Eric's eyes shone in the dank surroundings.

"My my, little vamp Compton is far from home." He murmured seductively, taking his time running his eyes up and down her curvy frame. Jessica refused to be coddled, she dropped her crossed arms and let her lip out from where she had been chewing it.

"So what? I wanted to come, so here I am." She challenged, throwing her thick hair over her shoulders and looking him straight in the eye.

"So you are. And what is it you want with me?" Eric asked, his eyes narrowing and his Nordic twang becoming more pronounced. She would never admit to anyone that she put on the whole teen-vamp, annoying shit act just to piss off Eric but she really did, he was so sexy when he was pissed off. She smiled inwardly as she walked closer to him.

"Well, I need your help see…" She whispered, looking at him through her full lashes and grinning just enough so he could see her extended fangs.

"Oh really?" He intoned, but she could see the interest in his eyes and his own fangs slid out partially in response.
"Mmmhmm. Because, well, my lovely maker Bill. He doesn't do his job… I have been a very, very bad girl. I killed three lovely young boys yesterday, drained them dead and laughed as their blood ran over my chin and down my body." She cooed to him, beginning to walk in slow circles around him and running her fingers along his broad shoulders as she told her tale.

"I hardly see what he has done wrong." Eric grunted through gritted teeth, she was getting to him, she thought with glee.

"Well, we ain't suppose to kill no one anymore, that's the rules. What with True Blood and all… But see, Bill didn't get angry, he didn't punish me like he should." She leaned in, smelling his cool skin and pressing a small kiss to his jugular.

"He should have spanked me, I was a naughty girl." She said right into his ear. His muscles tensed against her body and she felt elated with triumph as Eric moaned from the very depths of his throat and threw her over his shoulder to carry into the dim safe house he was using. The bed was small but firm, he sat on the very edge, laying her over his knees and lifting up the folds of her soft, white skirt. She squirmed against his knees as the blows came raining down one after the other, smack, smack against her ass. She was wet against his legs and screamed with pleasure as he hit ever harder and even bit the dip where her ass met her thighs. A pair of handcuffs appeared from nowhere and she couldn't control her lusty moans as Eric chained her to the bed post. She now stood, ass to the room, her face resting against the head board and her arms pulled taught on the cuffs. Eric thrust into her whilst simultaneously ripping her head back by her hair. She screamed louder than ever as he pounded into her with such force she thought she must break. He bit all across her back and arms and yelled her name as he finished.

They both lay, sated, on the small bed. Jessica didn't know if they had fucked for minutes or hours but it had been amazing.

"I hope Bill never punishes you." Eric smirked. She laughed and placed her head on his pale chest.

"He'll never punish me like that."