Ok this is a bit different from all my other stories, it's still an Outsider's story but it's also a confession. You'll see what I mean just please review. First chapter is a true story, and after that it gets to the outsiders.

My name is Carol Adams, everyone knows me as Sabrina though. This is about my life, why everyone thinks I'm this Sabrina girl. I used to be the social misfit that no one wanted to be friends with, the girl that was always sad or depressed. Then I met a girl named Sabrina. She was one of my first real friends. Everyone loved her; she was one of the greatest people you would ever want to meet. When she moved away I became the social misfit again. That was in seventh grade. I'm a high school drop out now. Never made it through my junior year.

My eighth grade year I got blamed for something I didn't do. A girl got mad at me and spread a rumor around the school saying I was planning on coming in and killing everyone, needless to say not many people believed me when I said I had no idea what she was talking about. I even got kicked out of school because no one believed me. I ended up going to summer school because they failed me for not being there.

After that summer I started my freshman year in a new school. I went as Carol and wasn't accepted so I became Sabrina, the girl I told you about earlier. I became the popular, funny girl that everyone wanted to be around. Hardly anyone knew me as Carol and those who did were from my old school.

Soon everyone accepted me and people started coming to me with their problems. I loved being able to help my friends. But I soon found out they weren't my friends; they were Sabrina's friends. I didn't exist as anything else than a copy. I was a copy of Sabrina and no one really knew me.

On the outside everyone knew Sabrina as the happy girl that could always make someone laugh. But no one knew that on the inside I was dying. Carol was becoming a memory of the past. No one knew her anyway so she was completely disappearing. Everyone wanted Sabrina's help. And if I didn't know how to help I had let that person down.

My sophomore year got bad; a close friend of mine wanted to kill himself. I had always told him he could tell me anything and that he could trust me. He made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone, and I didn't for a while, but the day before he was planning to die I went and told someone about what he was planning. I broke my first promise ever. I didn't think he would ever forgive me.

I went into a serious depression after that. He spent a few days in the councilors office and he wouldn't speak to me. He was one of the many that knows me as Sabrina. The day I decided to try to bring the old me back was when he showed up on my doorstep with flowers to thank me for saving his life. He was thanking Sabrina for saving him, not Carol.

I knew I had to do something to bring myself back to reality. That's why I'm writing this. Please review this chapter and let me know what you think, the next chapter will be in the outsiders world I promise, I just wanted to get my story out first. Thanx. Peace