Lucy's POV

Why did it have to be him?

Looking across the guild from the bar at the sound of the door opening and two people laughing, I saw a flash of rose pink. Natsu Dragneel, the idiotic, yet happy-go-lucky, dragon slayer. Following it was the ever-so-happy Lisanna Strauss. Honestly, she was beautiful, and I bore no ill will against her, but I was ultimately jealous. For the longest time I believed Natsu to be just a friend, but recently I couldn't help but fall in love with him. He had the biggest heart and was practically the embodiment of Fairy Tail.

After Lisanna's return, we drifted apart a bit. We went on missions together and were still great friends, but there was always this way he looked at her; a way he never looked at me. It was as if she were the only one in the world and he lit up in a way I'd never seen in him before. I hated it. I hated it more than anything. Natsu was supposed to be mine. He was the only boy I've ever really liked. Sure, Loki, Gray, Hibiki, and the rest of the guys were attractive, but I've never felt this way about any of them.

Was I really not good enough?

The guild was bustling as usual, with their well-spirited brawling, excessive drinking, and their carefree troublemaking. Natsu and Gray bickering, Cana downing mug after mug of ale, Macao and Wakaba's fawning over the ever-so-beautiful Mirajane, all of the usual stuff. When an extremely short man perched himself on the railing of the second floor. I had to silently thank the master for tearing Lisanna's and Natsu's eys away from each other as she pulled him away from Gray.

With his booming voice echoed through the hall, "Everyone, listen up."

As everyone settled to listen to what the master had to say, Makarov continued, "As you all know, the Magnolia Yuletide celebration is only a week away. This year, Fairy Tail is hosting the event for the first time since X784, and we all remember how that ended." Everybody reminiscing over the fun and destruction they caused eight years prior. "Unlike then, I want you to be on your best behavior since this will be a formal event."

"Hey, Gramps, what's that supposed to mean?" Natsu interjected.

"Retard," Gray mumbled under his breath yet loud enough for the dragon slayers to hear.

"But try to remember to have fun, guys." Mira shouted in her angelic tone.

Everyone dispersed, trying to catch their date before another did. Levy was being pestered by Jet and Droy while sighing as Gajeel averted his gaze when he saw the bluenette staring back. Gray was being harassed by Juvia but ultimately agreed as long as she would drop the honorific from his name. Erza was wallowing over the inability to go with Jellal. Happy was in the middle of his own form of courting Charle with an offering of fish. Romeo respectfully asking for Wendy's company. Freed asking Mirajane in an almost profound display of his feelings. Bixlow nudging on Cana in between drinks. Evergreen impatiently waiting for Elfman to ask, though he was really too shy, out of embarrassment or fear for the fairy herself, no one knows. Alzack playfully asking his wife. Even Panther asking Azuka so she wouldn't feel forgotten.

My eyes finally fell on the last couple, Lisanna and Natsu. Hearing his words, "You wanna go with me?" Her answer, "YES!" As he quickly picked her up and kissed her and her warmly accepting, tilting her head into the kiss. Seeing this, my world shattered in front of me. What was this feeling? I've never felt so empty. Not knowing what to do, and feeling the tears release from their ducts and stream down my face, I silently left the guild.

Little did I know that while others were in their own little worlds, one saw everything unfold.

Days passed and I was visited by Mira, Levy, Cana, Erza, and even Gray and Juvia to see where I had been the previous few days. Not wanting to tell them of my broken heart and unrequited love, I simply told them I wasn't feeling well. Mira and Erza being the only ones who bought it, but you could never tell with the demon Mirajane. They all returned the next day to get answers, albeit without Erza. Not being able to hide it anymore, I broke down telling them everything, though none seemed surprised.

"You're really gonna let that fire crotch ruin your Christmas?" Gray asked with bitterness for Natsu in his voice.

"Ya need to get over 'im. He's not worth your time," stated Cana.

"Don't miss out on the fun for stupid Natsu, Lu-chan," said Levy.

"I'm happy for my sister, but she needs to learn to be more considerate of her guildmates," added Mira.

"Juvia wouldn't know what she would do if she lost Gray-sa-" Gray nudged her, "Gray to another woman," her voice filled with sympathy and compassion.

"I'm fine, guys. Really," I lied. My voice and face betraying my words.

"Come on, we're going to take you shopping for a new dress," Mira stated. Adding more pep to her demeanor.

"But I don't even have a date," I protested.

"It doesn't matter," Cana said, placing her hand on my shoulder. Levy placing her hand on my other shoulder. "Yeah, Lu-chan. You're gonna be with us."

Three Days Later

It was time for the "party" and I was getting ready. A new haircut from Cancer, a bath, and 30 minutes in front of the mirror applying makeup and doing idiotic poses to compliment my curves. I felt good about myself for the first time in a while. Hearing a knock on the door, I went to answer it. Opening the door, I saw my entourage of friends, all looking even more beautiful than usual. They all looked a bit wide eyed, taking in my appearance. After what seemed to be hours of complimenting each other, we finally headed out towards the guild.

Third Person POV

As they entered, all eyes went to her. Men's jaws went slack as they looked at the blonde beauty in her tight black dress, ending at her mid-thigh, the underside having transparent pink frills jutting from the opening. The top having straps tied together behind her neck, clad to her body putting emphasis on her slim waist and perfectly rounded breasts. Her pale skin glowed in the evening twilight contrasting her dark eye shadow and attire. To say she was the most beautiful woman in the room would be an understatement.

She glanced around for that one boy who had a vice on her heart. There he was enjoying a dance with the young take-over mage, again, looking at her as if she were the only one there. Lucy tried to not let it get to her, but nevertheless made passing glances at them for the next couple hours. She was asked to dance several times, but every man who offered acted lecherous, staring at her cleavage their entire conversation. After a while, the girls split up to spend time with their dates. Even "Mystogan" made a special appearance that night, keeping Erza occupied.

Seeing that the music was dying down to something slower, Lucy made her way to the bar. Wrong move. Many of the couples were leaving the dancefloor, leaving only a few couples on it. One of them being a pink haired teen and his girlfriend with the hair of untouched snow. She had a perfect view of them. Lisanna laying her head on his shoulder with a look of absolute bliss written across her face, and Natsu with the exact same look. She knew at that moment that she and Natsu would never have a future together. Her heart hurt over the last few years from trying to decide which was more important: her own happiness, or the happiness of the one she loved. Lucy now knew that she hadn't had a chance, but she at least took solace in the fact that Natsu was happy.

She hadn't noticed it before but her mascara was running for obvious reasons. After her epiphany, she needed time to sort out her revelation, because at the moment, she just couldn't process it. Though, after what felt like an eternity, it all hit her at once. The tears ran freely now. The way she was at the moment, she shouldn't have been at the party. If others saw her tears, she may ruin their night. She walked out of the front, but as soon as the cold air hit her, she didn't want to move. So she pressed her back against the concrete exterior of the guild, slowly sliding to sit on the ground and weep.

Lucy then felt a large hand caress her damp cheek. Wiping away both the mascara, and the tears. Looking up, her soft, chocolate brown eyes came into contact with the intense, azure depths of this man's eyes. His well structured face lacking his trademark smirk. "What do you want, Laxus?" the crying blonde asked. He waited a moment and sighed. "I'm not one for the emotional shit... but if you need somebody... I'm here."

The Celestial Spirit mage couldn't believe this. "Why?" she asked. There was an even longer. "I've done a lot of bad things. I haven't always been there for my guild mates," he looked her dead in the eye, "some more than others." She immediately knew he was referring to the Phantom Lord incident in which they were after her; trying to take her back to her father. He had refused to help unless he was made guild master, Cana stripped for him, and Lucy was his girlfriend. She was snapped out of her reverie by him continuing, "But I will be now." Lucy stared at the man who once tried to destroy Fairy Tail, but then saved them all, not believing this was actually him.

They sat out there and talked most of the night away. Well, she talked and he'd throw in a comment every so often to assure her he was listening. She went through the same song and dance with him that she went through with Gray and the girls. Yet, unlike them, he didn't give his input. He simply heard her out; to get it off her chest without feeling like she was being judged. He'd tell her of his adventures leaving the girl in awe, and occasionally laughing at the blunders of the Thunder Tribe. After a while, she practically forgot why she was sad in the first place, but thinking she hadn't been this happy in quite a while.

'Laxus Dreyar makes me happy?' she pondered a while.

He suddenly stood up, and she finally noticed his outfit. It was a black dress shirt with his cuffs rolled up his forearms which clung to his muscular figure, matching black pants and shoes, and a silver tie he had long since untied and draped around his neck. As she was taking note of this man's physique as well as his sense of style, she noticed his hand go out to her.

"You deserve at least one dance tonight."

She hesitantly took his hand and he pulled her up. Still holding her hands, he led her through the guild doors with many taking sight of the two together. One of them being the salamander himself. Many of the people had left and the majority remaining were guild members.

He slowly took her to the dancefloor, as if he didn't notice the passing glares, the gossip, and Mira's dark shipping aura. "Wait here a second," he ordered her. He walked over to lacrima stereo system, put on a song, and made his way back to the nervous blonde. He came up, and in one swift motion, his right hand was on her waist, and his left on the small of her back. Laying her head against his chest, she inhaled through her nose, catching the most aromatic scent on the man. He smelled of the forest, natural musk, and an obviously expensive cologne. He leaned down a bit to her ear, whispering, "This song is for you."

Then the music started...

When you try your best, but you don't succeed

When you get what you want, but not what you need

When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep

Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you love someone, but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below

When you're too in love to let it go

But if you never try you'll never know

Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face

When you lose something you cannot replace

Tears stream down your face

And I...

Tears stream down your face

I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

Tears stream down your face

And I...

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

She wondered why that song fit so perfectly. She suddenly remembered all of her emotions from the past week all at once, but she wasn't sad. She knew she should move on with her life. She just didn't know how.

"Hey... Laxus?"


"Why that song?"

"It just felt right..."

"Are you... going to fix me?"

There was a long pause, and he answered, "No."

For the second time tonight she felt her heart drop, not really knowing why since tonight had been the first time they'd actually interacted. But for some reason, she felt possessive over the lightning dragon slayer. And knowing he wasn't going to help her... it hurt. Bad.

He then added in his same apathetic tone, "Because you can't fix something that wasn't broken."

Taken aback, she looked up at him incredulously, meeting his eyes. As their eyes stayed locked for several moments, she noticed her heart beating out of control, her mind drawing a blank for everything but the man in front of her. She barely noticed herself leaning into him, nor him leaning into her. But as soon as their lips made contact, she didn't care about anything. Natsu was the farthest thing from her mind, she didn't care about all of the guild staring. All she was thinking is how right that moment felt.

As they broke apart, she suddenly became self-conscious about the stares. Laxus took her hand and made a small jerk of the neck gesture to the door, "Come on, let me walk you home." For the first time since Natsu started dating Lisanna, Lucy felt a genuine smile appear on her face. They left the guildhall and the entire room was left speechless, trying to figure out what just happened.