Of Flashing Lights
"Re-marriage? A marriage? For real, Jack? Did you know what you dragged me into?" Elsa said in a whisper while she paced back and forth in the terrace of Mr. North's residence.
"Calm down, Elsa. I also didn't see it coming." Jack replied in a low voice as he grabbed her arm to stop her panicking.
"Easy for you to say, you don't care about marriage. Marriage is a sacred thing, Jack. I am just gonna squander my very own marriage!" Elsa replied with a sudden raise in her voice.
"Hey, I care about my marriage too, Elsa." Jack stated with all sincerity. Sorry for dragging you into this, but I need this, in fact we already started this, so no turning back." Elsa looked at him with an 'I am in so much trouble' look. Elsa broke away from Jack's hold and she settled her hands at the railings of the terrace and stared at the landscape of Mr. North's residence. "I just don't know what to do. I plan everything out in my life. And this is not in my plans, everything is messed up. I messed it up."
"No. Look at me." Jack grabbed her arms to make her look at him. "You didn't mess it up. I am the one who's at fault. And I am sincerely sorry for that." Jack sighed deeply. "Here's the thing, I won't bother you after all of these, everything will be alright, I promise you that, I will let you go, and you will find your true love, if you believe in that, just like your sister." "After I pay that Pitch Black, I will tell the truth to my family, and fix everything in public, I'll be the one to manage the divorce papers." Elsa just stared at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Are you two arguing?" Mr. North entered the terrace. Jack and Elsa then directed their attention to Mr. North. Jack wrapped his arm around Elsa's shoulders. "No, Grandpa. We are just having some heart-to-heart talk." Elsa then returned a smile.
"Oh. Alright. Can I talk to Elsa now? Privately?" Mr. North asked.
"Sure, Grandpa." Jack hugged Elsa and whispered, "Please. Thank you." Jack then released her and said, "I'll just be inside."
"Okay." When Jack finally went out of sight, Mr. North initiated the conversation.
"Elsa have a seat." Elsa complied as she walked to the coffee table, and took a seat at a wooden chair beside it. "Thank you." Mr. North sat then across Elsa, "You want anything to drink, dear?"
"No, Mr. North, It's okay." Elsa smiled. Mr. North nodded, "So Elsa, where did you and Jack met?"
"During his introduction as a member of the Rise of the Guardians last two years ago, Mr. North."
"Oh, yes. I remember. It's devastating I haven't seen you there."
"You are maybe busy speaking with other guests, Mr. North." Mr. North then smirked, and said "Maybe, but I will remember a face of yours, Elsa. Anyways, I am glad to introduce Jack that time, he's my pride, but I felt a little disappointed that he opted not to publicize his face, just his name."
"I was intrigued too, Mr. North. But later on, he just wanted to avoid chaos."
"Elsa, he did that because he didn't want to be known as part of the Guardians. He wants to make his own name." Mr. North stated.
"Oh, right. He did told me. Anyways, you were really good at introducing him, Mr. North." Elsa managed a fake laugh though she's feeling sweaty.
"Elsa, the truth is, I wasn't the one who introduced him, it was Sandy. I was a little bit late during that time because I flew from Sweden." Mr. North smiled.
"Oh." It was the only word that came from her mouth.
"Elsa, I know everything. I hired a detective to watch over Jack. I know he got addicted to gambling, I know he had a debt to a guy named Pitch Black, I know he hired you to be his fake wife to get his supposed to be inherited money." Elsa just kept silent. "And as his grandfather, I am going to apologize for all the trouble he brought you."
"Mr. North. I-i"
"I know it's hard for you, Elsa. But I am going to ask a favor too."
"A- a favor, Mr. North?" Elsa managed to say even though she can't believe the sudden revelation.
"Yes." "Please continue what you're doing Elsa. Please change my grandson."
"Mr. North, I really don't know what to reply to that."
"Elsa, I don't force you to love him. I just ask you to understand him. Because you two are in perfect match."
"Perfect match?"
"Yes, my dear. He lost his parents and sister when he was fourteen, my son Jackson and his wife Patricia died at a car accident when the family was driving to our vacation house in Burgess. Jack saw an approaching truck about to hit their car. His parents shouted to him that it's too late and that he should jump together with his sister, Pippa. Jack grabbed Pippa and jumped out of the car, but as they jump, he lost balance, and let go of Pippa. Pippa hit the ground severely, she got a severe head injury, but she was managed to bring to at the hospital, but it was too late. After that, Jack blames his self, he thinks he's a failure at everything. The boy who brought happiness wherever he went is gone, he became a man of coldness and frost.
"I am very sorry to hear that, Mr. North." Elsa felt all sympathy in her heart, her eyes were a little bit teary.
"It's okay, Elsa. It has been a long time." "This is why, I'm here asking you a favor. I know you could relate to him, you lost your parents and I know the accident that happened to your sister when you were little. I know how you managed to survive to that, and make your relationship with her stronger."
"It was not me who fixed it, Mr. North. It was Anna."
"But I know that you could fix Jack too. You know the feeling of being in his shoes. Please, Elsa. I am an old man now, and I can't endure it to leave Jack that way."
"Mr. North, I know what it feels like, and I do understand Jack. But I can't fool him, he wouldn't bear it."
"Elsa, I know my grandson. He likes playing games, he likes risks and gambles. We couldn't change him in just normal conversations. He learns in experience, in losing. This is for the better, my dear."
"I don't know what to do, Mr. North. But I feel like agreeing with you."
"Don't worry, Elsa. You got my back. I'll fix the wedding, it will just be a fake as well, so no worries regarding the sacredness of your marriage. Please, a favor for an old man."
Elsa thought deeply and said, "Yes." Mr. North stood up and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much, Elsa."
"No problem, Mr. North."
"It's Grandpa now."
Thank you so much for the reviews! I really do appreciate them! Thank you for following this story! I hope you still will!
A person: Yes, I am half-Filipino. My cousin made me watch it. It was a good one. Actually, some parts, but this is totally different.
PiperGrace938: He does because of past experiences. ;)