Chapter one: lolwut?

"Holy crap it's so hot!"

Elsa wiped the sweat from her brow. According to the thermometer on her desk it was well over thirty degrees in her room this Sunday evening. Downing the rest of her coke, she stretched in her chair before refocusing on the game lobby in front of her. She was waiting for one of her friends to return to the keyboard and decided to browse the shop, thinking to herself that she really could use new skins for her champions.

"Oi guys, what do you think 'bout Atlantean Syndra?"

"You sure you wanna spend money on a skin for a champ you never play? And even if you play Synd, you suck balls, Els. Also, just cause you're seeing drawn cold water won't make your room any colder, moron"
He got a point.

"... damn you". Elsa sneered. Sometimes she hated her team's blunt honesty with her.

"Back", came a hoarse male voice through her headset.

"Welcome back idiot, we waited like twenty minutes"

"Never said you had to, did I?"

"...screw you. Whatever. Where you wanna go? Need my first victory of the day, I'll supp." Support was her favorite role. While she was fair enough on most positions, she loved the control you had about your team in the mid-game and the team-fights the most. A good support could win team-fights or even games. A bad one doomed his team.

"I'll ADC, let's fuck 'em up."

The blonde smirked. League of Legends was great. Pick four friends, either internet friends or those you know in real life, build a team with them and have a great time. Sure, it could be horrible when you played it without anyone you knew, but when you did it was maybe the best game in the world. While two of her friends were fighting with each other who'd go mid, Elsa picked her favorite champion, Karma. It was strange, but she really had around 70% win rate, more than with any other character.

"Karma again? You sure love her, eh?"

"She's hot, she's broken early, she saved your ass more times than you could count, she's my best champ... and did I mention she's hot?"

"Ya, you did. And even though you're a lesbo, don't get horny fantasizing over game characters. At least not now, I don't bloody care what you do when we're offline."
Pff, as if you'd be any better." she retorted laughing.

They stopped their bickering about which champ was great and why when the attendance check popped up in a small extra mirror in the lobby. Pressing ready five times, they waited for the enemies to do the same. They picked their chosen champions and waited for the countdown to finish. Shortly after, the loading screen came up. In terms of direct match-ups, they were up against Jax, Lee Sin, Orianna, Miss Fortune and Leona. Elsa and her friends cursed simultaneously. Jax countered Fiora, Lee Sin was a general pain in the ass but even worse when one plays Shaco and Orianna made live for Anivia difficult. Only their bot lane wasn't completely screwed; Karma was a good pick against Leona and Quinn was a pain to play against for most ADCs anyway.

"By the way, did any of you get one of the new C85 Touhou albums? Got my hands on Cloud 9 by Alstroemeria, bloody brilliant I tell ya. AFK for a second, getting the music going'"

"Nope, didn't buy any of those yet. Oh, we're in-game"

And thus the game started. Forty three minutes and twenty-six seconds filled with laughter, plays ranging from bronze to platinum, curses, screams of rage, agony and surprise and in the end – a win.

"GG. One more?" Elsa was getting excited. It had been an excellent game. She almost managed a perfect score but died once due to a stupid mistake (which she blamed the jungler for). It didn't matter how many games she'd win, she never could stop the adrenaline and endorphins to rush through her body. While it applied mostly to LoL, it applied to every game she played when she managed to overcome whatever obstacle it was that was in her way. Gaming was the love of her life. And it most likely would stay this way forever, Elsa was convinced. After all, while she had fantasies about romance, it was difficult for her due to three reasons – firstly, In real life or when she had to deal with strangers, she was shy and frankly, insecure with herself. Very much so. Which led to second – she was a stay-at-home. Of course, from time to time she'd go out with friends she made at school but she preferred to say inside all day long except when she went to the gym with her best friend. But what made things most difficult for her when it came to romance was her being a lesbian. While she didn't put much thought into what people thought about her for being open about it, it made things much harder – after all, how many girls from, say, eighteen to twenty-three were homosexual and admitted it? Involuntarily, she sighed.

"Nah, I'm out. Gotta get up early tomorrow. Well then, see ya guys."

"Yeah, g'night. What about the rest of you?" She secretly hoped her friends would stay online – playing this game with four friends was still acceptable. But if there were less friends and more randoms, the game would become a pretty big pain.

"Passing. The LCS is starting soon." came the sobering answer of her trustworthy bot lane partner. They had great synergy with each other, carrying each other and by expansion the team both in normal fun games as well as ranked.

"Tch, screw you. Well, I'm out as well, don't wanna risk a heart attack with those bloody randoms. G'night mates." She exaggerated but she still didn't want to lose her good mood.

"Yeah, later. Sleep well and don't dream about Karma."

"I dream about whoever the hell I please."

She closed the LoL-Client and shut down Skype before leaning back in her chair. Flexing her fingers, she was pondering what to do. Suddenly the door to her room crashed open. Jumping in shock, she turned around. Her brother Hans was standing in the door, obviously intoxicated by some stuff. She didn't even need to ask; a disgustingly sweet smell wafted out of his room – he was blazing again. Of course.

"Hihihihihi, hy Sis ~ You want some?" He was swinging the burning joint in his hands in her direction. She glared at him. Sure, she loved him since he was her brother, but at the same time she was disgusted by him and his liking to alcohol and marijuana.

"No, piss off. And for fuck's sake, you ever heard of something called knocking? You're giving me a heart attack once. Go out and close the damn door. Oh, and turn that godawful music down." She barked at him.

"Pff, take it easy lass. If you wanna have some weed or booze, you know where I'm at."

He closed the door and walked out. The blonde sighed heavily. He used to be such a sweet and kind boy, now he was just your average stupid teenager. She was his older sibling but didn't manage to keep him away from that stuff which she felt kinda guilty for. Shaking her head and remembering that she had no clue what to do, she stretched again. While doing so (and involuntarily sniffing her armipits in the process), she suddenly knew what she had to do urgently – taking a shower.

Shuffling out of her room, she walked down the hallway. Taking a peek into the living room, she saw her mother sitting behind her PC – as usual. That woman spent almost as much time behind it as she did, being in a romance of sorts with a guy at the other side of the planet. Not for the first time, Elsa shrugged when she thought about it. She stopped caring about what her mother was doing, after all, she was a grown-up woman and had to do what she thought right. But alas, she was an idiot. she already fell for a dude on the internet once, sent him ten thousand bucks – and he never ever wrote her back after that. And she was about to do the same thing again. Of course, Elsa and even her idiotic brother tried to stop her, but did it help? Nope. What about Elsa's father you might ask? Her parents divorced when she was eight years old and she decided to stay with her mother who married again but got divorced again.

Her father meanwhile moved to another city, got to know a woman, married her and became a father once more. She had regular contact to her father, at least via the phone, but didn't actually see him, her stepmother or sister very often. Secretly, Elsa still held a grudge at her parents. Nevertheless, she loved both (and her brother even though she hated to admit it) very much.

Remembering what she was about to do, she turned right and went into the bathroom. Standing in front of the large mirror, she eyed herself with a critical eye. Her platinum blond hair was in disarray – she didn't comb it this morning after standing up. Her clothing consisted of a tank top and pants – her standard attire on weekends. Her crystal clear blue eyes had dark rings under them, proof of her gaming sessions till late in the night. Interestingly, her skin showed no sign of any kind of neglect – it was smooth like silk and creamy white. After undressing herself, she continued to inspect herself. Her body was rather delicate – surprising considering all the junk food she ate and her irregular workout. Her chest wasn't particularly ample, but it was there. She was somewhat proud of her waist/hip region though; slim and yet feminine.

Breaking the observation of her own body, she shrugged, turned around and stepped into the shower.


Half an hour later, she returned to her room, clad in her pajamas and her freshly washed hair wrapped up in her towel. Plopping herself down on her bed and turning her attention towards her notebook, she started surfing the net again.

"Eh, TSM versus EG? Gonna be interesting but TSM's gonna screw 'em. Bjergsen's OP after all. After what he did to CLG last Split... Still got a few minutes. Till it starts... And of course twitch's chat is already fucking bonkers. Damn toxics... Everybody knows KR owns both EU and NA"

Elsa took a sip from the black tea she brew herself. Hot, lots of sugar and a good dash of milk – just the way she loved it. While she listened to the countdown on the stream her phone rang – a friend from school.

The fuck he wants right now? Has he seen the time? I swear to God if it's about Pokémon again...

Indeed, it was about Pokémon. The conversation was over in a few seconds – Elsa barked at her colleague to google whatever he needed and that she wasn't his personal walk through.

Still can't get comprehend that he never played Pokémon... what kinda childhood did he have?

The casters on the stream were about to lead the audience into an evening stuffed with pro gaming, epic moments and utter havoc. Elsa opened up a new tab for Facebook to wish her favorite team, TSM, good look. But she noticed something – a friend request. Startled and perplexed, she clicked on it – and saw a ridiculously cute redhead wanting to befriend her. What was visible on her profile pick, she had a light skin with dozens of cute freckles. Her copper hair collided and yet harmonized very well with her teal colored, rather big eyes.

She looked for the name – Anna Cooper. Smirking to herself due to her name almost being the same as her hair color, she clicked on "accept". She was not one to ignore friend requests on Facebook – they made her feel temporarily good and, since they were so rare, they positively surprised her.

Instinctively checking who was online, she noticed the girl she just added being among them. And for the second time that evening, she was surprised about what happened.


Anna Cooper

Um, hy. I've seen you in school lately and wanted to get to know you but was to shy to do so IRL...So, how do you do?

Elsa was speechless.

Such a thing has never happened before to her.


OK, I know there's a need for explanation. I know you're waiting for an update for Frozen Heat, but admittedly, it's bloody tough. I just think the fantasy/close-to-canon thing doesn't fit me. I was just imaging what it would be like if Elsa was a teenage shut-in in our modern times and, well this is what popped up. As you noticed, it's pretty heavy on the gaming (and later on Anime/Manga) front, particularly League of Legends since I'm totally intoxicated by it again.

I'm entirely sure I missed Canon!Elsa's behavior by like a million miles, but I'm trying (it's hard to write from the PoV of a girl as a guy).

So, bear with me, if you like the chapter gimme a review. I also promise that, if I ever feel like writing about Arendelle/Corona again I'll continue Frozen Heat.

What else is there to say... I'm open to and appreciate constructive criticism, so don't hesitate to throw straight at me what you don't like about it and I see to it that I'll change my style accordingly or re-write the respective chapters. Also, I really could use a beta-reader x) (I know that there's a billion errors in there, but I'm no native speaker so I won't be able to find all of them ;_; )

Sooo, with all that said and done, thanks for the love this fic is already getting and stay tuned :)