A world of black and white was all it was; dull, tall standing buildings, water of grey and the sky as well with sometimes black or white clouds moving by. Even though they knew nothing else, the people could still find this boring. Nothing changed, only shades of black, grey, and white would exist. Though it was rumored if you set eyes upon your one true love, the world could be seen in a new light through your eyes, your life would have been fulfilled, and everything for you will be shrouded in wonder.

That had never happened.

He had dated only a few times, and the one he thought could change his world failed him. Now, he wasn't just using people to see if the rumors were true, but that's what some saw it as. It was the simple fact that none of the previous lovers went well with him in the long run. Maybe it was his expression - a stoic look that never seemed to change. Maybe it was how he spoke - never too much and always seemed to mumble.

It seemed like a lost cause and so he had given up on the dating scene for now and invested his love and attention upon a small dog. The little ball of fluff never seemed to want to leave his side either.

The rumor wasn't true - he would tell himself. Some had gone to an institution for fretting over such the idea. There was no need for him to go down so far down the hole that it would happen to him. It was matter of fact that the whispered words of the world changing when you spotted that person who was meant to be was a false hope for people to aim for, wanting to see the possibilities that would come from it. A dream that could never come true.

So Berwald walked the excited pup down the sidewalk, little barks emitting from the tiny ball and slight tugs could be felt in his hand; where he was going, well, he'd find out when they get there. Clouds were piling up in the sky - dark masses that cast eerie shadows onto buildings and roads, the smell of rain in the air as a storm would be approaching them soon. Though that didn't faze the pair for they kept trudging along an almost abandoned walkway.

Steps were suddenly clacking behind him, and there wasn't enough time to look before the person causing the noise had brushed into his shoulder, more than likely running home to avoid the oncoming weather. His shoulder swung to the side almost invisibly, the tall male like a wall to the smaller male that ran into him. The newcomer halted, almost skidding to a stop and turned around in a way that kept the Swede's eyes on him; he felt he couldn't look away. An apologetic face was suddenly looking straight at him.


The male couldn't finish the word.

Drops of rain started to fall to the earth, but this time was different, as they splashed onto the surface, a mixture of color developed in each little splattered drop. The two males stared at each other, noticing the change out of the corners of their eyes, yet they couldn't look away from each other. The small dog barked frantically, pawing at the water that fell from those suddenly brighter shaded clouds.

Blues, greens, browns, reds - they all started to appear as though they were all being painted at that same moment. They were even changing, the color of their hair, eyes, skin, clothing; it was all changing and suddenly the two were unique to one another instead of just another standing monochrome human in front of them.

The rumor appeared to be true.

With each second passing, with each drop landing, the emotions swirling, it was all becoming clear and they knew without doubt it was a fated day that the two would meet.

As the two stood staring, the beautiful rain pouring down on the trio, a smile appeared on the Finnish mans lips and Berwald felt the slight curves on his mouth in motion.

What a beautiful world this became.