Hi guys, I am back with the sequel! Hopefully this should go well, as I have more to work on now it doesn't have a set plot and whatnot :)
Also, I really, really can't think of a title for either of the pieces I have written so far (it is really...well...dull) and I would really appreciate any ideas that you could throw my way? Thank you so much!
Enjoy the first chapter, which is just aiming to get you back into the lives of the two OC'S, and hopefully make you want to read more.

"Good morning!" An overly cheerful Kate said as she barged into my room and threw open my curtains.

Normally I wouldn't entirely object to this, seeing as I am usually a morning person, but even I have limits, and this pushes them.

It is only 5 in the morning, and I am not pleased about that fact.

"Kate...it is practically the middle of the night. What do you want?" I complained as I rolled over on the huge bed in Gondor I was currently occupying, snuggling further underneath the warm covers. This was obviously not the answer Kate was looking for, as she bounded over and leapt up onto the bed, a scarily big smile plastered onto her face.

What the heck is wrong with her this morning? Really, all sane people are still asleep.

"Have you forgotten what today is?" she asked, jiggling her foot around in an impatient manner.

My eyes flew open.

Shoot, is it her birthday? Oh crap, what should I say-

Wait, her birthday is in October, and it is currently...not that month.

I relaxed again with a huge sigh. As far as I am concerned, whatever gives her the need to jump around like a loon can wait, because I have some very important wandering around in dreamland to do.

"It is Aragorn's coronation!" she said, as though that explained everything.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that...but she can't know, otherwise there will be no living with her after this.

"I know" I replied, my voice muffled by the pillow "But that doesn't explain why you want me to get up now"

"Because we have to get you ready, you need to look stunning...and right now you look...well, we will get there!" she said, still annoyingly cheerful.

Am I allowed to cry?

"Kate...I am not playing dress up for who knows how long. Get out" I said, pulling the covers over my admittedly messy hair.

"No" she said stubbornly, jabbing at me in an annoying and quite painful manner.

Sometimes...just sometimes, a very small percentage of the time, I want to give her a high-five.

Around the face...

With a chair.

But I do love her really, honest.

I sighed heavily and thought about how likely it was that she was going to give up and leave me alone. I came to the conclusion very quickly that it was highly unlikely, more than unlikely infact, almost impossible.

My conclusion was further insinuated when she decided it would be a great idea to grab hold of the covers and yank them off my frame, exposing me to the freezing cold air, as Middle Earth doesn't seem to know the meaning of central heating.

If I wasn't in a bad mood before, I certainly am now.

"Now go and have a bath!" Kate ordered.

I got up, grumbling under my breath about stupid hyper friends and putting toads in her bed. She was too far gone into her own happy world to notice. I swear if she starts singing I will have to hit her. With every single day closer to Aragorn's coronation she has got more and more giddy and excitable. She is so pleased for him and proud to call him her boyfriend or whatever she calls him, but really, dragging me into it is just ridiculous.

I guess it was kind of cute to begin with, now it is just plain inconvenient. But hopefully, she will have calmed down enough after the coronation to be a half normal person again.

I was about to enter the bathroom area, when someone knocked briskly on my door. I walked sluggishly over and yanked it open, almost having a heart attack when I saw Aragorn standing there, fully dressed.

Do these people just not sleep? Why are they all up at stupid O'clock?

"Aragorn" I said with slight surprise "What can I do for you?"

The soon to be King cleared his throat, clearly not used to women standing there in just their nightgowns.

Yeah, well he should have thought about that before he came here at this time.

"I need to talk to you about Kate" he began. Oh gosh, so he has noticed! Then again, it is kind of difficult not to.

"Yes, I am so sorry about her, she will calm down after the coronation, but she is really-"I rambled, stopping only when Aragorn placed a hand on my shoulder with a small smile.

"No, you have misunderstood. I only wish to talk to you because, for obvious reasons, her Father is not present, and-"

Oh my gosh, is he about to say what I think he is?

I immediately walked out into the hallway, slamming my door shut behind me.

"I really can't have this conversation right now" I said in a low voice "Kate is just in my room"

His mouth formed an 'O' shape as his eyes darted between me and the door.

"Do you think she...?"

"No" I answered "She is too submerged in her own land to notice much right now. A pack of orcs could run her over and she would still be pondering on her choice of hairstyle for later" I rolled my eyes, snorting when he genuinely looked concerned.

"Look, I can't talk about this now, as Kate just ordered me to get in the bath, but I will come and find you as soon as I am free" I promised

"Do not say anything to Kate" Aragorn said solemnly

"I won't" were my parting words, as I slipped back through the door and into the room, relieved that the daydreamer didn't notice my absence.

I half skipped across the room and into the bathroom, where a nice, hot bath was waiting for me. I lowered myself into it with a groan, immediately sinking under the scented water and running my hands through my hair, mulling over the events of the last few minutes.

Blimey, thinking about it, I shouldn't even be up yet and I have already had more than I can deal with in a morning. And if my suspicions are correct, more should be on its way.

And Kate will be in an even worse mood than she is right now.

I knew there had to be a downside somewhere! Damn it!

So, that was the first chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it, and still want to continue reading
Anyway, again if you have any ideas about story titles and things like that, I would be really happy to hear them, as I just can't seem to give either story a proper name. Thanks again! :)