'My dear Beatrice,

I'm sorry to be telling you in this way. I have decided to join the army in the war. I just couldn't sit back and do nothing while soldiers die in another country. I hope you forgive me for not being able to tell you in person. I don't think I could have left if I had. I promise to write when I can. You will be in my mind until I return.

Love, Tobias'

My grey-blue eyes scan the sheet of paper. Tears spring to my eyes at the first sentence. How could he leave? I set the letter down on my desk. My eyes turn to a picture that rests on the corner. It's of us. It was when I was 13 and he was 15. We stand outside, me wearing a nice dress while he's in his church clothes. He's behind me, arms wrapped around my waist with a huge smile on his face. Now I'm 16 and he's 18. It was such a long time ago.

A knock sounds on my door. I turn to see my brother, Caleb, poking his head in. His expression is neutral as he looks me over.

"You ok?" It's then that I burst into tears. He rushes to my side and pulls me into a tight hug. I grab his shirt, crying into his shoulder. He rubs my back as I sob.

"H-he l-left!" I cry.

"Sh...He'll be fine Bea. I'm sure he went for a reason." I sniffle quietly. "Now come on, let's go eat something." With a slight nod, he leads me down stairs for dinner. My parents constantly throw me concerned looks as I stare at my untouched food. I don't feel like eating. All I can think about is Tobias.

'It feels like years since I've seen you even though it's only been a month. That's what they say at least. I've lost all sense of time here. Though being away from you upsets me, I have met someone. His name is Zeke and we seem to be good friends already. It helps me deal with the loneliness from being this far from you.

The war is doing well. I believe we have an upper hand in it. It surprises me how war is far worse than we think. It's worse than you can imagine. I've seen things I don't think I'll ever forget.

I miss you more and more every day. I long for the days you and me would go to the chasm and watch the water. I remember our first kiss there. You were so beautiful in that dress you had made. It's what keeps me going now. I can't wait for when I come back.

Love, Tobias'

He sends a letter about every week. It's my favorite day. Every time, i get so excited. I constantly check the mail box for another, but sadly it's only once a week. It helps me cope. I take each letter he sends and hand them on the wall behind my desk where I can easily see them. I've probably read each a million times.

Most days I just sit in my room, looking through old pictures of us. It's sort of like I'm in a slump. It's only on the days I get the letters that I really smile. Others I just give a painful grin that never reaches my eyes. It's mostly just an act so they don't worry about me. Truthfully, it feels like a part of my heart is missing. I never really realized, but I think I love Tobias. We were always stuck together like glue, I never realized how deep my feelings went though. Now I know though. I love Tobias Eaton.

'I am unsure when I will be sending my next letter. Things are tough here. I'm not sure I have enough paper to write many more. I hope a new shipment of supplies will come in soon. If not, don't worry if the letters stop coming. I'm fine, but I feel like half my heart is still back home with you. I miss you more than you know.

Love, Tobias'

As the letter says, I don't get another letter for the next few weeks. I can't help but worry even though he says not to. Can you blame me? I wish he was here.

Mom has put me to work these days. She thinks it will distract me from Tobias. I sew, I knit, I iron, I cook, I bake, I do most chores. I like to just sit in my room and sew though. I've made about six new dresses in the 6 months Tobias has been gone. It keeps me busy. They're pretty good too. I've also started knitting a scarf to give to him when he returns. It's a dark blue, just like his eyes.

'We are sad to report that _Tobias_Eaton_ has been injured in battle. He is to be sent home as soon as possible. Doctors recommend to refrain from talking about the injury. He may seem distant, or he may not. They do not know how he will act. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a possibility. He is to arrive in a few days.'

I stare blankly at the paper. He's hurt. Tobias is hurt.

A single tear trails down my cheek. I gently put the letter down on the wood of my desk. I bite my lip, trying to keep from letting more tears leak out. At least he's coming back home. I'll be able to see him.

I hope he's not terribly hurt. Why couldn't they have told us exactly how he's hurt? What if it's something terrible? I couldn't stand the idea of him being terribly hurt. He's always been so sporty and energetic. Will he act different? I hope he doesn't shut me out. He sounded fine in the letter but you never know.

I slip into bed. I'll know the answers when he comes back.