Hermione sat in the study in her home and was reading the Prophet while absently rubbing her stomach. She was about five months along now and it certainly showed. Narcissa was constantly at the small manor checking in on the mother-to-be. The care and concern the older witch showed was endearing to the Muggle born, if a bit troublesome.

She heard her husband closing the entrance door and answered when he called her name, "I'm in here!"

The blond stepped into the room and smiled at his wife. "What are you reading?" he asked curiously as he approached her and placed a tender kiss on her cheek.

She ran her finger over a line in the Prophet. "They caught the guy who sent that rogue Bludger at Ginny," she told him. "A Thomas Eagleton for the Chudley Cannons. He's been sent to Azkaban and booked for one account of attempted murder, one account of negligent homicide, and two accounts of human endangerment." She glanced up at him. "He's been kicked off the team and blacklisted from Quidditch and anything to do with the sport."

Draco tilted his head slightly to read the paper. "Do they say why he did it?" he asked.

The Muggle born witch snorted. "Does he need a reason? Ginny's the youngest Chaser to ever be hired by the Harpies and bloody good at her job."

"So, she has her job back, then?" he questioned, glancing at his wife.

Hermione wrinkled her nose. "Not exactly? I mean, they offered it to her, sure, but she's pregnant again," the bushy haired witch informed him. "Honestly, I think Ginny's willingly sitting out the next few seasons or so. She doesn't want the same incident to happen twice."

He nodded sagely. "Smart girl," he praised.

She frowned. "She could still beat you," she pointed out.

"I haven't played Quidditch in years, love," he drawled as he sat on the couch next to her. "I wouldn't be surprised if Harry bloody Potter could beat me at this juncture."

She giggled. "Even when you did play, he still beat you," she teased.

His eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah?" Grabbing her by the waist he began tickling her as she struggled to get out of his grasp. But he was stronger and much faster. They laughed as she shrieked and begged him to stop.

Pulling her into his lap, he gazed up into those big, honey orbs that he loved so much. "You are so beautiful," he whispered, reaching up to kiss her gently on the lips.


Much to everyone's surprise, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was born on his father's birthday. While Harry and others teased Draco about it, stating he would have to forever share a birthday with his son, Draco didn't see much problem with that.

"Well, Hermione, looks like you'll never have to buy Draco another birthday present," Theo joked as he had an arm wrapped around Luna.

An exhausted Hermione glanced up at him from her bed and smiled. "Oh, no, Theo," she corrected. "I couldn't possibly go a year without getting him something. I just… don't have to work as hard in choosing from now on."

The dark haired man laughed and gave her a wink. "Make him an amulet to keep away the Nargles," he suggested.

Luna looked at him curiously. "But, Theo, I've already given him one of those," she said.

"Darling, there's a baby in the manor now," he reasoned. "Knowing Draco, he's going to need far more than just one amulet."

"Oi! Speak for yourself, you overgrown weed!" the blond hissed, causing the group to chuckle.

Theo held his hands up in surrender. "Hey, I'm just stating facts, mate," he said.

"No. You're exaggerating facts to impress a girl," Draco corrected. "News flash, you slimy git, you already bloody have her."

That elicited more chuckles and Hermione shook her head. "Honestly, Draco, can you not use such language around the baby?"

"It's not like he won't ever hear it, love," he said. "Besides, he's still a baby."

She glared at him. "Draco Malfoy, if my child's first word is a swear word, I will hex you."


Ginny wasn't particularly keen on spending her birthday at Malfoy Manor, but Hermione had insisted.

"I promise you won't regret it," the Muggle born said as she led Ginny across the grounds.

"Where are we going?" the red head asked for the umpteenth time, but the older witch did not answer.

When they arrived at the stables, Ginny was astounded by the magnificent beasts within. "It never occurred to me how much you may like horses," the bushy haired witch said with a smile. "But given your enthusiasm at the derby, it was very obvious that you were. Nevermind the fact that your Patronus…"

"Is a horse?" Ginny interrupted with a smirk. "Come now, Hermione. You're supposed to be smart."

"Brightest witch," the Muggle born repeated with a shrug. "Sometimes I wonder if I should dye my own hair blond."

The Pureblood giggled. "Oh, no, please don't," she begged. "It's bad enough that both your son and husband are blonds."

"I know, right?" Hermione said with a smirk.

"And what's wrong with being blond?" asked Lucius Malfoy.

The girls turned to see him leaning up against a table covered in brushes. "Absolutely nothing, Father," Hermione assured him. "In fact, I was just telling Ginny how I was thinking of going blond myself."

He frowned. "The colour wouldn't look good on you, my dear," he said with a sniff. "You spend far too much time out in the sun and, if anything, dying your hair is likely to fry it."

"Because my hair isn't bushy enough," she jested.

He lifted a brow. "Indeed," he said as he pushed himself off the table and leaned against his walking stick. "And how are you today, Mrs. Potter?"

"I'm good," she told him with a shrug. "We're having dinner at Grimmauld Place later. I really do wish you could come, but, well…"

He inclined his head. "The invitation has been received, my dear, and I regret that I cannot be there," he said. "However, I am thankful that you agreed to come here to see me on this special day."

"Hermione told me there was something you wished to speak to me about," she replied, looking at him curiously.

He nodded. "Yes, if the two of you will follow me?" he requested.

They agreed and he led them out to a small paddock where a young Granian colt pranced happily around, kicking at a large ball and rearing at it. Both of the girls gasped and cooed at the colt. Realizing he now had an audience, the colt upped his little game, showing off by kicking the ball with his rear legs and throwing dust up in the air. They giggled.

"Where's his mum?" Hermione asked, turning her attention to the wizard.

"He's at that age now where she's starting to push him away," he explained. "So we've started the process of separating them, letting him come here while she flies with the herd. She'll be back eventually to check on him and will bed down with him at night, but for the most part, she allows the handlers to take care of his needs."

"He's beautiful," Ginny sighed. "Will he let us pet him?"

Lucius pressed his lips together. "He might," he replied honestly after a moment. "Why don't you go in and see?"

"Go in?" she asked, looking at the man curiously.

He gave a single nod and waved his hand over the paddock gate. As it sprung to life and opened enough to admit her, the colt stopped prancing and gazed at the trio of human with interest. Eyes wide, Ginny glanced at the wizard once more. He gave her a soft smile and indicated with a sweep of his hand that she should enter the paddock.

A broad smile appeared across Ginny's face and she looked at Hermione one more time before entering the paddock. The little colt stared at her, his little bob of a tail swishing back and forth. "What's his name?" the ginger haired witch asked as she drew her attention to the colt.

Lucius closed the gate behind her and shook his head. "He doesn't have one yet," he told her. "Make sure you let him come to you."

She shot the wizard a "duh" look and turned back to the colt. Lucius simply chuckled as Ginny pretended to be interested in a small patch of grass. The little colt did not like being seemingly ignored and he pranced in a small circle and kicked dust up into the air, but the witch simply bent down and brushed the tips of her fingers along the grass. The colt snorted and pawed at the ground. Prancing over to her, he stomped on the grass she was fondling and trotted away.

"Hey!" she scolded as Hermione and Lucius both chuckled. "You little prat," the ginger continued, though there was no heat in her scorn. "Definitely a Malfoy colt, that much is certain."

Lucius's smile faltered a bit and he glanced at Hermione. She just shrugged. "Well, you can't deny it," she told him with a smirk that would rival his own.

The wizard lifted a brow. "Indeed," was all he said before turning his attention back to the ginger. "There's a pail of treats, Mrs. Potter," he told her, indicating the pail off to his left with a wave of his hand. "Perhaps you can coax him to you."

Ginny glanced up at him and let her eyes follow where he was pointing. She straightened up and walked to the pail, the little colt, out of sheer curiosity, following close behind her. She looked into the pail before reaching inside. At the rattle of the treats against the tin, the colt's ears perked up and his tail started swishing back and forth eagerly.

"Oh, now you want to be my friend?" she asked the colt as she turned her attention to him. It would have been so easy to reach a hand out to pet him, he was so close, but she refrained. Instead, she held a treat out for him.

He took it and bounded away from her, tossing his head in the air and kicking more dust. Ginny giggled as she watched him play with the treat before eating it. "Yup, definitely a Malfoy," she concluded, sharing a look with Hermione.

The Muggle born giggled. "You should see if he'll let you pet him now," she suggested.

Ginny took another treat from the pail and showed it to him. He bounded towards her, stopping when he got close enough. Holding the treat out for him, she reached with her free hand towards his neck. She purred as she took a step towards him, "Oh, there's a sweet lad. It's alright."

His ears swivelled back and forth as he took the treat from her. She managed to touch his neck before he bound away from her again. Sighing, she walked back to the gate and Lucius let her through. She and Hermione leaned against the fence as they watched the colt dance in the sunlight.

"What do you think?" Lucius asked, looking at the ginger.

Ginny gave a wistful smile. "He is a beautiful specimen," she told him.

He nodded. "Of course," he responded with a smile. "His father is one of the best sires in all of Britain at the moment. And his team is currently leading in the derby."

"Comet?" Ginny guessed, not taking her eyes off the colt.

Lucius nodded. "This little lad is old enough to begin training," he told her. "Of course, nothing strenuous until he's a bit older, but I reckon in a few years he'll be ready to join his own team or participate in another sport or whatever his owner would like."

Ginny frowned. "An animal this magnificent deserves to be seen," she commented before looking at Lucius. "Has he been sold?"

He shook his head. "I would never sale him. He's far too valuable."

The Gryffindor raised an eyebrow at that. "Then what do you intend to do with him?"

Lucius met her with an intense gaze. "I would like to give him to you," he told her.

Ginny's eyes widened at that and she quickly looked back at the colt. "You what? But I-I don't have any…"

"He would be well tended to here," he explained. "And you would be welcomed to come see him any time you wanted, day or night. In time, we'll even make sure he's trained for your saddle, whether you wish to ride him for pleasure or sport. Or you can enlist someone else to ride him if you like, or no one can. The choice would be entirely up to you."

Ginny's eyes teared up and she looked at Lucius. "Why?"

The wizard simply smiled. "Consider it a birthday gift, Mrs. Potter, and allow an old man some peace? We'll be around one another for years to come thanks to my son and your best friend. I would like to bury the hatchet and move on. Perhaps even start over again."

Ginny's eyes narrowed at that. "I cannot convince the Ministry to return your wand or shorten your probation."

"Nor would I ask you to," he said. "My newly acquired daughter is already working on that end. No, my dear. This is merely a gift. A form of apology for a grievous wrong I had done that nearly cost your life."

Ginny turned away from him and stared out at the paddock, watching the colt frolic in the sun. Hermione placed her hand over her friend's to offer support as Ginny thought over Lucius's offer. Finally, she said, "Janus."

Lucius looked at her curiously. "Pardon?"

Ginny inclined her head towards the colt. "His name. We should call him Janus, after the Roman god of new beginnings. It's fitting, don't you think?" she asked as she glanced up at the wizard.

Lucius bowed his head with a smile. "Indeed it is, Mrs. Potter."


Draco walked into his father's study to see Lucius sitting in his armchair by the fire. A glass of brandy was in his hand and he stared down at a heap of linen. The younger wizard looked at the bundle curiously as he sat down in the chair opposite his father. For a moment, neither man said anything.

"How is little Scorpius?" the older wizard finally asked, breaking the silence.

Draco glanced up at his father. "He's well. He's starting to babble now and Hermione wagers he'll be talking soon."

The corner of Lucius's lips twitched as he took a sip of his drink. "Speaking of your wife, how is my daughter?" he questioned. His gaze met his son's and he lifted an eyebrow. "You do realize with offspring there is no getting out of the marriage? The two of you are now, effectively, bound for life."

The young man frowned. "Of course," he said. "I wouldn't want it any other way. Honestly, Father, you aren't still on about it, are you? I thought you actually liked Hermione?"

Lucius nodded. "I do," he replied. "However, you can't deny a father's desire to ensure his child's happiness." He waved his free hand at the lump. "I had taken certain measures to ensure that had you wanted an out…"

Draco scoffed. "Yeah? You would. Father, I've already been through this with you. Hermione is the woman I want. Always has been, even when I didn't want to admit it. This blood prejudice…"

"It's not about blood prejudice!" Lucius hissed angrily, interrupting his son. "I am your father, Draco. It is my job to protect you."

"Bang up job you've done there," the younger man snarked. "Instead of protecting me from the supposed evils of 'lesser blood', maybe you should work to protect us from the real evils of the world."

Lucius's eyes narrowed. "And what evils are those?" he asked.

Draco pinched the bridge of his nose. "What about when Scorpius is old enough that Hermione can return to her job at the Ministry? She'll want to fight for Muggle born rights. Maybe even get a Muggle born or two elected onto the Wizengamot. I don't have the same sort of backing that you do. She'll need you."

"Not sure how much good I'll do," Lucius commented, tossing back the rest of his drink. "Most of my colleagues are either old, dead, retired, or rotting in Azkaban. My 'backing', as you like to call it, is all but vanquished."

"You're a Malfoy," Draco drawled. "And you're a politician. You'll make new colleagues and regain the prestige you once had in no time. That doesn't negate the fact that your 'daughter' will need your help if she's to have any hope of making the needed changes in the Ministry."

Lucius sighed. Putting his empty glass on the table next to him, he reached down and picked up one end of the linen. Producing a knife from his robes, he stabbed the cloth and ripped a whole in it.

Draco frowned as he watched his father tear apart the thick material. "Is that the duvet from our holiday home in France?" he asked.

Lucius threw a piece of it into the fire. "It is," he answered.

The younger wizard blinked. "Why in Salazar's name are you ripping it up?" he asked as he watched his father throw another piece into the flames.

"Because it's useless," Lucius replied, "and there's a stain on it. You know how your mother feels about stains."

Draco's frown deepened. "So, get a house elf to take the stain out. You don't need to…"

Lucius held up the duvet to show his son the stain. Draco's eyes widened when he realized exactly where the duvet came from. "My wedding night," he breathed. "You went into our bedroom and…"

"Don't be absurd! You think I would go into my son's room while he's in the process of consummating his marriage?" Lucius made a face of disgust as he tossed another piece into the flames. "I had someone else do it."

"That doesn't make it better," Draco said, feeling the anger wash over him.

Lucius continued cutting up the cloth until all that was left was the spot of blood. "It is a tradition," he explained, "going back for generations. The father of the groom takes the proof of the consummation and offers it to the family tree."

With that Lucius stood and limped over to the large wall mural of their tree. "If the father has any misgivings of the marriage, he can hold onto it until such a time as when the married couple either has a child or decides they no longer wish to be married."

He pressed the bloody cloth against the wall, swiping it over Draco's name. "It is the only way a Malfoy can get out of a marriage," he told his son as a new name and picture appeared beside Draco's. He looked at his boy. "Forgive me, Son. I only did it because it was expected of me."

Draco stood up and walked to the tree, staring at it in awe. "So, this is it, then?" he asked. "Does this make it completely official that Hermione is a Malfoy?"

Lucius looked at his son. In his eyes, the man was still a boy gazing up in wonder at their family tree. The spark of innocence was gone now, however, forcefully taken by war and a father's insistence on prejudice and perfection. Draco had changed so much, but Lucius was contented with the idea that he would be taken care of. His precious little boy had found love, happiness, and passion.

"Yes," the older wizard said finally. "Hermione is a Malfoy forever and always."

A smile played on Draco's face as he gazed up at the mural. The cloth had stayed attached to the wall when Lucius had withdrew his hand and the young man, fascinated, watched as the wall seemed to soak up the cloth. As the cloth shrunk in size, Hermione's picture became clearer. The spot glowed red and grew brighter until a green flash washed across the entire mural. Draco blinked out the spots in his eyes and smirked. The cloth was gone, absorbed into the mural.

The young wizard felt his heart soar. "I'll have to show Hermione," he told his father.

The mural then shimmered blue and another name appeared on it, just below the young couple's. Scorpius Hyperion.

"He'll be better than either of us ever were," Lucius predicted, staring at the name and picture of his grandson.

Draco nodded slowly and unconsciously rubbed his left arm. "Isn't that why we have children? The future and hope and all the rubbish?" he asked.

Lucius placed a hand on his son's shoulder and turned him around. "Yes," he answered, looking into his son's eyes. "All of that and more." He lifted his hand hesitantly and placed it timidly on the younger wizard's cheek. "You are my hope for the future, Son. You've always been. That's why I…" He pulled his hand away and balled it into a fist, dropping it to his side. He looked back at the mural. "All I ever wanted was a better life for you. For you to be a better man than I ever could. And you've done that." He glanced at his son again. "I'm proud of you, Son."

Those small words were all Draco had ever wanted to hear.

Author's Note: Yeah. I had to add this epilogue. I really hope you've enjoyed this journey as much as I have. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think.

Honoria Granger: But... she did tell Draco and everyone that she was pregnant? ;)

SereniteRose: I have started a new story called The Dare. It's a bit smuttier than this one and a little... well, it's my story, so it promises to be a fun ride.

Chester99: I honestly don't think Hermione would ever be able to grow as an individual with Ron around her. Especially if she tried to be apart from him. He's too clingy. (There are soooo many reasons why I don't like that cannon pairing.)

AnnaCelestine: It is a bit irritating, but necessary, I think. I could easily write more on this story and may even do so at a later date. Who knows? (I'm sure Narcissa is just thrilled by how Slytherin her son is. .)

Doll482223 and SusanMarieS: Thank you both for your lovely comments. I'm glad you enjoyed my story.

Don't forget to check out The Dare, if you're interested guys. I will warn you, though, it's not for everyone as it gets a bit... dark. Also, look me up on Pinterest. Name's tassanab there.