Finn's POV

I walked into the room and instance felt the explosion inside my chest. The oxygen was completely taken away and replaced by white smoke and noise that was polluted from music system currently being run by some tall men. My eyes voluntary glare around the room, I see people sat at booths, all enjoying whichever girl they have been given to entertain them for the selected time they paid for. I didn't come here by choice; I was forced by my boss after a week full of tedious meetings about budgets and what not and found myself being drawn into the highest rated strip club in NYC. I didn't dare stare too deeply at anyone in particular, I didn't want to appear like these guys I'm surrounded by. I planned to go for about an hour then complain I have an headache because of the all of the paperwork and stuffy rooms we'd been confined in and then I would make a break for it and order a pizza on the way back and go back to what I considered a normal night in.

I tailed at the back of line as my fellow colleagues walked ahead of me, they were being waited on by some female in practically no clothing, enough to give her dignity. She seated us in the best seat in the house I heard Mark whisper to me as she we all sat down. I made it a mission to sit at the end of the table so I could quickly exit and not get stuck in by the other guys. Derek, my boss handed us all beers, I couldn't help but down the drink quickly. This wasn't something I'd normally do but I needed the extra confidence boost to allow me to sit and watch what was I was about too. Don't get me wrong woman are beautiful and sexy but when they're only performing to me and their with me alone. Here it feels different. It likes taking the entire "hotness" out of the equation and filling it with horny middle-aged men who are stuck in unhappy marriages and young girls who needed money who are desperate enough to dance sexually in front of men old enough to be their dads.

I talk casually about things other than work with my colleagues and try to avoid eye contact with the girls who came practically bouncing onto our laps handing us shots of god knows what. My boss had already said tonight was on him and I witnessed my friends take full advantage of that, including the girls who seemed to play along with their teases and try cling onto us like we're their poles dotted around the room.

That's when the lights began to dim, I noticed because it took me a few seconds to adjust to sudden darkness around me. I looked up to where there was a small stage, we had been of course sat right directly opposite it and were close enough to see in full detail. I now understood why this was the best seats in the club. I heard the footstep of heels tapping against the hard flooring above me, the clicking sent the hairs on my arms to electrify and contract against my skin.

I could make out only her silhouette in all the smoke that was beginning to rise up further into the air. As the music began to play I heard her voice for the first time.

I think I did it again

The beauty of her voice captivated me. She had such an unusual tone. It made me want more.

I made you believe, we're more than just friends.

Her arm was raised into the air; as she slowly allowed it straighten before she dragged it down the side of her face. The delicacy in her fingers showed her wisdom and beauty towards her profession. This wasn't like normal performances. They were tacky, this wasn't.

Oh baby, it might seem like a crush, but it doesn't meant, that I'm not serious.

As soon as the music began to get fully into speed she turned her body around and began to slowly come closer to the edge of the stage, her legs were escaping away from the rest of her she strutted carefully down the stage and bent down slowly as she blasted the last few high notes before the lights went up.

Cause to lose, all my senses, that is just so typically me, oh baby, baby.

She played the last note and her mouth gently closed as the chair was dragged on behind her. She carefully sat down, her legs began to widen and I felt my chest tighten. That was the first time I got a glance at her entire body closely. She was like a vision in a rated magazine. Her skin looked so pure and she rubbed her leg I couldn't help but watch her hands intensively as they moved across her body.

You see, the problem is this.

She pushed her legs apart, the friction in my jeans only worsened as she furiously bent forward til her hands were practically touching her feet, she slowly curled her back up and continued. She knew how to capture an audience as everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting to see what else she'd do.

I'm dreamin away, wishing that heroes, they truly exist.

She pushed her chest forward and purred the last note and that's when I first saw her face. She was beautiful. She was nothing like the other girls in this club. She was different. She was real. She flicked her hair away from her face and gritted her teeth deliciously.

"Oi mate, keep your mouth closed" Paul announced loudly so the whole table heard and looked objectively at Finn. He shrugged and downed more of his drink.

I cry watching the days, can't you see I'm a fool, in so many ways.

She stood up and kicked the chair away; I didn't even take my eyes off to see where the chair went I was too busy observing her power. She was strong and more importantly she was wild. She was daring and didn't care. What was sexier in a woman than independence?

Oops I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game, oh baby, baby. Oops you think I'm in love, that I'm sent from above, I'm not that innocent.

A man came up behind her, and held her tightly, his grip on her skin caused me to move further off my chair. How dare he hold her so careless? She struggled against him, he pulled her away and her heels dragged along the floor. She quickly stood up and he began to move his hands around her body til she flaunted her body enough to get him to move out of her spotlight. She came to the front of the stage and crawled on her knees as she sang the final high notes. I looked around where we were sat and every single man was now glaring at her. Their eyes like a child's in a candy store. She held onto the microphone stand and wrapped her leg around the pole and gently dropped to the floor before standing up and moving away.

Oops I, did it again to your heart.

That's when I saw her strut down the smalls step by the side of the stage; the microphone was in her hand firmly as she walked around the tables. She flashed a smile every now and then, occasionally winking to get them more excited. She paused at our table.

Got lost, in this game, oh baby, oops you

She approached where I sat on the end of the booth, and stared directly into my eyes. Her brown eyes set mine on fire and I carried on staring deeply into them and realized they never ended

Think that I'm sent from above, I'm not that innocent.

She perched on my lap, and stroked her free hand down my cheek and my arm. I couldn't even tell you if I breathed for the 30 seconds she remained on my lap. I felt my jeans completely gripping to the chair and my back straightened as she removed her body from mine and walked back to the stage and posed to show she was finished. I clapped so hard I felt my hands begin to burn. She flashed a smile my way and left the stage quickly as some man with a clipboard was shouting at her to hurry up and get off as they were running behind on schedule.

"Oi Finn" Paul slapped his cheek bringing him out of his daydream and his focus on the rest of the guys, who were now standing up and preparing to leave the club. "We're gonna go to the other club down the street, you coming?" they waited for him to respond, but he only carried on looking at the empty stage and remembering that she had only just been on there. The touch of her skin remained on his cheek.

"I umm" he was stunned for the first time. She had truly stole him.

"Come on prince charming we come here every Friday after work, you can see her your princess next week" they laughed and guided him out of the club.

Finn thought to himself. "7 days"…