Author's Note

Hi again! I didn't take too long with this chapter this time. I'm honestly proud of myself for that. Hopefully I can keep doing that, but I don't know. I'll try.

I'd say we have about two more chapters left before this act ends. Next act will be the last where basically everything comes together. I hope you guys stick around for that.

Also I've read your reviews and one of them caught my eye specifically. Nightingale Uzumasa was saying how they wanted to see Ruby have more one on one time with Hei, Miltiades, and Yang. It caught my eye because I think she should to. Well, next chapter there will be one on one time with Hei, but as for the others, I should have her talk to her big sisters one on one hehe.

Also guest reviewer it's your lucky day(Kind of. Don't kill me when you get to a certain part in this chapter ;-;). There is smut in this chapter. Again, I'm just going to say it here instead of putting any marks down as a warning. Hopefully fanfiction doesn't find my story and like say something about this because my face was beat red writing that part. I hope you guys like it.


No songs for this chapter unfortunately

: (

I didn't have time to look any up. Next chapter will have songs though.


Chapter 44: More Than You Bargained For

He took a seat on the other couch.

"So, how does this go?" he asked. "Are you just going to ask me questions?"

I ran a hand through my hair.

"Something like that." I cleared my throat. "What do you know about my mom?"

His smile dropped and all the color from his face drained.

This was going to be interesting.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and looked away from me.

I frowned.

"Tai," I called. "You can't hide this from me anymore. I've already talked to Hei, Cinder, and the Schnees. Now it's your turn."

He looked at me, eyes wide.

"You…talked to them?" he asked.

I nodded, still frowning.

"They told me what they knew about Mom," I told him. "You told me you knew her but you're keeping something from me."

"Well I…" He trailed off and looked away again.

And I thought he'd be the least difficult. I was getting irritated now.

"Tai!" I snapped. "This is getting god damn annoying now! Tell me what you know about my fucking mom! I'm tired of getting this stuff kept from me. She's my mom and it's messed up how no one will tell me anything!"

"Okay!" he cried, rubbing his face. "I'll talk!"

I nodded at him, urging him to go on.

"Summer and I were classmates. We weren't exactly close but I still knew her." He took a deep breath. "After school, she joined the police force. She worked a lot with Faunus and was even friends with one of the members of the White Fang. People didn't like that and they didn't like how she had a lot of money. They wanted her money."

I rose an eyebrow.

"Who?" I asked.

He shrugged. "A lot of people. Not the White Fang though. She was their ally. She wasn't in a car accident. She…she died in a gang war. We're still not sure who shot her but we know this was all a set up."

The killer is still out there. But Ms. Fall said that they caught him.

"Ms. Fa–I mean Cinder told me that they caught the culprit," I told him.

He gave me a hard look.

"Do NOT trust her," he commanded. "She's nothing but a snake. She's worked with the Schnees, who are nothing but evil, and she worked with a few criminals who hated Summer. I found this out from a friend of mine who had hard evidence. All she wants is your mom's money."

"About Mom's money," I started. "Where is that?"

Tai shrugged again. "Who knows? She locked it away somewhere and the only person who knows is her closest friend. But, she has a lot of close friends. She never told me."

I made a face. Another damn mystery? Now I have to start over and ask people more questions. This was becoming overwhelming. I probably need to rest after this.

I nodded and asked, "Is that all?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for keeping this from you. There's nothing else that I know as well. I hope you're able to solve this." He smiled. "I will gladly help if you need it."

I smiled back.

"Thanks." I stood up. "This is frustrating but at least I know who my mom really is now and why people didn't like her."

"I will try to figure something out as well," he told me. "You have a good one Ruby."

"You too," I replied, walking to my shoes. I stopped when I got them on. "And don't tell Yang about this."

He chuckled and nodded.

"Of course!"

Later that day, I took another visit to Velvet's grave. The flowers that I'd left a few days ago were still present.

"Hey Velvet," I greeted, kneeling down. "I'm getting more and more info on my mom. It's not everything but now I really know who she is."

The small gust of wind that I felt before was back and I was afraid that it would blow the flowers away. I hoped not.

"I wonder," I started with a deep breath, "I wonder if you're with her right now. A lot of people think it's bullshit but I believe that there's an afterlife. Hopefully in that life you've met Mom."

I laughed. It wasn't a sad one though.

"I hope you guys are watching me. Watching me grow now than how I was before. I know I keep getting into trouble but I'm fine." I sniffed, suddenly feeling tears come down my face. "Sometimes it gets lonely without you guys, but I have the others around me." I blushed despite my crying. "Including Blake…If Mom was still alive, I'd bet she'd love her."

I laughed again.

"God, look at me. I made fun of Sun for this exact same thing. Now look at me. I'm such a fucking hopeless romantic."

I shook my head and got back on topic.

"I still need to figure out who this guy named Roman is and where Mom has her money," I said seriously. "A lot of people want her money but none of them know where it is except someone who was really close to her. I'd have to count Hei out because he told me everything. Yang's dad doesn't know either. I'm not sure about Ms. Fall. I'm told that she can't be trusted but what if she does have Mom's money?"

I ran a hand through my hair.

"What if I'm too late?" I grunted and shook my head. "No! I'm sure she has no idea either. I'm pretty sure my Dean doesn't know either. Maybe there's more friends of Mom that I haven't met yet."

I sighed and stared at the flowers on the grave. I smiled.

"Wish you were still alive so we could figure this out together. It'd probably frustrate you as well."

The gust of wind came a little harder but it didn't blow away they flowers. They stayed for some reason. In fact, I didn't see the grass move or the leaves on the trees. Was it just my mind playing tricks on me?

The wind came again, but a bit stronger now and the only thing I saw move was my sweatshirt and the hair in my face. I totally wasn't imagining this.

I looked at Velvet's grave.

"Vel?" I called.

The wind got softer.

My eyes widened.

"Are you there…?" I gulped.

The wind blew harder.

I grinned and buried my face in my hands.

"God I really hope I'm not going crazy," I murmured.

The wind blew again but this time it moved one of the flowers on the grave directly to my knees and onto my lap.

I felt tears come down again in happiness.

"Fuuuck," I cried. "You're still here. You're really here." I started to fucking sob but I wasn't sad. "I'll never forget you Vel."

I could never forget her. She meant so much to me and now that I know she's really with me, I will definitely not forget her.

Now I have even greater motivation to solve this fucking mystery with Mom.

Blake was in the kitchen doing school work when I got back. I texted her before hand, letting her know that I was going to be out for a while.

She was typing away on her laptop with a deep frown on her face. She looked up when I came into the room.

"Hey Ruby," she greeted with a small smile. "How are you doing?"

I grinned at her, moving closer to her. I dropped my bag on the table.

"I'm doing great, babe!" I shouted.

Her eyebrows rose; a tint of pink appearing on her cheeks. "Babe…That's new. You've never called me that."

I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Ah, sorry," I said. "I'm just really happy."

She smiled. "I don't hate it though. I just didn't see you as the type to use pet names."

"Yea." I laughed. "I guess I'm just a sap after all."

I looked around.

"Adam isn't here?"

She shook her head and answered, "He went out. He won't be back until tomorrow morning."

I sat down in the chair next to her.

"So it's just you here?" I asked.

She chuckled. "Well, you're here now."

I scowled at her. "You know what I meant!"

She was still laughing. "Of course. Anyway, I'm just writing a 7 paged essay for my physiology class. It's going great so far. Just got done 4 pages and my mind is now blank."

She didn't sound enthusiastic at all which I could relate to.

"Oh, you want me to leave?" I asked. "I don't want to distract you."

She shook her head and closed her laptop.

"No, I could use a break," she answered. "It was getting a bit overwhelming for me."

She stood up from her seat and approached me.

"Are you hungry?"

I shook my head. I ate breakfast, but it was the afternoon now. I wasn't really hungry.

For some reason, Blake was staring at me intently. It made me a little nervous.

"Blake?" I called.

There was a slight change in her eyes and her face started to grow hot. Blinking a few times, her eyes widened and she made a noise.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick," she told me before rushing down the hall.

I watched her leave, mouth hung open. I hope I didn't do anything wrong. I moved to the living room and turned on the TV, waiting for her to come back.

She did, five minutes later, looking a little heated. It also looked like she splashed a little water on her face. She came into the living room and sat down next to me. She looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry about that Ruby," she said. "It was starting to feel a little hot. It happened earlier when I was in school too. I should be fine now though."

My eyes widened as I started to panic. I scooted closer to her.

"What's wrong?!" I asked. "Are you sick! Is there some kind of disease you have that I don't know about?!"

She looked at me incredulously before laughing. That made me worry even more.

She saw this and touch my cheek before leaning in and giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm fine Ruby," she said after pulling away. "This happens on certain times of the month. It's nothing bad though so don't worry."

My eyebrows furrowed. "So it's like your per–"

She cut me off.


I nodded. Well, at least she's okay.

She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. I watched her. It was kind of weird. I just find out these small things about her but I don't really know who she is. I wonder how she really feels about me. Does she find me annoying? Was it because of last night?

She ended up finding out that I was feeling distressed and looked up at me. Was I that tense?

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yea…I just." I grunted and looked away. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

I looked back at her. "Like you know a lot about me but I barely know a thing about you. Do you trust me?"

She frowned. "Of course."

"Then why won't you talk to me?" I whined. "I won't hate you. I…I love you a lot and just thinking about you makes my chest tight and my stomach feel funny."

She opened her mouth and then closed it, loss for words. I continued to stare at her, waiting. She looked nervous now and looked away from me. I made a face.

"Please bear with me," she started before I could say anything. "I'll definitely tell you if something is going on. I just can't right now. School is already stressing me out."

I felt really bad now and put my hand on her knee. She turned back to me.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I just get really worried about you." I smiled. "We can talk when you're ready."

She smiled back then gasped when I kissed her. I definitely missed doing that.

I pulled away and smirked.

"I think this is a good time to pick up where we left off from Valentine's day," I told her. "And don't think I forgot about you teasing the last night."

Her eyes widened as a deep blush appeared on her face. She placed her hand on top of mine and looked away.

"Not here," she replied. "In the bedroom."

She stood up and pulled me up will her. Then, she led me upstairs.

I gulped, wondering how we were going to do this. I hope she would be okay with me just touching her.

When we got to the room, she pushed me onto the bed and got on top. Our lips crashed together, her tongue slipping into my mouth. I squeezed at her waist with a groan. God I missed this. Missed her…

She pulled back, a string of saliva connecting to our lips before it broke, and ran her fingers through my hair. Her eyes were dark with lust.

"Your hair is getting longer," she said huskily. "Are you going to tell it grow?"

"Nah," I told her. "I'll get it cut soon when I get the chance."

She nodded and leaned down to kiss my cheek, then jaw, then neck.

"Fuck Blake," I groaned. "How are we–shit–How are we gonna do this?"

She buried her face into the crook of my neck. "How do you want to do it?"

Shit, she's asking me that when it's my first time? I thought. Well it's her first time too. At least I think so…or…

"Have you ever…um done this before…?" I asked.

There was a slight pause and she picked her head up to look at me. She made a face and narrowed her eyes away.

"Yea, I did have a boyfriend before that I was with as well as a girlfriend before I moved here," she answered. "All we did was a lot of touching. I haven't experienced any penetration really."

Oh, so I'm not her first girlfriend…

I'm not upset or anything. I am a bit embarrassed now knowing that she's more experienced. Though, she did just tell me more about herself even if it is with her past lovers.

"Do you not like penetration?" I asked. I was curious. If she didn't, that'd be fine by me since there is more we can do anyway.

She shrugged. "We just haven't gone as far as that. So technically, I'm still a virgin I guess. I am curious about it though." Then, she blushed. "Would you like to try it?"

I blushed as well. "Only if you really want me to. I wanna make you feel good Blake."

She bit her lip and nodded.

"And what about you?" She ran her fingers gently down my neck. "Do you want me to touch you too?"

I gave her a nervous look. "Uh…I'm not that comfortable about that yet. I still want to do this though. Like just touching you and all."

"Oh, okay…" There was a deep blush on her face. I haven't seen that blush in a while. It was still so cute. "Do you want to be on top then?"

It was my turn to blush. The view of her straddling me was very nice, but I can save that for another time. A time where she's grinding helplessly on me with nothing on her and I'm just watching.

Jeez, where the hell did I get such lewd thoughts like that from, I thought and grunted when Blake kissed my jaw to grab my attention.

She slipped off of me with a shy smile and sat on her knees on her bed. Then, to my surprise, she crossed her arms and took her shirt off. My eyes widened. She threw her shirt onto the floor then shifted her legs to slip of her shorts. She was left in her black, matching underwear, but I watched as her hands went behind her back probably to unhook her bra.

Fuck, she was stripping for me and I was still on my fucking back for some reason.

I quickly sat up.

"W-Wait!" I shouted, flustered as shit.

Her eyebrows rose and she stared at me with surprise. I didn't stop her in time though because when she dropped her arms, her fucking bra slipped down them. I choked on the air and quickly covered my face.

"What's wrong Ruby?" she asked and I felt her shift closer.

I jumped when I felt her touch my cheek. I uncovered my face and noticed that her bra was now gone like the rest of her clothes. The only piece of clothing that was left was her underwear. My eyes were locked onto her chest.

"I thought I'd save you the time by taking my clothes off myself since this is your first time," she told me, not noticing where my eyes were.

Finally, she did.

"You saw me naked before Ruby." I could detect a hint of amusement in her voice.

Finally able to tear my eyes away from her…um…wonderful br–chest, I glared up at her.

"But it was dark!" I snapped then looked away. "Plus, I wanted to take my time with you…It may be my first time, but I wanted to do this all slow and romantically…"

She looked surprised. "Oh! I'm sorry."

She blushed again and cross her arms over her chest then said, "We can still go slow.."

I looked back at her. "Yea?"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

"Yea." She pulled us down onto the bed with me on top of her.

We kissed again. Everything felt so bittersweet. She was under me, almost naked, kissing me so…lovingly. God, I fucking loved her.

I gripped her tightly when she sucked on my bottom lip. That's when I noticed her teeth were actually sharp. I grunted as the points dug in enough to feel them. They didn't break skin, but those little pricks of pain, followed by the soothing swipe of Blake's tongue, sent tingles racing up and down my spine.

Blake noticed and pulled away, staring at me apologetically. "Sorry."

I licked my lips but didn't answer. I press my lips back onto hers and moaned in response, letting my own tongue slip forward to gather more of Blake's flavor. The deeper we kissed, the more I burned—a simmering heat that started in my mouth, but traveled throughout my body with each rapid beat of my heart.

My lips move from her lips, to her neck, to her collar, and then to her chest. I pulled back and stared. Blake's breasts were beyond perfect, full and firm and round, capped with pretty pink nipples that pleaded to be sucked. I hesitated only long enough for her to blush give a shy nod before filling my hands with them, testing their weight with a gentle squeeze.

I wasn't quite sure how I transitioned from holding her breasts to kneading them, but I didn't care. The sounds she made when I circled the tips with my thumbs were intoxicating, and I couldn't get enough. It didn't matter that I wasn't sure what I was doing. Blake's moans and sighs told me every time I did something right.

Before, just the thought of this would be embarrassing for me, but now…fuck, this was great.

I was surprised when I finally noticed that her legs were wrapped around my waist and her fingers in my hair. I finally registered what she wanted me to do and swallow before bringing my face to her chest and wrapping my lips around her nipple.

She let out some kind of mewl or something and arched her back. It sounded amazing. I've never heard her make that sound before but I wanted her to do it again.

"Ruby…" she moaned, scratching at my scalp.

That encouragement made me double up my efforts. I sucked the tip harder, nibbling gently with my teeth before kissing my way across to the other side.

Again, even though this is my first time, I made sure to look at research so I could be prepared for this. I didn't want to be an embarrassment to her.

I might have been content to linger that way forever if Blake's hips hadn't canted forward. The slight scrape of fabric against my stomach drew my attention downward, and I broke away from her breast, my breath hitching as I realized what was happening. Blake was rubbing against me…just like before. Even through two layers of clothing, I could feel heat radiating from between her legs.

I came to a debate in my head and shifted my arms so my hands would be at the front of my belt. Even though Blake stopped her movements for me, it was still a bit difficult to undo my belt. I didn't say anything about it because I did manage to unbuckle my belt, unzip my pants, and slip the nuisance right off my legs. I was left in my black t-shirt and navy boxers as I pressed back down on her.

She gasped and asked, "This is okay for you?"

I nodded. "Yea. I felt pretty comfortable with just taking my pants off."

Before she could say anything else, I kissed her again, hands gripping her waist. I moved against her like how I did before, only this time my pants were off.

She gasped and whined in my mouth, gripping me tight. Her bare chest pressed against me every time I leaned in. We came up with a rhythm so that both our hips were moving at the same pace. This did feel pretty good on my end but I was more interested in how it felt for Blake.

I broke the kiss and looked at her face. Her eyes were close and her mouth was an "o" shape. I bit my lip as I gripped the bed sheets instead and moved faster against her. Her eyes popped open and she stared at me with surprise, but I could still see the want in them.

"R-Ruby!" she mewled.

I smirked. Now that's what I was looking for.

"I love you, Blake," I told her, my voice going rough. "Are you close?"

She got flustered at the sound of my voice and whined before flipping us over. She was on top now, straddling my waist.

Now it was my turn to be surprised.

"Blake?" I called. I guess the grinding helplessly on top of me won't be for another time.

She wasn't listening anymore and started moving again. Her breasts bounced with every movement and her mouth hung open. I noticed her bow move a bit oddly but I figured it was because how she was moving. I didn't pay much attention though since she was on top now moving against me.

My shirt rode up a bit exposing my navel. I really hoped my whole shirt wouldn't fly up but I doubted it. She pressed up on my stomach at one point and I could feel how damp her underwear was. I groaned.

I grabbed her rear and moved her a bit faster against me. She made a surprised moan before going the pace I wanted her to.

"Ruby!" she cried out as her eyes opened.

They were dark like earlier, and I could have sworn the irises were different earlier. They just looked…wow.

Before I could say something about it, she closed her eyes again and went rigid. Blake screamed, a needy cry that sounded like my name, and started shaking wildly.

Oh she was…she was coming. Coming for me. On me.

I leaned up on my elbows and stared at her, trying to grab her attention. As if she could sense this, she opened her eyes again and leaned down for another kiss. Our lips met, and Blake let go. I moved my hips slowly so she could ride it out while she shivered as she sucked on the tip of my tongue.

It lasted a long time, but I wished it could have gone on even longer. I couldn't get enough of her cute little whines, the sway of her soft body, and the smell of her need rising between us. Blake pulled back, looking at me with cloudy eyes.


She nuzzled into my neck and I shivered when I felt her tongue and groaned when I felt her teeth. She made a noise from my neck and pulled away.

"I can see the mark I made on your neck from before," she told me. "It's still there even though it's healed up."

My eyebrows furrow as I touched my neck. "It is?"

She nodded and touched my hand before moving it to trace her fingers on the spot. She smiled. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head.

"For what?" I asked. "You've already apologized for it. I wasn't mad."

I placed my hand on her cheek. She blushed and grabbed my hand, holding it against her.

"Not for that," she said. "For how I was a few minutes ago." She looked down past my shirt. "And for ruining you boxers."

My eyebrows rose and I looked down. I noticed her underwear was very damp but there was also a damp patch on my boxers. Wow. I didn't think she could do something like that. She must've really felt good then.

I wonder if she'd do the same on my face, I thought then felt my face flush heavily.

Gooood! Enough with the dirty thoughts Ruby! How can you be so lewd?!

"I am surprised by how you acted earlier and the noises you made but I enjoyed it. It was very cute and I don't mind the mess you made either." I grinned. "I'm glad I was able to make you feel good."

She blushed and looked away. "Oh…okay."

She looked back at me. "Do you want to keep going?"

She isn't tired? I mean it was pretty intense and all. She doesn't look tired though and there is more to do to her like using my fingers and mouth if she wanted.

"Yea, we can continue," I answered.

She smiled and pulled me up so that we were facing each other.

"Just your fingers this time," she told me. "Okay?"

I tilted my head curiously. "Just them?"

She nodded. "I'm not ready for…that yet."

I swallowed and asked, "No one…uh…used their mouth on you either?"

Her face flushed deeply. The deepest shade of red I've ever seen. It was so cute always seeing how flustered she'd get. This was another side of her. I liked it and I wanted to see more.

"My ex-girlfriend did," she answered. "But…next time, okay?"

I nodded. Well, at least she's interested.

Next time, I thought.

"So, are you going to be on your back again orrrr…" I trailed off, waiting for her answer.

She shook her head and turned around. She grabbed one of the few pillows that were near the headboard and held it against her. Then, she got on her elbows and knees, facing away from me.

I gulped as I watched her raise bottom, showing herself to me. She looked back with pleading eyes.

"Since I…" she started, "…since I took my clothes off instead of you, you…you can take my underwear…off."

I licked my dry lips and shifted towards her. There was an obvious damp spot on her underwear. I had the urge to rip them off.

Blake turned back around and buried her face into the pillow. She wiggling her hips at me; inviting me to touch her.

I grabbed the waistband of her underwear on each side and slowly began to pull them down. Blake shuddered in anticipation, but I didn't want to rush. Her underwear had clung to her center meaning that she was very wet. I bit my lip as I started to get a small peek of what she looked like underneath.

Then, to my absolute absolute annoyance, my phone started to ring.


Blake whined and wiggled her hips against my front for me to keep going. Fuuuuuuck! "Please keep going."

It took all of my strength not to as I grabbed my pants and fished my phone out of my pocket. It was Weiss. I sighed.

Part of me wished that it was Sun so I wouldn't have to pick up but I knew this was important.

"It's Weiss, Blake," I told her.

She looked back at me with a pout before falling to her side and turning away from me. I hope she isn't mad at me.

I got of the bed and answered the phone, heading to the bathroom.

"Hey Weiss," I greeted once I shut the door. "What's up?"

"U-Um…" She sounded nervous. "My father told me that I'm not allowed to hang out with you anymore."

My eyes widened. That bastard!

"What?! Why?!" I cried.

"He said that you're a bad influence on me and that he should've done something from the start when we had dinner together." She let out a shaky sigh. "He's also planning to keep me isolated again since I'm in danger. I won't be able to talk to Yang anymore. Only just phone calls."

She started crying.

"I'm not even supposed to be talking to you," she told me. "He isn't home right now so I guess I'm safe. This will probably be the last time that I'll be able to talk to you unless I can find a way like right now."

Now I was angry. No, I was furious. How can that man do something like that to her?! His own goddamn daughter! I fucking hated him. There had to be some way to fix this.

"How about I come over and–"

She interrupted me quickly. "He gave orders not to let you into the castle anymore."

What the hell?! I clenched my fist wanting to just yell and ceiling. I had to figure out something or Weiss was going be just like how she was before. But, what could I do?

Something popped up in my head but it wasn't necessarily an idea because I didn't know if it would work. Hopefully it does help.

"Weiss," I started calmly. "I've met your sister."

There was silence.

"Maybe…maybe she could help in some way."

"I don't know," Weiss replied, sounding like she had given up. "I don't have her number though because Father never wanted me to contact her."

"I can text it to you."

She made a noise. "She gave you her–Actually, I'm afraid to talk to her right now. I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much or being selfish but…um…could you call her?"

I pursued my lips but didn't say no.


"Thanks Ruby."

I smiled.

"No problem."


"See ya…"

She didn't say anything about that and just hung up. I frowned at my phone. I really hope Weiss was doing okay. Hearing all of the left a bad feeling in my stomach. I wanted to do more than just call Winter and hope there was something that she could do. I pray that this works and doesn't become a bigger problem. I felt like this was my fault too.

I sat down on the toilet and buried my face in my hands with a groan.

If I hadn't gone over there and asked about my mom, this probably wouldn't have happened. God, this was my fault. My mom is gone so why the hell do I even need to find out information on her? I'm just going in fucking circles with it. And now I probably won't be able to see or talk to Weiss anymore if we can't figure out what to do. And Blake is most likely angry with me now.

With a deep sigh, I got up and left the bathroom. When I came back into the room, Blake was sitting on the bed; tying a knot on her black robe that she was now wearing.

She looked up at me with surprise.

"Oh," she started. "I was just about to check up on you. Is everything okay?"

So she wasn't angry.

I shook my head and sat down next to her.

"It's my fault," I whispered.

She tilted her head and touched my face.

"What is Ruby?" she asked.

"I won't ever be able to talk to Weiss again because it's all my fault." I dropped my phone onto the bed and wrapped my arms around her tight. "It's all my fucking fault!"

I didn't cry but I felt so fucking sad and angry.

Blake didn't say anything which I'm glad for and just rubbed my head.

What am I going to do?

I managed to find Winter's business card in my bag in the guest room after I took a shower. Blake went back to do her paper after she took hers.

I dialed Winter's number and waited. There was some weird automated audio playing in the background. It said things like, "Need a lawyer?" or "Is the government not treating you well?" and some other weird business shit.

She finally answered after a few seconds.

"Hello, this is Winter Schnee, Vale Lawyer and Social Worker," she greeted. "How can I help you?"

"Uh, hi, this is Ruby," I answered.

There was a pause then a chuckle. I shivered. She really reminded me of Cinder now.

"Oh hello Ruby," she said. "What can I do for you? Do you finally need a lawyer. I'm happy to help if so."

My eyebrows furrowed. "The hell's that supposed to me–" I shook my head. "I mean no. It's about your sister."

"Oh? What is the problem?" she asked.

"Your father is planning to isolate her again and I can't help her because I'm not allowed in the castle anymore."

"Firstly, don't call that man my father." She sounded very serious this time.


"Secondly, what did you do to make him not allow you there anymore? I've made him angry countless of times to the point where I got disowned but I've never gotten banned from entering the castle."

I groaned. "It was because he knew my mom and I just wanted to get more info on her. This is all my fault, but I can't do anything. Could you please help Weiss, Winter? She needs you now."

There was a very long pause and I was about to lose hope when she spoke.

"It isn't your fault Ruby," she told me. "Father is a terrible man who's done terrible things in the past and is still doing them. I've been working to gain hard evidence to put him to the ground. You are not at fault in the situation. As for Weiss, I can see what I can do. I do miss my sister very dearly. I just need to figure out how I can get into contact for her."

"I can give you her number," I told her.


Once I gave her Weiss' number, she said, "Thank you Ruby. Again, I will see what I can do. It might end up with kidnapping Weiss from that place."

She chuckled.

"Is there something else you need…?"

It felt like she was trying to get something else out of me. I still didn't trust her enough to even tell her anything else. What could I even ask her? Help me find info on my mom? I doubt that she could do that. She's a lawyer not some computer geek who can find info on everyone.

"No, I'm okay," I told her.

"Hm." I could detect a frown in her voice. "Well if you do, just give me a call. Goodbye."

"Yea, bye."

She hung up.

I looked down at my phone. Hopefully this goes well. I texted Weiss, letting her know that I called her sister and that she's going to call her…or text her. I don't know. She didn't answer but hopefully she saw the message.

I did call Yang earlier, asking if she was okay. She was worried too. She doesn't want Weiss to be alone again just as much as I don't want her to be either. Please let this turn out well. Please let this be me making the right choice.

I went downstairs and saw that Blake was finished her paper and was looking for something in the cabinets to cook for dinner. She turned around once I came into the kitchen.

"How is everything?" she asked, approaching me.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Fine for now. I'm hoping I fixed this situation with Weiss."

She smiled. "I'm sure you did."

Then, she kissed my forehead.

"You put yourself down too much Ruby. You do so much for people and work yourself too much. Everything will be okay. Don't worry." She ruffled my hair.

She was right. I do put myself down a lot, and I do help others a lot. I did my best. I just want it to turn out well now.

Though, I am worried about how Blake is feeling now. She didn't seem upset when I came out of the bathroom. She was worried about me, but still, I feel bad for stopping on her like that, even if the phone call was important.

"Um Blake," I called.

"Yes Ruby?" she answered.

"Were you mad when we stopped earlier?" I asked her hesitantly. "Like, you looked pretty upset when I told you that I had to answer it and then you, uh, turned away."

Her eyebrows rose in surprise, then shook her head. "No…I wasn't mad. I guess I was acting kind of like a brat though. Sorry about that. It's nothing serious. It's a shame we can't continue though because I actually have class soon. I was going to find something to make you for dinner if you were hungry."

I quickly shook my head. "You don't have to do that for me. I'll just call Sun up and go out with him somewhere."

Her face changed into this expression that I couldn't necessarily read. Did she not like that?

"Are you sure?" she asked. "I can make something quick for you."

"I told you it's fine." I grabbed her shoulders. "Worry about getting to class on time. Okay? I'll be fine."

Her eyes narrowed. "Okay but be careful going out at night."

I dropped my arms and rubbed the back of my neck again as I gave her a lopsided smile.

"Of course I will. You don't have to worry about me."

She hesitantly nodded and before she could get ready to go, I called out to her. She turned around.

Hand still on the back of my neck, my eyes narrowed away from her as I said, "I know you said that you weren't…um, ready for me to use my mouth yet…but next time…I, um, I really want to do that…to you."

She blushed and her eyes darkened. "U-Um…I don't know. Like, this is still your first time. You really…want to?"

I quickly nodded to show her how eager I was. She looked away in embarrassment.

"I'm obviously not going to force you to let me though," I told her. "I just want you to know that I really want to do that. Gah!"

I buried my face in my hands.

"Sorry that I'm being a big creep about it!" I shouted.

"Okay," she said quietly. I almost didn't hear her.

I peeked our from my hands to look at her. She still wasn't looking at me and there was still a blush on her face, but I could see a small smile on it.

"I'll, um, look forward to that," she told me then approached me.

She then removed my hands from my face and gave me a shy kiss on the cheek before saying, "But...I don't think I'll last long if you do that to me."

Then she went upstairs to get ready to go to class.

I subconsciously touched my cheek, feeling a lovesick smile grow on my face.

Later on, when Blake left, I called Sun up and he came over. He got here by Milt's car since she wasn't going out anywhere at the time. He wanted to sit down and chat for a while before we went out.

"So Miltiades' going to have her baby shower sometime in June," he told me as we sat in the living room. "You're obviously invited. Also she wants me to meet her parents."

My eyebrows rose.

"She's told them about me of course, and they'd like to meet me," he explained. "She told me that they aren't like Melanie and that the only reason she turned out so evil was because their father spoiled her a lot."

"Well it's nice to know that they aren't like Melanie," I replied. "Is she still saying slick shit to you?"

He shook his head. "I think she's gotten use to me living there honestly. She says good morning to me now and I don't even have to say it first anymore. I think she's working on her attitude."

"That's good."

It's nice to know that she's working to be a nicer person. She was honestly never mean to me though, which was weird. I guess Milt would've killed her if she was.

"So how are you and Blake?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I threw my head back and groaned. "We're fine Sun. Just a normal couple doing normal couple things."

"Wow boring…" He groaned as well.

I rose an eyebrow at him. "And what do you and Milt do?"


I scowled at him, face flushing deeply. He started laughing at me and said, "I was joking Midget. I mean, we do do that, but we do a lot of stuff too. Like go out, watch movies, look at what we could get Sal. It's a lot of stuff that we do."

I stopped scowling at him and pursed my lips. Wow…

I should do a lot more with Blake instead of being at her house the whole time. I still want to take her out. I want to see what she likes. I want to give her gifts since she's always done something nice for me. I want to make her happy.

I started to smile at my thoughts. I'm still new on this romance stuff but I really want to spoil her rotten.

"Jeez are you really thinking of dirty stuff in front of me?" Sun asked.

I glared at him and snapped, "Not at all!"

He ignored that.

"If you need any pointers in bed I could help you out," he told me, rubbing his chin with a smug grin on his face. "Go slow and always listen to your girl."

I shook my head, getting irritated now.

"I don't need any pointers when I've already fu–" My eyes widened and I quickly cover my mouth.


His eyes went wide as well and then an even bigger grin appeared on his face.


"So you did take good care of her huh?" He started laughing. "Or was it the other way around?"

I glared at him again but shook my head.

"Ha! I knew you had it in you!" He kept laughing. "You've finally grown up Midget. I'm so proud of you."

He fist bumped my shoulder.

I uncovered my mouth and groaned. "Let's just go get something to eat. I need to stuff my face into something."

There was silence and then I gave Sun a warning look, realizing what I just said. He smirked. Oh no…

"I think you've already stuffed your face into something." He cackled and I groaned.

God, he was so damn annoying!

Author's Note

And boom!

This chapter is finished. Ruby may be smart in school, but she's dumb with signals. Looks like her talk with Tai went well. Also I brought Winter back but this will obviously not be the last time you see her. Hopefully things go well with her and Weiss. And that smut! What did you guys think about it? Sorry(not sorry) I cut it off on you like that. This will not be the last so you guys will be okay. Hang in there hehe.

Anyway, how was this chapter? Good? Bad? How's the story so far? Please review and let me know what you think. Any questions please review or PM me and I'll kindly answer them.
