Hey sorry guys for being missing for a while, I got a bit distracted by other things such as school. But now I'm back, so please enjoy.

Chapter 14

Weiss POV:

I can't believe my luck. It seems whenever I go on a school assignment I get stuck with someone I can't stand. First it's Ruby and her childish ways at initiation, now Echo and his cocky attitude. As we walked through the forest, Echo kept twirling his spear around, full of confidence. He kept bragging on how he saved me. "You should be thanking me is all I'm saying."

I was beyond angry at that point. "You have to be kidding me! I had it with you. I could have take taken it by myself. I don't need you to save me."

Echo put his hands up slightly as a sign of surrender, I would have believed it if it weren't for that smirk on his face. "Ok sorry, sorry," he said while still having that stupid grin. "I'm sure you could have handled it by yourself. Sorry for trying."

"You're irritating, you know that right."

""Yeah I know, I get that a lot from my ex girlfriends." He told me.

"I find it hard to believe that you ever had a girlfriend," I replied, "although it's easy to find out why she would break up with you."

"Oh nice come back, impressive," he said with a chuckle. He is just so frustrating, uuggh. "But for your knowledge I broke up with them."

I gave him a look of disgust and we continued to walk. He tried multiple times to get me to talk, but I just ignored him. However despite my best efforts, I felt my temper rise slowly. I was slowly beginning to miss Ruby. Heck, I'd even take Zander over him. Not that Zander was a bad person. I wondered who he ended up with and how he was doing. Hopefully better then me. How I miss him. Wait, what am I thinking. I shook my head, trying to clear my head of Zander. Unfortunately, Echo saw me shaking my head and got amused. "So I see that someone is thinking of a certain person. Yeah I get that reaction a lot."

Tired of Echo, I turned to my right and pushed him into the nearest tree to his right a few feet away. "Now look here. What I do is my business and my business alone. I don't want your opinion on anything. For the rest of this assignment, how about we just ignore each other, understood."

"Ok jeez, I was only kidding. Besides you've been basically ignoring me the whole time." He said, still with his signature smirk.

"Good, then at least one of us understands." I told him before walking off. And for the next two hours it was bliss. He finally shut up. Although it was starting to feel a bit weird with all this silence. And Echo was really playing the ignoring me part. Every time I asked for a break he'd just continue to walk, forcing me to keep walking. Eventually though the sun began to set, and we still hadn't set up a place to camp. "Echo. Echo." He still ignored me. "Echo!"

He turned my head in my direction. Finally. "Oh there you are. Sorry were you calling me." I groaned at his childish antics. He was making Ruby look mature.

"Yes," I said, emphasizing the s. "I wanted to know where we should set up camp."

"Here," he said.


"Yeah sure why not." And so we set up camp. It took an hour for us to set up my tent. Guess you can say I'm not one for camping . "Great, so we're sharing right?" He said with a grin. I replied by throwing a rock at him. "Ouch!"

By the time we set up Echo's tent and started a fire, the sun had set and night came out. I was really starting to miss Zander. Wait, why am I missing him. Maybe Yang was right. No! I'm just stress that's all. I got into my tent and went to sleep. It was a long day. Unfortunately as I tried to go to sleep my mind kept wandering back to Zander, much to my frustration. After what felt like an eternity, I've finally managed to fall asleep.