Hey all. Sooooo finally updated. This is filler to introduce some characters while I put together the next chapter. Sorry for taking so long to post. I promise the chapter after this will have lot's of kinky goodness.

Umm not much else to say other than that it's all the review and favorites that kept reminding me that I have a story to write. So keep those up.

Since I haven't written in awhile feedback would be super appreciate. In other words PLEASE REVIEW! I'm begging.

Love ya,


PS. there's an Ashley Madison ref in this, check it out it's a real thing that happened.

Sasuke's fingers drilled against the tablecloth in displeasure, his other hand was curled gently around the thin stem of a wine glass- his first of the evening. Sasuke never drunk to intoxication, but at times he wanted to. The reason why was sitting in front of him, her bubble gum pink hair a discomfort to his eyes, her tinny voice unpleasant to his ears, and as her cleavage was pushed up by what Sasuke was certain was a very expensive bra, he took a moment to consider if there was a polite way to tell her to, well to shut the fuck up.

The man grinning wickedly next to her assured Sasuke that that wouldn't be possible tonight. Itachi loved dragging along his beau to antagonize the younger Uchiha, and unfortunately Sasuke couldn't kill her. Why? Because his brother loved the chick, and besides that she helped run Club Sin and the kink friendly website that went with it. What was more unfortunate was that the pinkette switched with his brother and loved going into all of the kinky details. Sasuke figured she did so in the hope that perhaps one day Sasuke would join them in a ménage of sorts. Yeah. Hell no.

It infuriated Sasuke that he had been unable to escort that delicious blond home because of an "emergency" meeting called by his brother and his girlfriend just to force him to sit at a table with a women he loathed (well she was annoying at least). "Is this emergency meeting for a purpose or have you simply come to burn off my ears with talk better suited for a sleazy bar than one of the most expensive restaurants in LA?"

Sakura raised an eyebrow but didn't take the insult to heart. He was perpetually grumpy but that didn't make him any less delicious, and it made him more fun to tease. God that boy was very fun to tease.

"Actually yeah I have business Saucy Boo," she chirped, her voice pure honey, "But you know all good business dinners have to start with small talk." at the use of the nickname Sasuke's frown deepened and Itachi's grin widened.

"You consider telling me what you and Itachi did with candles, a dog leash, and anal beads small talk?" Sasuke was incredulous.

"Of the best kind my dear." Sakura winked conspiratorially and Sasuke felt of wave of nausea hit him as he was reminded of really what they'd done with that candle.

"Please can we move on?" he insisted. Anything to make that mental image go away.

With a cute shrug Sakura shifted into business mode, the only time when Sasuke found her tolerable.

"Ever since this 50 shades nonsense hit the big screen, hell before that, when the book got popular, the base of people interested in BDSM has grown."

"I've noticed via the increase of applicants for club membership, so a few more couples buy some lube and try anal and spanking. Why is this a big deal?" Sasuke easily saw some of the potential problems, but figured he'd let pinky specify.

"So it's come more into the public eye, and not everyone is excited about it. We're worried about hackers. Especially after the incident with Ashley Madison*. Sure all the folks on that site were cheating bastards but it's just a hop and a skip away until a party decides that kink is just as amoral as cheating." Itachi spoke now and Sasuke nodded, he could see the pitchforks now. Nobody liked cheaters, but plenty of people didn't like kink either.

"Some right wing gets into our accounts they'll have a field day, lots of folk don't like people knowing what they do in the bedroom, especially if it'll affect their work." Sasuke put two and two together.

"I can't say we'll be a target, but I'll be damned if I wait for what ifs. We need to get a team to beef up security. Some coders to protect the dynasty so to speak. Especially since we make our client's register under their true identity." as head of the accounts, Sakura was always very concerned with security. It was part of what made her good at the job.

"Good to know, why couldn't this have waited?"

Itachi's eyebrow went up, "It could've why does it matter were you busy."

"Sakura why did you text me that it was an emergency meeting if this could of waited?"

Sakura's attempt to look innocent failed as the grin cracked through. "Come on! You couldn't expect Kakashi to not tell me and you couldn't expect me not to grill you about it!"

"So you trick me into dinner with y'all? Okay 1. I'm killing Kakashi, so thanks for ratting him out. And 2. I'm not a child. My sex life, not your business."

"So you admit you had sex." Itachi spoke softly, his grin predatorial. This was news to him.

Sasuke felt a headache begin in his temple. "Don't double team me brother," he sighed. His fingers had long since stopped drumming the table and now they moved to massage his suddenly aching head.

"Not a denial." Was the elder brother's smug response.

"Maybe he'll play with us…." Sakura suggested coyly.

"NO!" but Sasuke vehement response only brought a full laugh from them both. Even as the entirety of the rest of the restaurant fell silent.

"Oh you know I'm only teasing. No need to get us evicted from the restaurant." Even Sakura's admonition was teasing. "Well it's sweet to see you're already so smitten by this boy. Maybe you'll finally get committed and stop playing around so much. You'd be good in a permanent dynamic, your sweeter side could come out. We pulled you away from him I take it? I waited until after Kakashi had said you were done with aftercare to text you, who knew you'd want to take him home on the first night. That's very unlike you."

"Hmmm seems like yesterday I came home to find that girl tied up in your bed naked with you trying to use kitchen scissors to cut the ropes because you tied the knots too well and couldn't get them off." Itachi brought up the memory with relish.

"She was damn lucky I didn't tie them too tight. A fool's move I was only 17, first time doing it."

"And she was 16 if I recall and cried in humiliation when I discovered y'all."

"She was Catholic, thought you'd tell her parents. It wasn't humiliation it was terror."

"Oooh naughty Catholic school girl I see. Well anyways I didn't tell her follks, and suddenly you were out of the kinky closet."

"Yeah the next day you called me into your room where you had Kisame tied up naked on the floor. It was your way of announcing 'hey guess what I'm kinky too'. I would have preferred a verbal notification just so you know." despite the statement Sasuke couldn't help smiling at the memory.

Itachi shrugged, "Eh Kisame always was a bit of an exhibitionist, and look at us now, running our very own club for the kinky so it all worked out."

"Minus mental scarring from seeing Kisame's exhibitionist side, yes, things turned out fine."

"Memory lane is all very good. But I really want to hear about your new boy toy. Kakashi says he's blonde." Sakura redirected the conversation in a less than subtle manner.

"Actually it's late and I do believe I'll be heading home now." A vibration of his phone caught his attention. Ah so the blond was home safe. Good now shower and sleep. He texted in reply, unable to keep a smile from his lips that the blond had remembered to follow instructions. Subspace was supposed to be a very wacky place indeed.

"Oh you gave him your number? It must be serious." Pleased that the blond was home safe Sasuke tuned out Sakura teasing waving to her and his brother as he left. He had punishments to plan.

Here's a link to a background on the Ashley Madison thing. Cheating is bad, and you shouldn't do bad things with your credit card.

* 2015/07/20/technology/ashley-madison-hack/