AN: I wrote this prologue a really long time ago and never typed it up to put it up with the rest of the chapters. I found it while going through some of my notes and stuff. I'm hoping there is nothing too contradictory on here but if there is, I apologize. I know there are some things that were already stated in part one but it's kind of a mild rewrite. I might do a full rewrite of chapter one including their first meeting but I don't know if I'm going to get around to it. Anyways, enjoy.
Forbidden Fruit of the Juiciest Kind
Priest!Killian Captain Swan AU
St. Catherine's Catholic Church was situated in a lazy town near the coast of Maine; not quite on the water but easily accessible by car. The church doubled as an all-girls Catholic school Monday through Friday and hosted girls from 1st grade all the way to 12th.
Established circa 1957, the church lacked some of the technological advances that this generation had greatly become accustomed to. It more than made up for that slight inconvenience with its handsome 18th century Spanish-inspired architecture that lent itself to both the interior and exterior of the church.
Run by the town's parishes and decans, St. Catherine's served as both the educational and social hub of the town. The parishes and decans served as more than just church leadership, they were the town's government. The stuck-up middle-aged prudes presided over the town like an overly-judgmental jury, completely ignoring modern social normalcies to advance their own narrow-minded social agenda. Anyone that failed to adhere to the perfect suburban church-going lifestyle was shunned and eventually run out of town.
Suffice to say, Emma Swan was one such person that didn't fit the mold and was always pushing the boundaries when it came to either her attire or her eccentric behavior. Mainly, her insatiable appetite for the male sex.
She was not the perfect chaste and obedient girl her foster parents had imagined she'd be when she arrived in the town that closely resembled a Stephen King novel— a town full of impossible unspoken rules.
The Murphy's had gotten far more than they had bargained for with her; she was outspoken, rebellious, and overtly promiscuous.
As far as the town's less than stellar opinions of her were concerned, they saw her as social eye sore that corrupted the town's wholesome nature. They believed that her loose behavior was a cry for attention and tried to shield the young males in the town from her prying eyes. Her very unwanted existence in the town had earned her a reputation for being the town tramp.
Once the shock of her diversity had finally worn off, people stopped trying make her conform and settled for looking at her their judgmental gazes and sideway glances as they murmured about her under their breath.
If you think for one moment that she didn't enjoy the elaborate stories they concocted about her— you'd be dead wrong. She adored the wayward attention. As for the stuffy people that resided in the town, she had to admit they were at their best creatively when it came to spreading lies about her. There were so many that she couldn't possibly pick a favorite.
Her foster parents, John and Lori Murphy were your average, everyday, run-of-the-mill bible thumping do-gooders. When the opportunity arose to house a troubled teen they pounced. Their reasoning behind it was that they would be doing the "Lord's work" by taking her in. If not doing anything qualifies as the "Lord's work" than they were both doing a mighty fine job of that.
John Murphy spent most of his time at the run-down used car dealership about forty give minutes to the east of there, which gave him a pretty valid excuse for never being around. Who is to say that she even blamed him for never being around with his shrew of a wife. Now, that woman was a character.
Standing at five foot four and 240 pounds, Lori Murphy was self-righteous, close-minded, and convince she was God's gift to mankind. Often enough, Emma would find herself rolling her eyes as she prattled on about the indecent individuals of the world and how they should all just be wiped off the face of the earth. Needless to say, that would only leave a small fraction of the population behind, excluding her own husband— something she was unsure if her foster mother was privy of.
The one character trait Emma didn't seem to mind was her work-ethic. Being an ER nurse over in the neighboring town ensured that she was hardly ever around to berate and belittle her. Emma was positive that if she heard one more thing about Jesus leave this woman's mouth, she was going to send her to Him directly.
The subject of God was one of myth to her. She had yet to find solid proof of His existence. Where had he been for the last seventeen years of her life? What had he ever done for her lately? She was convinced that either she wasn't important enough to care about or God had misplaced her address. After all, she had moved quite frequently.
This would be her seventh foster home and compared to her previous situations and living arrangements, this place wasn't so bad. Besides, she would only have to endure it for another ten months. She would finish high school and get out of this town where people's highest ambition was to get married and have children; raising them in the church. She had envisioned a much better life for herself, maybe one where someone actually gave two shits about her.
Emma Swan defined herself as a mildly attractive teen with deep green eyes and a long luscious mane of blonde curls. Those traits alone weren't solely responsible for getting her everything and anything she wanted, especially men.
Men couldn't resist her toned and youthful body. She had sensuous curves for someone her age and a generous chest. She had bloomed early in life. Her face glowed and blushed with youth, stopping men dead in their tracks just wishing they could have her.
With as they might though, Emma was rather selective about her sexual partners. She was drawn in by unobtainable good-looking men. She enjoyed the ones that looked like they would be really good in bed and she was always relentless in her pursuit.
She wouldn't consider herself a trollop or a harlot by those standards. She, like everyone else in the world, was looking for something— something she had yet to find but would often find briefly with her legs wrapped around a hard-muscular body as she cried out in ecstasy. In that moment she would allow herself to feel loved, cherished, and cared for no matter how fleeting it was.
It was the only thing she had that was remotely even close to it and she look extreme measures to ensure she would feel it over and over again until she was able to find what she was truly looking for— stability and love.
Over the weekend, the entire church was abuzz with the impending arrival of the new staffing change to the church. It caused a stir amongst her peers and neighbors. It was all anyone could talk about for weeks after Father Carmine stepped down from his position as head priest.
It came as quite a shock to a few people, including herself, but the man had been ancient and had been at the church for well over twenty-five years. At the ripe old age of 70, he finally decided to retire. The man had zero regard for personal hygiene and often spit during his sermons when he became overenthusiastic. Despite all of that, people were sad to see him leave after his years of servitude to the church and if it was anything that the community feared the most, it was change.
The news of his retirement spread like wild-fire. He announced his retirement just a few weeks shy of the start of her senior year and also told them they he had already found and assigned his replacement. The church elders weren't pleased by his selection either— a bright-eyed pupil of his straight out of seminary. He tried his best to quell people's skepticism of his choice by stating he saw a lot of potential in the young priest and that he had complete faith that the church was being left in capable hands.
This did nothing to cease the rumors and gossip going around town. This was probably one of the most exciting things that had happened in the lives of the town's pathetic citizens. The mysterious man was already the talk of the town and no one had even seen him yet.
Needless to say, this town was in for a rude awakening when they realized that they had gotten more than what they expected when Father Killian Jones was appointed to the church.