This story was inspired by the song Emergency by Paramore! I hope you enjoyed it!



Chapter 20 - Emergency

Jade eyes rolled into the back of her head as she tightened her legs around his waist. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth to keep herself from moaning out. Suzette bit back a few more moans as her back was pressed against the bathroom door. Her arms wrapped around Roman's shoulders as she felt him moving in and out of her body. His lips attached to her neck as his arms held her up.

Roman couldn't help himself. She walked by him with that Jade colored dress on that matched her eyes and he felt himself get instantly hard. He had to have her and when she ran her hand across his ass, he knew she wanted him just as much. When her hand slid off his ass his free hand caught it as he led her through the house to the guest bathroom. He couldn't ruin her make up or hair but those panties were shredded in seconds as she fumbled with his belt, button and zipper.

Imani and Seth would probably kill them if they knew what they were doing in their guest bathroom…but then again given Suzette's current stated of pregnancy they probably wouldn't.

Suzette buried her face in Roman's neck as she felt her whole body splinter against his as her orgasm swept through like a hurricane. A couple of thrusts later and Roman buried himself all the way in her body as he cam with a loud growl. He rested his forehead on her shoulder as they both panted trying to come down to earth.

Roman carefully placed Suzette on her feet before capturing her lips with his. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked as he pulled back; looking down into her jade eyes.

Suzette giggled softly as she moved around Roman and first picked up her destroyed panties and tossed them away. "No baby. You need to stop asking me that. And you owe me new panties! Those were my favorite." She walked over and sat down to pee and clean herself up and giggled again as Roman turned away. "Baby you've seen me naked; all I'm doing now is peeing."

Roman chuckled as he shook his head as he grabbed his short sleeve dress shirt off the towel rack and slipped it back on and got it buttoned up and tucked back into his black dress slacks. "I'll never get used to you peeing in front of me or me peeing in front of you."

"Yes well you sort of started it when you got really drunk when we went to Lake Tahoe in California for Christmas last year and you walked outside and decided to spell your name in the snow." Suzette couldn't stop the giggles as she finished cleaning herself up and pulling her dress back on. Thank God it just went over her head. She smoothed the soft material down as it stopped at mid-thigh and she slipped her matching ballet flats on her feet.

She smiled as she ran a brush through her hair and Roman came up behind her and his hands slid around her waist and automatically went to the 5 month pregnant baby bump that was poking her dress out slightly. "Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" He asked as he softly kissed her neck.

She covered his hands. "I'm sure baby. The doctor said we could have sex it's nothing we haven't done before. Why are you so suddenly worried now?" Suzette asked softly as she looked at him

Roman looked down and watched as she turned around in his arms. "I'm just worried sometimes I'm too rough with you. I know it's ridiculous because men have sex with pregnant women all the time. But normally their men aren't 6'3" and 265lbs of muscle. And their women aren't short and small to begin with."

"Roman Reigns!" Suzette scolded as she slapped his chest. "I'm not short. I'm vertically challenged."

Roman's chuckle filled the guest bathroom as she swatted him in the chest a couple more times just for good measure. "Okay I'm being ridiculous. Forgive me?"

"I've forgiven you for worse; I think I can forgive you for this too." Suzette stated softly as she pushed up on her toes and captured his lips with hers.

Roman growled against her soft lips. "We have to get out of here before I rip your dress off." Roman took her hand in his as they made their way through the house and out the back door. They kicked their shoes off with everyone else's before they walked over and took their seats. Suzette leaned against Roman's side as he wrapped his arm around her.

Roman couldn't believe how far their come. A year and a half ago Suzette had agreed to move in with him and Leila. Since it had been crazy; five months after they moved in together, Roman asked her to marry him and she couldn't resist. Six months ago they had gotten married. The diamond ring sitting on her left ring finger was proof enough that she belonged to him. Only thirty days after they were married, Suzette told Roman she was pregnant; clearly they had good timing during their honeymoon.

Roman looked over at Dean and Adalyn. He was extremely proud of how much Dean had changed since being with Adalyn.

Dean taking a chance to see how the marriage thing would work; it was the best decision he'd ever made. He honestly couldn't see himself with anyone else. Adalyn brought something out inside of him; whether it was love or maybe she helped re-establish the soul he thought he'd lost all those years ago because of the shitty family life he had growing up. He didn't care what it was, but there was no way in hell he was giving up Adalyn. Not for anyone.

Dean sat rubbing Adalyn's nine month pregnant belly. She was really due any day. It was one of the main reasons both she and Suzette weren't part of the wedding party. That and Imani had sisters who would be her bridesmaids, 3 weeks before the wedding Imani blew a gasket and cut out the whole wedding party and just decided less was more.

Adalyn had been told from day one she was infertile and she could never get pregnant. No one was really sure how on God's green earth it happened. Adalyn had been waking up for a few weeks sicker than a dog. Dean had started getting worried about her health because the whole time Leila had been sick someone was poisoning her. He was afraid someone was doing the same to his wife. He had finally taken her to the doctors and that's when they were both informed she was pregnant.

Adalyn cried and cried as she sat on the exam table and kept repeating 'it's not supposed to happen; it's not real'. In the end it was Dean who took her tear stained face into his hands and told her things happen for a reason and CLEARLY they had been given this miracle for a purpose. Dean said he never thought of himself as a father because he didn't know what the job of a father was. Sure he'd seen Roman with Leila a million times, but who knew the definition. He didn't care he was going to be to their baby what his father wasn't to him.

Adalyn cried even harder for the love Dean was able to not only prove he had for her, but show her as well. He dried her eyes with his t-shirt and insisted she calm herself as he lifted her into his arms and took her home.

Since then it was a series of shopping trips, Dean found them a house actually around the corner from Roman and Suzette. He made sure everything for the babies arrival was bought and set up and he'd even found out Gerber Baby established a College Fund and got their baby enrolled, just encase Wrestling wasn't going to be in his future forever. Hell he'd even established one for Leila and for the baby Suzette was pregnant with as well and already claimed to getting one of Imani and Seth's kids when they came along.

Roman's eyes looked up as the soft music played he watched with a twinkle in his eyes as an almost 8 year old Leila spread red rose petals on the ground all the way up to the wooden gazebo he, Seth and Dean spent the night before making with their own hands. He couldn't believe how big she was getting and still just smart as a whip. His heart clenched in his chest when she started taking to calling Suzette; Momma Suzy. Suzette couldn't have been happier. Suzette still held her ground about never being a replacement mother, but Kristine was never brought up in normal conversation again. If Leila brought her up Roman would talk to her about her mother all she wanted; until she changed the subject, but the conversations were never forced.

The wedding march started and Suzette looked over and her eyes teared up as she watched Imani step out of the medium sized tent with her dad. The Strapless Satin Ball Gown with Golden Yellow Beaded Accents and a matching Golden Yellow sash around the top that tied in back and the ribbons went the length of the back of the dress; it was the most beautiful wedding dress Suzette had ever seen in her life. And against Imani's medium brown skin tone it looked even more amazing. Her corkscrew curls were piled on her head with a crystal studded tiara on the crown of her head and a few of her cork screws were handing down. Her gold flecked eyes were sparkling and the second Seth's eyes met hers a million dollar smile lit up her face.

Seth in his top to bottom black suit looked snappy with his two toned hair pulled back into a tight bun at the nape of his neck and almost lost it when Imani emerged from the tent at the back. He lost his will to breathe properly. He swallowed several times and was sure at one point he swallowed his tongue as well. He was nervous and felt like his stomach was about to fall out of his ass. He watched as Imani approached; her father kissed her cheek before placing her hand in his and sitting down. "You look breathtakingly beautiful my love."

Imani could feel the tears pricking her eyes. "You clean up pretty good too Mr. Rollins." She winked.

The pastor stepped forward and addressed the guests. "Mr. Rollins and Miss. Martini have opted to write their own vows and have decided that Seth will proceed first."

Seth took both of Imani's hands into his as he cleared his throat softly. "You are my lover and my teacher, you are my model and my accomplice,
And you are my true counterpart. I will love you, hold you and honor you; I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you, In health and sickness,
Through sorrow and success, For all the days of my life."

Imani could see a couple of silent tears slide down his cheeks as she reached up and wiped them away.

"Imani it's your turn." The pastor stated.

Imani had the jitters and could feel her hands shaking slightly when Seth squeezed her hands gently. ""I promise to be your lover, companion and friend, Your partner in parenthood, Your ally in conflict, Your greatest fan and your toughest adversary. Your comrade in adventure, Your student and your teacher, Your consolation in disappointment, Your accomplice in mischief. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things."

"If you two will kindly exchange rings now." The pastor instructed and waited until the couple finished. "On this day, you've given each other your hearts and promised, that you will walk with each other, Hand in hand, Wherever your journey leads you, Living, learning, loving, Together, Forever…I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Seth stepped forward as he cupped Imani's cheeks in his hands and leaned down. "Mrs. Rollins." He stated with a smirk.

"Mr. Rollins…" Imani said softly; before he captured her lips with his.

Suzette sat at a table at the wedding reception talking with Imani and Adalyn. Her eyes wondered over to the dance floor where Roman was dancing with Leila. She couldn't believe Leila was almost 8. She felt a bump in her belly and smirked as she rubbed the tiny foot pushing from the inside.

She watched as Leila went to Uncle Dean and it was his turn to dance with her, before she moved on to Uncle Seth. Roman, Dean and Seth all had their hands full with Leila

"Have you ever seen anything more precious than a little girl who can command three grown men to dance with her all at the same time?" Adalyn giggled.

Suzette laughed as Imani shook her head. "Only those three men would be that invested in the happiness of one little girl."

"Looks like your new husband is bowing out gracefully." Suzette stated as Seth stepped away from the men and the girl.

Seth approached the table as he stood Imani up and sat down and placed her on his lap. "So are you happy beautiful?" He asked softly.

Imani nodded. "Exceedingly happy. I noticed you were having a nice time with our niece."

Seth nodded. "She's going to be a heartbreaker when she gets older. Should we even discuss when we have kids that our daughter isn't even going to start dating until she's 40?"

Imani smirked as she leaned down and kissed his lips sweetly. "Yea well you've got about 6 months to decide all the rules for our kids."

Seth sat up as his eyes widened before he caught her chin between his thumb and index finger. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Imani's smirk turned into a full-fledged grin as she nodded. "I wanted to tell you so bad when I found out last month but the more I thought about it – the more I wanted to wait and surprise you today with it."

"Oh god baby. You are the most beautiful pregnant bride I've ever known in my life." Seth stated softly as his hand went to her flat stomach.

"I bet you say that to all the brides you get pregnant." Imani stated cheekily.

"Absolutely…how else can I get them to marry me?" Seth nodded as he lowered his head. "Come out looking like your mother because there's no one more beautiful in this world. God I love you Imani."

Imani leaned down and kissed his lips softly. "I love you too baby. There's no one in the world I want to spend the rest of my life with."

A couple of hours later saw an empty tent as staff of the catering company was cleaning up the mess of the 100 or so guests that attending the wedding. The three couple remained seated at a table and watched as Leila was dancing by herself on the floor.

Roman looked over at Suzette. "You ready to get home sweetheart?"

Suzette rubbed her belly. "Your son is awake and thinks I'm a tumbling mat."

Seth chuckled. "That's Roman's kid alright."

A squeak from the other side of the table brought everyone's eyes to Adalyn.

"Ady, what's wrong?" Dean asked as his eyes filled with worry.

"I – uh…My water just broke."

Dean chuckled. "We'll get you another one babe."

"DEAN!" Roman shouted. "Wrong water buddy! I hope you're ready to be a daddy tonight." Roman pulled his cell out and tossed it to Suzette as he jogged over and grabbed Leila.

Seth and Imani took off to get a couple of vehicles. They could always change later, right now their friend was going to have a baby and expand their little family.

Dean helped Adalyn stand up and started helping her towards the house where the vehicles would be.

"Yea - hi!" Suzette stated as the nurse picked up at Tampa Memorial as everyone got to the house and in their vehicles.

"I think we have an emergency."

The End