Hey guys! A new story, yay! Actually not really yay… I can barely keep track of my two other stories! I guess I'll just have to throw my laziness away and manage to write three stories at once, there for I will make an updating schedule! I don't actually know where I got the idea from, I can't remember ._. Well the theme is- Wait I can't reveal that, well you'll find out soon enough ;). Enough of your time wasted. Enjoy!

Amu's POV

I laid on bed staring at the ceiling, simply listening to my father and little sister arguing downstairs.

"How dare you? Ever since mom passed away you haven't acted like a parent at all, and now you think you can tell me what am allowed to do?!"

"Ami, don't you dare speak to me like that! You are not going out with that boy, understood?"

"Stop it! I'm already 16 and now you try to act like a decent parent. It's too late for both Amu and me. We're both almost mature you can't try and raise us now."

"You listen to me, young lady-"

"Oh, why should I listen to you? You have never bothered listening to Amu and me, what about us?"

I sighed, slipping on my shoes that were messily thrown on the floor, climbed through the window and left through the fire staircase.

I don't see any reason why she bothers involving me, she means well but I don't really care what my old man does.

We rarely talk, it being that he especially dislikes me for some reason. He never told me why, quite unfair actually, but like I said I don't really care.

Don't bother assuming that I'm a heartless person. Even if I tried I can't care because I'm just not bothered by it.

I took a deep breath of the spring air and smiled.

I adore spring. It's my favorite season, the season of beginnings as I'd like to call it. When everything grows back and the insects and animals appear, weather gets warmer and the sun's back, I never knew why exactly. I just do.

Taking a stroll around the park was something I enjoyed doing when my father and Ami were arguing. I sneak out the window because I know once I go down there, I'm stuck in the middle of a fight I don't want to be in.

Pulling my hoodie over my head and closing its zipper, I walked across the empty playground of the park and let the memories of a better time sink in.

The swings, the sandbox, the slide, the climbing frame, the seesaw. I remember all of it. I remember coming here with my family when my mother was still alive. Ami and I would sit on the swings and our parents would push us. We'd buy ice cream, Ami always picked vanilla and I picked strawberry or chocolate. Those were the fun times we'd all be together and laugh, talk and play.

Those days were unfortunately left behind us when our mother passed away of tuberculosis

We travelled all over the country looking for a doctor who would be able to heal her, but no one could figure out what she had.

While thinking about those sad memories I looked up in the sky, it was a full moon, stars were twinkling and there were no clouds. Absolutely breathtaking.

A cold wind passed by that caused my hoodie to fall off and my strawberry pink hair to blow in the wind, it's a strange color I know. It's my natural hair color and I like it so I refuse to dye it.

"Miss, it's dangerous out this late" A husky voice interrupted my thoughts, startling me.

I turned around to see the silhouette of a man.

"Thank you for your concern, mister but I can defend myself and there's cameras all over the place so I think I'll be fine." With that I looked back at the moon as it reflected moonlight down on the park where the dim streetlights couldn't reach.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He now stood next to me. I hadn't even heard his footsteps.

"What is?" I asked looking at him.

"The moon," He replied looking at me as well and allowing me to take in his features.

He had messy midnight blue hair (guess I wasn't the only one with a strange hair color) and matching midnight blue eyes. He looked lean yet muscular and roughly older than me. Somehow, he managed to look more beautiful than the moon

"Yes it is." I agreed, momentarily wondering whether I was referring to the moon or him. I decided to shake off the feeling and returned my gaze at the moon.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing out here so late?"

"I see no reason to tell you."

He shrugged "Well you never know, I come to this park quite often. If we happen to bump into each other more often it'd be nice to know something about each other. A name, perhaps?"

I sighed in defeat. He had a point, and perhaps some company would be nice rather than just staring at the park alone in nostalgia.

"Hinamori Amu, I'm 18 and come here cause I don't want to hear my father and little sister argue."

He chuckled. "That's quite a straightforward introduction," He cleared his throat "Anyway, my name is Tsukiyomi Ikuto, I'm 20 and come here because I like to clear my mind here"

"Then I guess I'll see you here more often, since I also only come at night."

During the day I have to go to school after all and afterwards I just try to avoid coming home as long as possible. When it's getting late I head home and sneak in my room through the fire staircase. Ami usually always leaves a bowl of food behind on my desk.

She's my little sister and obviously shows that she cares for me very much so occasionally I sneak in her room at night and thank her. The loving smile that she then always gives me confuses me to no end.

Even though she's my little sister and I love her, I don't care for her as much as she does for me. Why does she care? That question always lingers but I don't ask her.

"Guess that makes us midnight partners," He joked.

"Midnight parents? Who'd you come up with that?" I laughed.

"Then how about you come up with something?"

"We're somebody we met in the park." I shrugged.

"Somebody I met in the park, huh?"

I nodded. "Yes, you're the boy from the park," I took a sharp inhale. "Guess I'll see you another time, Ikuto."

This feeling was strange. I didn't feel out of place with this guy, I seemed to fit in and could actually hold a conversation and sincerely laugh and smile. I felt something I haven't felt in a long time, someone to talk to.

But more importantly I felt I had someone to care about.

The end~! Sorry if there are any mistakes, I always leave mistakes and I didn't check this time so that doubles the chance T-T. I also just realized how this entire, rather short, chapter was in all Amu's POV ._. Anyways what do you guys think? Good or no? More or STAHP?! Review please!