Author's Note: Yay! First X-Men oneshot...BUT IT IS PRETTY GOOD! And I am always willing to write more, and if you wanna show some support, you could leave a review! BUT ANYWAY! I HAVE NEVER READ THE COMICS, SO IF SOMETHING DOESN'T ADD UP THERE...AU is my defense. Yeah, Havok was my favorite charachter, and still is, after Days of Future Past. I think Darwin's death should've affected him more, and this is born of that. So he gets this. Not necessarily a good thing for him. But please R&R, but above all, enjoy! SHOUT OUT TO NotMarge.
Alex had never thought his power was "cool", much less a "gift". Why couldn't he get the shape-shifting, the telepathy, or even the hands-for-feet. No, he got stuck with the energy rings that did nothing but cause death and destruction, whatever his intention for using them for was. The first time he'd used them, he hadn't even known they existed, and he wound up destroying a building. Ignorance was not bliss.
So when Darwin concocted the last-minute plan to use Alex's ability to stop Angel and Darwin from being stuck with Shaw, Alex was reluctant, but he had to go along anyways, because it was the only thing they could do. Maybe they'd even get lucky and the death and destruction would fall on Shaw and his band of mutants. But life simply didn't work that way. Instead, Alex was stuck with watching his power murder the only friend he'd had in a while, the power that was supposed to be a gift. He was the only one on the X-Men team to have witnessed the murder, and it haunted him more than anyone else.
He alone was stuck, most nights, with watching his friend burst into molten rock, then right before turning to rock and crumbling to dust, his friend shifted into his normal self. Then dissipated into nothing. Nothing sickened Alex more than the red glow, except maybe knowing it was his. Knowing no matter what he did, he would always kill some poor innocent. No matter what Charles said, it would never be a "gift", it would always be a curse, and it would always make Alex infernal.
Author's Note: Infernal means belonging in Hell, by the way. So yay, first oneshot, please leave a review and enjoy! Have a nice day! And go check out NotMarge.