Saturday Night
By: Selim
Rating: M+
Summary: Toothless has a problem - a big one. About to enter his last year of school, it occurs to him he's the only virgin in his class. In hopes to rectify that, he stumbled upon a number for a prostitute. One night is never so easy.
Pairings: Human-Toothless/slut?Hiccup
Warnings: Language, situations, and themes.

Disclaimer: I do not own How to Train Your Dragon. This is a piece of fiction and the author is making no monetary gain off its creation.

Additional notes: Yes, I have 2 other fics to write. I'm hoping to wean myself back into writing by starting a new story. Work with me on this, it took a year but I finally only have 1 report left to write for work so I can start fanfiction writing again. Anyway, once upon a time Loti-Miko asked if I would ever do a High School fic. At the time, I said no because I haven't been in high school in... years and the rules have changed and vary by country. Well, I did one.

Berk is a high-bred of multiple countries education system. At 15 students apply to attend what's called "college" or a high school. It has 3 years that focus on career planning before students move on to University of their choices. Not everyone attending Berk Academy (The Private School) will make it to third year. The school selects only 100 students of each year to attend the final year. Those who don't make it move back to the public school.

That is one sexy man.

Running his comb through his hair one last time to give the spikes the right amount of lift, Toothless flashed a white smile at his reflection.

It was so hard to have some form of individuality at this school. As one of the more prestigious in the country, the teachers were sticklers to the rules in regulation of the correct uniform and most likely the other students would be caught even with spiked hair. Toothless, however, would get away with it. He hid in just the right shadows to be forgotten by the teaching staff. It didn't mean that he could get away with breaking every meaningless rule he reasoned as he fixed his collar one last time.

Berk Academy was known to only send out the best students to college. Its earlier years were crowded with students, hundreds that came from surrounding towns for a chance to be one of the prestigious few. By third year, when The Interviews were made, it dropped down to a select 100 students, the brightest (and richest) of minds that would be marketed off to the finest of Universities, the main one being Berk's Professional University.

Toothless had worked hard to get into the school, two years ago. Unlike a large number of his classmates, he wasn't born with money or a pedigree. His father owned a local business that had been doing fairly well the last ten years. His mother worked her tail off at the local hospital, neither of which came from anything more than a farming lifestyle themselves. The chance to become something and help his parent's financially was always in the back of his mind when he took the school entrance exam. When he made it into the high percentile of his peers, earning a full scholarship to the school, it had only meant he worked harder than his peers to stay there.

The moment he'd walked through the doors, his classmate's had smelt the poor. He was written off as the nerdy Toothless, never one to go out partying, always studying. He had to work shifts on the weekends to have spending money and skipped school holidays to save extra cash for University. They knew what he was and none of them liked him for it.

He earned this placement. They had purchased it with daddy's money.

Tossing his bag over his shoulder, he moved out to the crowded halls, mindful of the jagged shoulders that pressed into his form, the shuffle of peers talking about their weekends and latest purchases. The self-esteem he built up only seconds before deflated again as he mounted the stair case leading to the second years. Two steps ahead, bag thrown over his shoulder, Snotlout chortled with laughter as his pretty girlfriend leaned heavily into his side.

Slipping past them, he moved through the wide double doors, towards the open lecture hall that was his Registration. Snotlout was already settled in his seat up front near the window, gazing out at the birds with hopeless abandonment. Settling next to his only friend, Toothless shuffled through his bag. "I hate him."

"Hm?" Meatlug craned his neck. The meaty folds of his second chin were already accumulating with sweat, Toothless noted absently. It would only be a moment before-

Coming into the classroom, Snotlout tugged his nose back and made high pitch snorting sounds at the two. With a groan, the chubbier man glanced back at the window. "Not much you can do. He's popular, you're, well, you." He tucked his hands under his chin. "We got a few more weeks until The Interviews. Maybe the school will see how much a prick he is and send him packing? Or maybe a few wrong answers and we can go somewhere else."

Toothless shielded a glance back at Snotlout.

The tall, bulky man had been the biggest bully of Berk Academy. There was no question to how he was secured entrance into the school, he'd let everyone know he had come from money since day one. Apparently he had several family members in high-end positions at Haddock Industries, including the CEO. Toothless couldn't help but feel some resentment towards the man. Even with the financial security, the boy had enough smarts to be in the upper percentile of his classes (although Toothless' scores were still better) and was blessed with athletic skill. He always had some girl on his elbow as well, not that Toothless cared.

"Just don't let him get to you," Meatlug continued absently, "He's not worth your time. Anyway, do you have the maths workbook? I totally crashed last night after watching Dragons and Men and if I miss another assignment, I'll lose my car for two months."

Handing his book over, Toothless leaned on his arm and watched the students fill the classroom. Each one in a group of his or her own, no one paying mind to the two outcasts in the corner. So many students, Toothless noted, and none of which he was close to. It hadn't occurred to him until he grabbed his bag for school a week before that he had no friends. He'd focused so much time on his studies, even his roommate had disappeared into an unfamiliar blur of red hair.

He only had three months to fix that. He didn't want to go to his third year without friends. Hell, he didn't want to go without at least a girlfriend.

There were at least thirty girls in his Registration. Of these, at least twenty-three of the girls were dating someone else in the school; he'd observed each with significant others from the canteen to the common rooms, catching the whispers of gossip while moving through the mental list of names of potential girls.

"You going to the Wandering Oar tonight?" Meatlug asked, glancing over the rim of his glasses at the door to ensure he wouldn't be caught copying his homework. "They're having a last meeting before Spring Meet, getting some drinks, hanging with friends, then go home. Come back for final test and exams, then The Interview."

The Toothless of a week ago would have immediately declined - it wasn't his scene, filled to the brim of people he couldn't stand. The same Toothless wasn't trying to have a fresh start before Third Year. "Yeah, I'll be there." He leaned forward on his elbows, taking in the old whiteboard and the scrawl across it. There were a list of activities for end year, many of which Toothless had no opinion of.

As a Civic Engineering student, his day was filled with maths and sciences with the odd writing course thrown in. His extracurricular activity of choice was art and he was part of the Tech Club, spending the first few weeks of school working on the student tablets. The rest of the year was fixing the same devices, clearing off the viruses collected through unauthorized programs and attempted hackings.

The cheering of his classmates drew his attention back, watching them circle the three star players of the school's Rugby team. The chanting continued long enough to draw their instructor into the room, breaking the chaos with a stern shout.

It was hours later, at the Wandering Oar that Toothless felt even more out of place than he ever did at school. Dressed in his own cousin's second hand clothes, alone without his wingman, he sipped at a soda while his classmates celebrated their last few hours together. The pairings were more obvious, he noted absently at the pretty girls and handsome men that had found one another. Then there was him, a ghost in the background, forgotten.


His sights fell on one lone girl watching the groups dance, a fruity drink in her hands. Her blonde hair was pulled back into two braids, blue eyes dancing with delight. Astrid. She was a year younger than him, another person who had their placement bought by family. As a first year, she wasn't worried yet about The Interview. It probably wouldn't hit her until this time, next year. All of these people wouldn't be as jolly first of the month.

Draining his soda, he started across the hall. Plastering on a friendly smile, he leaned against the counter next to her. "Hey, Astrid."

Her blue eyes narrowed, taking in him and trying to place a name. When the pause lasted too longer, Toothless swallowed.

"It's Toothless, second year? I, uh, fixed your computer so you could access your social network?" It had been against regulations, but she had flirted with him earlier that year with her blouse unbuttoned and white flesh under his nose. It wasn't possible to resist when she praised his computer skills.

"Oh!" Her eyes widened with realization before the smile graced her face. "I'm still so impressed that you were able to do that, you don't realize how much of a life saver you are, Toothless." She brushed a bang from her face. "I'm sorry, I'm not really good with names."

Laughing it off, Toothless reached into his wallet, ordering her another juice. "It's fine. How has your first year at the academy been?"

"Good, good - I didn't realize how competitive the program was until recently! I'm going to have several late nights this testing season if I want to move onto the Third Year here. You're about to go into The Interview, aren't you? You nervous?" She moved on fast, placing her weight on her left side.

"Um, yeah, just a little." Toothless tucked his hands into his pocket. "Um, I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to dance, or, you know, something." The party was already spiraling out of control as a flask was passed around, knowing that this was the only night the owner of the Wandering Oar would be out, leaving his son in charge.

Glancing around the room, Astrid shifted. "Look..."


Toothless jumped as Ruffnut's voice echoed across the packed bar. She jumped over, wrapping her arms around Astrid's thin arm with a confused look at Toothless .

"What are you doing hanging with the virgin?"

"We were just having a chat about third year." Astrid straightened out from under the friendly hug, tucked hands in front of her.

"Oh," Ruffnut frowned, "Whatever. Snotlout was asking for you - I think he's got the hots for you. Don't hide in back, I heard from Stormfly that a night with Snotlout is like a night in heaven. She never came so hard until-" The girl's voice faded as she pulled Astrid away. Neither girl passed a glance behind them, not that Toothless would have noticed if they had.


How had they even known? Or was it a jest?

He glanced over at Snotlout, noting how the man had glanced at him before laughing with the girls.

Why did it matter?

He swallowed.

Leaving the bar, he rushed towards the school dorms and to his room. His roommate was already gone, either at home or at the bar, Toothless didn't know nor did he care as he grabbed at his coat, grabbing his abandoned cell phone.

Two missed messages, both from Meatlug, explaining his absence. Apparently a better offer to go off with his girlfriend who attended Berk Public College came up and Meatlug took her up on the deal. Besides, the next message explained, it was traditional to lose one's virginity before Second Year was over and it didn't matter if Meatlug enjoyed attending the school, he wasn't one to dismiss tradition.

Dropping on his bed, Toothless let his hands drop between his knees, not able to look up even as his roommate came in and left, condoms stuffed in his pocket. When did all this happen? Toothless took in the room, noting the differences between his own neatly arranged area versus his roommates stifling mess of nudie magazines and school materials. The only scantily clad image he had on his person was the latest movie poster for his favorite Elf Wars Franchise with the Elven Princess plastered with her two piece mithril set. And he only got the poster as a bonus for pre-ordering his DVD box set.

Groaning, he ducked his head lower.

New plan of action, girlfriend - or boyfriend - be damned, he needed to get laid before the testing started. No one would believe him, but at least he'd know he wasn't truly left behind.

And more so, if he had a few tryst, he could make a pretty girl like Astrid talk about his prowess to her friends. It would be the icing of his cake.

Grabbing his weekend bag, he stormed out of the dorms. Everything around him seemed different with the new sense of awareness including the tall-tale signs of students having sex. Socks on the doorjambs, the occupied sign in the bathroom. There wasn't a place, he realized as he left school grounds that students weren't taking up to spend their last moments together. You should have seen this earlier. How many girls have left school this last year pregnant?

I need to get out of here.

It was a requirement that the students live on campus even though a large percentage of students lived a short distance from the school. Toothless' father's restaurant was a frequent site visited by the students, but today seemed almost empty as the teen stepped, going towards the back rooms to leave his bag in his locker. His father was in the open office, reading off his computer as the cooks moved around the kitchen automatically.

"Thought you were hanging out with the other kids today?" His father hummed absently as Toothless logged into the work system.

"Those plans fell through," Toothless grumbled, grabbing his apron.

"I was going to have Bucket do it, but since you're here could you clean up the bathrooms? The stalls need a fresh coat of paint, too. Those kids might help us stay in the black, but they have no respect to my property." The man shook his head. "Once you're done, you can help in the kitchens."

Tossing his apron back down, Toothless tossed his head back with a low groan. "Whatever." He reached for the tins of paint that had been sitting on his father's filing cabinet since the beginning of the year when the man had first mentioned painting the stalls. He shifted his tongue in his mouth, tempted to inquire about his father's opinion on the school tradition, but ended up smothering the topic.

His father had been sixteen when he knocked up Toothless' mother with their oldest daughter. He wouldn't understand his own son's problems, coming up on eighteen with his virginity still intact.

The bathrooms at the restaurant were not gross by any stretch of the words. In Toothless' opinion, they appeared to be normal toilets with an unusual number of graffiti lining the door. His father was usually good about covering up inappropriate statements himself, allowing kids to be kids by leaving their mark somewhere, but every so often the stalls began to look more like a newspaper and less like a public space.

There was the usual cluster of names, defining love in ink. Occasionally someone had drawn a penis but it was scribbled out and replaced by stick figures. Toothless' favorite ones were the motivational comments the occasional shitter left, mostly because it often caused someone else to be side and sarcastic directly underneath.

Next to the toilet paper is neat block letters was written, You are perfect the way you are.

Under it, someone's messy scrawl wrote, "I KNOW I'm flawless. Fuck off."

Taking his phone out, Toothless snapped a picture of it before spreading the paint over the mess.

Each line was read before erased forever, a small cluster of entertainment designed just for him. He scowled at someone who had written a message to "The nerd in third block on BA's Advanced Calculus course." Wiping that away, Toothless stepped into the stall, shutting the door to work on the inside.

"Looking for a good time? Just text. It was followed by a cluster of numbers. Pretty font, relatively new as far as Toothless could remember. He dipped the paintbrush into the pail.

Just text.

Whores, the lot of them. Having to get a date through means of the uni-sex bathroom at the local shops. Or it was a boyfriend or girlfriend angry at their past conquest. Toothless grumbled, erasing part of the message only to be stopped at the number.

Or maybe it wasn't a joke? Maybe this was his only chance, someone who just wanted to get laid and didn't care by whom? He could live with a one night shag if it meant he wouldn't be a virgin anymore. Maybe things would perk up if he didn't have this aura of never been touched?

He swallowed heavily, grasping his cellphone once more. The numbers weren't hard to type it, but his fingers felt stiff and unsure. He paused on the message portion of the message. This is stupid. He slammed his phone back into his pocket, white washing the number away. He wasn't going to beg for a quick fuck, that didn't feel special in the least.

Ruffnut's voice caressed his ear in repeat, ""What are you doing hanging with the virgin?"

Astrid had just walked away, almost appalled with the thought of him not knowing what to do with a girl. Him, almost ready to enter his Third Year.

He grabbed his phone again. Looking for a good time.

If it was a joke or a mean prank from an ex-lover, he could laugh this off. He would never meet this person in real life if it was all fake.

He didn't even leave the stall when his phone vibrated back with a message. Haddock Hotels, room 227B tomorrow at noon. 50 for some touching, 100 for mouth, 150 to rub, 250 for everything.

Blinking at the prices, Toothless licked the roof of his mouth. Were those prices right? That seemed... rather expensive, but he did have that money in his savings account and his parents did say only to use it for an emergency. Losing his virginity on short notice did seem like an emergency.

With shaky fingers he sent a message back before stuffing the cell in his pocket.

I want everything.