Clatters from shoes can be heard everywhere as students hurriedly went to and fro to their designated classrooms. Sayaka took a left turn and walked straight to her classroom. Upon entering, her blue eyes dart around to find a certain pink-haired girl.

"Yo! Morning, Madoka!" after giving a brief wave she walked to her desk, automatically expanding in the touch of a button.

"Sayaka-chan, good morning!" Madoka replied back, a grin on her face. "So," Madoka turned to her left to face Sayaka properly, "Did you finish the math homework last night? It was so difficult…"

"H-homework?" Sayaka's eyes widened in surprise and in fear getting another punishment from her teacher again. "I forgot…" Madoka heaved out a light sigh and frowned, it was so typical of her. She eyed Sayaka who looked like she was about to panic.

"Y-you know you can copy from me if you want."

"What?! Really?" Sayaka's face brightened, "Thanks Madoka! You're the best wife I could ever have!"

Her playful words had earned her a light blush from Madoka who seemed embarrassed and gave a shy smile. Madoka unzipped her bag and reached into it for her math copy.

"Huh? It's… not here?"

It was now time for Madoka to panic now, as she has realised that she had left her math notebook at home. She looked back to Sayaka.

"S-sorry Sayaka-chan," she muttered out, "I think I left my homework at home..." she explained in an apologetic tone.

"It's okay!" the blue haired girl reassured with a grin, "We'll take the blame together!"

Soon after, class began as Saotome came into the room.

It was the beginning of lunch, and the end of the classes for now. The bluenette began to stretch her limbs, mentally exhausted from having to listen to Saotome's problematic relationships for half the class. A hand gently touched her shoulder, which gained Sayaka's full attention. She peered over her shoulder and looked up, it was Hitomi.

"What's up?" she asked as she turned her body to face Hitomi.

Clearing her throat, she began to speak.

"Ahem… Sayaka-san," she began with a serious tone, "I need to talk to you in private."

"All right, sure, let's go!" Sayaka responded with zeal.

She stood up, following Hitomi out of the classroom. Before going out the door, she looked over to find pink and mouthed out, 'I'll be back in a few minutes' to Madoka, who nodded in reply. As she was about to lose sight of Madoka, she noticed the transfer student staring at Madoka.

Hitomi and Sayaka walked to a more quiet location, the corridor leading to the nurses' office. Sayaka could feel a tense atmosphere in the air, and gulped down her anxiety. She started thinking of a funny pun that would break the tension, but came up with nothing. She stayed in silence as she watched Hitomi compose herself before taking a deep breath.

"Sayaka-san," Hitomi said with seriousness, "I'm well aware that you like Kamijou-kun, and I want you to know that," Sayaka could feel her cheeks heating up and looked to the side, while Hitomi closed her eyes.

"I like Kamijou-kun too. I want to tell you that I'm giving you a chance to confess to him before I do."

Sayaka's mouth was left agape, surprised at what Hitomi had just said.

"I know that you and Kamijou-kun are close and I want to give you a head start. That is all."

"H-how did you know?" she stuttered out in shock.

"It's obvious, don't you think? Don't think that Madoka-san and I don't know."

She began walking back to the classroom quickly after her announcement.

No…. She began thinking to herself, fear taking over her mind. What am I going to do…? Sayaka looked down to the floor, feeling lost. She began to walk back to the classroom, hardly lifting up her feet with every step she took.

All that was in the blue haired girl's mind was that Kyousuke will be gone if she doesn't do anything and Hitomi is going to take him away from her. That hurt just to think about it, but it could very much be true within the next few days. She finally made it back to the classroom and tried to compose herself before going back in.

"Madoka! Hey!" she beamed at her friend trying to hide her worries. Madoka was eating a packed lunch while sitting beside Homura, who seemed as emotionless as per usual.

"Sayaka-chan! What were you and Hitomi-chan talking about?" she tilted her head, curiosity written on her face. Sayaka thought back to the previous events that had happened and it hurt her.

"Ah… S-stuff! You know, stuff and things." Sayaka gave a wry smile and tried to look into Madoka's eyes.

"A-are you okay? Did something happen?" Madoka asked, immediately noticing her fading smile.

"I don't really want to talk about it now... C-could we do this some other time, when it's just us?"

"Okay." Madoka gave her a soft smile.

Lunch continued as Madoka began to eat her food and talk to Homura, who had seemed to be more intent on listening rather than speaking. Sayaka ate her food slowly, thinking about what to do and what was going to happen. She felt out of it, she felt surreal, as if this wasn't really happening. But it is, and it will… She thought to herself.

When lunch had finally ended, students groaned and waved goodbye to other friends from other classes. Everyone slowly made their way to their desks and sat down on the chair. It was an awful day, and she felt like it would be forever until it ended. She couldn't concentrate and could only think about what happened earlier at lunch with Hitomi. Should she really confess to Kyousuke before it's too late?

Would he even reciprocate the same feelings? Sayaka's mind was filled with similar thoughts for the rest of the day, unaware of Madoka's concerned glances.

Thankfully, the ringing of the bells in the tower could be heard which indicated the end of school. Students noisily pushed their chairs out and pressed on the touch screen panel to make the chairs and desk into a small box. Groups of students began to form and briefly left the soon to be empty classroom.

Sayaka, Madoka and Homura seemed to be the only ones left in class. Homura was all set to go, bag over arm, waiting for Madoka. Madoka rose up from her chair and went over to Homura, whispering something into her ear. Homura nods and gives Sayaka a quick glance before heading off.

"…Do you still want to talk about it?" Madoka asked with concern in her voice.

Sayaka nodded, not looking at her eyes.

It was rare for them to hang out nowadays; Madoka was often with Homura. Sayaka had to admit, that made her jealous at times. She was satisfied that she could hang out with just Madoka like the old times, even though if that meant Homura and … Hitomi were going to be left out.

They walked to the nearest shopping mall, where she always bought rare classical CDs for Kyousuke. It genuinely hurt to think about Kyousuke and Hitomi, and Sayaka exhibited another hurt expression on her face. Madoka held Sayaka's hands and entwined their fingers together. She gave a reassuring squeeze as if to tell her that everything would be okay. Her best friend smiled at her and she responded with the same gesture.

"Thanks, Madoka." Their hands fit perfectly.

Finding a nearby café to sit in, Madoka decided to get a chocolate mocha while Sayaka ordered a cappuccino. The atmosphere, thankfully, wasn't as tense as earlier with Hitomi. Sayaka breathed out a soft sigh as they sat down in a private booth in the corner of the busy café. It was an old fashioned café, the lights were dimmed to give a calming effect and the floor consisted of a red brown wood. It was surprisingly pleasant.

Soon enough, a waiter came over and quietly placed down their ordered drinks. The two girls expressed their thanks before the waiter went back to the counter.

Sayaka snugly put her hands around the mug, index finger rubbing the side. It was warm.

"So, Sayaka-chan… What happened?" the pinkette inquired in a concerned tone. "I'm worried." Madoka took a small sip of her drink whilst waiting for a reply from her friend.

"Hitomi said that she's going to confess to Kyousuke in two days and she told me that I should tell Kyousuke about my feelings for him before she does." Sayaka explained, visibly upset.

"I… I don't know what to do," Sayaka looked up from her drink to look at Madoka, "Madoka, what do I do? I don't think I can confess to him. It's too sudden."

"Sayaka-chan..." Madoka released her grip from her drink and put her hand on Sayaka's.

"You should confess, really. I'm sure Kyousuke would reciprocate your feelings," she squeezed her hand to reassure her, "I mean, you're the one that cares about him the most! You're the one that tries their best to look after him."

"P-plus, you have great qualities!" Madoka reassured her, "You're really kind and c-cute too..." she added in, whispering at the very end.

"R-Really? You think so? T-Thanks Madoka." she replied, feeling slightly better. She didn't know why but she felt a growing embarrassment from Madoka's comment.

Madoka quietly nodded in reply, quickly trying to conceal her red face.

After taking a big sip of her cappuccino, she slammed the cup down, which earned her a large clink and a few stares from other customers.

"I'll do it, I'll confess to Kyousuke tomorrow!" announced the blue haired girl, a glint of excitement in her sapphire eyes. Madoka looked up at Sayaka and smiled, glad that she found her resolve.

A/N: Well uh that was my first fanfic! Apologies if there were slight grammatical errors or a repetition of the same adjectives or if the characters were slightly OOC ;;I'm not very good at english (not my best subject in school;;) so yeah. I really wanted to see more Madosaya fanfics on and I was thinking, why not write one? A review would be appreciated and any advice or constructive criticism would be nice, too. I'm not sure if I should continue this though... Until next time, goodbye!