Hey fanfiction, I'm B. Lotusflower; this is my second story. But first for Black Butler category; I hope you like please review! Lastly, don't forget to view my other story; A Broken Life.

Ch. 1 Life as a Performer

Avis Roseberry tiptoed cautiously across the small tight rope that was tied only a few meters from the ground where a trampoline laid to catch her if she fell. For now Avis was practicing like she always did every afternoon before a big show; as the main attraction and moneymaker for the Carnival of Rust the pressure was on.

Avis had been in this business since she was eleven, now nineteen her motivation transformed her into a perfectionist everything about her had to be flawless. Her routine was simple, but not by a normal person's standard; the Carnival of Rust was a risk taking entertaining organization. Therefore, everyone worked harder in the process; but no one worker harder than the ringer master himself Hans Trevino.

Avis's boss and father; without his leadership and quick-thinking the carnival would have collapsed years ago yet by sheer luck it didn't. Sweat dripped on her forehead as she struggled to keep her balance, tonight was the carnival's last show in America and Avis was curious of their next destination.

She jumped and did a flip before softly landing on the trampoline, Avis walked out of the tent over to a rack filled with towels. She took one wiping the sweat from her slightly red face and looked at the thermometer in irritation." Ninety degrees; no wonder I felt so hot." Avis gazed the long black curly hair down the middle of her back and pulled it into a ponytail.

She strolled in the direction of her trailer, until" Avy, Avy!" Avis turned to the source of the voice. A sixteen year old girl with dark brown hair and bright green eyes tackled her in a hug," Where were you! You should have come shopping with us, thanks to Daddy for letting me bring Gag and Flea I got twice as many shoes as I wanted! Also, I got you four pairs!"

Avis smiled at Paris, " thanks sis; but it was unnecessary." Paris glared at her, then pouted " It was no trouble at finding them and I wont take no for an answer; Gag drop them in her trailer!" Gag did as he was told, then returned to his position next to his brother; while Paris grabbed one of the shoeboxes and opened to reveal a pair of stunning purple strapless heels. Avis's mouth fell open, they were beautiful but looked expensive." I got them for you to wear in show tonight aren't they just precious!" Paris cried jumping in the air with glee.

" They are, but how much did they cost?" Paris waved her hand tossing Avis's comment aside." It doesn't matter, beside I have to go I promised Keller I would do his makeup chao; Avy!" With a quick spin, the energetic girl hurried to the clown's tent carrying a large make up bag. Avis sighed and entered her trailer; she set on new shoes for tonight on her stand as she toppled onto her bed.

The girl pulled out a small journal and a chewed out pen," Let's see today, I did four handstands, six backflips, eight pushups to build muscle strength and momentum. And finally walked across tight rope 10 times; fell twice. Not bad, but I can do a lot better!" Avis sat up and tossed the journal on the floor upon hearing the sound of circus music outside.

She smiled profoundly gathering a small makeup case and began to highlight her eyes with black and purple eye shadow. Blush and powder to cover her dimples; diamond earrings and a crystal necklace to illuminate her beauty and mysterious nature. Avis raced to the closet and put on her checkered pantyhose; then her corset shirt with white wings.

Lastly, her new heels; after looking over her work the Maleficent Angel rushed to the performance tent. Her act went just as she had practiced, Avis walked across a large roped which suspended in mid-air below no trampoline. The audience was in awe at how balanced she was, but cried out when Avis purposely dropped her hat to make it look like she was about to fall.

She smiled and did the unexpected; Avis did a flip landing safety on the rope. Next Avis forcefully grabbed the rope and slipped her footage, until she hung only a hand on the rope. The audience screamed with horror; their cries died down as she swung herself making gymnastic poses with her legs.

Immediately, her body flung itself in the air and with three flips she laid back onto the rope; Avis proceeded to walk and cartwheel to the other side with unbelievable grace and elegance. Once Avis was across, the audience cheered in delight; she bowed solemnly and climbed down the tower.

" Wonderful performance Avis! Best one of the night!" She turned to the voice recognizing it as her best friend." Thank you Keller. By the way, what happened to your make-up?" she questioned. " Paris forgot to put on the waterproof mixture; so when Darla hit me with the hose, it ran." Avis chuckled quietly," Say la ve Paris will get it right the next time."

Keller frowned," You know she won't improve unless she gets help! I swear we need more make-up artist, having three isn't enough when you have twenty performers!" Avis yawned singling that she was tired of the conversation," Did you just come here to congratulate me, then complain about my baby sister?"

Keller's face anger switched to a wide grin, "Actually the ringer master or as you call him; daddy wants to see you." Avis rolled her eyes at the word." You know only Paris calls him that; I give him more respect by saying father."

With that said, Avis rushed to the main trailer avoiding her fellow performers who shouted compliments at her. When she reached her destination, Hans was outside the trailer his arms outstretched. Avis ran happily into his arms as she felt gentle kisses upon her forehead;" You did splendid my dear absolutely a triphmunt! And as promised I will tell you where we are going next."

Avis separated the embrace, listening attentively for his answer;" We are returning to London!" Avis mouth gaped turned a ghostly white.

P.S Updates soon!