Chapter 10: Honesty

Kody lets out a small sigh as he considers how much he should tell Violet. The guard couldn't dismiss the concern out of his mind that if he told her too much or too little that he would misrepresent his intentions. Eventually he decides to be as transparent as he can, answering any of her questions with honesty.

"The person that I need to reach... I'm not honestly certain they're in the Ice Kingdom. The person... is the princess of my kingdom. I wasn't necessarily honest when I said they're waiting for me... from what I know, someone or something kidnapped her... and... I don't think calling her my friend would be a fair description of what she thinks of me."

The guard waits nervously for Violet to respond. Minutes start to pass by in silence as Kody begins to question his sudden desire to prove himself trustworthy to a girl he barely even knew. He had nothing to gain, as he had no intentions of abandoning his princess. These thoughts begin to torment him as his doubt begins to build up again. Violet notices the anguish building in Kody from his expression.

"Kody... I won't lie," Violet states as she makes sure to maintain eye contact with Kody to ensure him of the sincerity of her words. "I'm not sure if you're being honest. It's hard to believe that someone would just... leave the only place they know to save someone they know... but considering how you acted earlier it seems likely. But even if I didn't believe you, you should have more faith in yourself. The words you choose, the way you hold yourself, even the look on your face... I get the impression that you don't believe in yourself." Violet pauses to allow Kody the opportunity to confirm or deny her accusation.

Kody nods after a slight hesitation. Upset by the boy's answer, Violet decides to continue. "I don't know if you realize this, but your body seems to be suffering from malnutrition... I don't know how long you've been like this... but the way you act, it wouldn't be hard to assume that you've been like this for a long time... why Kody? Why are you letting yourself endure this? You displayed yourself as more than capable already... surely you could find somewhere that you could go live and not have to suffer this... especially now. You don't have to put your life on the line." Violet pauses once again, though this time she doesn't wait for a response. "Someone else will save her, she's your princess. Surely your king will send people to rescue her."

"That coward of a king won't send anyone Violet!" Kody's voice is heavy with sorrow as he continues. "He never cared for her... everyone else was always afraid of her... they call her a monster, Violet, I'm not abandoning her-"

"I'm not asking you to abandon anyone Kody. I just don't want you to..." Violet can't bring herself to finish her sentence. "Look... all I'm saying is that you're too hard on yourself. You can't save anything if your body gives out."

The boy stands up and starts to walk out of the room. Violet silently watches him as he reaches the door before he turns around.

"Something's wrong..." Kody glances around the room for a moment before he speaks up again. "Do hear that sound?"

Violet is confused by this question, though instead of questioning him about it she decides to try to listen for any peculiar sounds. At first she is unable to discern any unusual or noteworthy sounds. After a few more moments, however, she can hear a peculiar sound. For a moment, Violet is unsure as to the possible cause of the sound. However she quickly realizes that she is hearing the crackle of burning wood. Upon this realization, Violet's face turns pale. Seeing Violet's dismay, the guard speaks up.

"I guess you did hear it. I suppose that those guys from earlier weren't too happy about what I did. Let's get out of the building." Kody starts to leave the room, though he stops at the doorway when he notices that Violet hasn't moved from the bed. Confused by the girl's reluctance to leave, the guard speaks up again. "Is something wrong Violet? That sound is getting closer. If we don't hurry..." The guard's voice catches in his throat as he notices the glistening tears streaming down Violet's face. Unable to find the words to comfort the girl, he tries to open the door. Surprisingly, he finds that the door refuses to budge. He slams himself against the door, and yet it still refuses to budge.