Hey guys! I'm sorry that this took literally so long to update. To be honest, I was in no rush to update this because this is the last installment of this one-shot. But here it is, I hope ya'll enjoy! Also special thanks to CarpeDee.m for giving me a few ideas on this chatper :)

This was it. Today was the day. In about 15 minutes, Karma would be wrapped in Amy's arms, and Amy in Karma's. Amy would be able to touch Karma, which is something that now that she thinks about it, Amy took for granted. Maybe it's true, you don't really, truly miss something until it's halfway across the world. Amy had everything back at her house ready to go; the lights had been set to dim, she knew Karma would arrive in the afternoon so she remembered to get dark curtains for her windows to really set the mood, she didn't forget to place the promise ring in the middle of her spacey bed, and lastly, she remembered to ask Karma's parents for permission to pick her up from the airport and steal her away for a few hours. Although she was still kinda pissed about them shipping Karma off, she did appreciate them understanding that Amy really, desperately, achingly needed to see and be with Karma. They agreed, without hesitation; her parents were a lot more open, and encouraging than Amy's, for that she was appreciative too. Now that she thinks about it, she realizes how unlike her this all is. Amy never really saw herself as the romantic type; the type to make a cheesy bed of roses, to pay $16 dollars for curtains just to set the mood, to buy a promise ring, to miss somebody so much to the point of almost crying, but then again, it's Karma who she's with. With Karma, she does and says things that even after 2 years of being together, surprise her.

Amy turned off the rumbling engine in her car, stuck her keys in her back pocket, and made her way into the crowded airport. The approximate arrival time said 3:20 to 3:25, it's now 3:24. She made brief glances, scanning her eyes from all entries and exits in the building, yearning for any small sight of auburn hair. It's now 3:26, and still no image of Karma. Amy's eyes focused on the electric stairs; those stairs led to the front entrance of the airport, so if Karma made her way to the doors, Amy wouldn't miss her. Her view stayed on the stairs, floods of people making their way down them. Her eyes leave the stairs for a second, and she glances at her phone. No texts, no calls, and it's now 3:27. Amy knows she shouldn't panic, it's only 2 minutes behind, and planes deal with layovers all the time, and maybe Karma's plane had a slight layover, or maybe while she was looking down at her phone, she missed Karma's passage down the stairs, and what if now, Karma was somewhere on the first level looking for Amy? They would both be running around a vast, people-hoarded airport looking for each other like chickens with their heads cut off. The thought annoyed Amy, honestly. She had waited 2 months to hold Karma, to feel some skin on skin contact, to taste her lips, to hear voice, to look into her eyes and see the different shades of brown and green in them, and the thought of waiting even 2 minutes for that to happen flustered her more than she could have imagined.

Amy's heart practically pops out of her chest when she feels a tug on her shoulder. She knows who it is, and she gets quick mental images of Karma's face flashing in her mind. Amy turns around, slowly, slower than she had intended. Then her heart drops in disappointment when she's faced with a balding middle aged man, who is the exact opposite of her Karma. She must have let her thoughts take over her, because she didn't even notice the man trying to get her attention.

"Excuse me," he snaps his fingers at her half-open mouth gaze, Amy shakes her head wildly and stares back at him, "would you mind?" he motions his digital camera at her.

She smiles softly at him, and takes the camera. He takes a few steps forward next to his wife and his son, who was in an Army uniform. "Alright," Amy places the camera to near her face, "One, two and three," the smile on all three of their faces signals Amy to take the picture. "There you go," she walks toward the man, and hands him his camera. He turns, waves, and thanks her before walking away. She's alone again, and waiting for Karma. Still.

Amy pulls out her phone, again. The time reads 3:32, and no Karma. She makes her way to the seats near the front entrance, and just then, her heart drops. For real this time. Karma was sitting there, with her hand on phone and her phone pressed against her ear. The light coming from the windows near the seats made Karma's light skin glisten, her beautiful eyes blinked in slow motion, her full lips were slightly parted, she was turned the other way, leaving exposed skin on her neck, the noises in the background turned into soft, incoherent buzzing. Karma turns her head and is now facing Amy, her eyes light up, like Amy's never seen before, her heart rises to her throat when their eyes lock. Karma's pink lips are moving, Amy can't make out the words, she continues to make her way to her. Karma hangs up the phone and runs to Amy; she reacts quicker than she thought she would, catching Karma safely in her arms when their bodies crash into each other. The force from Karma's short run causes the blonde to take a step back, but that doesn't loosen the grip her hands have on Karma's small, lower waist. Amy's full heart pumps through her chest, and she swears she can feel Karma's own heart against hers. She takes in the intoxicating fumes coming from the auburn hair, she tightens her grip on Karma's waist, and feels her breath hitch slightly at the motion. Amy closes her eyes and let's the dizziness take her over. Karma buries her head into the crook of Amy's neck, the intensity of the moment becoming too much, she scrunches her face hoping to stop the tears but she's beaten. The tears come lightly, not heavy at all, but Amy feels her warm tears tickling her neck. Without hesitation she plants repetitive kisses into the brunette's velvet hair, forcing back the tears threatening to fall. Karma's soft cries caught Amy by surprise; she's always known Karma to be an emotional person, Amy was always the one to keep her feelings in tact which Karma liked, mainly because when Amy did show emotion it was because of Karma, and that made her feel more special than words could ever describe.

They hold each other for seconds but those seconds drag out and seem like hours. Karma pulls away first, their faces are still incredibly close, breaths being exchanged, and eyes marveling each other. Amy traces Karma's tear streaks with her eyes before placing gentle kisses on both sides of her face, washing away the wet marks. The brunette closes her eyes, the heat of Amy's lips cause her pulse to steadily increase. It's been months since she's felt it, and she's feeling it all over again after what seems like forever. Amy moves her lips from either sides of Karma's face before locking their lips together; she feels her eyebrows furrow together against part of her forehead. The kiss is short but passionate, enough to leave them both out of breath. The friction of their lips caused both of them to feel heated, there was anxiety hanging on the edge of their touches, it was tense, their bodies clenched with want, Amy's hands grasping the near bottom of Karma's back so tightly it caused the lower back of her shirt to rise up every time their lips switched movements.

Amy is the first to pull away, becoming aware that they might be putting on a show. She rests her head against Karma's, her dark chestnut hair dangling lightly against her lovely face, and their eyes are once against fixated together. Amy runs her thumb over Karma's cheek; she sighs when she feels her quiet touch.

"I missed you so much, Karms," she whispers against the smaller girl's lips before giving her a tender peck.

"I missed you too," Karma laughs softly before backing away slightly from Amy. "Can't you tell?" she says jokingly, motioning to her face where the tears once were.

Amy smiles back at Karma, taking her hand and intertwining their fingers together. "It's okay," she runs her free thumb over Karma's face once more, "I kissed them away. It's like they were never there."

The smile spreads wider on the brunette's face as she steps closer and snuggles into Amy. "You're my own personal tissue," the sentence is ended with another quick kiss.

"Come on," Amy tugs at Karma, "I have a surprise for you back in my room." Karma oohs in excitement. Amy takes Karma's things in one hand, and her hand in the other. They walk out, exchanging conversation, and laughs, and make their way back to Amy's place.

Karma was beginning to turn the knob, when she's stopped by Amy's voice. "Babe!" The knob stops turning, and Karma releases a light giggle, "You can't come in yet!"

"How much longer? I'm losing my patience," she whines, her face practically touching the door.

Amy swings the door open and plants a tiny kiss on Karma's lips, "Now," she says softly.

The lights are all off, with the exception of the dim lamp sitting on the nightstand. The dark brown curtains casted an even darker mood over the room. The bed was nicely made, with a small, fair amount of rose petals laying on top of the comforter, and in the very middle of it all was a modest box. Karma didn't know whether to laugh or cry at everything. Cry because everything was tidy, and thoughtful, she wasn't expecting this in the slightest, she felt overwhelmed in the best way possible by it. Laugh because it was so unlike Amy to do all of this. Now, Amy was thoughtful, but never to this extent; the one thing Amy wasn't was cliche, and the dim lights, roses, and ring box all fed into a cliche. It was cute, it made Karma's heart skip several beats. She smiled, trying her hardest to hold back the tears, again, taking it all in, the entire moment, the situation she's facing. She hasn't seen her girlfriend for over 2 months and here she finally is, standing before something she didn't see coming; it was corny yes, but amazingly unpredictable. Then comes the music, it starts off slowly, and it takes Karma a few seconds before realizing what song it is. It's Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight" and Karma vividly remembers singing the song to Amy countless times, every time she did, Amy would roll her eyes playfully, but truly she loved hearing Karma sing it to her. It was one of Karma's favorites.

"There's music too?" Karma says smiling, and turning back to face Amy. She seemed proud of all she had done, but Karma could detect the shades of uncertainty on the blonde's face.

Amy nods, "It's too much, isn't it?"

Karma shakes her in disagreement. She's completely turned around now, facing Amy. "It's perfect," she moves closer, and their lips meet again.

Amy pulls away quickly, too quickly for Karma's liking. "Wait, wait, I have one more thing to give you." She takes Karma's hand, and leads her to the bed before closing the door behind her. She directs her to sit on the feet of the bed while she gets the ring box resting in the middle of the bed, and then sits next to her. "Karma," the box is gripped around her hands, and her hazel eyes were practically piercing through Amy's greener ones, "I love you. Being without you these last two months was beyond torture, but it helped me really see how much you mean to me, and you know, now we're going off to college together, and things are going to change drastically for us, but it's nice to know that the one thing that will stay the same is our relationship, so I uh, I got you this." Her fingers are nearly trembling with uneasiness as she raises the top of the box. Karma's loving gaze moves from Amy's eyes to the ring inside the box. It wasn't too shiny or fancy, it was quiet and small, Karma couldn't have pictured it any better. Amy's eyes scan Karma's face for any kind of assurance, and all she could pick up on was her lack of words. She breaks the silence, "I know it's not the biggest ring you've ever seen, but I'm not asking you to marry me, not yet anyways. I just wanted to show you how serious this is to me, right now, and you know maybe when I propose to you, or you to me, then we can get bigger rings but for now, this is-" Amy stops talking when she feels the other girl's hand over her cheek, and her thumb caressing her bottom lip.

"Stop talking," their lips move into each other for a slight kiss, "I love it, and I love you," she says, against Amy's lips. Amy pushes her lips forward, crashing into Karma's again, a little harder than the first time. The kiss gradually evolves, with Karma's lips buried in between Amy's; she trudges further into the brunette's lips, grazing her tongue along her upper lip. A gentle moan escapes Karma's hot mouth, which causes Amy to let the ring box slip from her hand as her hands clutch the sides of the other girl's face. Karma opens her mouth wider, letting Amy's tongue cozy in between her lips, and she clamps her hands on the sides of the blonde girl's body. Amy thoroughly pushes the roses off the bed, and uses her hand to softly pin the smaller girl's body onto the bed, and she's now hovered her. She knows what's to come, this was turning heavy, the breathing was heavy, the kisses were heavy, the touches were heavy handed, and soon the floor would be heavy with their clothes.

Karma runs her fingers along the hem of Amy's t-shirt, and she wastes no time in tugging it off. She let's her hands roam all over her slender body, not forgetting all the creases and curves she's memorized over the last 2 years. Next is Karma's tight blouse; it always made her giggle when Amy tried taking off her fitting pieces of clothing, mostly because she struggled, sometimes getting frustrated, but once it was off, like now, the blonde wasted no time in taking out her frustration in kisses all over Karma's fit, tight body. The moans came out of her lips like lava from an oozing volcano; the slightest touches, and kisses that Amy traced along her abdomen, on her pulsating neck, and in the valley of her chest made Karma feel lightheaded with ecstasy. Karma scrambles to take off Amy's bra, and Amy does the same to Karma's. They were moving at a right pace, Amy taking her time to pay proper attention to the exposed parts of Karma's body. Kissing, licking, sucking, massaging the areas she knew drove the brunette crazy; she knew just how to touch, where to place her tongue, how to go about her movements, she had mastered the skill of making Karma moan with foreplay alone. Amy moves her head lower, shifting her mouth from her stomach to her waistline. She lets her tongue trace lines right under the smaller girl's belly button, while pulling off her skirt and underwear in one swift motion, without needing to withdraw her mouth from her skin. Karma slowly spreads her legs for Amy, without her having to say anything. Her kisses move down lower, and lower, as Karma's breathing turns heavier and heavier, she's already withering with anticipation on top of the sheets, and Amy hasn't even placed her lips in between her legs yet. Her hazel eyes shut tightly, and she lets them hit the back of her head when the blonde's soft lips are finally moving around her sex. She feels the sharp exhales of hot breath against her in between licks and tongue shifts. Karma clutches the pillow above her head, her body jerking unintentionally at every suck and tongue flick, her back completely arched, not bothering to rest against the mattress. It had been so long since her body felt the warmth of Amy's hands and mouth, and the feelings were rushing back to her now; it felt like the first time.

"I love you," Amy says softly in between Karma's shaking legs and against her firm, plump sex. Karma's mind is racing at a million miles with pleasure, she can't comprehend what she's thinking, if she's even thinking at all, she's completely out of the control of her body, and the only thing she can withhold are her moans, which are still jumping out of her lips without warning.

The blonde's kisses are leading up again, from Karma's legs to her abdomen, her breasts, to her neck, and finally reaching the other girl's wet lips. Karma releases a shaky sigh into Amy's mouth as they kiss. She releases her grip from the pillows, and places them on Amy's breasts, the blonde moans into the kiss before the other girl lets her hands rest on her waist. Karma turns them over, so that now she's over Amy's body, they continue their kiss. Amy's delicate hands tracing over Karma's chest, the kiss intensifies, they're breathing in each other's fire. Amy sits up slightly, letting her bare upper body rest against her headboard. Karma is still completely naked, on her knees, with her legs straddled around the other girl's body. Amy keeps her left hand circulating Karma's breast, while her right hand slides over her stomach before massaging the wet area in between her legs. Karma frowns into the kiss, and has a tight cup hold on Amy's face, muffling the moan into the blonde's mouth. Amy slides one finger into her, Karma's breath hitches, causing her pull away from the kiss before returning to Amy's lips. Then comes another finger, and the brunette's already feeling herself become completely lost, all she can feel are her girlfriend's fingers, shifting in a perfect rhythm in and out of her, she feels Amy's breath against her neck, and then a soft love bite against her pulse. She finally lets go of the moan she had been holding in, it's shaky and loud. Amy keeps her pace, never stopping her mouth and tongue from sucking on Karma's neck; she throws her head in pleasure, and this gives Amy better sucking spots. Karma is feeling pleasure on her chest, on her neck, and inside her. Especially inside her; Amy knew exactly how to keep her pace, how to move her fingers insider her, it was driving Karma crazy how good she was making her feel. Karma runs her hands through Amy's golden locks, her grip tightening every time she felt a surge of exhilarating pleasure; she begins to buck her hips forward and back, while Amy keeps her pace, the tension in her body was building up, and she can't control it any longer, her body continues to jerk forward as her waist thrusts against Amy's body and into Amy's fingers; and Amy never breaking the cycle of massaging, sucking, inserting and removing. Karma's body is quivering, her moans are loud now, everything is beyond her control, she's pushing Amy's face further into her neck, urging her to not stop, and she doesn't, she continues, and does so until Karma is beyond her climax. The muscles in her body relax, the walls in between her legs lose their tightness, her breathing and sight retain their balance, and the grip she had on Amy's blonde locks loosens. Only she's capable of making Karma feel like that, and lose complete control of her own body and thoughts, she had almost forgotten what it felt like, after two months of not feeling it. But she felt it now, and she loved the way she felt after it, she loved the way Amy's hair looked after she had grabbed enough of it, she loved the way her comforter looked after they move off of it, she loved the attention Amy paid to her, she loved the words whispered into her skin, and best of all, she loved Amy, and Amy loved her. Immensely.

Again sorry about the ridiculous wait! But thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the storyline, and if you guys have any ideas for any one-shot or stories you'd like to me write, I'd be more than happy to do so! Just leave your ideas in the reviews or send me a private message. Thanks again, ya'll are great. :)