Do you think you could tear your eyes away from the new guy long enough to write some kind of notes for this meeting?
Felicity allowed herself a small smirk as she read her text message from Oliver, loving that she could send and receive messages from her iPad and not have to hide her phone under her desk like a high-school girl.
Why, Mr Queen, is that a hint of jealousy I detect in your tone?
She looked up just in time to see Oliver's roll his eyes slightly, before he quickly looked around the room in the hope that his colleagues and other professionals at the meeting (what was this meeting about again?) had not noticed his rather immature display.
Now who's not paying attention? Xx
Adding kisses to the end of your messages does not make them any nicer.
I disagree. Xx. Xxxxxx.
Oliver Queen was many things. The CEO of a company; a misunderstood brother; a former reckless party-boy; a super-hero in disguise, but one word he would never use to describe himself was jealous. Especially over another guy. He was the Arrow, for God's sake, why would he be jealous of another guy? Unless he was jealous of not being able to lead a normal life, but he was fairly certain that was not what Felicity was implying.
Anyway, what do I have to be jealous about, exactly?
Oh, Oliver, you don't have to worry. Even his Superman good looks have nothing on you.
Damn straight.
Felicity giggled, her eyes widening as she caught the attention of some people in the room. "Sorry," she whispered, glaring playfully at Oliver as he grinned at her across the table. Assuming this was the end of their texting session, Felicity returned to writing brief notes regarding the meeting, as she assumed Oliver was not using his somewhat negligent attention skills to his best ability.
Felicity …
She sighed, looking away from her iPad to see Oliver swinging gently from side to side on his chair.
Oliver! Stop messing around, we're supposed to look professional!
I'm pretty sure you like me better when I'm being unprofessional. I'm fairly certain what we did on my desk last night was not professional at all …
Felicity breathed in and out deeply, attempting to will her skin to return to its normal porcelain rather than its current shade of crimson.
That was outside of work hours, damn it!
We could start doing it during work hours too …
Pretty sure I could persuade you.
Pretty sure I could kick you in a place guy's don't generally like to be kicked.
I love it when you talk dirty to me.
She received only the slightest satisfaction from seeing Oliver's eyes crinkle, his hand over his mouth as he tried to keep his laughter hidden.
For someone so good at hiding secrets you don't seem like you're doing so well over there.
I guess my enemies just don't entertain me the way you do.
I should certainly hope not. Although …
Oh come on, it doesn't count if I didn't know they were the bad guys …
Just try to keep it in your pants.
You sure?
Felicity glared.
Oliver smirked.
Let's get out of here.
What? The meeting isn't finished.
It's taking too long. We can make up an excuse. Or pull the fire alarm or something …
Oliver could think of a number of activities that would be a better use of his time than this. And each one of them involved Felicity.
You wanna know what I think?
I feel quite safe in assuming that I don't …
I think you're feeling a bit threatened …
Felicity …
He's keeping it under control, but she swears she can hear him growl.
I don't feel threatened. I beat up murderers and crazy mirakuru killers. I certainly don't feel threatened by some pretty boy talking about some science computer crap.
Science computer crap? I'm gonna let that slide since I know you're upset …
I'm not upset!
Felicity smiled sweetly.
You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Felicity's smile widened.
I don't like him.
Because he keeps looking at you and I don't like it.
I think he keeps looking at US because we're giggling like a high-school couple.
Good. As long as he knows we're a couple.
You're not gonna try to mark your territory or anything are you?
I didn't know you were into that kinda thing …
Eww! You know what I mean. We don't need to make enemies at work just because you find it hard to play nice.
I think I put enough energy into playing nice with you.
Umm I'm adorable and endearing. It can't require that much effort.
And hot. And smart. And totally spending the night with me …
Well, where else would I be?
Damn straight.
Ray and I will see you at 7.
Felicity …
Joke, babe. It was a joke.
Not funny.
Yeah … I dunno why it seemed to be at the time. I love you?
Did that need a question mark?
Depends on whether you forgive me. I do love you though.
I love you too. Thank God this meeting's almost over.
Crap! I've barely written any notes.
Worst employee ever.
Best girlfriend though.
Oliver smiled.