Love Endures Chapter 10: First Fight
Hey people! Just going to use this A/N to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or anything else you might celebrate! Hope you have an awesome time with your friends and family, and that you get what you wanted for the holidays this year? Without further ado, onto the chapter!
"Andrew Ra Consara, get back here right now!" Elsa screamed as she chased Andrew through the winding halls of Castle Arendelle and quite a decent walking pace, her footsteps leaving a large circle of ice whenever her frozen heels clicked on the floor below, only to melt a few moments after Elsa's foot had withdrawn. "I told you to stop walking away! Get back here! Listen to me!"
However, despite her repeated attempts to verbally halt her fiancée, Elsa was ignored each and every time. Each hallway and each room that they passed, more and more frustration built up in both young adults, with their hands dripping with their respective powers to show for it.
Eventually they passed Elsa's office, and out popped Alyona, once again in her normal leather and cloth shirt and pants, who had been secretly stealing the supply of fine wines that Roc had been storing in Elsa's desk, unbeknownst to even the queen herself.
Upon seeing Elsa chasing Andrew through the halls however, the Russian girl quickly shifted her course of entertainment, instead opting to sneak closely behind so that she could hear the argument from a safe distance. After all, any dirt was good dirt to her.
"If you don't stop right this minute-..." Elsa was cut off when Andrew suddenly stopped on a dime, causing Elsa to nearly run straight into his back, before he whipped around with a burning anger in the young man's eyes. The tears also present on his face did not go unnoticed by Elsa, though she did nothing to address it due to her anger with the young man.
"Aw, what's wrong?" Andrew's sarcastic voice was like venom as it drifted into Elsa's ears agitating the already annoyed monarch. "Here's some hard news for you; I don't give a damn if your queen, if you screw me over, I'm not listening to a word that you have to say..."
"I keep trying to tell you what happened back there but you won't listen to me! Are you touched in the head?!" Elsa hissed without judging her words, not quite realizing just what she had said to her love until the words had passed from her lips, now beyond her control to take them back; not that she planned to anyway.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Andrew's threatening tone, along with the fire building in his palms was beginning to worry Elsa. She was not afraid that he would end up striking her, however the same could not be said for any of the flammable drapes or expensive paintings that hung in the path of any potential fire blasts.
"She's calling you a retard!" Alyona yelled from the other end of the hallway as she jumped out from behind a couch, a giant cheesy smile on her face and her hands proudly on her hips. It was only a moment after that both a fireball and a ball of ice sailed in her direction, giving her only a moment to dodge the projectiles, that Alyona realized that this was becoming a potentially dangerous argument.
Realizing this, Alyona quickly decided that the best course of action would be to find Anna so that she could stop the argument before it went too far and someone said something they would regret.
"And stay away!" Andrew growled at Alyona's retesting form, before he let out a breath, puffing a large plume of smoke into the air. "You know what.. I'm not going to deal with this... I'm going to the library... Come and get me once you learn what it means to be loyal..."
As Andrew started to walk away towards the direction of the library Elsa gritted her teeth, the last vestiges of her patience quickly waning.
"Hey! No, get back here and come and apologize to the dignitary you decided to harm! I will not be made a fool of because of your actions! Do you realize how many favors and bribes may need to be essentially handed to his kingdom in order to keep on good-... Or even peaceful terms?!" Elsa hissed through clenched teeth; jabbing her finger in the direction that both of them had come from, although the action was ignored by Andrew, the young man instead focused on the snow queen's emotionally charged words.
"What makes you think I'm going to do something like that?!..." Andrew jabbed back, his eyes filled with both anger, and with hurt. Hurt that Elsa, for whatever reason she had, somehow cared more about this random noble than her fiancée. "You're lucky I didn't kill him!..."
"Lucky?! If you had killed him, then we would have been talking war! Did I really fall in love with someone so depraved of a conscious?! Are you really that stupid?! That heartless?! Do you realize how brash that was?! Are you honestly nothing more than-..." Elsa frustration vanished all at once when she had finally registered what she had done.
Only moments before, Alyona had returned with Anna; giving both young women the chance to hear Elsa's previous statement. One that made Alyona visibly cringe when she registered what Elsa had said, and how badly she had just struck Andrew with her words. She knew exactly what was about to occur, and it would be far from pretty.
Meanwhile, Elsa had finally regained her senses and began slowly shuffling towards Andrew with her shaking hands cautiously raised as she spoke. "Andrew?... I didn't-... I didn't mean it, I-..."
"So I'm heartless huh?..." Andrew's voice cut through the air like a knife. It was both threatening yet weak in tone. It was frightening. Even Alyona had begun to back up, clutching at the doorway behind her, trying to lead Anna out of the room, although the princess was frozen to the spot; too worried for her sister to retreat to even the next room.
"I didn't mean that!-... I just-... I said it without thinking..."
"I watched people die Elsa... I've seen people shot, stabbed, burned, and flat out mutilated... I saw a girl being raped while her grandfather was shot in the head!... I've had to watch countless people go home in body bags because they were trying to help people who couldn't help themselves!... I've held a 8 year old boy as he slowly died from a bullet that punctured his stomach while his family watched! They were just driving down a road, and their son was shot! I HELD HIM, I WAS COVERED IN HIS BLOOD! AN INNOCENT 8 YEAR OLD!" With each statement spat out, Andrew took a step further, causing Elsa to back away, closer to Anna and Alyona who were both silently gazing at Andrew as if he was either a monster, crazy, or both. "So yeah... I am heartless... But I think I have the right to be a little bit heartless after what I've seen... Maybe I'm just done with people Elsa..."
"Andrew... Please, I'm sorry!..." Elsa tried once more, pulling herself away from Alyona and her sister, her powers beginning to cause some energy to drip from her fingers and onto the carpet, freezing small points of the floor like magical raindrops. "Please don't... I was trying to-..."
"After all of that though... I still trusted you and everyone else here... I spent 6 months trying to figure out how to travel through time... Think about that; I figured out how to use a power to travel through Time!... And yet here I find you doing this to me..." Andrew whispered, beginning to back up towards one of the doors leading out into the gardens. Elsa immediately began to follow, knowing that the moment that the marine was able to conceal himself under the cover of darkness, he would be impossible to find. "So yeah... Damn your politics, and damn you... I should have just left you in that bar back at neon city..."
"NO! Please, don't walk out the door!..." Elsa had lost the last of her composure at that point, her powers freezing the walls and ceiling around her as she fought to suppress her emotions. They were too strong however; evident by the layer of frost now slowly creeping around the walls from her form.
"Wait!..." A voice from the other end of the hallway called out, freezing both Andrew and Elsa in their tracks. Upon gazing over, both parties were astonished to find the old council member from earlier standing between Anna and Alyona, a nervous frown on his face. "What happened in the ballroom was not of the queen's doing... It was mine..."
"Excuse me?" Andrew's voice was steady, yet his body was not; his powers flaring up, as if someone had thrown a pile of dry leaves into a large bonfire. "How on earth was it your doing?! I saw what was happening down there; I saw every little thing! I'm no fool!"
Alyona could only chuckle. "Well actually..."
"Didn't I tell you to make yourself scarce?!" Andrew growled at the Russian; to which in response she only stuck her tongue out and raised her middle finger, before walking out to the gardens, bound in the direction of the medical tents that had been set up the week before. Seeing that Alyona was seemingly gone Andrew turned back to the council member and awaited his answer.
"Well you see... Were you by chance shown that scene by someone?" The council member inquired, his hand nervously pulling at the long white beard that had formed under his mouth over the years he had spent in service to Arendelle.
"Yeah... A guy with Ginger hair, sideburns, and a crooked nose; why?" Andrew asked, rather puzzled as to how the random noble he had been conversing with fit into the increasingly elaborate situation; although never taming the flames spurting from his palms.
"Wait, what?!" Anna was immediately on this information, her eyes filled with trepidation. She had a feeling she knew exactly who had conversed with Andrew, but she sincerely hoped that such a case would not be the truth. "What color were his eyes?!"
"Light brown I think... Why?" Andrew asked, his suspicion rising to an all time high. Anna appeared as if she was truly afraid, and that was never a good sign; after all, if one had somehow fallen from her good graces, then chances were good that this person was up to something, which only troubled Andrew further.
"That was Hans!" Anna gasped, running up to Andrew, as if closing the proximity to him would somehow change his answer.
"Wait... Hans? You mean the foreign prince who you fell in love with?" Andrew finally asked after a few moments of stunned silence. "I thought you said that you and Elsa personally had your guards throw him on a ship bound back to his home, with instructions to never send another from their kingdom... He snuck in then?"
"You are correct... King Hans has-..." The dignitary was suddenly interrupted by Anna, whose voice shattered the relative calm that had developed over the last few moments of tense silence.
"Hold on did you just say... KING Hans?!" She bellowed loud enough that some of the guests still present in the garden drew their attention to the voice, confusing as to who could be yelling like a madwoman at this time of night.
"Correct... He murdered his father and brothers and took control of the kingdom around 3 months ago..." The council member said as his eyes became downcast in sorrow, visions crossing his mind in horrific scenarios of what the kingdom of Westerguard looked like now. Eventually his focus returned to the group. "At any rate, he captured my family and forced me to be a pawn in his game..."
"So... Your saying that Hans was trying to make me jealous? What's the point of that?" Andrew asked, not quite understanding how on earth angering him would get him closer to whatever he wanted. After all, as far as Andrew knew, Hans was unaware that he even existed; or at least was present at the party.
"I'm not sure... He never informed me; he instructed me to scribe a false rule in Elsa's etiquette handbooks, and told me to send invitations to male nobles instructing them to attempt to woo Her Majesty... I know nothing further than that... Forgive me..." The disheartened dignitary muttered as his eyes drew to the floor, as if studying every fabric that lined the carpet; watching in fear as the fabrics froze as a result of Elsa's still volatile state.
"That still doesn't change what Elsa-..." Andrew was suddenly interupted as Alyona, whom everyone had previously assumed to have left stomped in from the gardens, her hands thrown up in the air in exasperation at her American friend's ignorance or just plain stupidity.
"Oh for-... Are you SERIOUS?!" The young Russian yelled, before she seized Andrew by the collar of the over-stylized shirt he was being forced to wear for the party. Upon attempting to escape from his friend's grasp however, Andrew only tightened the noose as Alyona's agitation grew. "Get over here!"
Suddenly, before anyone could stop Alyona, she pulled Andrew in to a deep kiss, holding the embrace for a few heart stopping moments before she pushed the young man away with all of her might, causing him to fall on his butt next to where Elsa was standing, her mouth hitting the floor in surprise.
"Now grow the fuck up!" Alyona hissed as she approached Andrew threatening, pulling him to his feet, before freezing in place, smacking her lips together in curiosity as she did. "...hey wait a minute... Did you have coffee recently?"
This time it was Andrew who yelled. "ALYONA!"
"What? I'm just asking... Are you seriously still annoyed?! That's it!" Alyona angrily whipped out a knife that she had been keeping strapped to her leg and pointed it at Andrew's crotch before whispering just loudly enough for the other occupants of the room to hear. "Vy khotite, chtoby vashi khuy otrezat?! Ya sdelayu eto, poka vse chasy..."
"...That's... Just disturbing Alyona..." Elsa, who was able to understand Alyona's every word thanks to countless lesson courses as a child, muttered, before almost physically snatching Andrew away from Alyona's deadly grasp as if he were some sort of giant valuable teddy bear.
"Disturbing? You want to hear disturbing? Hey Dragon, remember what happened on your 20th birthday?" Alyona quipped with a smirk, causing Andrew's entire face to drop to a darker shade of red than his eyes.
"Shut up... I was drunk... I didn't even know until you told me about it..." He muttered before the council number began to usher the occupants minus Andrew and Elsa out of the room.
"Come on, come on." He ordered in a much more of a fatherly tone than before as he ushered Anna and Alyona out of the door. "Let's give the two a few minutes of privacy to speak; I'm sure they both have some things to work out together."
The moment that everyone minus the queen and her consort had left the room, Elsa's grip on Andrew's arm tightened considerably. She looked up at Andrew; her eyes shining with tears that the young queen refused to let fall. "Tell me... Why would you become so enraged at seeing me merely dance with another person?..."
"I-... I come from a different time Elsa, with much different ways of looking at things like that... Sure, dancing with other people is fine if it's all in fun but-... The type of dancing that you were doing... I just-... It hurt..." As his words began to falter Elsa finally began to notice the look of confusion in his eyes; as if he were a small child that had been separated from his mother in the middle of the woods, fearing to never see the light of day again.
"Why even be jealous in the first place?... Do you have any idea how happy you make me?..."
Andrew sighed as his arms found their way around Elsa's midriff. "I'm jealous because-... Because I'm afraid that someone else out there could make you happier than I can..."
Only a few choice words quietly escaped from Elsa's lips before they found themselves on Andrew's in response. "Never... I'll always love you... Only you..."
After a few moments Elsa spoke again, this time only a whisper, so as to let only Andrew hear what she had to say. "Perhaps it would be best if we spent a few days together alone in the future... I feel that it would do us both a world of good..."
"Yeah... You're right... I'll take us in the morning okay?" Andrew replied, his face never leaving from within a 5 inch space of Elsa's.
"Great to hear... I love you..." Elsa whispered, her face drawing closer to Andrew's once again.
"I love you, too..." Andrew whispered, before both were silenced by each others lips.
Meanwhile, out in the hall, Anna bit her lip as she and the young Russian walked down at the hallway, parting ways at the entrance of the ballroom. However before either of them left the princess turned to Alyona, a question passing from her lips before she could judge if it was a proper question to ask or not.
"Hey Alyona, did you and Andrew actually?..." She asked, causing Alyona to tilt her head in confusion before she caught on to Anna's question and could no longer hold back her immature giggling.
"No, of course not, I just got Roc to throw him in his bed and I pretended to wake up the next morning next to him. He doesn't know that though. After all, like he said; he was way to drunk to remember anything." Alyona admitted with a toothy grin, before running out of the door, down towards town, where a large medical tent had been set up, but not before calling back. "Make sure there's more wine at the next party!"
Minutes later, both Elsa and Andrew reappeared in the ballroom hand in hand, the great hall still filled with people either attending to the young man who had been dancing with Elsa, while others gossiped about the events minutes prior in hushed voices, so as to not catch the attention of the red-eyed young man that nearly everyone in the room considered a much larger threat to their wellbeing than even the snow queen herself.
Upon spotting the injured man, who still lay unconscious on the ballroom floor, Elsa lead Andrew over, at which point the red eyed young man crossed his arms for a few moments before one single glare from the queen told him all he needed to know.
He then held his hands out without so much as uttering a word, while the guests who had been crowding around the unconscious man all backed up in fear of being the next victims of the fire-wielding 'psycho'.
However, instead of attacking any other guests, a small ray of energy was emitted from Andrew's hand, which enveloped the unconscious man, and to everyone present's surprise, began to heal the rough burns on his neck and arm.
"Oh my-... What is he doing? What form of sorcery is this?"
"Is that safe? What outlandish trickery..."
"How can the queen abide such behavior from that monstrous man in her palace?"
These were some of the many comments thrown around the room as the final scars of fire were pulled away from the unconscious man's body, returning to Andrew's hand as if it were a vacuum catching stray particles of dust off an otherwise clean kitchen floor.
It was mere moments before the man's eyes fluttered open and he gave a shrill cry of fear, backing into the crowd of guests, disappearing from sight.
"Now..." Andrew uttered while his gaze scanned the crowd of terrified guests, before he spun around towards the entrance to the living quarters of the castle as he spoke. "If I ever see what I saw tonight Ever again... The offending party will have so much worse than a few burns... Let that be embedded in your fucking minds... Get back to your party..."
He disappeared through the door a few moments later with Elsa following closely, albeit in a much calmer mood than last the guests had experienced, with one last noble passed out on the floor. Elsa was far from silent however. "You're not supposed to say that word in front of guests Andrew!"
The music slowly began once again as the party resumed, thanks to Anna, who tapped the band leader on the shoulder and silently ordered him to begin to play once more before she herself snuck up the stairs, seeking to make absolutely sure that the fight had been resolved.
Laughing. That was the first thing that reached Alyona's ears upon arriving at the sick tent that had been set up in the center of town. It was rather unusual to hear such a thing anywhere in her homeland of Russia, even less so in a medical tent, however it was clear as day.
Deciding to further investigate, Alyona cautiously approached the tent with her senses tuning themselves for combat, however combat was the last thing that the blacked haired girl was met with.
In front of her, there sat in various chairs Hope, Kristoff, and Olaf all surrounding a bed where a blonde haired young man was happily telling jokes; jokes that appeared as if they were making everyone in the tent, not just the occupants that had been surrounding the young man's bed.
It was Morton, and his arm was wrapped in a large bloody bandage that kept him from moving the appendage more than a few inches at a time. With caution, Alyona stepped forwards after yet another fit of giggles from the other occupants of the tent, finally coming into direct view of Morton, causing the young man's breath to catch in his throat as he went silent.
"Well I finally found you at least..." Alyona muttered, her previously jovial mood since dissipated from her body after leaving the party. Her eyes were cold as stone once again. "Seems you found yourself in a situation huh..."
"Miss Alyona!" It was Hope that spoke first, jumping up out of his chair to greet the young woman, the latter only able to summon up a smile that paled in comparison to the wide grins that lit up her face back at the party. She wasn't exactly sure why; after all Hope had done nothing, and neither had anyone else in the tent. Except for Morton.
Morton had offered her food and companionship without even taking a moment to assess whether or not she was a threat; a death sentence back in the war. Yet this was no conventional war. No one was under the threat of tyranny or death, and yet still the strange cold feeling that had formed a thick shell around Alyona for years seemed to return the moment she saw Morton.
It was when she gazed into his eyes that Alyona finally realized the source of her unease for the blonde haired young man. His eyes were those of a man hiding a dark secret, one that he hoped would never see the light of day.
Alyona's psychological defenses were truly up now.
"Is something wrong Aly?" Roc asked as he got up from his chair and walked over to put his hand on the girls shoulder, only to have her back away at the feeling of his hand against her.
"I'm fine!... It's fine..." Alyona hissed before glaring at Morton with the kind of glare a wolf would give it's dying prey. "I'm watching you... Just know that..."
With that, Alyona left the tent, bound for the nearest establishment that would sell her alcohol, leaving the others to blankly stare at her retreating form in confusion.
Okay! So I like I said before, I hope you have a great holiday season, and I hope you eat lots of turkey and other various delicacies on my behalf. :3 Until next time my minions!