Pheobe knew she wasn't worth it. She knew that her smarts would put her in the line of fire, yet she couldn't help her smarts. So she did the only thing she could. She hid them. Everyday instead of answering the questions she ignored them. This way she could do her work and keep out of the line of fire.

She knew her twin was worried, wether he admitted it or not. She couldn't blame him to be honest. She knew she'd become surpressed and the exact opposite of herself. He had tried to find out what had been happening. Yet the super villain couldn't save his sister. She was too good at keeping this secret.

The first cut was deep, not enough to leave a mark but deep enough to draw just wished she could use her powers on them, make them pay. Yet she couldn't it was wrong, no matter how much they beat her up.

Max was scared. He'd seen her cut. Granted it wasn't deep but it was deep enough to leave a mark. She was the best superhero to have ever lived so why was she doing this?. He'd should have stopped her but couldn't find the power to. She would never listen anyway . So he did the only thing he could. He tried to let het get better by herself. The first time she tried to end the pain he stopped her. The second he took away the tablets completley.

He never ever got a straight answer he once asked her why did she do this, how could she?. She had a loving boyfriend, a family that would and have killed for her. So why?, she told him because she was sick of living a lie. Finally she'd had enough so she left. She hid in her old house and used her powers to commit the crime. Max couldn't save her that time. She was too far gone.

The funeral was an elaborate affair. Max didn't like it was too extravagant for his twin sister, his best friend.

Walking up to the podium he cleared his througt. "Pheobe was and will always be the most mportant thing in my life. I always felt like i had to live up to her but now i knaow i didn't. I'm sorry p-heebs sorry i was never there. I watched your downfall, i could've saved you and i-i-i didn't. Maybe one day you can forgive me, i understand now. I wish you would've understood i couldn't live without you." Then the broken villain walked off the stage and out of the church to the lake by the house.

That night the thundermans lost another child due to a terrible ordeal. Yet they were happy after all why would they be sad when they knew that their two children were happy for once.