From: "Michelle Coursen" [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 10:57 AM


The law offices of Reynolds& Pacer was in complete chaos. How and who would break the news to Garret Reynolds about his son? After much debate it was decided on a young associate would tell Garret. The young associate nervously made his way to the senior partners office. "Mr. Reynolds?" The young associate nervosusly called out as he gently knocked on the office door.

"Come in." A deep voice boomed out.

The young associate opened the door and nervously walked in. "Mr. Reynolds we have bad news about your son."

Garret Reynolds looked up from writing at his desk. "Court?" Garret asked.

They young associate gulped and tried to think the best way to break the news. "Uh Mr Reynolds one of our associates came across this and noticed the name." The young associate said and nervously thrust a video tape on Garret's desk.

Garret glanced at the tape cover and to his disgust saw it was a gay porno tape. "Why the-?" Garret started to yell at the associate until when he looked up and saw the young man made a hasty exit. What was the meaning of this trash? Garret went to pick up the offending tape off his desk when he noticed that name starring in it. Court Reynolds! Shocked, Garret gave the young man on the tape cover a closer glance and to his shock it was his son! Garret studied that tape and read the back of it. It read"

Jocks gone WIld

See the raunchy display of a man's man get in touch with his gay side!

Garret's face went deep red and a pulsing feeling throb back in his temples. "SYLVIA!!!" Garret yelled out loud, calling his secertary.

"Yes Mr. Reynolds." Sylvia called out from the doorway timidly.

"Get my lawyer on the phone now!" Garret commanded. His sleazy son finally did it! He was gonna cut off his son and kick his deadbeat ass out!


"But Daddy!" Annette tearfully protested.

Mr. Hardgrove closed his eyes. Wasn't it enough that despite her strict upbringing she dicgraced the family? Where did he go wrong? "Annette it's final!" Mr. Hardgrove said firmly and stormed out of his daughter's bedroom.

Annette threw herself onto her bed in tears. That damn Sebastian! She knew it was him! Whoelse could be so cruel to doctor a tape and make it seem that she made a porno movie? That's right the man that she once thought of as her true love had somehow got an Annette look-alike to make a porno movie using her name! And that same bastard made sure her father saw it. Now she was being shipped to a convent to get some "decent morals". Annette wasn't sure who she was madder at. Sebastian for being so despicable to make it seem that she starred in a movie called "Country Girls Gang-Bang" or her father for actually thinking that she would so such a thing! She tried telling her father what happend, but even Annette had to admit it sounded to far-fetched.

Annette might feel powerless not, but one thing was certain she would somehow get them both back!


Everyone on Park Ave somehow made it a point to see the hsitoric event happend. Somehow the mighty Tiffany Mereuil had gone bankrupt! Now her precious penthouse was being bought by her daughter! Crowds of people swarmed around the sidewalks to see it happend with their own eyes. Many people secretly wanted to see the Queen Tiffany finally shamed!

"Be careful with that!" Kathryn shreiked at the movers. Couldn't they do anything right? Tossing her precious crystal like it was a cheap knicknack.

"Will you relax?" Sebastian asked impatiently.

Kathryn gave Sebastian a dirty look. Like he would know the true value of something so valueable? "Shut up." Kathryn muttered and continued to berate the poor movers.

Sebastian sighed and put his sunglassed on. Kathryn would never change, but would he really want her to? So what if she constantly berated hired help? After it all the only thing mattered was they were finally together! And the pleasure of kicking the cold bitch out of her house was too priceless. Kathryn walked to Sebastian's side and whispered in his ear.

"Now?" Sebastian asked her. Kathryn nodded her head and gave him a seductive smile and took his hand. She led him to a closet where theyboth stepped in and Kathryn closed the door.

"No time like now to christen the place." Kathryn whispered in his ear.

The End