Chapter Six: Last Stand

Once the words were left from Zang's beak the Five, Po and Shifu ran to greet Fenghuang. Raven stayed behind to defend Nevaeh from harm. The Five formed a circle as they glanced up at the sky. Po and Shifu stood guard by the steps to the door of the Jade Palace. All were alert as they listened and waited for the evil owl to show herself. Seconds turned to minutes as they waited in silence. Suddenly out of the darkness they heard a joyous laugh as a dark shadow flew around them. "She's here!" shouted Tigress but was knocked to the ground.

"Tigress!" Po yelled as he rushed to her side. Only to have a pair of huge talons scratch his belly. He let out a huge moan as he fell to the ground.

"Fenghuang show yourself you coward!" Shifu yelled.

"Oh I won't need to show myself Shifu; during my last time here I learned a new trick called Warrior's Weakness. My chi can produce your greatest fears and use them against you, allow me to demonstrate," Fenghuang said evilly. They saw her land on a branch and with her wings she moved them in a circular motion as dark chi flooded her body. Her eyes opened revealing two soulless orbs as her wings spread causing seven black shadows to form and as they did they looked like Viper, Mantis, Crane, Tigress, Monkey, Po, and Shifu. "Attack my warriors and kill them," Fenghuang cackled with an evil smile.

The shadows attacked their counter parts as the other warriors fought off their shadow parts. "You toothless worm, no wonder you are so weak without fangs you are nothing!" shouted Shadow Viper with glowing white fangs and a cold face. She lunged at Viper as the snake dodged her attacks.

"What is wrong sickly bird your scrawny legs can't keep up," asked Shadow Crane who looked stronger with muscular legs as he attacked Crane without mercy.

"Come on tiny hit me, surely you don't want me to hurt your friends," Shadow Mantis said who was about five inches bigger than Mantis and Shadow Mantis picked him up and threw him into the ground.

"Your pranks cannot save you from me," Shadow Monkey said with a serious face as he punched Monkey in the gut.

"Hey fatty some Dragon Warrior you are, you can't even lay one punch on me," Shadow Po taunted Po, and Shadow Po had more muscle than Po did and a cold expression.

"You are nothing but a monster Tigress, no one loves you and no will shed a tear once I kill you," Shadow Tigress said and she had longer teeth and glowing yellow eyes as she pounced on Tigress. Shifu was fighting Shadow Shifu who was taunting him as well.

"Your daughter, oh excuse me your student is in trouble guess if she had a better father figure she wouldn't be so messed up. You are such a disgrace as a father turning Tai-Lung evil, and making Tigress into more of a monster. No wonder Oogway wanted Raven to be Grand Master, I doubt she would have made so many mistakes," Shadow Shifu said punching Shifu in the stomach. Shifu's eyes widened as the words hit him. He lunged at his shadow counterpart just to have him block and hit him again. "Getting old eh Shifu maybe once your dead Fenghuang will take over and you will no longer fear that the only way people will remember you is how much of a disgrace you are," Shadow Shifu said about to strike again when another black shadow appeared and golden chi struck Shadow Shifu causing him to yell out in pain and evaporate. Shifu still stunned looked at his rescuer, Raven.

"Brother are you injured?" she asked holding out her wing to him. He accepted it and was helped up. Fenghuang saw Raven and her eyes turned deadly.

"Well, well if it isn't Perfect Raven, what brings you back here after all these years?" Fenghuang asked.

"I came to stop you and protect the Valley from your evil," Raven challenged.

"Oh really Perfect Raven, well then how about you and me finish what we started many years ago. Let's finally find out once and for all who the strongest warrior is," Fenghuang challenged and flew at Raven with full force. Raven flew at Fenghuang and just as the deadly owl was about to scratch Raven with her talons Raven dived and spun in a circle forming a mini tornado sucking Fenghuang in. "No!" Fenghuang yelled as she was pulled in.

"You always fell for the same trick twice Feng," Raven said with a smile. Then she turned her attention to the other warriors who were fighting their shadow counter parts. "Guys you have to help each other in order to defeat your shadow halves!" Raven yelled. Yet they were too consumed by their own doubts to hear her. "Shifu you help your students I will deal with Fenghuang," she said.

"I can't Raven, I am a horrible Grand Master I always make mistakes I am just a feeble old man, I am not Master," Shifu said feeling deeply hurt. His shadow counterpart did a number on him for like his students he too was giving in to his doubts.

"Snap out of it Shifu they need your help. If you don't help them they will die and Fenghuang will win and the Valley, all of China will be doomed. I know you made mistakes so does everyone but if you sit back and do nothing then your family will die and they need you, I need you to be the hero I remember so snap out of it!" Raven cried shaking him. Shifu shook his head as he fought his fear.

"You're right Raven I will help my students you deal with Fenghuang," Shifu said seriously.

"That's my brother," Raven said with a smile as she flew back to where Fenghuang was. Fenghuang got up and attacked Raven.

"I will destroy you Raven once and for all!" Fenghuang screeched as she flew at her. Raven said nothing as they exchanged blows in the air while Shifu helped his students.

"Toothless worm, so useless so weak," Shadow Viper hissed.

"Viper, don't listen to her remember that gorilla bandit you defeated him without fangs, they do not make you strong Viper, you make yourself strong believe in yourself," Shifu called to her. Viper heard his words and looked up at Shadow Viper and remembered all the things she did without fangs.

"I will show you what a toothless worm can do," Viper challenged and attacked Shadow Viper. She wrapped her tail around her shadow counterpart and threw her into a wall as the moonlight hit the shadow and it screeched in pain as it evaporated.

"Excellent Viper, you help Crane and I will help Mantis," Shifu told her. Viper nodded and went to Crane.

"Come on scrawny legs what is wrong too sick to fight back," taunted Shadow Crane.

"Leave him alone!" Viper hissed as she attacked Shadow Crane. She wrapped Shadow Crane around with her tail and tried to flip him instead he took off flying.

"Say good bye to your snake friend," Shadow Crane said evilly.

"Crane help me!" Viper cried.

"Viper, leave her alone!" Crane yelled and flew at his shadow -self knocking him to the ground and catching Viper. Shadow Crane dissolved into nothing as Crane set Viper down. "Thanks Viper," he said smiling.

"You're welcome Crane," Viper said kissing his cheek. He blushed but soon they raced off to help their friends.

"Come on tiny fight me," Shadow Mantis cried pinning Mantis to the ground. Shifu appeared out of nowhere and knocked Shadow Mantis away with his staff.

"Thank you Master Shifu," Mantis said bowing.

"You're welcome now help Monkey," Shifu said as they raced to help Monkey.

Raven was battling with Fenghuang as the owl threw her to the ground. "Getting slow in your old age eh Perfect Raven? Allow me to put you out of your misery," she cackled and lunged at Raven. Just before she could a huge stone slammed into her. Raven looked up with surprise and saw Nevaeh standing before her helping her up.

"Navaeh," Raven said with shock. Nevaeh smiled and bowed to Raven.

"You miserable brat you will pay!" Fenghuang shouted as she lunged at Nevaeh full of anger and hate.

"You aren't going to do anything!" Raven yelled flying at Fenghuang.

"Stupid prankster, no wonder your father left who would want to claim a clown for a son?" asked Shadow Monkey.

"You leave my friend alone!" Mantis shouted as he pushed a rock onto Shadow Monkey making him disappear.

"Thanks buddy," Monkey said happily.

"Anytime dude," Mantis said as they raced to help their friends.

"You are a clumsy stupid panda no one cares for you. You don't deserve to be the Dragon Warrior!" shouted Shadow Po as the other Po fought him. Blood was pouring from his belly where Fenghuang scratched him but he had to keep fighting. Nevaeh saw Po fight and watched Raven fight Fenghuang and as much as she wanted to help Raven, she knew Po needed her more. The young lioness ran towards Shadow Po and let out a roar. "Oh look fatty the young kitty came to save you how pathetic," Shadow Po sneered.

"No Nevaeh run, please run!" Po yelled trying to get up. She is just a kid I can't let her get hurt Po thought. Yet, as Shadow Po stalked towards Nevaeh, the young lioness was not scared. She focused like Master Raven told her and moved her arms in the air and with a quick motion had Shadow Po up in the air.

"What put me down you mute little brat!" Shadow Po yelled as he struggled to get himself down. Nevaeh smiled and bowed to him and once she did he fell to the ground right into the moonlight and yowled out in pain as he evaporated. Once Shadow Po was gone little Nevaeh ran over to Po and held her paws over his belly. A white light poured from her as the wound began to heal.

"Thanks sweetie now go hide and I will help Master Tigress," Po said smiling at her. She bowed and ran back to the Jade Palace door. Po's eyes locked on Tigress as he ran towards her.

"You are nothing but a monster unloved and unwanted who would care for you anyway?" Shadow Tigress asked stalking towards Tigress.

"I would" Po said.

"I would," Viper said from behind.

"Me too," Crane said standing by her.

"Count me in," Monkey said standing by Crane.

"I would care," Mantis said.

"No one harms my daughter or my family," Shifu said. They all circled Shadow Tigress and destroyed her as well. Yet, they could not cheer for as they watched in the skies Fenghuang was still a threat it was up to Raven now.

Raven was breathing hard as was Fenghuang but the owl was not giving up. She attacked Raven with her sharp talons but Raven dodged them and soon she knew only one attack could defeat Fenghuang. Her Chi Blaster attack but she had to do it before Fenghuang had any time to block it. Closing her eyes, she felt her body grow weak and knew she had to out think Fenghuang so, with quick speed she flew away. "You can't escape me Raven I will catch you," Fenghuang cackled. Yet, unbeknown to Fenghuang Raven was challenging her Chi while flying in the air; it was not an easy task for she was using her entire energy to concentrate on her flying and Fenghuang.

Focus Raven, this may be your last fight but let's give them all something to remember you by, you have to do this for Nevaeh, Shifu, Po, the Five, everyone in the Valley, focus Raven focus, her mind told her. "Once I kill you I might take that little lioness of yours and really teach her how to use her powers!" Fenghuang shouted.

Just then Raven's eyes flashed open and they were glowing golden orbs. "I don't think so," Raven said and with her last bit of energy she threw her last Chi Blaster at Fenghuang. The owl was covered in golden light and screamed as it sent a hole through her. Fenghuang fell out of the sky dead and soon Raven with a tear fell onto the ground.

"Raven!" Shifu yelled as everyone tried to catch her but it was Crane that caught her. He set Raven down on the ground as they knew the mighty Raven was dying. "Raven," Shifu said kneeling before his sister as tears fell.

"Shh Shifu, it is okay my brother. It is just my time, I am glad we could fight side by side one more time," Raven whispered. "Your students are great warriors and will do the Valley proud," she said smiling at all of them. Each member felt honored by Raven's words. Little Nevaeh sat by Raven and held the bird in her arms as tears fell. "Don't cry little one you shall be safe here Shifu will take good care of you and the Five along with the Dragon Warrior will help you become a great warrior," Raven said smiling at her daughter.

"Please Raven, don't give up we will get a healer," Shifu said not wanting to lose his sister again. Then Nevaeh had an idea as she placed Raven down and held her paws over Raven.

Raven lifted her wing to reach Nevaeh's face but only could reach the part where her vocal cords were. "Don't my daughter, I don't think even you could heal death," Raven said not wanting Nevaeh to waste any energy saving her. Still the lioness used her healing power and a glowing light covered Raven's body as well as Nevaeh's vocal cords. Once Raven lifted herself up her feathers were black as night and she felt stronger than she ever had.

"Raven you are alive!" Shifu cried hugging Raven.

"I guess I am thank you Nevaeh," Raven said smiling at her daughter. Nevaeh had a strange look on her face as she opened her mouth.

"Ra-Raven o-okay?" Nevaeh asked.

Raven's eyes widened with shock as everyone looked at the young lioness. "Did she just talk?" Po asked.

"Raven okay?" Nevaeh asked again.

"I guess when you touched her vocal cords and when she healed you it reached her vocal cords allowing her to talk," Shifu explained.

Raven hugged Nevaeh and said, "Yes Raven is okay".

"So, not trying to break up this moment but not that Fenghuang is gone are you planning on staying Master Raven?" Mantis asked.

"The Jade Palace is still your home if you want it to be Raven I will not force you or Nevaeh to stay here," Shifu told her. Everyone looked at her and secretly hoped she would stay.

"Please stay Raven," Nevaeh said for she liked the Jade Palace.

"Well I guess I will stay for I miss my home," Raven said.

Shifu hugged her and said, "Welcome home Raven, welcome home". Then they all hugged each other as they rejoiced that their family got a little bit bigger.


Raven stayed on at the Jade Palace and helped Shifu continue to train the new students. Po and Tigress eventually got married and had two kids a boy and a girl the boy's name was Solar and the girl's name was Luna. Viper and Crane got married and had a boy named Blizzard. Monkey married another monkey named Gina and had a son named Han and Mantis married a butterfly and had a daughter named June. They became the new Furious Five and Nevaeh, who mastered her gifts, joined them and became the second team in history to be the Furious Six. Fenghuang was buried in a local graveyard never to bother anyone again. And everyone lived happily ever after.

The End

Author's Note: Hope you all enjoyed this story and please review. A special thanks to Kung FuPandaFanatic for helping me with Warrior's Weakness. Till next time.