Why the ABCs theme? ...No idea. The concept just came to me late last night.


All children grow up...except one.

Books on adventurous places and childish trinkets litter and collect on the Darling nursery floor, and still the children sleep with more dreams cluttering their minds.

Captain Jas Hook is like a snake, some say he's like a tiger...though either way you look at him, his eyes alone tell you who's the prey.

Death would be an awfully big adventure, Peter shouts out as he nearly gets slashed with a pirate's blade.

Every time someone claims they do not believe in faeries, there's a faerie out there somewhere who falls down dead—and so this is the very first lesson Wendy teaches Jane, to always believe.

Faeries are so small that they only have room for one feeling at a time...and lately Tink's light has been doing nothing but glowing green with jealously since Peter has dubbed himself as Father, and he didn't even think to pick her to play Mother.

George Darling never completely understands what happened to his three children that fateful night while he and his wife were out, but it's no matter, because now they all seem rather happy and determined to live their lives to the fullest.

Houses made of mere grass and twigs are sometimes easier to live in than houses filled with strict expectations, Wendy privately muses to herself as she prepares supper for the boys.

Insecurity is not something Peter is used to carrying around with him, but it's become a looming threat that finally makes him flutter towards the sleeping Mary Darling, wanting to slam the nursery window shut on her...for they both can't have Wendy.

Kisses were given in the forms of acorns and buttons between Mother and Father in Neverland.

Just when daylight is to be seen on the enchanted horizon, Wendy is actually glad to know that Peter can't remember the nightmares he was having only hours ago.

Lightning strikes across the sky the moment Peter begins to pout, scowl, and fume, for their Mother has talked about missing her own mother back in London City again!

Mermaids wade through the Lagoon, casting the Wendy Bird envious glances behind Peter's back as he acts out another one of his heroic deeds—wherein Wendy is the innocent maiden he has just rescued from evil clutches, by swooping her up into his arms and twirling her about for show.

Nana comes from a loyal breed, and that is what makes her such an excellent nurse.

One girl is more use than twenty boys, Peter promises Wendy this.

Peter visits the little house at Number 14, always pleased to see that Wendy still refuses to have the window closed.

Quiet moonlit waves clash against the Jolly Roger, and inside sits an anxious-looking Smee, overhearing his Captain plotting his long quest for revenge.

Rufio has never seen this famous Wendy Bird himself since he came to the Isle after she'd left—but he currently keeps wondering what is taking Pan so long to get back from seeing her house, how long must he shelter and guard the Lost Boys on his own...?

Second star to the right and straight on till morning! the evening skies sing into the childrens' ears as London City disappears far below them.

Tick Tock likes to sun himself on the banks of Crocodile Creek, letting his scales shine, while he bides his time to have a full meal be given to him on a hook...tick tock...tick tock...tick tock...

Up in the air Peter goes, gliding through the clouds and soaring with the summer winds, chasing his shadow to the edge of the world.

Various things tend to catch Tiger Lily's attention...from who's the fastest runner in her tribe or the best archer, to the more subtle details, like how Pan's loyal faerie never leaves her master's side, while he never leaves Wendy's.

Wendy holds Peter's favor more than any person ever has, and because of that, she is just as much of a legend in his world as he is in hers.

Xylophones are too fancy for Peter's musical tastes; he prefers the sweet simplicity of the pipes.

Youth is the very thing in which Neverland can guarantee that will last.

Zealous forest faeries dance under the toadstools, reeling round and round for their Titania fair and Oberon bold, as Peter watches from above, his eyes shining with delight.