Heeyy :)
This chapter is pretty short but the length will increase in time. R&R please :)

"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere." – Tim McGraw

Caroline stared at the marble gravestone and tried to sort out her feelings. While she was never more certain about any decision in her life she still felt like something was missing. And she knew what – or better – who that something was. She didn't turn around when she heard steps approaching her. It was Elena. Caroline could smell the bouquet of pink carnations that her friend carried with her. "Hey" Elena positioned herself next to Caroline and placed the flowers on the grave. "You know, she would have loved this" Elena whispered. Caroline nodded. Of course the idea of travelling the world, seeing ancient cities and beautiful nature, meeting various people and cultures would've been Bonnie's dream. She always talked about finishing college and then start a trip around the globe. But life wasn't fair and their friend never got the chance to see the things she wished for.

After the whole mess with the Other Side was fixed over ten years ago and Bonnie and Damon escaped the oblivion and came back to the land of the living, everything seemed to work out finally. There was no major villain coming after them, Elena was beyond happy to get Damon back, Caroline and Stefan's friendship blossomed into love and Bonnie returned in Jeremy's arms. But as time passed by things changed. Although Caroline knew that Stefan loved her she could never shake the feeling that she was just his second choice. And while she felt happy and content with him it was as if something was missing. The special something that makes someone your special someone. Five years after the events with the Travellers they both decided to call it quits and Stefan left Mystic Falls for good. And even though she missed him like crazy she didn't try to contact him. Damon and Elena were fine for a while but as of recently something was off in their relationship. And neither of them could tell what it was and they thought it was time for a break. That's why Elena agreed to accompany Caroline on her trip.

And then there's Bonnie. After she returned from the dead for the second time Bonnie changed. She was quieter and lacked her usual spirited self. It took them a while to realize that it was the coming-back-to-life that was bothering her. Although being human at that time she was a witch at heart. And it just wasn't right for her to escape death twice so she lost all her enthusiasm and willpower. When Mystic Falls was confronted with yet another supernatural force that tried to destroy the vampires once and for all Bonnie, being her caring and brave self sacrificed herself and saved the lives of her friends like many times before. Devastated, the gang tried everything to bring her back to life but realized after a while that Bonnie finally found her peace and let her go.

And still, seven years later her death didn't hurt any less. Caroline had a lump in her throat and blinked away her tears. If Bonnie was watching them right now she would shake her head, smile and tell them to get moving. Despite her sadness Caroline smiled and turned to Elena, who had a tear running down her cheek. She took her hand and said "Let's go". Elena wiped her tears away and nodded.
It was time to leave Mystic Falls.