Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JK Rowling and Marvel

So this is a rewrite of An Iron Father. It wont be as fast paced and there will be some differences that are noticeable. I hope this will be better.


Camilla Evans arrived with a pop in front of a nice home. She looked around and was relieved to see that there was no one around to see her sudden appearance. The 21 year old walked up to the front door and knocked calmly. The door opened and a batty looking old woman stood there with a cat in her arms and another wrapping around her ankles. She looked at Camilla in confusion.

"Can I help you?"

"I suppose you wouldn't remember me after 4 years, Mrs. Figg. The Dursleys have been gone for just as long I suspect." Camilla said with a smile and Mrs. Figgs eyes widened.

"Camilla? Camilla Potter?"

"Camilla Evans actually. Can I come in?" Her old babysitter nodded and Camilla walked in. She was disappointed to see that the home still smelled strongly of cats and cabbage. Camilla sat down as Mrs. Figg disappeared and returned with tea.

"Why did you change your last name Camilla?" Was the first thing Mrs. Figg said after she handed the green eyed girl a cup of the Earl Gray.

"That actually ties into why I am here. I'll just be blunt as I don't know how to ease anyone into this." Mrs. Figg was worried at that. The girl she had watched grow up was very somber.


"Its recently come to my attention that James Charlus Potter wasn't my father. I know you knew this but I have a feeling you were kept quiet." Camilla looked at the greying woman intently. The cat lover sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose, setting her tea cup down.

"Yes I knew. After your par-mothers death I was told by Headmaster Dumbledore not to say anything as it would confuse you greatly since Petunia didn't know. I am very sorry. The question is, how did you find out?"

"I went to Gringotts for an account update and they told me that at 21 I have access to my mother's vault. Her diary was in it which I took and read. Mum wrote about how she found out about being pregnant a few days after the mutual break-up with her American muggle boyfriend, how she knew that I would be ridiculed after birth if she had been a single parent and I was somehow still muggleborn because I have no magical grandparents, how James agreed to marry her but he was a verbally abusive drunk." Mrs. Figg looked sadder and sadder as Camilla kept talking.

"What surprised me was she also said I looked a lot like my actual father. So I looked closer. My black hair is actually a very dark brown, not black. I just accepted what people said about my features because I had nothing to contradict it. The diary came with pictures. Comparing the boyfriend with James, there is no excuse for mistake, I look nothing like James but definitely like my real father."

"Did she write a name?" Mrs. Figg asked quietly and Camilla nodded.

"Tony Stark."

Did you like it so far? Huh? I thought a Prologue would help and as you see I am doing a different age. Read and Review!