A/N: THANK YOU FOR YOUR REVIEWS! ;u; will there be plot in the next chapter? hurhurhur~ i hope you guys will continue to enjoy the ridiculous story anyway

In another life, Akashi Seijuro would've been a dictator. But no, it's now 20XX, and he's merely the CEO of a company—not far off, but not a big deal either.

"So the great CEO has a thing for his boyfriend cosplaying?"


Mayuzumi cocks his brow. He makes this roundabout gesture to indicate the wriggling Kuroko Tetsuya on the redhead's lap, and throws the folder on the table. "Okay. So I'm just going to assume that I have to pretend I've never seen this?"

"Considering that you can see him, that's impressive enough on its own," Akashi says, light-hearted, and is that a trace of relief in his eyes? Mayuzumi doesn't even know anymore. What's that supposed to mean anyway? "You've confirmed one of my hypotheses, Chihiro. This isn't the same Kuroko Tetsuya that we fought against during our finals in Winter Cup. And I know this for a fact, because Tetsuya will not do something as disgraceful as this."

Then the thing pouts, childlike. It's not supposed to look cute, but to Mayuzumi, it's like watching a real life moe anime. He could almost see the little throbbing anime veins drawn on the shadow's forehead if it were the case.

"That's mean, Seijuro."

Oh, so they're on that point of the relationship where they go by their first-name basis now?

"You are not Tetsuya, therefore I will not spare you my pity."

Mayuzumi doesn't know whether he should gather his thoughts from a scratch or just go along with their lovers' quarrel. The fact that Kuroko's dressed up in too-tight corset with the ribbons crisscrossed behind his back, and protruding animated bat wings inspired 1001 kinky questions inside Mayuzumi's head, but Akashi's incriminating glare says that if he dares to ask about this, then he'll be demoted to the next janitor guy cleaning the company.

The next best thing to do?

Feigning ignorance.

"I'm just going to go back to my table," he says, shuffling backwards. Grey eyes meet bright blue, the Kuroko that isn't Kuroko is staring at him coquettishly, and then he licks his lips. Oh boy. Mayuzumi doesn't swing that way and this isn't going to be the next Boku no Pico, with how jailbait-looking Kuroko's becoming. "So, uh, Akashi, if you're done looking through the report, hit me up after you're done sorting this out."

Now here's where Mayuzumi probably should've prayed harder to all the shrine gods Japan had to offer. Twenty-five years of his life was wasted on half-assed prayers during the exam period and New Year's Eve, all asking for good grades and enough money to get more anime merchandise (Love Live is his biggest shame, he admits), and he sorely regrets missing out on this year's prayer session. Curse him and his tendency to stay up on the Nico Nico Douga site to watch Utaite idols performing live. Maybe this is divine retribution after all.

"Chihiro," Akashi begins, smoothening out his hands on the table, where Kuroko wriggles a bit more to let his own hand wrap around the redhead's wrist. "Are you familiar with the concept of an incubus?"

"Um." His throat is dry. He's pretty sure his hands are drawing up some weird stuffs in the air again. "If you mean those sexual creatures, then yeah. Succubus go for guys, incubus go for girls." Mayuzumi pauses. His eyes flicker to Kuroko's chest for… confirmation purposes. "You should probably check up on it if you want to get your roleplaying correct."

There's a hard line edging Akashi's voice. His jaw is tight and his smile is too broad to be normal. "You still believe that this is the original Kuroko Tetsuya?"

What's he expected to believe when the thing is sitting right there, smack dab on his boss' lap? At this point, Mayuzumi's inclined to believe that his whole life is probably a seinen manga with his boss as the protagonist of the pages, and Mayuzumi's one of his unimportant faceless workers. Probably the unlucky lackey who got suckered into working together with his notoriously tyrannical ex-captain of Rakuzan's basketball, judging from how his life has been going on. But wait, isn't this his manga to begin with?

So why's he reduced to some side character?

... he certainly hopes he isn't going to be killed off in the future, God no.

The pale-haired boys always get tragic endings, no matter which anime he looked at.

"I'd probably call the real Kuroko Tetsuya, if I were you," Mayuzumi dryly comments, trying to get morbid thoughts of being speared by the incubus' pointy tail if his future as a heroic sacrifice is true. "Want me to grab hold of him?"

A nod of approval from Akashi is all he needs to bolt right out of that door.