Note: Just to let you know my spin off story is out. Its called "Right World Right Love" Also for the 2nd session of the walking dead in my story. I am going to kinda breezed through it. Since I feel like not that much happened in the 2nd session. And because way more stuff of my plot happens in session 3. I love you all! No lie! Again sorry for another long dang update. I have edited this again by myself so PLeASE be nice to me for any bad editing! For those who wish to help me edit, please PM me. If you already have please do a resend!

Special thanks: Prongsie18!


KEZZI - I am working on becoming a way better up dater. Just stick with me!

Sevvus - So I need to make them longer? Ok got it! This is another short one, but I WILL MAKE SURE the next one is longer. I am trying new ways for me to update faster. Hopefully it works! Thank you for telling me what part you liked in this chap! It helps!

Luna - Here it is! Hope you enjoy!

SkyeJ - I am happy you liked the dynamics between the two!

xXRosexScorpiusxX - Sent you a pm. a While ago

Valkyire222 - I am working on new ways for me to update faster so I don't get so mad at myself when I don't

galwindanatitud - Happy you found this! Hope you continue to enjoy it!

Guest - Do you have a account for this site? That way when I do update you will get a email saying I updated. Thank you for loving this story!

8goose8 - Here's the update! Sorry for it being short!

Chapter 10 First Ally

Helena's Point of view

At this moment in the show, the group tryed to break down the doors, so they wouldn't get blown up along with the C.D.C.

Helena sat down on a chair, resting her head on one of the work stations. Her head pounding from her hangover or maybe because she couldn't stopping thinking about waking up in Daryl's arms. Who held her in a possessive yet gentle hold. And of course she remembered everything that happened between them last night.

Since Helena had gotten up earlier than him, she was already at the Breakfast table with the group, wearing the clothing that had came from her world.

When Daryl did wake up. She could barely keep eye contact with him from her embarrassment.

Her mind remained blank. As she continued to rest her head on the workstation, listening to what was going on around her.

Then a small flicker of ammunition happened. That she could use against , to get him on her side. An it all came from his mouth!

"She begged me to keep going as long as I could"

Since Helena had been so quiet, everyone got startled, when she suddenly jumped on top of the work station and ran down towards Jenner. Telling him "That's right! You promised her that you will keep going until you no longer could"

Reaching him, Helena stood tall on top of the work station, looking at Jenner straight in the eye.

"You can no longer do your research here, but if you come with us. You can continue what you were doing and continue keeping your promise."

Helena studied him closely, She could tell that she had put him in a bind. A bind between keeping a promise to his dead lover and the want of letting go.

Jenner sat down on a chair that was next to one of the workstations, lost in thought. Giving a sad smirk he looked back at Helena and asked "What will I do for equipment?"

"We will figure something out." Helena answered not even knowing herself

Jenner looked even more depressed as he sat on the chair. Listening to Helena's answer

*What did he expect I would say? O crap I have no idea how we will find stuff for you to work with. So you're right. It's ok for you to die*

Then he asked the real question "And if I no longer have the will to live?"

Helena jumped off the workstation, faced Jenner, offered him her hand, and said "Then I will give you some of mine"

Jenner still looked hesitant as he took her hand, lifting himself off his seat.

Quickly typing in the pass code for the exit door to open. He commented "I still don't know how we will be able to open the C.D.C's main entrance"

Helena smiled to herself. Because when Jenner said 'we'. He was letting himself become part of the group.

"There are somethings I need to gather" Jenner stated as he ran off to his office.

Helena followed after him saying "I can help"

Daryl was about to stop her until, Rick stopped him.

Telling Daryl "She will be fine. Come on. I need your help covering us when we find a way out side"

Daryl looked back at Rick, easily telling that he did not want her alone with Jenner leather with so few precious minutes left.

Walking away with his crossbow in hand. While walking away he told Rick "If she is not outa here by the time we reach the cars, I'm comin back for her"

While walking off he was mumbling under his breath. On how stupid she was for going off with some homicidal doctor.

When Jenner and Helena finally came back. had a light brown leather messenger bag like the one college professors had. On his shoulder. Inside of the bag was his work i.d, Files on the virus, the picture of his wife that was still in the picture frame, tons of notebooks,lots of pens and surprisingly V.I. That was down loaded onto a memory stick. The memory stick was attached to a stretchy black cord that you could wear like a necklace. On his other shoulder was the machine gun that he had when the group first came to the C.D.C.

"I can't believe I am doing this" said out loud

As Helena was about to tell Jenner that he made the right choice. Daryl took ahold of her forearm and ran towards the exit. Telling he "I can't believe you went with that fucker!"

Jenner ignored him as he ran ahead of them.

Rolling her eyes at Daryl's comment, Helena looked back behind her to see how much time was left on the timer. The deadly timer read 3 min and 2 sec. Close to the timer, her eyes found someone else that was to die in this episode.

*Jacqui! My mind was so full of questions about Jenner and Daryl that I forgot that she also dies in this episode! that's not true. I have already written her off. I didn't even give her a 2nd thought*

Helena began having mini flash backs of Jacqui. Like when she first woke up in camp. Jacqui was the first one to offer her food. An when her, Jacqui and the other girls partied to the song 'girls'

Braking Daryl's hold on her, she ran over to Jacqui. The logical side of her kept telling her that she could not save everyone. That she needed to preserve supplies for the more important people of the group.

Reaching Jacqui, Helena grabbed ahold of Jacqui's wrist. Trying to pull her towards the exit,but Jacqui would not leave her death bed.

"Jacqui! We need to leave NOW!" Helena yelled

But the woman who was worn out from the world, solemnly noded her head 'no'.

"No, Helena. I can't go back there. I just can't."

"HELENA!" Daryl bellowed as he ran over to her.

"Go Helena. I can tell you are not ready to die. It was nice to have a chance at meeting you"


A certain person, a certain redneck, picked her up suddenly and thrown over their shoulder. He then bolted towards the door. Knowing he had less than a minute to get out of the building.

Clenching her fists, Helena hit Daryl's back while her legs tried to kick him.

"Daryl! We can't leave her here!"

"She made her choice. Ya ain't gonna die because of that choice!" Daryl told her

Jumping out of the shattered window, Daryl bee lined towards his truck.

Rick honked the horn on the R.V repeatedly. Signaling them that they were out of time.

Finding refuge behind a wall made out of sandbags, Daryl dropped Helena down on the ground. Just as he covered her body with his. The explosion happened.

Flames burst through the windows then proceeded to swallow the building whole. When the explosion had calmed down, Daryl lifted himself up. Insteed of offering his hand to help lift her up. He had picked her up like how a groom would carry his bride and ran. Knowing that the sound of the explosion had attracted walkers.

Helena offered no resistance when he picked her up. Insteed she brought her face closer to his chest. Listening to the sound of his repeatedly beating heart beat.

Opening his car's door of the front passenger seat, He sat Helena down and wistfully fasten in her seat belt. Slamming the passenger car door shut, Daryl got into the driver's seat and started up the engine. Breathing heavily from the running, he rested his forehead against steering wheel, trying to catch his breath.

Gently Helena started to rub Daryl's back. In a calm and soothing motion.

At first Daryl had liked it. Until he remembered what was on his back. That would cause any girl to flinch away. On instinct Daryl knocked her hand away from him and stood straight up so she wouldn't be able to rub his back again.

Helena held no offence when he knocked her hand away. She had half expected it. So why did it hurt her feelings a little?

The drive was silent, not awkward or uncomfortable, but silent. Which they didn't mind.

The group all started pulling into a parking lot. So they could regroup and re-supply if necessary. The parking lot few a few pre existing cars already there.. Just like during the ride, they both exited the car quietly. Daryl went over towards Rick to see what he could do to help. While Helena went out to look for . Ironically Helena had found him practically begging to let him help them suck up the gas from the other cars, but they rudely ignored him.

Sensing Helena behind him, Jenner turned towards her and said "They don't trust me"

Chuckling a little, Helena pointed out "Well you did try to blow all of us up. That does not breed trust or being likeable"

Giving up in trying to help, Jenner leaned back against one of the cars that the group had already taken gas out of.

"So what do we get to call you now? Jenner still or ? How about Edwin?"

Jenner took a big sign before he answered "Jenner. Continue to call me Jenner"

Despite her feelings of sadness at the loss of Jacqui. Helena smiled and took ahold of Jenner's hand, getting him to walk with her. She led him somewhere private so they could speak without being heard. Feeling that she was at a good and safe distance, Helena let go of Jenner's hand and began to walk at a slower pace so Jenner and her could talk.

"Alright let's start with some ground rules" Helena told him

Jenner's messenger bag swing softly behind him as he walk besides Helena. Nodding his head towards her inciting to continue.

"First off. You must not tell anyone or give off hints that I am not from this world. If you did not only will they not believe you, but I will have them turn on you so fast. That you will wish that you have had said nothing" Helena threatened

"Why don't you try to tell them? You do have the proof."

Helena stopped walking and stared wide eyed at him. "Did you seriously just ask me that?"

Jenner stopped and thought to himself. What seemed like forever to Helena, Jenner finally looked at her and replied "fair enough"

She could tell that Jenner had weighed the pros and cons about him telling the group. And most of all understood that such knowledge could be dangerous.

Walking again with Jenner at her side, Helena continued "Secondly you follow everything I say. An 3rdy If I am not around and there is danger roaming about. Stick with Rick or Daryl. You will most likely live."

Raising one of his eyebrows, Jenner questioned "Most likely?"

"Well that was part of my survival plan! Trust me, if you stick with those two. Your chances of living are much higher" She explained

A whistle caught both of their attention. Turning towards the sound, they found Daryl waving them over. Helena could have sworn that Daryl was giving Jenner the death glare.

"looks like it's time to head out. When we reach the highway, come and find me" Helena told Jenner as she walked towards the group.

Daryl once again charged up to her, took ahold of her hand and then led her to Merle's motorcycle.

"Why are ya hanging out with that asshole! Did ya forget that he tried to kill us all?" Daryl hissed

A shiver went down Helena's spine. It wasn't the good kind of shiver. This shiver was one of warning.

*How and why did Daryl get such a dominating attitude?*

What she said next was meant to be humorous,but to Daryl it only fueled his jealousy and anger towards the doctor.

"What can I say? Love knows no bounds?"

The moment he heard that from Helena's lips. Daryl made a sharp turn towards two cars that you could squeeze into. The turn was so sudden that Helena almost landed on her face.

Shoving her against one of the two cars, Daryl took ahold of her chin and kissed her roughly. A dominating kiss. When he had broke the kiss. His eye's looked like they belonged to a predator. Ready to claim what was his.

"MINE!" he animalistically claimed

For some out of this world reason, Helena was not afraid of his new behavior towards her. Maybe because a part of her believed him.