Liana clucked the small bundle close to her as it wiggled and made small whimpers. It seemed to not be giving up but Liana didn't have any choice. Traveling on her horse made it rather hard to let the bundle run around. "Just let nature have its way with the thing." Liana looked to her right to see her Uncle Jamie next to her. A frown grew on her face. "Don't give me that look. A broken leg is death even for some men." Liana just glared at her uncle. Her father King Robert had made Jamie his favored child's guard on this trip: Liana thinks it was more from her mothers nagging. Her mom loved her but if Liana had to guess Cersei thought of her as the shame of their family, Jamie would 'watch' (Keep in line) Liana for his twin.

"It was dislocated, it will heal. I wont leave him to die." Sighing Jamie looked around before he looked back to the black haired girl, she had her hair loose and it had starting to curl at the ends: she looked like a northerner. Jamie didn't see one bit of his family in this girl: she was either too quite or too loud; always saying what she thought and doing as she pleased well that is like his family but not the way she did it. Just she wasn't like them.

"When that thing scratches you don't come crying to me." Jamie said as he looked at the grey wolf pup that had started to calm down, with the pup clamming she reached back into the saddlebag and pulled out a book. She started from where she had left off from before the pup started fussing.

"His name is Stag. Not 'thing'." Jamie just raised his eyebrow at the odd irony of the name and watched his niece as she ignore everyone and let her horse follow the lead of the others. Those books had been her rift between her and most people. She had little interest in what people had to say or what they wanted. Liana just read, which when it came to spending time with people most didn't approve of being ignored or walked away from when they were in the middle of talking with her.

The trip that they were all on was the one to Winterfell, much farther north than Liana had ever been in her 17 name years. She didn't mind being north; the change was a nice one. The land covered in snow, the trees stiff and pointed. It was nothing like the sandy beaches of the south. Also in the north there happen to be a great deal of new books for her to read. The inns and towns always seem to have books of a different nature in the north far less romantic and more adventure: less about skimming and more about actions. This was a refreshing change in Liana's eyes.

As they started to reach Winterfell Jamie had ushered Liana into the carriage with her mother and younger siblings. It didn't stop her from holding her charge or reading her book but Jamie did have to instruct her on how to get in without taking her eyes off the book. Which received some sour comment from her mother that went on deaf ears. The only person Liana would give her full attention to in her family would be her father; they had an odd relationship. Liana had spent most of her childhood nights suffering from nightmares: her wailing could be heard all over the housing chambers and one evening Robert had heard enough and most of the household staff and family were shocked he had started to sleep in the young princesses chambers to keep the beast of her dreams at bay. He always waited until she started crying seeing it as his excuse and then he would kick his whores out and stomp to her room cursing how it was the only way for the family to sleep and then would cuddle her till they both slept. This turned into Liana being carried to his study in the mornings; he would say to not wake her but she normally was awake before him. She would read in the study while he drank or did whatever kings do. He would have her read for him sometimes, out of books or files that he just wasn't in to mood to do himself but often they just enjoyed the silences the other offered.

Soon a large stone building came into view of the caravan everyone's mood changed; good and bad. Most were happy to have their journey finish, others dreading the visit more then the traveling. Their entrance was as grand as it could be given the modest way the north lived. The men got off their horses first and then Cersei walked out with Myrcella and Tommen in tote. Liana stayed in the carriage, she kept thinking to herself 'after this sentence' but then she heard her father's whizzing laughter, a moment later someone was pulling harshly on Liana arm. She was dragged out by her Uncle her book in hand the wolf pup resting on her shoulder still. Jamie with a frustrated sigh snatched the book, pulled down to straighten out her dress, grabbed the pup and swatted her on her behind to the Stark family. The whole family seemed shock at what they saw: Ned and Robb Stark had their eyebrows in their hair lines, Lady Stark along with her daughter Sansa had their mouths to the floor, while Arya was left with smiles and giggles.

Cersei cursed her child, how could she embarrass her like this in front of the Starks of all people! Liana sighed and faced the family in front of her; they looked like a family to her, the same traits among them. Her family didn't have that, she looked nothing like her mother in fact if she hadn't come out of the women she didn't think her mother would have clammed her. Jamie sighed as he looked at the girl slouching he roughly shoved the pup into his other hand and shoved his fist in between her shoulder blades, making the girl jump and stand up straight but as Jamie settled the pup he was holding got his foot caught in between his armor plates. Stag's yelp could be heard loud and clear. Making Liana turned to him: "What did you do?" Liana grabbed for the pup but Jamie held it above him and used his other hand to turn her around. The pup got fussy making him hard to hold so he tightens his grip. The Stark children looked at one another, worry on there faces. "Stop it your hurting him!" Liana yelled. The pup then 'accidently' dropped and as soon as he was able he ran as best he could. "Stag!"

Liana went to run after him but Jamie grabbed her arm and held her as she struggled. "Liana! Leave the damn thing be!" She kept fighting. Her father took a deep breath; this was bound to happen; nothing was easy.

"Let her go." Jamie looked at the king who was giving him a unimpressed look but before her Uncle released her he looked to his twin who nodded at him. She stepped away from her Uncles upset with him, which he didn't seem to care in the least. Before she turned and ran after the pup down the path her father yelled. "Liana!" She didn't stop. "Damn girl…" he sighed rubbing his forehead. "Take me to your crypt, I wish to pay my respect."

"My love we have been riding for a month, surely the dead can wait." Cersei said only to have her words fall on deaf ears once more. To make things less stressful Lady Stark started to show everyone to their rooms to get everyone settled but not before pulling her oldest to the side.

"Find that girl. We can't let anything happen to her." Robb nodded before nodded to Theon and Jon to follow him, Cat thought she should have sent Sansa but seeing how she looked at Joffery her motherly instinct told her that would have ended with a lot of huffing and puffing from Sansa.

As Robb and the boy walked the way that the young princess had gone with the two direwolves at their heels. Conversation started up "I say she is a spoiled brat just like her brother, and probably looser than a cheap whore" Theon said obviously upset about the royals.

"Could you please try to say one thing about a women that wouldn't make me want to hit you." Jon asked rolling his eyes, its not that Jon hated Theon just Jon wished the boy would shut up. Robb chuckled at the two and looked around the area they were at to see if he could spot dark curls anywhere.

Robb spotted them but much to his shock so did Grey Wind and Ghost who ran to the girl at an alarming fast speed. The two owners ran as fast as they could, screaming after their pets. Once they got there they saw the smaller pup who had been called Stag growling at the two larger pups who were in a playful stands; there butts in the air their heads between their paws. She held the pup tighter to her chest as she sat eye level with the Direwolves at the bottom of the tree; Robb couldn't tell if she was scared but if she was she held face well. "Grey Wind!" the grey and white pup looked to his master and walked back Ghost going to Jon. "Forgive me princess; direwolf pup's are to big to carry so sometimes they are hard to control." Robb and the two other boys bowed their head.

"I was more worried about Stag trying to go after them. He seems to think even with a weak paw he is as big as your own wolf." Robb looked up at the girl as she held the pup in the air examine the front left paw of the pup. "I suppose my mother ordered you to get me. Lets go back before I ruin the Lannister name further." That wasn't the case but objecting didn't seem proper. She was offered Robb's hand but she stood on her own and when she looked to watch him pull his hand away rather awkwardly she just smiled. "Ah yes, sorry that." Robb smiled at the girl while Jon and Theon just shrugged at each other. "Lead on."

After a small walk with no one talking which lead to a awkward moment among them all: Cersei came into view along with the house. "Oh Liana! My darling girl there you are. I was worried, go to your brother he has some news he will be wanting to share with you." Liana took a deep breath and walked off to find her annoying little brother. The queen's face fell as her daughter passed but smiled at the boys and turned to follower her daughter.

"Was I the only one sensing some tension there?" Theon asked making both the boys turn to him.

"Whatever; lets get ready for the feast." Jon said pushing the two boys on the shoulder but he looked back to see that in fact the mother was now gripping the girls arms and dragging her into the housing.

"I wont marry some salvage girl!" Came Joffrey as he hit the pillow over and over. "Why couldn't that fatty marry off you!" He yelled pointing at his sister who sat reading as she sat in a chair in the room her brother occupied.

"The girl is a beauty, your children will be lovely then you can do as you please with whom you please." Cersei said sweetly to her child and push some hair out of his face, the boy was still huffy but now it was manageable.

"Fine, besides what would anyone do with that?" He looked over to his sister who had started to pet the sleeping wolf on her lap. "We would be better off if we replaced her with a bird at least she would take up less space and bring home less animals." Cersei didn't say anything to that, Liana had taken enough of this and started to walk to the door. "Where do you think your going?" The girl kept going ignoring her brother. She went outside book in hand Stag resting in her arms waking from his nap. She kept walking till she found a library once inside she was sad to see it wasn't as big as the one at home but it was just as empty.

Placing Stag down he hobbled around smelling things and such. Liana started to pick up books she might enjoy reading, there were several on armor, weapons, and strategies. She started with weapons finding them the hardest to understand so she wanted to give herself plenty of time. She sat under the window with several pillows; Her mind kept going to Sansa and Joffrey, the poor girl didn't know what she was getting into and she should. Telling the girl seemed like the right thing to do but how to do it was just as important. It could seem like she would be trying to weaken her brothers hold on the north; which was the only reason a Lannister would marry a Stark.

Soon a wet nose had found its way in front of the pages of her book. Looking up Liana found a tan and white dire pup in front of her. "I brought Stag some dinner, um princess." Looking over she saw Brandon the second youngest of the Stark children. Liana put her book down and started to pet the beast in front of her.

"Thank you, I believe I lost track of time. Brandon if I am not mistaken? And please call me Liana" The boy nodded and mouthed her name like testing to make sure he could say it right. She saw that the boy had a set of leather straps in his hands. "What might that be?" the boy looked down at his hand then back at the door. Liana looked up and saw Jon from earlier who made a hand movement for him to keep going. Liana soon noticed the blush the boy was sporting and smiled now knowing what was happening. It had seemed that she had grasped the interest of the young boy.

Stepping forward Brandon held out the leather straps for her. "Summer once tried to follow me up when I went climbing and hurt her paw. It help if they walk on it some a-and I know how hard it is to keep the puppies under control so I brought you her old leash…" Brandon held the leash to Liana who by now was done petting Summer who had moved on to licking Stag. She took the leash and pulled Stag from Summer who didn't seem pleased of this and but Liana placed it on him never less.

"A perfect fit." She smiled bright at him, this was so sweet of him. Brandon seemed happy that the gift had worked out and let himself relax and smile almost to pat himself on the back for not freezing up. Liana look up at Jon who pointed to his stomach and then down the hall. Oh yes this all was coming together. "I find myself in a bit of a jam, perhaps you could help me?" Brandon looked up at her eagerly. "I don't have someone to escort me to the feast tonight. If I am not being to bold might I ask you to accompany me?" Brandon smiled but than frown and looked down making Liana look to Jon who was blank than back to Brandon quickly; Had she done something wrong?

"I am suppose to escort Princess Myrcella and Robb was suppose to take you…" Liana understood, and seeing as the closeness in age that the two couple had that made sense on Lady Starks part.

"Well… I think I can convince Myrcella to go with your brother Robb he is fine looking enough, but has a little too much red in his hair for me. I like brunets myself." Brandon smiled wide and brightly he walked over bowed then ran towards the door. Liana words were there to encourage him and that seemed to do the trick.

"I am gonna go tell Robb, you will talk to Myrcella, right?" Liana nodded making the boy and pup run off with a bright smile on his face. Jon walked in a moment later while Liana took the lead off Stag so he could roam around again.

"Thank you, my lady. He was shocked a girl outside of his family liked animals." Liana's face fell.

"Liana, not my lady, not princess, besides I am going to call you Jon not my lord." Jon's eyes went to his hair line.

"If you know my name then you know you could never call me 'My lord." Liana nodded, sadly true. Liana did know what to say but felt like she should say something, this was one of her host and father's close friends child; making an effort to get along with them would please Robert no doubt.

"Please don't take this the wrong way but you are by far the most famous Bastard, if my father brought home every Bastard well… the Castel would be a lot bigger." Liana laughed lightly but Jon did not. Being a bastard wasnt something to laugh about but this was the first one she had ever met."Forgive me, I often speak out, if I offend; I don't mean to."

Jon smiled light up at Liana accepting the apologia. "Would you like me to escort you back to your room? After all you have a big date tonight." Liana nodded picking up Stag who then got taken by Jon. "It's been awhile since I got to hold one so small."

When Bran and Liana walked into the dinning room he looked so confident. His chest was puffed and his smile was bright. Once they reached the table Sansa, Robb, and Arya all laughed good naturally at how happy he looked. Joffrey hated that the attention wasn't on him so he put it there. "I see Robb wanted a real Princess for the feast, I am sorry you got left with Liana." Joffrey said thinking he was being smart. Bran frowned: this was his lady! Not even her brother could speak to her like that. Arya and Robb looked like they wanted to say something and Bran was getting ready to rush into something he couldn't get out of so Liana spoke first.

"Sansa, since you and Joffrey are to wed I think you should know that 'accidents' have been known to happen, so you might want to stay in your own bed for the nights." Sansa tried to save her crushes honor but didn't know what to say while all the other children tried to cover their laughter. Joffrey turned red in both embracement and rage he turned his back to his sister. For the beginning of the feast all the royal and high-class children had to stay at this table later it was acceptable to leave and go where one liked.

"So Liana when you fail to care for that wolf of your I was thinking I would turn him into a scarf for my Lady." The Stark children all frowned this wasn't a okay subject for them; at one point or another they had all been worried about failure with their own pups. Joffrey was arrogant, brash and Liana had know that since he had first opened his mouth. Liana turned to Robb and smiled sweetly at him.

"Robb your rather well filled out for your age." His eyebrows went to his hairline after what Joffrey said he hadn't expected that. But was happy to hear she thought so. "Have you known any boys Joffrey's age that were this small?" she gestured to her brother before turning her head to give him a sarcastic smile. "or is he just underdeveloped everywhere." Joffrey had enough and went off to find more to drink while Liana smiled in victory. The only one sad to see him go was Sansa but everyone else finally let themselves laugh. Which only earned them glares from Joffrey.

The feast went on from there everyone dancing and singing, at some point Bran had run off to see his friends and Tommen followed him happily. Everyone was off in their own clicks so Liana had stepped out of the dinning hall to go down to the library where she had left Stag and many books open on the floor. Once inside the pup hopped to her and she greeted him she let a sigh escape her lips: she hadn't done anything but Liana felt like she had gone throw the ringer, she was ready to relax. Pulling the pins out of her hair letting it fall into waves on her back. Sitting on the floor the women noticed her dress was to tight so she loosened it, letting her breath better and let her breast be slightly freer. "Not a fan of parties, princess" Liana gasped in shock thinking no one was there. But then Grey Wind was at her feet sniffing Stag. "Sorry didn't mean to scary you, my lady." She lowered her hand from her chest when she saw it was Robb Stark.

"Call me Liana, if you haven't been able to tell. I don't do formal anything. And no I don't like parties. You?" Robb smiled and nodded before walking over and leaning on a table that stood in front of her. Her lack of formality made it easy to approach her.

"I was just putting Ayra to sleep when I saw the door open, I was worried someone might be trying to get in." Assassin; being a royal you might have thought she would know more about them but honestly those matters were well hidden from her and her siblings. They were sheltered well.

"No just little old me." After that things got silent, they both had questions about the other; they should have been able to be good friends but there was just something about the other that made them both be cautious of the other. "You are to be the next in Lord of Winterfell right?" Harmless enough.

"I hope so, or else all of those lessons seem pretty extreme." He seemed pretty at ease everywhere he went, but she could tell there was honor in him. The air around him held authority, and he was handsome so naturally anyones eye landed on him. Robb watched as the princess smiled at his comment and he saw her looking him over nothing that would suggest anything inappropriate. Robb had to wonder about this girl, what made her so unlike her siblings. They were prime and proper she was casual, their air was arrogant and she seemed to blend in, not that she wasn't beautiful; dark wave down her back, bright white eyes with just a touch of blue, her face wasn't jagged it curved nicely and her body was fit.

"Well I don't want to brag but my escort tonight might take you out of the running." Robb laughed not that he never believe Bran couldn't be a good lord just that she had spoken of him as if they were a couple in a humors way.

"Thank you for humoring him, I think if Arya had done something like that to Joffrey…" He didn't need to finish they both knew he was a prick. The dark aura around that sentence was shown on both their faces.

"Well Joffrey and I are very different." Anyone could see that. But seeing as Joffrey was always so forward and rude, and well the Baratheon name suffered for it. But that was far to heavy for someone she hardly knew. So having some fun might be a better Idea. "Beside I don't think anyone could turn down a Stark man." Robb smirked at that, he wasn't cocky but he knew he was good looking; seeing as that met his approvable she stood and took a step forward using her chest as the guild of her body. Making Robb look down at them he could see the top of her breast in her southern style dress. "I think I know why they keep you Starks so far up North."

Robb looked up licking his dry lips and using them to get a little more air, then leaned into her which only made her take another step closer like she was going to tell a secret. This close he could smell her; soft waves of grapes, rich and sweet but not overpowering. "It just wouldn't be fair to the other men; I mean the muscle." She ran a finger down Robb's arm lightly and he followed it with his eyes that darkened as she parted her plump pink lips. "The luscious curls." Lianas bit the corner of her bottom lip and looked up at his hair. How softly she bite them made him think of wear he could have her use them. He moved forward his body wanted to be closer to her warmth. They were now almost to the point where they would be touching; Robb wasn't planning on this happening but if it dropped into his lap he wasn't going to let it go to waste. "Lastly.." she looked up into his blue eyes. "Their insane honor." Liana voice had flatten but still head a teasing tone. She stepped away her hand on his chest as she did so she smiled sweetly knowing just what she had done. Robb leaned back a smile on his face; he could be a good sport. He leaned forward a bit so he could look at her through his lashes.

"I didn't know Baratheon women were such teases." His lush accent and still darkened eyes made her bite her lip again and look away coyly. Robb couldn't hide the chuckle he had then. A delicate dear in lion's cloths.

I hope everyone enjoyed the story, I think there will be more chapters seeing as I have more idea's for this. But I would really love to hear what you guys think! Be gentle :)