Last time...
"All we can depend on right now, is Sir Percival and Sir Galahad..."

(Sonic's P.O.V)
I had left Dash with her bracelets and ran back in the cave. I would often see villagers and pay the about twenty gold rings each, sometimes I even get things in return... As I run deeper in the caves, I hold tightly to Caliburn and slash through the dark knights that would appear.

"AH-HA!'' I cut through about four of them in a matter of seconds. To this point, I'm rushing the rescue, dew to the fact that If me and Rainbow Dash stay apart too long, we could go unconscious... Then their really is no going back... After a while of cutting my way through the knights, me and Caliburn find some of the roof coming down on us.

''Beware of falling stalactites!'' Caliburn warned me as I cut through the falling rock needles. After quickly cutting my way through the rocks, I'm still constantly crossing a blade with a rock...

''Geez! This is tougher than fighting one of those dark knights!'' I frown at how these rocks are slowing me down

''Do you think you can run through them fast enough?'' Caliburn asked as I smirked

''Sonic boost!'' I yelled and boosted under the falling debris

''Like a charm!'' I smile and continued to run forward. As I run, I notice a white looking arrow was being shot at me. I did a quick step to move my way around to avoid it, but then a bunch of arrows started rained down on us!

"They can shoot arrows too?!''

''What where you suspecting?'' Caliburn rolled his eyes at me

I gave a huff as I boost my way around the sharp arrows and ran further down the long cave. As I do, I find the archer up on a ledge and I charge a spin dash at him

"Gah!'' I yell out as I ram him into a wall

''There will be more of them, keep that guard of yours up'' Caliburn said with a serious look in his eyes

''Alright!'' I nodded and ran to a small cliff and jumped it. As I do, I find about three big spike balls in the ground in a zig zag type of order. I grit my teeth and yelled

''Ugh. Get outta my way or I'll let ya have it!'' I cut through a few knights and managed my way around them without being cut. As we pass that weird type of obstacle, Caliburn points out our surroundings,

''Look, there's a road down there, too'' I nod and cut through a brute lookin' knight with about three hits. As I do, I notice I had almost left a few villagers and pointed them towards the entrance while giving them another twenty rings. They nod and run off with a look of hope in their face

''I don't know if you have noticed this fool, but, the people you had help before, are your followers. It would appear that you are getting pretty famous'' Caliburn looked at me with a look I couldn't quite read

''I'm just doin' my job'' I shrugged and then smirked, ''But I don't mind the attention ether..''

"Foolish hedgehog...'' Caliburn mumbled as I cut through bats and jumping over more of those spike balls

''Pff... You sure are attracted to me, aren't ya, Caliburn?'' I smiled smugly

''Only an idiot could think such things''

''Yeah, yeah...'' I said as we meet a dead end. But there was a hole in the wall I wouldn't quite be able to jump too,

''Now what?'' I frown. I could run up it but doing that could wast energy that I don't have to waste. Caliburn once more point something out

''Couldn't you use that mushroom to jump to a higher elevation?'' He says as I cut through some crystals. I nod and jump on the growing mushrooms on the wall.

"First time's not quite the charm'' I said, not gaining enough height from the first jump,

''But second dose!'' I charged up with a spin, and pass the plat form quite a distance "Yahoo!'' I smiled and used my homing technique to land. We did the same thing a second time to reach another level of the cave. As I run, I notice a huge gap in the ground and dashed to the crystals hanging down like spears from the roof

''Did we just run out of road?'' Caliburn says as I grab the icicles and spin on them until I could use a homing technique to get to the next ones. I chuckled

''There's always a way! Those icicles look like they might come in handy'' I said and managed to run on the ground once again. As we pass through the hole, I see an opening in the mountain and run through it, but we where still in the mountain

''I seems we've made it a good ways up''

''It appears so. And we can finally see light'' Caliburn added as we approach another brute knight.

''Look at how huge he- I-IS!'' I attack the brute a few time until it grabbed me and slammed me down

''Oof!'' I slam with a small bounce and a lose for air. I quickly run behind it and slashed through it some more.

''Out it goes!'' I grin as It disappears in a black dust, ''Phew'' I shrugged and continued to run through the rode with a boost. Sooner or later, we find then entrance back to the mountain and without hesitation, ran straight on in to find the same obstacle we had exiting the mountain.

''Your not thinking of-''

"Yep, that's exactly what I'm thinking!'' I smirked and this time I used homing attack on them and bounced off of each on till we reached the ground again. This time, we ran down the path in what like twist.

''Stay sharp Caliburn!'' I said and ran down the twisted road. Soon we meet a part where I could easily run up the wall, but when I try to, The Knights pop out of the wall and slash at me!

"Gah! How do they do that?!''

''Whoa! don't go dropping me now!'' He yelled as I push myself to cut through them. I stab Caliburn In the wall and pulled my way up. as I do, Caliburn yells at me,

''Don't move! The some of the rocks are falling off and crushing the Shadows!'' And just as he says it, the knights were destroyed by the falling roof

''Then I shouldn't worry about those guys!'' I run pass them to see they have been crushed


( Sonic and Caliburn's P.O.V )

''Whoa...'' Sonic puts a hand to his head as he felt a bit dizzy

''It would appear we don't have a lot of time left...'' Caliburn said worriedly

''Don't say that! I've got this...'' Sonic says as he jumps over to another platform and goes deeper into mountain. By the time he ran down the slop like path, more rocks fell from above, only for Sonic to dodge them and cut through them.

As Sonic continues to run, he would destroy more knights until he reached another brute knight

''One of these guys again!''

"Give it all you got!''

"Only if you can handle it!'' Sonic smirked as he ran around it a bunch of time, making it dizzy enough for him to strike. He then charged up an attack and boosted right trough it, pushing Sonic faster around the mountain. After that, he jumped to a ginormous stalactite hanging from the roof and ran down it. doing it once again, he ran into more knights and cut through them with his homing attack included. Soon they could see a gate and a yellow light behind it.

''We made it!''

''Hurry! Before the dragon returns!'' Caliburn yelled quickly as Sonic cut through the knights guarding the gate

''Gah!'' Sonic was slammed back by a brute knight that was holding an axe

''You need to charge a boost through him!''

"Right!'' Sonic crouched down and a red light sounded Caliburn's blade, "Hai yah!'' Sonic cut thought the knight while going through it. [ Nifty... ] Sonic thought

''Haha! Mission complete!'' Sonic cheered as he ran his way into the chambers

''There's light leaking in from all over!'' Sonic pointed out as he ran into more knights

''Yes, and the black onyx appears as it's trying to avoid it'' Caliburn noticed the black crystals that where holding the villagers captive

''Reflect the light and then strike that black onyx!'' Caliburn told Sonic. Sonic nodded and used the light that was leaking out of the roof and used Caliburn's blade to reflect the light on the crystals. Moments later of the light hissing while pointed at the crystals, it broke into pieces to show a villager hopping out of the shards

Sonic smirked and jumped his way over a bunch of sharp rocks and shot forward, bringing him to another onyx that held another villager captive. Sonic first destroyed the archer that was standing in front of the light by kicking him in it, burning the archer into black smoke and reflected the light onto a a group of knights.

''Haha, score!'' Sonic grinned as he pointed the light at the onyx, destroying it once again to show an unharmed villager. Sonic rushed past him and jump over more rock shards to show a chest with a purple tongue bouncing away from them

''What the heck is that?!'' Sonic raised and eyebrow before a icicles shot at it. destroying it for it to drop a bunch of rings

''Huh?'' Sonic looked up to see Rainbow Dash throwing sharp icicles at the knights ahead of him

''Rainbow Dash?!'' Sonic looked shocked

''Sir Dash?!'' Caliburn looked just as shocked as Sonic

''You can't just ditch me guys! I thought we where a team?'' Rainbow smirked at the boys,

''Get outta hear Dash! It's too dangerous!'' Sonic yelled as he cut through some knights. His comment made her laugh,

''Pfff! Are you kidding me? These guys are nothing compared to me!'' Rainbow yelled as she took off into the mountain while using sir Jacq's lasso to grab a group of knights and slamming them into a wall, turning them into black smoke

''She makes a valid point knave...'' Caliburn said while Sonic tails her from behind, ''This could be our advantage''

''Huh? You mean putting an injured person out on the line is an 'Advantage'' Sonic quoted the last part with his free hand, showing he was in a bit of a bad mood.

''No, knave, Sir Dash isn't really in any danger, considering that their are more knights than their are archers. Anyways, while you play the role of the knight down hear, Sir Dash can play her role as archer, since she as the advantage of being able to fight from a distance and can fly''

''Yeah! But did you ever consider the falling roof? Or the other archers?!'' Sonic clutched Caliburn tightly out of anger

''Rainbow Dash can handle her own! She dose not need you to play role as daddy and need to worry about her constantly'' Caliburn yelled loudly, causing Sonic to look at him in shock with his mouth wide open. This even made Rainbow looked at them with wide eyes

''T-thanks Caliburn. And Thanks for worrying about me Sonic, but really, I'll be okay...'' Rainbow looked forward as Sonic continues to remain silence.

[ Role as daddy? Worry to much? W-what? ] Sonic was petrified and remained quiet as he continued to destroy knights

Rainbow looked worriedly at Sonic. He looked so lost. Never once before has she seen Sonic like this. It made her scared...

She flew down next to him and looked at him. Sonic glanced at her but didn't say anything. She then stopped in place, causing Sonic to do the same

''What is it?'' Sonic asked it his regular tone but his expression didn't mach his voice

''Don't tell me your gonna let some thousand year old sword get to you? No offense Caliburn'' Rainbow smiled nervously as she looked at the sword

''None taken'' He smiled as Rainbow looked back at Sonic

Sonic blinked before shaking his head, ''Yeah! Your right!'' Sonic lifted Caliburn to eye level, ''I can't believe you got to me there for a moment'' Sonic laughed as he rubbed the back of his head

''But it did make you realize something, correct?'' Caliburn smirked as Sonic pauses for a moment

''Yeah, It did'' Sonic smiled

''And that would be?'' Caliburn asked with a smile, hoping he would admit his feelings for Rainbow

''That Caliburn has no clue what he's talking about'' Sonic shrugged with the same smile as Caliburn looks at him in disbelief

''What...? No!'' Caliburn frowned as Rainbow looked at them blankly

''I'm not quite sure whats going on here...'' Rainbow rubbed her neck with an animated blank face on

''Blah blah blah blah'' Was all could be heard out of Dashes ears as she watches them fight with a sweat drop on the back of her head

Blah blah blah blah You suck blah blah blah blah blah Knave blah blah blah blah Bad advice giver blah blah blah blah Suck at romance blah blah blah

( If you watch Anime, you could see this with the two fighting with animated angry faces in the distance while Dash watches with a sweat drop running down her head )

''Don't we have people to save or something?'' Rainbow asked and the two paused

''Oh yeah...'' They both looked at her with sweat drops of their own

...Awkward Silence...

''I'm gonna go now...'' Rainbow pointed further down the cave with her thumb

''Yep... Okay'' Sonic nodded and tailed after Rainbow Dash

''...'' Other then the sound of the fighting and freeing villagers, it was pretty awkward for all of them

''Oh look, A red chest!'' Rainbow laughed dew to how awkward it sounded when she called out. She then froze a group of knights as Sonic cuts through them

''Wanna check it out?'' He looked up at her and she nodded, ''Don't see why not'' Rainbow shrugged and flew down to it and open it with a kick

''Oh, look, a book...'' Rainbow frowned as she tossed the book over her shoulder

''Well that's lame'' Sonic's shoulders slump down with disappointment

''Right?'' Rainbow hovered back up and shot down the path again

''Wait up! Whoa!'' Sonic barley dodged a fire flame as he sees Rainbow shooting chunks out of a brute knight while disappearing into snow particles

[ Dude! Friggin' Hardcore! ] Sonic though as he watch's Rainbow cut through it with a icicle

''K.O!" Rainbow cheered

''No kidding!'' Sonic stared in awe

''I think that's all of them!'' Rainbow pointed to the exit up ahead

''You may think you thoroughly searched a certain location, but you two may have over looked something'' Caliburn noted

''I came in the same way you two did and didn't see anything you guys missed, I think were good. Just a few more villagers up a head and where done here'' Rainbow pointed out while Sonic nodded

''She makes a point''

''Let's finish what we started!'' Rainbow pumped her fist in the air

''Yeah!'' Sonic did the same and the three of them freed the last villagers

''Alright!'' The two speedsters fistbumed as the watch all the villagers gathered around the exit of the cave

''I don't think I'm seeing things but, there are a few knights up ahead, right?'' Rainbow pointed out and Sonic quickly jumped over the small group of villagers and slashed through them.

''Just don't hit anybody while destroying things, yah here!'' Rainbow calls out from the other end


''Oh, and Sonic!'' Rainbow called out

"What's up?'' He yelled back from the other side

''I'll stay back here at the end while everyone gets out of the cave, you destroy whats up ahead and lead them out!" She yelled back

''So like I play line leader and your the caboose?''

"Pretty much!''

''Sounds like a plan! See you there!'' Sonic yelled and took off

''Looks like I'm on the back of the ship again'' Rainbow sighed as she moved the villagers down the mountain


Yay! New chapter with cliffhanger, I think... Soooo wuch'a think? Tell me in the reviews! I'd like to know! This is a part of the chapter, not all of it. Leave a fav and follow and now, i will read some previous reviews

Christian Wolf27 chapter 14 . Aug 3

Listen, i really enjoy your stories they are great, however you seem to be in a hurry all the time. I'm not talking about being in a hurry with writing the stories i mean your going to fast writing the chapters that i as a reviewer can't keep up with the chapter reviewing. Could you be so kind to slow that process down a bit please?

Lovefanfiction. com: I'm not quite sure what you mean, but i will try not to rush it to much on the chapters

willingfun chapter 13 . Jul 20

i love it

Lovefanfiction. com: Thanks!

Guest chapter 13 . May 28

Sorry I acedently clicked the post review button and couldn't finish what I said so I was thinking why not put rainbow blitz rainbow dash's gender swap version got sucked in that demission fell in love with rainbow dash and sonic gets jealous and then you could take more sondash from their just giving you a little idea to make more drama if you want I'm not saying you have to

Lovefanfiction. com: Can I add that to the sequel? :)))))

Guest chapter 13 . May 28

Hey why don't you make that Rainbow Blitz (rainbow Dash's

Lovefanfiction. com: Sequellllll...

Christian Wolf27 chapter 13 . May 25

I totally can't wait until the next chapter.

Lovefanfiction. com : Sorry it takes me so long to post chapters to my stories, writing is more of a hobbie for me '_'

LIVINGTHELIFE00 chapter 13 . May 25

loved it

Lovefanfiction. com: Thank you!

Alittlehuman chapter 12 . Feb 17

Great story so far :-D

Lovefanfiction. com: Thankkkk yooooooouuu

VeronikaHolm chapter 13 . Dec 13, 2014

So many people is gonna get so mad when they see this is not a real chapter

Lovefanfiction. com: Right?

Inkwell Light chapter 13 . Dec 13, 2014

That sucks! Oh well, you're alive!

(cue Party Cannon)


Lovefanfiction. com: Yay!

BaconLettuceTomatoSweg chapter 13 . Dec 13, 2014

Just in case, i got my reviewer's kit ready!

Lovefanfiction. com: It's very handy!

Rarity121 chapter 13 . Dec 13, 2014

Chapters erased huh? That sucks, I hope you'll be able to get them back.

Merry Christmas by the way! (early, but whatever)

Lovefanfiction. com: Heh heh, thanks

Christian Ape99 chapter 13 . Dec 13, 2014

What did you think of the Spencer X Pinkie Pie & Noah X Fluttershy pairings that i mentioned in the last chapter? I was thinking that have you ever checked the hard drive for viruses? If you make sure you do that & then restart your computer. Have a safe & wonderful holiday season.

Lovefanfiction. com: Sorry, but i will not be using OC's for this story

cadence chapter 13 . Dec 13, 2014

Lol I lost myself in fan fiction again. oh well. Its okay
Lovefanfiction. I think inkwells mom request is good name
And i have to agree with love dove in the Father name... The silver part of the name makes it weird... Just saying

Lovefanfiction. com: To all people who want me to add Rarity's parents, I must apologies but I will not be adding them... :(

love dove chapter 12 . Nov 19, 2014

Mom of pearl: emelda or inkwell's required (came up from the emerald gem)
Dad of pearl: coral-len (coral! X3) (inkwell the "silver" part of the name will make it weird because of Galahad or silver having that name as well so... no offense)

Lovefanfiction. com: I fell like mose of the reviews are for rarity and silver. Hmmm

Theicecoldgirl chapter 1 . Oct 12, 2014

it was nice and funny. I really thought that the part where sonic pushes dash off of him so he can catch the chili dogs was funny.

Lovefanfiction. com: Didn't you tell me the same thing in real life?

See ya'll next time!
