A/N: Hey! Here's chapter 2! I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.


The Strawhat Pirates were sitting around the kitchen table save for Sanji and Luffy. The cook was leaning against the sink an unlit cigarette hanging from his lips and the captain was in bed after the night vigil. The mood was somber and quiet. One thought was running through all of their heads, why?

A quiet voice broke through,"Why did we lie to Luffy?"

There was that word again, why?

The voice spoke once more, "I don't understand."

This time a soft, feminine voice spoke up, "It's okay Chopper, it wasn't your fault. It was my fault. It was my idea to lie to Luffy."

Another voice broke through, "It's not your fault Nami-san, it was everyone's fault. We shouldn't have agreed to the plan in the first place." For once the voice did not contain a hint of flamboyancy.

"We would be dead by now if we were in anyone else's crew"

The crew stiffened at the words of the ever creepy Robin.

She continued in her thoughts.

We would be at the bottom of the ocean by now. No one else hits their captain on the head and treat them like an idiot.

Robin thinks about her past experiences on different crews with very cruel captains.

Robin is back on one of the first pirate crews she joined. She was still young, a mere 9-year old on a pirate ship. She was on the deck obscure to the side. The captain was very conceited and had a throne for himself on the deck. He was the textbook picture of a pirate, complete with the hook hand and the eye patch. He was currently yelling at one of his subordinates.

"You idiot! How dare you stain the name of the * * * * * Pirates!"

He pulled out a gun and shot him in the head.

"Throw him into the ocean."

He got up and walked into his room. The crew mates silently picked up the dead man and threw the body into the ocean.

Robin's face was completely pale and later that night she ran away.

Robin's eyes screwed shut tightly. She let out a shaky breath. She was so disappointed with herself. She had finally gotten a place where she belonged to and she betrays her captain. A tear leaked out and she hastily wiped it away.

The other female of the crew was also having trouble controlling her sadness. She is so disappointed in herself. How could she betray the man who saved her and her village from the hand of the tyrant Arlong. Tears overflowed and trickled down her face.

I don't deserve to hold his trust. He should have never helped her that day. Then, he wouldn't have to deal with a traitor on his crew. Why did I have to come up with that terrible idea. I'm so sorry Luffy!

The navigator finally broke down and sobbed into her hands as she lost her strength and fell out of her seat. No one noticed as they were too deep in their thoughts.

The usual stoic man was having trouble holding in his emotions. He was the first one to join the crew, goddammit!

I am supposed to be the most loyal and I lied to him.


Luffy's voice called his name in his thoughts. With each call, it started to turn into a sad, disappointed voice.

"Zoro, why did you betray me? I trusted you the most. You're supposed to help me!"

The man let out a frustrated yell and slammed hid hands onto the table. This was unregistered by his fellow crew mates as the aloof man vented out his grievance.

The liar was very bitter.

I am the liar. Lying comes naturally to me. I wasn't supposed to lie to the captain though.

Usopp let out a bitter laugh.

I betrayed him. I fought him and left the crew but he let me back in. I messed up again.

The guns man let out an almost hysterical laugh.

I messed up again.

The cyborg was upset. His captain gave him the courage to try to achieve his dream and there he was lying to him.

Luffy is Super! He doesn't deserve to be lied to.

Tears were running down the face of the big man.

I have no gratitude.

Tears streamed down Franky's face as he stared blankly at the wall.

The cook was chain smoking.

I'm sorry Luffy. You fixed me up from my idiocy. I'm the idiot, not you. Who cares if I'm scolded by you?

After all, they planned it because they didn't want to be scolded by an "idiot."

I'm such an idiot.

Sanji dropped his lighter and as he went to pick it up, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground.


The doctor was confused. Very confused.

Why did we lie to Luffy? Lying is not good.

The reindeer was oh so confused.

He saved all of us and we lied?

Chopper was confused but he also had an underlying sense of shame.

The Strawhat pirates were ashamed, disappointed, frustrated, and a whole bunch of regretful emotions.

So could you really blame them, if they tried just a bit harder to feel like they belonged on this ship?

Can you?

A/N: So here's the second chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! This chapter is a bit longer. I couldn't think of a name for Robin's past crew, so PM or review if you got one! Thanks to everyone who reviewed! Should I leave it here or continue? Review please! Thanks for reading!