Note: I'll finish that one story I still have one day. Also, if anything is wrong that isn't English, blame Google Translate. Enjoy.

Seven billion, forty six million people; according to various census bureaus across Remnant, that's the current world population. Seven billion, forty six million men, women, and children of various ages, nationalities, languages, ethnicities, and cultures; and all seven billion are ultimately looking for one thing.

They call it love.

Since the dawn of time man has had one ultimate goal; to procreate, to multiple, to spread their seeds and claim dominion over the creatures of the world. But it's been a long time since man has been hunter-gatherers, with at least two industrial revolutions and countless wars. So suddenly, finding a mate to have children with isn't the entire point of life and humans, in their infinite wisdom, turn a simple natural instinct into a complex way of living.

It wasn't enough that of the three billion, five hundred million potential mates spread across the globe, certain desirable characteristic that increase survival limits the amount of potential mates anyone one person could have. It became much more than just finding someone to reproduce with. It became about love, understanding, and having much more meaningful relationship that just childbearing and ensuring your genes are around for the long haul. So while there may be three billion, five hundred million potential mates (or fewer for the picky) there could only be, for the monogamous of society, one who any human or Faunus could spend their whole life with.

For many; however, the odds are in their favorite. The less they require in any one person, the greater the chance of finding them. If all one needs is someone with a sense of humor, the possibility of finding that one special person could be as great as the world population.

And that's about how great the odds are for one young, pretty, strong, fiery blond in Vale. Seven billion, forty six million people minus four; that's how many potential mates Yang Xiao Long believes she has.

For the bright twenty-three year old, finding love has been less about finding the person with the right traits and more about discovering herself.

"People don't know what they want, until they see what they want", the young blond has taken to saying. And often the blond has been proven right. She hears it all the time, "I want someone who is taller than me", "Someone with brown eyes", or "Someone who makes six figures in a year". But often these people don't get what they think they want, or do and find that it isn't what they desire. As her philosophy on life goes, the only way to know what you like is to go out and try it. It made no sense to Yang for a person to claim they don't like chocolate when they haven't had a candy bar, figuratively speaking.

So Yang applied this idea to her love life. She has an idea of what her potential match is, like everyone else in the world. But she understands taste changes, and that what she may need is different than what she thinks she needs. And granted, she may think she knows herself, she's often be surprised by the things she never knew she could take pleasure in.

However, to say Yang is pleased with over seven billion potential matches is an overstatement. In fact, the blond considers it nothing less than torture. For many people, seven billion plus people is seven billion opportunities to fall in love or at least get laid once. But for Yang, seven billion, forty six million is the amount of first dates the blond believes she has to go on before she finds someone to have a meaningful relationship with. And in turn seven billion, forty six million heartbreaks, minus four.

Four seems like such an arbitrary number of restrictions for Yang, but these four lucky were the fortunate people who got to bypass the normal dating ritual. That is, the ritual of getting dressed, going out to a restaurant they normally can't afford to eat at, spend time drinking copious amount of alcohol to laugh at terrible jokes, with a fifty-fifty chance of going back to their dates cramped apartments, only to make the walk of shame in the morning.

For Yang Xiao Long, she considered those four family members, people who she has already established a different relationship with that bars them from entering the realm of romantic love. Among them were her dearest baby sister Ruby Rose. Just two years apart, the two are an inseparable duo who only ever fought about what to watch on television and what they would eat for dinner. The sisters were extremely loving and overprotective of each other. They were each other's best friends and the first each other would speak to when it concerned big news. Aside from their Uncle Crow Ruby was the only family Yang had left, and her love for her sister ran deeper than her love for anyone.

Then there was the sister's childhood friend Jaune Arc. The sisters have known Jaune since Ruby could walk; a lovable, goofy, skinny blond who lacked a bit of confidence for himself and is a little dense. That said the blond had a big heart and a remarkable talent for the culinary arts. To them Jaune was the big brother they never had, even if he couldn't exactly preform big brother duties.

Ruby also has another close friend, someone who Yang had a complicated relationship with. She wasn't sure if she could call the girl a friend. She would like to but the heiress was a cold, pretentious young woman raised in lap of luxury. They were two very different people who were as conflicting as fire and ice. It had become a running gag between them to argue, make snide comments about, or otherwise annoy each other as best they could. It seemed odd that her sister would befriend Weiss Schnee, and how she did it was another story, but with how long the two had known the princess Yang valued her companionship in a different way.

There were other notable exceptions in where Yang would never the individual a potential mate. After all, she could never imagine falling in love with Weiss' own father. But with the way her love life had been going thus far, love seemed distant and unattainable. Hundreds of dates and she hadn't yet found someone right for her. This coming summer looked to be another lost cause.

That is until she meets a pretty dark haired, amber eyed chef at the local French restaurant.

It was a month ago that Yang had met the raven haired beauty she would faun over every day; a month ago since Jaune held his grand reopening for his family's restaurant. The Arc family saved up for a year to remodel the establishment. They owned the two story building the restaurant was housed in, Jaune's father using his funds to buy the place from a bank sell when the economy in the country was booming. What they inherited was a small bar and a large storage room on the first floor; two family sized apartments and a studio on the second floor.

The son-father team had a dream, and since then, Jaune and his father worked in the restaurant for six long years to turn the shabby shack into a go to hot spot for the young and slightly broke, but cultured food enthusiast. They built up a following, Jaune's culinary skills and charisma, and Mr. Arc good nature gathering loyal customers. Renting out the smaller of the family apartments and studio above the storefront, and with the help of a small bank loan, the family saved enough lien to turn the cramped and dark noddle bar into a small family diner.

The change was doing a lot to help turn what Mrs. Arc saw as a hobby into an actual career for her son. The place became noticeably brighter and was much bigger, comfortably sitting fifty to sixty patrons than the usual fifteen that had to cram into the place. The Arcs bought new furniture and appliances, allowing for more personality and better food preparation. Those small changes made the establishment feel welcoming, granting with it more repeat customers that made the place seem full and busy all the time.

But by far the biggest change was the lunch counter/bar right in front of the kitchen. Jaune insisted on this design to make the place feel open and allow people to see their food being prepared by his colorful staff of chefs. And that's where Yang saw her, an unfamiliar face among those who knew the sisters by first name, an unfamiliar face that instantly stole her heart.

The day of the grand reopening, Yang spent an entire day in restaurant, having spent the last two days prior to running around most of Vale to spread the news. Looking about, she was excited to see the fruits of her childhood friend's labor as coworkers, old friend from school, people she previously dated, and complete strangers she met come in to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner inspired by a long and detailed Mistral history.

Excited about the implications of such a successful day of business, the blond spent the entire time eating, talking to Jaune when he wasn't cooking, Mr. Arc when he wasn't entertaining customers, and old Peter Port when he wasn't exaggerating stories of his youth as a wild game hunter in Vacuo. In that time, she hardly noticed the Faunus walk into the open windowed kitchen, only laying eyes on her when her sister, having returned from a study session with Weiss to eat a late dinner, pointed out the person expertly flipping fish in a skillet over a large fire.

Yang could swear in that moment her heart stopped long enough for her to be considered dead.

Everything about the girl was perfect. Her hair, dark as the night sky was long and wavy, well groomed but flowing like a waterfall. Her skin was pale, indicative she grew up in a mountainous region, but appeared soft like snow or cotton. The girl was tall, only about an inch shorter than Yang, with curves the blond noticed even in her loose clothing. She wondered about the girl's physique, only catching a glimpse of her slender arm but taking a shameful look at the girl's chest, causing a blush to overcome her face as she diverted her attention to the Faunus' face.

And there it was; her breathing would grind to a halt as she examined the Faunus' face. The allure was in the Faunus' eyes. Stunning was all Yang could think to describe them as she took note of the glowing amber hue of her orbs, a far cry from her soft lilac eyes. Piercing like a blade into thin skin they were complimented by violet eye shadow that gave her the overall appearance of a seductive feline. Of course Yang could only be thinking that because of the overwhelming adorable kitty ears she sported. The blond liked watching them flicker with each sound made close to her, usually from the other chef slamming pots and pans.

Yang was totally enamored by the woman from the first glance she gave. She was beautiful and for a few days Yang watched the dark haired goddess of her dreams before asking Jaune all she could about the chef. In her time of questions, observations, and awkward introductions, Yang learned the chef's name was Blake Belladonna, and that she was friend from the Mistral region. The Arc family had known Blake and her family for years, but the Faunus clan maintained a nomadic lifestyle, traveling across the world. Living on her own now, the young cat Faunus was staying with the Arcs for some indefinite time before resuming her travels, and after a month of living in their home, Blake decided to lend her skills to the restaurant as repayment.

"Wow, so she's been everywhere?!" the young Ruby Rose exclaimed after listening the blond boy detail his friend's life story.

"Well, almost; this is why she's staying with us in Vale. She hasn't visited this part of the continent much before."

"So she's been to Castilian and Equatorial?" the ever curious girl in red and black inquired.

"Yup, she visits those places all the time."

"What about Acer and Crista?"

"Yup, she's been to those locations too!"

The duo hung on to every word Jaune spoke as he recalled the many adventures Blake had across the world of Remnant; the ones that Blake had shared with him from letters or recounts as the Faunus stayed with his family. While the Faunus cooked, Jaune shared stories of people Blake met and things she learned from strangers. Yang was especially impressed by the things the Faunus did and how far Blake was wandered across the world, going as far as Menagerie and maybe Sinitic and Putonghua. Captivated by the dark haired chef's beauty and lifestyle, coupled with the fact Yang always wanted to travel, she desired to know much more. She wanted to sit down and sip coffee with her and learn her likes and dislikes, what her family was like, and her future goals and dreams. Yang wanted to take her all around Vale, from the old movie cinema to the park. Yang wanted to treat her to dinner at the finest restaurants of the city. Yang wanted to take her out on a date! There were just two sight problems that kept the blond at bay for a month.

"Uh, this sucks!"

"Really? I don't think it taste bad."

Yang folded her arms on the counter in front of her, pushing a dish that sat in front of her away, forming a small barricade for her head to hide in. With nothing but her lush golden lock visible for anyone to see, the blond spoke again. "Not the food Ruby; never the food."

"Oh? Then enlighten me. What sucks?" said girl teased as she picked up her fork to stuff herself with another mouth full of food.

"Life, the world…" at this the blond lifted the left arm that sat on top her right. With her elbow resting on the counter, Yang swung it around in several lazy rotations to gesture as she spoke, "everything sis."

"I don't see how", Ruby replied, stabbing her fork into her plate before mimicking her sister's movements and waving it about , "You have your health, good paying jobs, a decent home to live in, me…"

"Ruby, the love of my life is but five paces away from me, and I can't talk to her. Instead I'm doomed to faun over her like a love-struck school girl in a daytime drama, ordering and eating these sugary sweet, fruit filled, decadent pastry treats hand crafted by her delicate silk hands." Yang lifted her head half way through her speech only to slam it back down on the tabletop. "Yet the sweetest treat I want the most is forever out of reach."

Ruby held the fork currently filled with strawberries, whip cream, and powdered sugar in her mouth as she stared down her sister before turning her forlorn look to her plate, suddenly filled with a longing desire.

"Well that's certainly one way to describe crepes… and your failing love life?"

"Ruby, what am I going to do with myself?" the blond mumbled.

"Well, you could stop moping and try some wonderful new dishes, for free!"

At the sound of the new voice, Yang slowly lifted her head once more to met blue eyes, blond hair, and a boyish smile glancing back at her.

"What's this now, buying my love with food Jaune? Sorry, I like my men to at least have a little stubble on their chins."

The blond boy forced an annoyed grin as he scratched his chin, pretending that his baby face indeed have blond strands of hair growing there. "Well you know the quickest way to your heart is through the bottomless pit that is your stomach, Yang. Don't think I haven't noticed you order Blake's crepes once every night you come to visit."

Now fighting a light blush, Yang mixed the food in the plate she had set aside, pushing mangos and cutting banana slices to form it into a mushy mess. "They're good", she muttered, keeping her gaze away from the chef.

With a light laugh Jaune turned around to retrieve two hot bowls, each adorned with a spoon.

"Baeckeoffe", the blond chef announce as he set a bowl in front of the girls.

Nodding in understanding of the name of the dish presented to them the sisters look into the bowl, the top of which looked covered in onions, before picking up their spoon and digging out a helping of meat and potatoes.

"Meat and potatoes; you got all your protein and fiber. I know that's important for my favorite trash compactor, gym rat blond", Jaune joked, earning a harsh glare and a few mumbled curses.

Jaune often joked with the sister about their eating habits, but in his lifelong friendship with the duo he has come to know that the way to their hearts was indeed through the stomachs. Their devotion and loyalty to you was dependent on the broth from your stew and the seasonings of your meat. With money and personality, you could make a lot of friends. For the sisters, if you could cook a good pasta dish, you could convince them to commit sins no average person would dream of doing.

That he knew from personal experience; they loved food that much. And judging by the expression their faces, they'd be willing to take a bullet for the blond right now if he asked.

One bite; it took all of one bite Yang to instantly fall in love with the heartwarming dish Jaune presented to her. The beef, lamb, and pork was overwhelming tender and melting in her mouth. The potatoes and onions had Yang dive into ecstasy. The broth warmed the deepest core of her body and she swore on her tongue could taste white wine mixed in the concoction.

"Jaune, this is divine!" the younger of two exclaimed as she stuffed another spoon full of beef and vegetables in her mouth. Meanwhile, the elder sister couldn't speak, too busy trying to determine if the meaning of life with found within the rich texture of the stew, and how she could convince Jaune to teach her to make this dish as well as he did.

"Thanks. But while the compliment is appreciated, you shouldn't give it to me. Blake was the chef who cooked this", the blond boy shyly replied.

Oh thank God, this wasn't Jaune's dish. The sisters knew how great of a chef Jaune was, and it was because they had spent their entire lives as his taste subjects that Yang too learned to cook to help support her family. But if Jaune had prepared this meal, Yang was worried she would have jumped over the counter and kissed the boy before asking for his hand in marriage. To know the object of her affection arranged the dish made Yang's heart flutter while simultaneously putting her in the depths of despair. The Faunus was winning over her heart without even trying, and yet the chef would never know how hard Yang was failing for her.

Stuck in her thoughts Yang turned her attention back to the conversation at hand where Ruby was questioning Jaune about his plan for the stew and where the cat Faunus learned to cook. Yang listened as Jaune replied that while this meal took almost three hours to prep and cook, if he started preparation when his shop opens in the morning, by the first lunch hour, he'd have his Baeckeoffe ready to serve. It wouldn't be made as ordered as he liked, but with the cooking equipment he bought to keep food warm, customers would know the difference or care, so long as they had time to eat and get back to work.

As for the master behind the dish, according to the blond, Blake being a nomad and making friends with whomever she met allowed her to learn tidbits of wisdom to convince her that food shouldn't just be cooked for sustaining herself. Jaune continued to talk about Blake travels having her run into food enthusiast who had a habit of letting people into their homes and showing them how to make their favorite Sunday dinners.

Ruby, unfortunately, couldn't cook to save her life. No really, she couldn't. The extents of her culinary skills were a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of cereal. And up until she turned eighteen, Yang had to monitor her as she used the stove. Nonetheless, between Jaune and her sister, Ruby knew more dishes and how to prepare them than the average man knew different types of fruits and vegetables. Yang allowed her mind to wand as her sister began questioning Jaune on what Blake could cook and where she learned it from.

That wonderful, beautiful black cat; Yang had a feeling she was something special. She was pretty, educated, talented, pretty, and a whole list of other little things the blond could muse about for days. And pretty. Each encounter gave Yang something else she liked about the mysterious chef. Today it was her cooking. Yesterday how she dressed, being lucky to have caught a glimpse of the attire Blake possibly wore outside the restaurant; stocking and shorts or tight jeans with a vest or loose fitting sweater and heels. Sweet Jesus could Blake rock some heels! Not that Yang watched the way the Faunus strutted in her walk. But even Blake's leisurely pleasure of reading was endearing. She wondered about what book the young woman with golden eyes read. But there was something else there the blond couldn't figure out. Maybe, Yang hoped, it was her heart telling her that this woman she barely knew was her one in seven billion.

At some point during her musing Yang heard Ruby ask Jaune a simple question he couldn't answer, something else about where Blake had gone or what she did. Jaune was prepared to answer with an affirmative 'yes' , just as he had every other inquire, before catching himself, furrowing his brow and scratched his chin as if in deep thought. "Actually, I'm not so sure. Maybe she has. Uh, I actually don't know."

Turning his back towards the sisters, the blond boy called out to Blake. Yang had a hard time surprising a giggle as she observed the cat Faunus' ears perk up at her name being called, the girl swinging her head toward his direction, eye wide before settling into their normal stoic gaze as she strolled over to them from behind the kitchen. So terribly cute, was all the golden girl could think.

"Mes amis ont quelques questions à vous poser", Jaune said in his family tongue as he gestured to the sister.

The Faunus nodded. "Ruby, blondie, you have questions for me?" the Faunus asked in the best English she could muster.

Yang frowned as her younger sister snickered at her nickname she was given. When they were first introduced Yang couldn't help gawk at the raven haired Faunus. Ruby in her usual socially awkward nature tried her best to present herself and her sister, her rambling sentences and self-conscious behavior almost forcing Blake to retreat. Still, it was endearing compared to the elder sister, who made little effort to speak and couldn't form coherent sentences when she did. Even her usual terrible puns were muddled and when she could get one joke right the punch line flew over Blake's head.

Stuck in her thoughts Yang turned her attention back to the conversation at hand, listening to her sister beam at Blake's accomplishments.

"Man you are so cool. It mean like really amazing! Traveling the world and meeting people; I mean... Usted es tan impresionante!" You are so awesome!

Judging by confused expression coating Blake's face, her sister had been rambling for time now, some of what Ruby said the young Faunus understood, but most of which was gibberish.

"Thank… you?" Blake began, catching the general idea that Ruby was praising her, "But I'm not special—"

"You are!" Yang interrupted jumping to her feet and slamming her fist on the table. Half the patrons jumped in their seats and almost every eye turned to her. Quickly aware of the stares she was receiving at the odd outburst she shuffled back in her seat. "You are special. Y-you are pretty, and uh, a really good cook."

The compliment didn't come out as well as Yang had hoped for, and on the inside she was beating herself for the child like way she presented it. It was slow and stuttered; with terrible hand gesture as if it would convey the message clearly. She meant it as a statement, but the lack of conviction, or was it confidence, made it come out as a question. Yang couldn't even maintain eye contact for long, Blake's narrowing gaze sending a shiver up her spine that made her feel weak in the knees. And at the end of it all the blond could do was run a few fingers through her hair and give the Faunus a sheepish smile that spelled "Yes I am a dork."

The Faunus looked a bit delighted to talk to Ruby, but uninterested in Yang when she spoke. Nonetheless, Blake recognized the accolade; however odd it was to her, nodding in Yang's direction before turning around and heading back to her station to cook the most recently order menu item. Nervous but undeterred Yang shot out of her seat again and called for Blake to wait, almost grabbing at Faunus arm. A low deep growl that sounded no different than a lion or jaguar told Yang it'd be wise not to touch Blake unless she didn't need her fingers, and the blond awkwardly held her hand out before slowly pulling it back to her side.

"Um, okay; don't touch you. Got it", Yang noted, "Look, I really wanted to ask—"

"I have work to do. Sauf s'il est important, je n'ai pas le temps pour plus de vos questions." Unless it is important, I do not have time for more questions.

"Uh…" Yang was taken aback by the sudden interruption, and more so confused by whatever she said. Struggling to understand what little French Blake said she also forgot what she really intended to ask.

"Jaune, votre pique-assiette ami est un idiot." Jaune, your freeloading friend is an idiot.

Yang frowned at the apparent insult she didn't understand, but was sure Blake meant in some way she was stupid; the other blond chuckled. The lack of French was become a bother to the usually sunny woman. If it was Mandarin Yang would have no problem communicating.

No sooner had the Faunus said her insult did she strut away, leaving Yang fall into the nearest seat and watch her walk away.

While the restaurant wasn't silent the three friends didn't speak. Or if Ruby and Jaune was talking to Yang, she didn't hear them, her mind running a million thoughts by her. However, after five minutes her mind settled on one thought and slowly Yang pulled herself out of her seat to leave. Yang wouldn't see it but her sister and their childhood friend exchanged looks, with a nod coming from Jaune encouraging Ruby to follow after her sister.

By the time Ruby caught up with Yang, the blond had shuffled her feet and obnoxiously bright yellow, orange, and black motorcycle halfway down the block. It took all of ten minutes to get to their apartment from Jaune's restaurant on foot, far less time on a vehicle. And while Ruby was surprised Yang made it as far as she did, given her zombie pace, it would take all of an hour to make it home.

It was much too late for them to take an hour to get home.

"One express cheer-up with a side of sisterly love for Yang Xiao Long coming up!" Ruby exclaimed as she ran after her sister.

When the younger girl caught up to Yang, the blond stopped and spoke, "Rain check on that pep-talk Ruby. Tonight I just kinda feel like mopping around."

"Nope", Ruby responded, jogging in front of Yang, "You are getting a pep-talk free of charge, right here and now."

Yang sighed. With a little more encouragement from her sister Yang set up her bike to stand on its own and leaned against it, her sister soon to follow. The vehicle required no kick stand to accomplish this, and any other day Yang would be willing to explain the marvelous engineering that went into the bike, as well as the design choice to use an internal mechanism than a simple kick stand. But not tonight; tonight she wanted to slowly shuffle home and go to sleep until tomorrow night, grateful she did not have to get up for work. Still, it was interesting her bike could hold the weight of two people leaning on it.

"So", the younger girl began, "I heard you're having a problem talking to a pretty French pastry chef in Jaune's restaurant."

The blond rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. "You would know all about that wouldn't you? If this is supposed to be some inspirational talk then you should probably come up with a better start than that."

"Okay well how about this? Do you remember that movie we went to see a few weeks ago; the one that was getting all the hype about its music and great story of the two princess' in a kingdom where their main export was volcanic rocks but it really wasn't as good as everyone said it to be?"

Yang nodded at her sister's run-on question before responding. "But to be fair, Inferno was a good movie. You just set yourself up for disappointment."

Yang chuckled at her younger sister's childish pout. Even at twenty-one she still looked like an adorable eight year old with her facial expressions. "Okay, well remember the really popular song everyone loves to sing?"

Yang turned her attention away from her sister to think, her head lowered just slightly as her eyebrows furrowed. "Let 'Em Burn was the song I think, but what does that have to do with me?"

Yang didn't expect a singing number from her sister, but the moment she acknowledged that she remembered the song, Ruby gave her a wide goofy grin and jumped from her leaning position to dance and sing the song out loud.

Yang shook her head at the silly antics of her sibling, dancing on the sidewalk and in the side street, singing slightly off key but smiling all throughout the song. She should have known Ruby would burst out into song as that was all she ever did weeks prior to and after they saw the movie. It was favorite tune and the dark haired girl always found an excuse to sing it. However, as Yang listened to lyrics, the blond couldn't help but think for a film that was supposed to be jovial and family fun with an actual important life lesson, the song was a little dark and slightly violent. Then again, what movie by this film company didn't have a darker undertone that set a nice plot for the protagonist?

As the song finished and Ruby made one final twirl to face her sister Yang applauded her with a slow clap. "Almost sis, almost; but I still think you need those voice lessons…" Ruby pouted again and Yang lifted her hand to her face to hide another giggle. "But I still fail to see the—"

"Do you remember what the song was about Yang?"

"Pain, death, and destruction by fire—"

"It was about letting go, being free; being true to yourself not letting anyone or anything hold you back!" Ruby exclaimed. "I know Blake makes you so nervous you can't seem to function, but I also know you're being…" Ruby paused and placed her hand under her chin, making a mock thinking pose, "timid, or reserved in the way you act because you don't want her think you're stupid or weird."

Yang sighed and covered her face with her hands before responding, "And somehow I still manage to look like an idiot."

"Which is why that is a bad idea." Smiling Ruby took her position next to her sister again. "If Blake doesn't like you for you then what is the point of even trying?"

Yang lowered her head. When she didn't respond Ruby continued, "You think too much. So, instead of coming up with a million ideas on how to impress the pretty Faunus, go with your gut!"

"Go with my gut?"

"Yeah, go with your gut! You know, the very first thought you have. Tell me the first place that comes to mind when you think of taking Blake somewhere?"

"Ozpin's coffee shop—"

"Stop! Then that's the first place you ask her out to."

"But what if it's better if I ask her to—"

"Nope! Trust me, if you be yourself and stick with what comes to your mind first, you'll do way better than how you are doing now."

Yang folded her arms across her chest and hummed as she contemplated her sister's advice. It seemed like such a simple idea that had merit, but made Yang slightly uncomfortable. Her initial feelings weren't always her best and their father had always chastised her for her "leap before you think" attitude. Her sunny but rambunctious personality encouraged few bad habits. Even worse she felt she had little control over herself when angered. She had spent a lot of time in her young life learning to be responsible and tame, but with her sister admitting that really being herself was the way to go…

"You're right!" Yang exclaimed as she jumped to her feet, motorcycle rocking and settling back into place. "I can show her the great Yang Xiao Long charm if I just do and say what I think first!"

Ruby giggled at her sister's excitement as she started throwing punches into to air. "Well not everything Yang. You can be sorta perverted at times and we don't want you to scare her off and get thrown in jail."

"I AM NOT! But whatever…" Snatching her helmet off the back of her bike Yang stuffed her head inside and jumped on her bike. Lifting her visor the blond asked, "You wanna come to Uncle Crow's for a bit? He's still open and I feel like visiting for an hour or so." When Ruby asked if that was the first thing that came to mind when she thought of how she'd spend the rest of her evening Yang confirmed with a vigorous head nod.

"Not tonight Yang", the younger girl responded as she smiled, "I have to get up early tomorrow and Uncle Crow usually likes to talk forever." Ruby complimented the 'forever' with an eye roll.

"Alright then, well good night sis", Yang answered before slamming her visor shut and starting her bike.

"Buenas noche y conducir con cuidado", Ruby warned, as she always did, while they shared an awkward hug. Good night and drive carefully.

Smiling though Ruby could not see it Yang turned her bike around and sped off into the direction of Jaune's restaurant, only to continue down the block and left turn into the main street. She was feeling more confident about tomorrow and happy with the advice her sister gave her by the second. This could work she thought as the wind whip the hair that was not covered under her helmet. Barring any unfortunate accidents Yang might have a better shot at winning Blake's affection. She actually had a better plan this time around.

She was so looking forward to tomorrow.