Chapter Thirteen

"Mildred!" Constance exclaimed, rushing into the clearing. She quickly cast a spell to try to block Hecate from draining Mildred's magic, but Hecate was quick to react. She stopped draining magic from Mildred, and sent a blast of Magic at Constance, who staggered, her spell broken.

Constance helped Mildred up. How her daughter hadn't passed out like she had herself, Constance didn't know.

"Take my magic," said Constance. "Just don't hurt Mildred!"

"No!" Mildred shouted. "You've suffered enough!"

Hecate grinned menacingly again. "How about I make it easy and take both your magical power? I already have some from both of you, after all." She reached under her collar, and pulled out a small vial attached to a fine gold chain. The vial contained a cloudy grey potion which seemed to be swirling around inside.

"Now, to finish what I've started," said Hecate, as she started casting again, this time drawing both Mildred and Constance's power. Constance attempted to block Hecate's spell, but she struggled, and Mildred saw this. She tried to cast her shield, but it wouldn't come. Maybe she had to put herself in front of Constance again? Mildred moved to do just that, and felt Constance grasp her hand to pull her out of the way- and suddenly, she felt their connection strengthen.

Mildred, what are you doing?! It was Constance, but she hadn't spoken out loud.

I can hear your thoughts! Mildred realised, looking at Constance in disbelief.

Don't draw attention to yourself! Constance replied, But keep holding my hand, I'm going to try something. Mildred felt Constance's grip tighten around her hand, and squeezed Constance's hand in return. She felt her mother's magic connect to her own, as Constance began to draw on Mildred's magic. A familiar, glittering shield appeared from Constance's other hand, as Hecate stared in disbelief, her spell no longer effective. Mildred noticed the vial still visible around Hecate's neck.

We need to get that vial, Mildred thought, and Constance nodded in agreement. They agreed on a plan, and let each other's hands go. Constance dropped the shield, and quickly hit Hecate's vial with a spark of magic. The vial smashed, releasing a stream of magic, which flew back to Constance and Mildred.

"Mildred, NOW!" Constance yelled.

Mildred quickly recited the words to a spell in her mind, aiming it toward Broomhead...

Amelia rushed into the clearing, followed by Maud, Enid, Ruby and Jadu. They saw no sign of Hecate Broomhead, just Mildred and Constance collecting something of the ground. As they stood, they saw their friends and Headmistress hurrying towards them.

"Mildred! Constance! Thank goodness you're all right!" exclaimed Amelia.

"But where's Mistress Broomhead?"

Mildred just smiled, and opened her hands to reveal a snail. "She's right here."

The Snail-Hecate attempted to make a dash for it, at least as much a snail could, and Mildred wrapped her hand around the creature. "Has anyone got a container to put her in?"

"Will this be sufficient?" Constance asked, as she conjured a jar from mid-air. Mildred placed the snail inside, and Constance cast a containment spell on the jar, to ensure that Hecate couldn't escape.

"What actually happened?" Amelia asked. "How did Mistress Broomhead end up as a snail?"

"Mildred was responsible for that," Constance said, looking proud of her daughter. Enid, Maud, Ruby and Jadu started begging to hear what had happened.

"You can hear the full story later," Constance said. "Right now, it's time we got back to the Academy before it gets dark. Amelia, you go ahead with Enid, Maud, Ruby and Jadu, and Mildred and I will follow. We have some things to discuss first."

When the others were out of earshot, Constance turned to Mildred.

"Mildred, what on earth possessed you to go to Broomhead, to just hand yourself over like that? You can't imagine how much you frightened me."

"I thought... what the letter said... that she'd leave you alone..."

Constance sighed. "Mildred, Broomhead knew I would come after you; she fully intended to get both of us. You should have come and told me right away when you received the letter."

"You've been through enough... you have nightmares because of what she did to you..."

"Mildred, what did I tell you I was most scared of?"

Mildred's eyes opened wide and her expression turned to shock as she remembered. "You were scared for me! Oh no! I'm so sorry..."

"I'm just glad you're safe, Mildred." Constance smiled. "Just don't do anything that ridiculously foolish ever again." She pulled Mildred into a hug, and Mildred wrapped her arms around Constance in return.

Back at the Academy, Miss Cackle took the jar containing snail-Hecate and went to contact the Witches' Guild, while Mildred and Constance had dinner in Constance's office, and discussed what had happened, which led to the topic of their powers.

"Did you know that we could hear each other's thoughts? Or that we could share our magic like that?" Mildred asked.

"I had heard of such things," said Constance. "But I didn't know if it would work, as I've never done it before. But what I did know was that you could turn Hecate into a snail, because you've done it before."

"Agatha Cackle and her cronies." Mildred smiled, remembering her first Halloween at Cackle's. "But... why couldn't I use my power when I tried to?"

"It will take time and practice to use your full abilities. That is why we will continue our lessons," Constance replied. "Mildred, the more power you have, the harder it is to control, and you had no magical training, or even knowledge, until you started at Cackle's. You haven't been properly trained to use your power- and that's why you struggle to handle it, and why your spells are somewhat... erratic."

"Not to mention that I'm clumsy and have difficulty concentrating."

"However," Constance continued, "I think you will find things easier from now on. A close bond between blood related Astral Witches strengthens our power and unlocks our full abilities, including being able to sense each other. When you ran in front of me, and saved me from Hecate, that's when our bond formed, I'm sure of it."

"When did you form your bond with your mother?" Mildred asked.

"My mother chose to home school me, so she could teach me to properly use and control my power. This also allowed me to develop a close bond with her from an early age." Constance smiled. "My father worked long hours to allow that to happen."

"So he does love you?" Mildred asked. "I really don't understand him..."

"I know what you mean," Constance said. "He was always like that, it's his personality. He's always been strict, stubborn, and not much of a people person, but my mother always said that he loved us both very much, he just has a hard time showing it sometimes... Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you could be describing yourself," Mildred grinned.

"I suppose I might have inherited some of his personality."

The following weeks passed quickly for Mildred and Constance. Hecate Broomhead was forced to stand trial at the guild, and thanks to Constance and Mildred's evidence, she was stripped of her guild membership and status. Hecate was also placed under a magical embargo, an enchantment to restrict her magic use.

With Hecate dealt with, things returned almost to normal at Cackles academy, albeit with a few differences. Mildred was learning to balance spending time with Constance and with her friends. She had taken to bringing her homework to work on while she was with Constance, as Constance encouraged her to concentrate on her work. This allowed Mildred to get her work done faster, although Constance refused to give any answers, insisting that Mildred wouldn't learn that way.

Mildred was also continuing her private lessons with Constance, who had promised to teach her how to materialise when she was ready. Between improved study habits and extra tuition from Constance, Mildred's results in class were improving. However, the best thing that had happened was when Constance told Mildred that her nightmares had stopped, and that she was sleeping better as a result.

Mildred often found herself thinking about all of this, about how she had seen a side to Constance she never had before, and how they had grown very close over the weeks since Constance had sat Mildred down in her office and told her the truth about their relationship...

"Mildred, will you pay attention, please?" Constance's voice shook Mildred back to the reality of potions class. Constance might have become a mother to Mildred, but you could never take the teacher out of her.

"Um, Mildred," said Maud, prodding her friend. "Your potion..."

Mildred looked into her cauldron to see the contents bubbling furiously.

"It's gonna blow!" shouted Enid. Everyone ducked under the tables, except for Constance. "Enid Nightshade, there is no need to be so dramatic-" she began, but then the potion did blow, all over the furniture, walls, and Constance. As the relatively unscathed students peered out from under the furniture, Constance fixed her stare on her daughter. "Mildred Hubble, you will stay back after class and clean this up!"

Later, having finally finished cleaning up the offending mess, Mildred turned to leave, but Constance stopped her. "Just a moment, Mildred. I'd like to have a word."

"I'm sorry for the mess," said Mildred. "I really didn't mean to-"

"I know you didn't, Mildred, you never do," sighed Constance. "But that's not why I want to talk." She took a deep breath. "Mildred, it occurred to me that I hadn't given you anything for your birthday-"

"You don't have to get me anything, really."

"As I was about to say, I already have," Constance said, and a package appeared in her hands, wrapped in shiny paper and tied with a neat bow. "Happy Late Birthday, Mildred."

Mildred took the present and undid the bow, then started to open the wrapping, revealing the cover of a book; the title was 'Easy Step by Step Potion Recipes, with Illustrations'. "I thought you might find it useful," Constance smiled. "I was going to give it to you for Christmas, but after today's lesson I thought sooner might be better."

"Thank you so much," grinned Mildred, pulling away the wrapping and flipping through the book. "This is way better than the textbook... I've got to show my friends... Oh, they'll be wondering where I am, I'd better go." With that, she gave Constance a quick hug, gathered her things, and ran out of the room.

As Constance watched Mildred leave, she felt a warm, glowing, fuzzy feeling. She was happy, happier than she had been in a long time. Cackle's Academy was safe, and Broomhead wouldn't be meddling with anyone for a long time. Her relationship with her parents was on the mend, and best of all, she had Mildred, and Mildred had accepted her as her mother. It was a most unexpected relationship- but she wouldn't have it any other way.

The End

Author's Note: Hope you liked it! Please leave a review and let me know what you thought!