, since I can't use it… Someone else has to…"

Pitch began spinning the orb a few times until his eyes widened. "Ah, perfect!"

The orb revealed two princesses playing with one another in the room. The elder princess has dark brown hair while her baby sister had light brown hair. The one with light brown hair gurgled in delight while the elder princess began tickling her. She smiled sweetly at her younger sister before kissing her on the forehead, stretching her arms up. The father suddenly came into view as he picked up his eldest daughter and placed her on the bed next to the baby sister's crib. Both parents had dark hair while the two sisters had different coloured hair.

"How in the world," Pitch stared stupidly at the two sisters. "How did she have light hair and the parents are…? Ugh, never mind. I'm not into… wait a minute…"

The pieces began to fall together as he looked closely at the scenery. He found paintings with different royal officials on each portrait. The walls were a plain pink but the windows had been decorated nicely. The beds had canopies looming over them as the guardian of fear looked closer.

"A princess… Yes," Pitch nodded ominously with a sly grin, as it all began to click together. "The pressure from royal duties, the desire to keep up appearances – perfect! But whom to choose…?"

Pitch pondered in silence for a moment. If he had chosen the baby, the powers would trigger too early. Heck, babies were the easiest to scare! But he wasn't like that – he only liked scaring people when they were a bit older. He had his own sense of ethics also! Babies were definitely a no-no. Besides, hearing babies wail out throughout the night hurt his ears.

"However, it would be easier to slip this into her milk," Pitch looked at the formula in hand before sighing. "But, the elder one seems to be a more probable choice. Yet, maybe I should wait a bit…"

If he put his plan into action now, all the effort he had put into making the ice powers would have gone for naught. The guardians would know and instantly go after him. Time was of the essence; besides, what if the younger one was more of a chicken than the eldest? He shrugged lightly, only time would tell. Besides, the wound had still been fresh.

So he would have to wait.

"Besides, this power still needs a little more," a slow grin curved up Pitch's lips while he looked at the snowflake forming in the bottle. "More refining."



Three years have passed and both princesses had grown up well. A three year old light brown haired princess named Anna immediately began running all over the place the moment she had learned how to walk. Her five year old sister, Elsa always had to look after her and also ran after her. The nanny assigned to Anna had recently resigned due to the younger princess being a limitless ball of energy so; Elsa had been left to keep up with the younger while juggling her lessons at the same time. Both the king and queen sat in the gardens smiled while watching the two sisters play. Elsa ran after Anna in the gardens, playing tag with her.

"Tag you're it," Anna giggled and ran, screaming in delight.

"Haha not if I can catch you first," Elsa laughed while running after her sister.

The two of them ran throughout the garden and chased each other, rolling in the grass. The king and queen decided to take the kids outside and let them have a little sunlight. Anna grew up to be a limitless ball of energy whereas Elsa had been more reserved but nonetheless very creative. Anna jumped and skipped around while Elsa darted after her.

Their mother laughed while watching the two sisters play. "Goodness, you two are so hyperactive! I wonder where all that energy came from!"

"They probably got it from you," the king laughed in amusement. "You were like that when I first met you."

"Oh you," the queen slapped his arm playfully.

The king chuckled lightly as he smiled at his wife. "But that's why I fell for you in the first place…"

Smiling shyly, the queen looked deeply into the king's eyes. "You always know what to…"

"Ewwww! Mommy and daddy are being sweet!"

The king and queen found Anna staring at them with her tongue sticking out impishly while Elsa folded her arms with an all-knowing look.

"Mommy, daddy – why do you keep doing that," Anna stuck her tongue out, shuddering. "It looks weird!"

Elsa rolled her eyes at her younger sister. "It's not weird, Anna. That's how mom and dad are to each other."

"But I don't see people doing that outside," Anna pouted with her hands folded.

The king laughed and picked up Anna, placing her on his lap. "Now, now, Anna. Well, it's something that happens when you're in love."

"In… love? What's love," Anna blinked at Elsa who shrugged also.

"Love is something very mysterious," the queen smiled sweetly, poking Anna's nose. "It's a bit hard to explain right now. Maybe when you're older…"

"Aww," Anna pursed her lips and waited for a few moments. "How about now?"

"No, no," the king pat the youngest on the head. "Perhaps when you are much much older."

Elsa giggled before she glanced at her mother. "So, how did you and dad end up together?"

The queen smiled sweetly brushing Elsa's pale blonde hair, remembering fondly. "Ah, it was what you call 'love at first sight'."

"Love at what now," Anna stared at her with a puzzled expression. "Is that when you first saw dad you found him cool?"

The king smiled kindly and sighed fondly at the memory. "Yes, actually. That's the gist of it. You'll have yours someday."

"Really," Anna's eyes sparkled with delight. "Ooh ooh, will he be on a white horse and everything…?"

"Possibly, but remember things come in all sorts of sizes," the king reminded Anna gently. "Don't jump into something just because it seemed good at that time…"

"For all you know he might be riding a reindeer or something when he first sees you," Elsa teased.

Anna stuck out her tongue. "Meanie."

The king and queen smiled fondly at their children as Elsa and Anna soon broke into fits of laughter again. Anna jumped off her dad's lap while tapping Elsa on the shoulder.

"Haha, tag you're it again," Anna darted for the bushes.

Elsa grinned before breaking into a sprint after her. "Not unless I get you first!"

The two princesses resumed playing in the gardens not knowing that someone else had been watching them from afar. A pair of golden eyes with a slow smile appearing in the darkness continued watching them as Elsa and Anna started throwing flowers around. A chuckle bubbled from his throat as he slowly melted away into the shadows.

It is time.


Night soon fell as Anna and Elsa retreated to their rooms. Anna yawned as she fell asleep on Elsa. The elder sister smiled as she managed to drag her sister with her to their room. A helpless sigh escaped her; the moment Anna went kaput, she pretty much just lazed around everywhere. Elsa huffed and heaved before finally pushing Anna onto her bed.

"Anna, you should really stop stuffing your face with chocolate," Elsa sighed but smiled helplessly. "Then again, even I love that stuff."

Suddenly, Elsa saw the shadows move. Her heart skipped as she fearfully began looking around. She stood at her sister's bed, watching.

"Who's there," Elsa narrowed her eyes. "Come out, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Gihihihi, what do we have here?"

Elsa turned around and found thieves who snuck into their room, gasping with fear. She glanced around for anything she could use to fight back. Unfortunately, what could a five year old possibly do against three thieves?

"Heh, the guards were easy to take out this time," one of the thieves chuckled. "Good thing their parents are deep sleepers!"

"Yeah, we could make a ransom out of these two!"

Elsa swallowed nervously; her parents weren't really deep sleepers. In fact, the sound of Anna's feet could wake them up. But Elsa knew that their room was on the other side of the castle. She shivered fearfully as they started closing in on her.

"Heh, royal family – let's get 'em," one of the thieves drew out a sack.

Elsa tried to scream to not much avail as they shoved her in the sack with Anna sleeping soundly. The elder rolled her eyes; trust her sister to be so exhausted. If it was one of those times she wanted her sister to start kicking and screaming, now was one of them!

"Anna," Elsa panicked, shaking her sister up. "Anna!"

"Mmmm zzzz," Anna turned over like it was nothing.

Elsa sighed in defeat while trying to find a way to get out, kicking against the burlap sack. "LET US OUT!"

The thief holding her chuckled. "No can do, sweetie. I have bigger plans for you!"

Elsa swallowed fearfully while holding onto her sister until she heard someone yelling:


Elsa soon heard the thieves panicking.

"Shit, the guards found us!"

"Damn, we better start running!"

"Into the darkness, everyone!"

Elsa and Anna were tossed in the sack as thieves began running. Elsa bounced up and down while Anna slept peacefully throughout the entire ordeal. Shivering violently, Elsa could see lights being lit up and heard loud clapping and clopping of horse hooves. She wondered how Anna could sleep through an ordeal like this. Then again, the girl had run around throughout the entire castle simply because she refused to take a shower.




"Anna," Elsa shook her younger sister. "Anna…!"

Anna didn't budge before she waved her hand. "Zzz, chocolate…"

"Ugh," Elsa wanted to yank her hair out; what was a five year old to do?

However, her heart sank when she slowly saw the lights from the castle fading away. Her whole body seized in terror and hair began standing on their ends. Suddenly, the sack opened and both girls were tossed out. Elsa crashed on the dirt with Anna tumbling right next to her.

"Owie, who did," Anna shook her head before staring at the big men. "Oh…"

The two girls shivered fearfully as the thieves closed in on them. Two of them were big burly men and the other one was a skinny man with gold eyes. Elsa shivered fearfully while placing her little sister behind her.

"Don't worry Anna," Elsa mustered up the courage before glaring at them, fighting back her shivering. "I won't let them hurt you."

The skinny man chuckled in amusement. "Such bravery for a little girl. Protecting your little sister from the big baddies, now are we?"

Elsa bit her lower lip anxiously, looking at her three year old younger sister. "Stay away! My father's the king! He'll have you executed!"

"The king holds no power in this forest, girl," one of the big men grinned maliciously while staring down at her. "No one will even know where you are!"

Elsa shivered in fear, holding her younger sister. "N-no…"

Do you want to live…?

Elsa stopped as the voice echoed in her head. "Wh-what…?"

She glanced at the thieves as they closed in on her, not noticing the gold eyed man staring deeply into her eyes.

Aren't you afraid…?

"Y-yes, yes I am," Elsa began to whimper fearfully.

"Elsa, who are you talking to," Anna began to shiver in fright.

The thief scowled darkly before grabbing Elsa, popping open a bottle with a snowflake on it. "Just shut up! I'm tired of your whining!"

"Elsa," Anna yelped before glaring at the thief, kicking him. "Let my sister go!"

"Ah shaddup," the other thief kicked Anna against the tree trunk.

"Anna," Elsa tried to reach out only to have the bottle's contents shoved down her throat.

Do you hate this powerlessness…?

Aren't you afraid of dying…?

Aren't you afraid of losing your beloved sister?

"Y-Yes, yes I am," Elsa began to cry as they threw her aside, watching the thieves stalk towards Anna. "Anna…!"

Fear… Yes, feel it! Know it! Embrace it! MAKE IT YOUR WEAPON!

At that point, something in Elsa snapped. Her eyes widened with her pupils shrinking as she could feel her body throbbing and screaming violently. She didn't care at the moment how she was gonna make it out. All that mattered was that Anna was safe. But she could feel that something slowly begin to freeze inside her. She could feel her heart slowly turning cold as that something started to grow…

That same something that would change her forever.

"I SAID: LET MY SISTER GO," Elsa screamed in fear as the whole forest began to freeze.

Ana stared in amazement as the bandits started staring at her in horror.

"M-Monster," the other bandit glanced at one of their partners, staggering back in fear. "You said that was poison… Eh?"

Only to see that the lanky man had vanished.

"Shit, what the hell is this," the other bandit staggered back.

"LEAVE US ALONE," Elsa screamed again as frozen spikes shot out of the ground and pierced one of them.

"AGH," one of the bandits howled in pain until another ice sword shot through him. "Ugh!"

"Whoa, what the-," before the bandit could finish his statement the spikes converged around him, crushing him inside. "YARGH!"

Anna gasped in fear before shielding her face, only to see Elsa standing in front of her. The elder sister breathed heavily before slowly walking to Anna.

"A-Anna," Elsa weakly tried to reach out to her.

"N-no, don't come-," Anna began to panic until she suddenly collapsed. "Mmm…"

Elsa could barely keep her consciousness as well as she fell onto the snow, unconscious. From the shadows, the lanky man emerged only to see bloodied bodies of the bandits on the ground. A slow grin crept up his lips before looking at the two sisters.

"Excellent. The elder sister was a good choice," – the lanky man shed away his form, revealing Pitch standing over the two sisters. "Now, this won't do however… They can't afford to remember this otherwise, she'd be too numb by then…"

Pitch looked at the dark brown haired girl before tapping the foreheads of both sisters. "As the master of Fear, any memory associated with it – can vanish or come back on my choice."

A small light shined before fading away. The forest was then covered in darkness as the guardian of fear looked up into the sky, seeing no moon. Pitch chuckled in amusement before playing with Elsa's hair. This was just phase one as he slowly began to change into someone else.

"Nothing says fear like the idea of being exposed to something… uncontrollable…"


And that's chapter 1! How was it? Is it worth keeping? Or is it something that needs to be deleted? Whatever it is, I accept criticisms as well. Flames are simply too rude and that there are better ways on telling a person what must be improved on instead of telling a person that the story is "fucking stupid" or something or threatening to report with abuse simply because they don't ship your favourite pairing or whatever. I hope you guys liked it so far! Please don't forget to review!