Title: Why?

Rating: T

Disclaimer: Last I checked I still didn't get any monetary gain from writing this stuff. I guess taking great joy from posting these little stories will be the only reward I'll get.

Summary: A senseless act of violence has devastating consequences.

A/N: This whole story came to me in a dream; all I had to do was write it down. ;-)

Again I want to thank Cokie for her amazing beta work. I couldn't do this without her. And more importantly, I wouldn't want to.

Even after all the yelling you did, I still love ya. :-)

Why? - Chapter 01

Danny Williams looked at the flag covered casket; this was not how it should have ended. He knew that to his right were Kono, Chin and Grover, and he knew without even looking that their faces were grim, sad and angry.

Last he glanced at his left, to the empty space next to Catherine. As if feeling his look on her she turned her head and tried to smile through the sadness that hadn't left her since this horrible ordeal had started a few days ago.

Danny could still hear her laughter when Steve had finally come home after a long… and late meeting with the governor. They all had been at Steve and Catherine's place, celebrating catching a dangerous felon who had killed three people in the last 48 hour period. He wondered if he would hear that laughter again.

The team, including Grover and Max had raided the couple's freezer and fridge and they had just opened the last six-pack of Longboards when Steve had finally graced them with his presence.

Three days ago

Steve could hear the laughter coming from behind the back of his house even before he closed the truck's door. He sighed and shook his head. He should have known they would all come here to decompress and celebrate taking a dangerous man off the streets. It was not like he didn't want them to come and feel comfortable to spend their time with him and Catherine, but he was bone tired and had been looking forward to a quiet night alone with his girlfriend.

They hadn't had any time to themselves for what he thought were weeks. OK, it was only days, but he had really hoped for some Barry-White-time tonight. Or at least for some uninterrupted sleep next to Cath, something that also hadn't happened in the last few weeks. His sleeping pattern had gotten a bit disturbing lately, something he had to address soon or it might start to affect his work.

Steve looked up when he heard Grover's booming voice announcing the last six-pack of beer. Great. Finally home, and no beer. This day was getting better and better. First he and Chin had to chase their killer on foot through the container maze down at the harbor, then he had to attend the never-ending press conference and the 'aftershow' with the Governor, and now, to top it all off, he probably wouldn't even get a beer at his own house.

Steve sighed again as he walked into the front door. Laughter was still filtering through the open door to the lanai, he could clearly hear Catherine. He would recognize her laugh anywhere.

He kept his keys in his hand, knowing that he would need them again in a minute, and walked through the sparsely lit living room. He stopped in the doorway to the illuminated lanai and took in the sight. A smile formed on his face at seeing his team having such a good time. They deserved to enjoy their time off. They all had done a great job the last couple of days.

And he was very happy to see Grover becoming a friend not only to him but also to his team. They had had a rocky start, but now they worked really well together. Steve really liked the guy, and he had found that it was easy to talk to him. He respected Grover, and was glad to call him a friend.

"I hope there is a steak with my name on it?" Steve called into the night and laughed at the collected head turning. "What, no beer and no steak?" Steve asked in mock anger, but with a smile on his face as he joined the group.

He was greeted with a sweet kiss from Cath and an apology from Danny. "Sorry, we were just discussin' who'd get mo' beer."

Steve laughed at his friend, "Well, obviously not you. Sounds like you've had one too many already."

"Nah, 'm good," Danny said but plopped back into his chair when he stood up too fast.

"Sure you are," Steve said still laughing.

"One of 'em must have been bad," Danny said grinning.

"I'm sure that's it. Keep at it guys, I'll just go and grab a couple more packs. Anything else we need?" Steve asked and looked at his girlfriend.

"No, it's all good. We'll start your steak. You get the beer."

"Alright," he said and bent down for another kiss. "I'll be back in a few. Don't burn my steak," he warned, pointing his finger at Chin who was just preparing more food to put on the grill.

"Hurry back, Steve, or I can't guarantee that juicy meat will still be here," Grover called over the table, swinging his fork.

"You better keep that fork away from my steak," Steve threatened back over his shoulder.

He still chuckled as he closed the truck's door and made his way to the small store just a few minutes from his home. "Mr. Kim's" had always had a good stash of cold six packs and all the other stuff one would need for an impromptu party.

Steve still remembered Mr. Kim senior from his childhood, the shop was still in their family, and Steve mostly bought his beer there. It was a bit more costly, but he liked to support the small shops.

He parked his truck in the small parking lot behind the shop and went into the back door. Like he had done thousands of times before. Steve thought two or three six-packs should do since his friends had been at it for a few hours already. He calculated their get-together wouldn't last longer than another hour or so.

He was on his way to the cooler that held the beer when he stopped in his tracks.

Three things happened at the same time. Steve saw the body on the floor, heard a popping sound from his right and felt the impact on his chest.

He looked down at the blood forming on his shirt. Steve's legs gave out and he went down to his knees, too shocked to realize what had just happened. He tried to lift his hands to stop the blood oozing out of the hole high up on the right side of his chest. Steve took a shuddering breath that resulted in a wet cough with frothy blood bubbling out of his mouth.

Steve fell forward and came to rest on his stomach with one arm outstretched and one by his side. Breathing was a struggle and he became aware that he was mortally wounded. He again coughed and more blood spew out of his mouth.

With the coughing came pain. Incredible pain in his chest and back. It took away what little breath he still had. Steve closed his eyes against the agony that had suddenly formed in his back. For a moment he wondered why the worst pain he had ever felt was in his back when he had been shot in his chest.

But soon that thought was of no importance anymore. All he could think of was Catherine. And who would be the one to make the notification. He hoped it would be a kind soul, and that his friends would be there for her. For her and his sister.

His girlfriend's smiling face was his last thought as he took his last breath. A calm settled over him, and he smiled, thinking of her laughter, of the time they had spent together.

And then suddenly it was all gone.

His body gave in to the trauma the bullet had caused as it tore through his lung and lodged itself in his spine. Once again, three things occurred simultaneously. Steve's heart stopped beating, the blood stopped flowing, and air stopped getting in his damaged lungs.

H50 - H50 - H50