This world is a strange one.
Everything you choose to believe doesn't matter.
Everything you've thought dreams were is only an illusion.
Everything you hold sacred and dear will destroy you.
Lately, I've been thinking like this. Been questioning what isn't supposed to be questioned and looked at the world with bitter hate.
I hide it from the person I love but…
But then I start to wonder when I would stop caring about such things.
My memories are choking me. Killing me. Taking me into a darkness that, surprisingly enough, I am not afraid of.
I thought I could control them. I thought I was strong enough to hold them back.
I was ignorant.
Death seemed like an easy welcome.
I often wonder to myself; why me? Why was I chosen for this life? Why would my parents leave me like this? Without telling me who I am or what I am.
"Stop! Halt!"
Why is fate so cruel to those who done nothing wrong?
Ritsu yelped as someone bumped into him, halting his odd thoughts. He was completely unprepared for as he fell face first onto the cold cobble stone road.
Ritsu groaned. What happened? He lifted his head up to see a crowd of people staring at him in concern. Ritsu smiled at them in reassurance as he tried to get up but something, or someone, was on his legs.
Ritsu looked behind him to see a figure in a long black designer cape on their hands and knees; the head was downcast to the ground so he couldn't see their face since the hood covered everything. This brought a sense of Déjà vu to when he first met his love.
Ritsu twisted his body around so that he was sitting on the ground facing the person. Was this a woman perhaps? The person before him was small in figure and their hands, which were the only skin he could see under the large cape, were pale and delicate. She wore dark blue jeans, black boots, and he thought he saw a hint of blond hair under the hood.
In English Ritsu asked with hesitation. "Um…Are you alright?" What was this woman doing with a cloak like that in the middle of the day? It made her look suspicious.
Though, he shouldn't judge her on that score since he was dressed almost the same way. He wore his long green sweater and black jeans with brown boots, he had his hoodie on so he wasn't recognized by the media.
Ritsu smiled sheepishly at the woman and held out a hand to help her up.
The woman tensed her body in fright. She looked like she was trying to stand on her own but was too weak.
People around them started to gossip. He heard bits of pieces of 'what's going on?', 'who is that person?' and 'what's up with that woman?' Ritsu looked around to see people starting to surround them. They were curious, Humans were always curious.
He was currently in London walking around the streets aimlessly before the woman bumped into him. He was next to The Elizabeth Tower, which was next to the Big Ben. He had hoped to clear his mind with the fresh air but that didn't help much.
"Stop fiend!"
Ritsu looked over the woman's head to see people were being thrust aside as men ran in their direction. They looked to be policemen. Ritsu frowned. Were they chasing this woman? Why? What has she done?
Ritsu could sense the woman's fear; she leaned back slowly into a sitting position, her shaking hands cupping her stomach.
Ritsu's eyes widened at the slight bump. She was pregnant!?
The men were almost upon them and Ritsu had to quickly choose; help the woman or let the men take her away to God knows were.
Ritsu cursed, he couldn't let them take her. He didn't know why but his instincts screamed at him to save her, as if she were innocent of any crimes these men accuse her of.
Decision made, Ritsu carefully picked up the woman bridal style and ran in the other direction.
The woman didn't say anything, she simply held on to Ritsu tightly, putting all her trust in him. She curled in his arms in order to protect her stomach as much as possible which was smart since there were so much people gathered around the street. He could accidently trip and fall.
Ritsu concentrated on where he could hide her until whoever it was that was looking for her was gone. Luckily he knew London pretty well since he often came here to visit his Grandfather. He knew there was an ally just around the corner at the end of The Elizabeth Tower building. That was his only chance since there was no there other hiding places within fifty feet of this area.
Ritsu tuned the corner and ran as fast as he could. His hands were shaking a bit since he never done anything like this in his whole life. Usually he minded his own business in matters like these but something about this woman was different. He didn't really understand it himself. He just had the strongest urge to protect her.
He tuned his head back just before he entered the ally to see if the men spotted them yet. Thankfully luck was on their side as the men barely turned the corner. They might be safe for a few seconds but the rest of London was open so he had to think fast if he wanted to lose the men.
He put the woman down and tried to grab her cloak but she shrieked back in fear.
Ritsu instantly put his hand up in the air to show her that he meant no harm. "Ah, no. I won't hurt you." Ritsu tried to reassure her with a smile. "I just thought of an idea."
The woman didn't move as she took in his words. He understood her predicament, who would trust a stranger?
"Where? What do you mean you lost…?"
Both of them froze when they heard the voices coming toward them.
The woman quickly nodded her head, giving Ritsu permission to do what he wished. Ritsu reached up and took the hood off. What lay underneath the cloth stunned Ritsu speechless.
Eyes as blue as a shining Diamonds seemed to pierce his very soul, she had short blond hair, sharp cheek bones, and rosy lips.
Ritsu blinked in amazement. She was beyond beautiful. An Angel even.
The woman cocked an eyebrow, snapping Ritsu back to reality. "Ah, sorry." He took the cloak and hid it in the darkest corner of the ally. He then took off his own green jacket and wrapped it around her.
"Wrap your arms around me." Ritsu whispered.
The woman's eyes widened.
Ritsu couldn't stop the blush appearing on his cheeks. "T-that's not what I mean!"
Both of them tensed as the voices were right on top of them.
The woman wrapped her arms around his neck, Ritsu leaned down. "Cock your head so it looks like were kissing." Ritsu whispered.
The woman nodded and did just that.
A few seconds later…
Ritsu couldn't help but tense roughly. He was about to step back to look at the man out of habit but the woman brought him closer, their bodies pressed against each other. Ritsu's blush intensified.
He heard a crude grunt from the man behind him. "Get a damn room! Damn Americans." He muttered the last.
Both didn't move a muscle until the man was long gone.
Ritsu sagged in relief. "That was close."
The woman merely nodded.
Ritsu turned to where the man stood a few seconds ago and wondered out loud, "Why were they chasing you?"
"…You don't have to worry about that…In fact….you won't remember a thing after this..."
Ritsu turned to the woman with confusion. This voice…it didn't belong to the woman-
The woman grabbed his collar with surprising strength and pulled him down toward her.
Ritsu saw a flash of fangs before the woman dug them in to his neck.
And started sucking out his blood.
Most of you guys already guessed what this is XD
Sequel to My Vampire!
Now for the big question: I was planning on making this an M-preg…XD It won't be like any other M-preg I'll try to make this as realistic as I can. I know most people don't like M-preg but hear me out!
There's this one Manga called Jappa no Amane. I want it similar but a bit different. I'm still trying to think about the details. So please give it a chance. (I'm asking cause I want to see Shou kill Takano XD lmao!) Basically I'm going to make Ritsu's gift a curse. :DDDDDD
So what do you think? If yes (YAY!) If not (AWWWW) don't worry I'm already planning on making a separate story of M-preg but it won't be supernatural.
So yeah…
Oh and I'm stuck on finals…that's why I haven't been updating…sorry ;.; Damn school!
Hoped you enjoyed! Tell me what you think! Much love!