Unexpected Help

Transformers and Thor Crossover.

Parings: Sam X Mikaela Tia (OC) X Optimus Prime

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Transformers that all Michael Bay and I don't own Thor that's all Marvel. I do own Tai Bello.


Before time began, there was the cube. We know not where it came from, only that it holds the power to create worlds, and fill them with life. That was how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it became consumed by death, and the cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, ever world. And just when all hope was lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth. But we were already too late…

But what we didn't know was that the planet wasn't as defenceless as we once thought and it was just as unknown as we are.

"Okay, Mr Witwicky, you're up."

Sam walks to the front of the class between the rows of desks and he passes a beautiful brunette girl with a jock's arm wrapped possessively around her shoulders. Sam gives her a small longing glance but she doesn't see it as she looks at the jock with a slightly annoyed look on her face. Sam reaches the front just as the jock, Trent DeMarco, looks at his friends and shares a smirk with them as he gives the one next to him a slight nod.

Sam turns to face the class and starts to empty his bag on the desk and says "Sorry, I got a lot of stuff."

The class just share a laugh as Sam gets his project ready all the while thinking 'Thank God for Tia, or I would have never got it complete in time.' But what Sam didn't see was that Trent was getting ready to flick a rubber band at him.

Sam takes a deep breath and starts to say "Okay, for my family…"

But he is cut off as something hits him in the forehead and when he looks he sees it is a rubber band. Sam gives a small glare at Trent, while Mr Hosney stands and looks around the class trying to find the culprit.

When he can't find one he says "Who did... Who did that? People responsibility," while pointing his finger at the laughing class.

Once Mr Hosney nods Sam again starts to say "Okay umm. So, for my family genealogy report, I decided to do it on my Great-Great Grandfather, who was a very famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explore. In fact, he was one of the first to explore the Artic Circle, which is a big deal. In 1897, he took 41 brave sailors straight to the Arctic shelf…" all the while he is holding up an extremely old, delicate map of what was thought to be the Artic Shelf.

Carrying on Sam says "So that's the story right. And here we have some of the basic instruments and tools used by 19th century seaman."

But he was cut off by the class laughing at him for using the word 'Seaman' but Mr Hosney not impressed with the class just lifts up a little red sign which says 'Quiet' on it but no one takes any notice of it.

Sam again tries to say on topic by saying "This here is the Quadrant. Which you can get for 80 bucks. It's all for sale by the way. Like the err… sextant here."

But again he was cut off by laughter due to the word 'sex' and again Mr Hosney holds the sign but he is starting to look annoyed at Sam rather than the class.

Sam not caring anymore carries on "$50 for this, which quite frankly, is a bargain. Ohh and these are pretty cool. They are my Grandfather's glasses. I haven't got them appraised yet, but they've seen many cool things." As he was saying this he was holding the glasses up for the class to see. But to everyone including Sam all they saw was some old glasses with a crack.

Mr Hosney interrupts by saying "Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr Witwicky, this isn't show and sell. It's the 11th grade. And I don't think your Grandfather would be proud of you selling his things in class.

Sam sighs and says "I know. I'm sorry I just, you know, this is all going towards my car fund. You can tell your folks. It's on eBay. I take . Cold hard cash works, too. And the compass makes a great gift for Columbus Day."

Mr Hosney has enough and snaps "Sam!"

Sam apologises again while picking up two large sheets of paper, one of them is an old newspaper clipping. "Well, unfortunately, my Great-Great Grandfather, the genius that we was, wound up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward, drawing these strange symbols and babbling on about some giant ice man that he thought he discovered…"

But Sam was interrupted for the fifth time in the space of ten minutes by the end of class bell. Mr Hosney stands up and walks in front of Sam and looks at the class who is getting there stuff ready.

"Okay. Be pop quiz tomorrow. Might not. Sleep in fear tonight." Mr Hosney says to the leaving class before he walks back to his desk.

Sam still trying to sell something holds up the glasses and says to passers-by "Here, you want? Here, 50. 40? 30?"

Mr Hosney says from his desk "Sam?"

Sam turns and says, while walking to the desk "Yeah. Sorry, sorry. Okay. Pretty good, right?" he has a hopeful tone in his voice.

"Err… I'd say a solid B-"

Sam freezes and says in shock "A B-"

With a frustrated voice Mr Hosney replies "You were hawking your Grandfather's crap in my classroom."

Sam doesn't understand why he got a B- says "No, kids enjoy..." but changes his mind and says "Look, can you do me a favour?"

"What?" was the reply.

"Can you look out the window for a second? You see my father? He's the guy in the green var." Sam looks out the window at the same time and sees a tall woman sat on a black and blue motorbike next to his father's car. She had her helmet in her hands as she talks with Mr Witwicky.

Once Mr Hosney has seen him Sam carries on "Okay, I wanna tell you a dream. A boys dream. And a man's promise to the boy. He looked me in the eyes and said 'Son, I'm gonna buy you a car. But I want to bring my $2,000 and get three As.' Okay? I got the 2,000 and I got two A's. Okay here's the dream."

Sam holds his hands in a ball to show the 'dream' and says "Your B- POOF! Dream gone. Kaput." He makes his hands 'explored.'

Sam sees the he isn't convinced and he sees a statue of Jesus and says "Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?"

Meanwhile, at Sam's dad car Tia, the woman on the bike, says "Ron, do you think he will get the A?" Rom, aka Mr Witwicky sighs and says "I don't know, he had your help so properly." The both turn towards the school when they hear a door slam and a girlish scream.

Sam runs to the pair screaming "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Tia shakes her head in amusement as Sam jumps into the front passenger seat.

Ron shakes his head and says "So?" to his excited young son.

"A-. It's an A thought ." while pressing the paper into his dad's face.

"Wait, wait, wait. I can't see. It's and A."

Sam leans forward as Tia gets the sheet out of Ron's hand and takes a look, as Sam says "So I'm good?"

Ron looks at Tia with a small smirk and says "What do you think Tia?"

Sam starts to look scared as Tia looks at him and says "Erm, I don't know. Yeah you're good."

Sam looks like he is going to cry as he shouts "Yes."

Tia laughs and puts her helmet on as Ron pulls away and kicks her bike stand up and follows the Green convertible.

Ron says to Sam as Tia pulls up beside them, "Sam, I've got a surprise for you." And then Ron turns to go through a Porsche dealer.

Sam not seeing where they were says "What kind of …" but cuts short when he sees the dealership.

"Yeah, a little surprise."

"No. No, no, no, no! Dad! Oh, you got to be kidding me." Sam says as he looks at all the shiny new Porsches.

"Yeah. I am. You're not getting a Porsche"

At this both Ron and Tia start to laugh at how devastated Sam looks. Sam starts to look miserable as he sinks into his seat as they drive away from the Porsche dealership.

"You think that's funny? What's wrong with you?" Sam asks his dad.

"Yeah, I think it's funny and Tia does too."

Tia says to the now moody teen, once they pull up to a used car dealership with a weird clown stood outside. "Really Sam, you really thought you would get a Porsche for your first car?"

Sam still not happy says to the pair, as they park outside the dealership "I don't want to talk to you for the rest of this whole thing."

Sam's dad sighs as they watch Tia take off her helmet and shake out her long shiny brown hair. Before she gets off the bike and walks to them. But Sam sees the crazy clown stare at Tia as she walks back to them.

A man in his late thirties early forties walks out of the dealership's office and sees the clown waving the erratically and shouts back into the office, "Manny!"

A quiet "What?" was heard from in the office.

"Get your cousin out of that damn clown suit. He's having a heat stroke again. Scaring and staring at white folks." The man replied.

The clown started to shout "I'm hot! Makeup's melting. Hurts my eyes and makes me see angels."

The trio ignore the creepy clown and Sam says to his dad as they walk between two cars, "Here? No, no, no, what is this? You said… You said half a car, not half a piece of crap, dad."

Ron just says "When I was your age, I'd have been happy with four wheels and an engine."

Tia just shakes her head at the males as Sam says to his dad "Okay, let me explain something to you. Okay? You ever seen 40-year-old virgin?"

Ron replies "Yeah."

"Okay, that's what this is. And this is 50-year-old virgin. Okay you want me to live that life? Hm?" Sam says while pointing at the two cars they are stood in-between.

Ron starts to say "No sacrifice, No…"

But Sam cuts him off by saying "Yeah, no sacrifice, no victory. You know, I got it. The old Witwicky motto, Dad."

Ron sighs as Tia hits Sam on the back of his head. Sam glares at Tia who stares unnervingly with her electric blue eyes at him. Sam looks away quickly and Tia walks off to look at the cars, trying to find the best for Sam.

A man who owns the dealerships walks over saying "Gentleman. Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs. How can I help you?" while shaking Ron's hand.

Ron says "Well my son and his friend are looking for his first car." While putting his hand on Sam's shoulder and pointing at Tia.

Bobby stares at Tia for a minute then says to Sam "You came to see me?"

Sam just replies moodily "Had to."

Bobby then takes Sam by the shoulder and walks them towards Tia who was looking at the cars, saying about the mystic bond between man and machine and lying in front of his 'mammy.'

Meanwhile with Tia she hears a rumble of a large engine and turns to see a yellow 1976 Camaro sat innocently. She looks at untrustingly but walks over and places her hand in the centre of the hood and closes her eyes. An electric shock hits the car making it jump slightly as Tia opens her eyes and smiles.

She walks round and opens the driver's door and sits in the driver's seat and orders quietly "Are you dangerous and don't lie to me."

But the seat wobbled side to side like a person shaking their head. Tia does reply but she does pat the dashboard. She gets out of the car as the men get closer to her. She can see that Sam isn't happy with walking with the man now named as 'Uncle Bobby B.'

Shaking her head she shouts "Sam! What about this one?" while pointing at the Camaro.

Sam looks at her gratefully and walks over saying "This ain't bad. This one's got racing stripes."

Tia moves away from the door, allowing Sam to sit in the driver's seat. Booby walks over to the passenger side looking at the car with confusion written all over his face.

"Yeah. It got racing… Yeah, what's this? What the heck is this? I don't know nothing about this car. Manny!" he bellowed.

A shorter man walks out of the office dressed in overalls and should "What?"

Bobby points at the car and says "What is this? This car! Check it out!"

But Manny showing his heritage says" I don't know, boss! I've never seen t! That's loco!"

But Bobby not impressed shouts back "Don't go Ricky Ricardo on me, Manny! Find out!"

Sam not listening to the men arguing says to himself "Feels good. What the heck that? Hey Tia? Come here, please."

Tia walks over and Sam says "Have you seen that before?" but Tia just shakes her head.

Ron not really wanting to spend money asks Bobby "How much?"

Booby replies "Well, considering the semi-classic nature of the vehicle, with the slick wheels and the customer paint job…"

But Sam interrupts by saying "Yeah. But the paint's faded."

Bobby just leans down and says Yeah, but it's custom."

Tia sarcastically replies "It's custom faded?"

Booby just replies "Well, this is your first car. I wouldn't expect you to understand. Five grand."

Ron sighs and says "Nope, I'm not paying over four. Sorry."

Bobby then pats the car and says "Alright kid, get out. Get out the car."

But Sam as stubborn as ever says "No, no, no. You said cars pick their drivers." At this Tia starts to laugh silently thinking 'You don't know how right you are Sam.'

Bobby wanting to sell a car says "Well, sometimes they pick a driver with a cheap-ass father. Out the car." He turns to the car next to the Camaro and carries on saying "Now, this one here for four G's is a beaut."

As Sam gets out of the car, Ron says to him "There's a fiesta with racing stripes over there."

But Sam just says "No, I don't want a Fiesta with racing stripes."

Bobby just says "This is a classic engine right here. I sold a car the other day…"

But as Sam shuts the door the passenger door flies open and hits the car that Bobby is in, making a huge dent in the door, but not damage to the Camaro.

Both Tia and Ron both say at the same time "Gee. Holy cow. You all right?"

But Bobby brushes them off by saying "No Worries. I'll get a sledgehammer and knock this right out. Hey, hey, Manny! Get your clown cousin and get some hammers and come bang his stuff out, baby!" but he gives a strained laugh after.

He starts to walk off towards the opposite end of the lot but doesn't hear 'Greater than man' that came from the Camaro.

Just as Bobby says "That one's my favourite, drove all the way from Alabammy." But then a loud sudden noise erupts form the car and shatters all the glass on the cars around it. But for some reason it spares Tia's bike and Ron's car. Everyone drops to the ground, covering their heads but Tia is crouched in a defensive posture which the car noticed.

Bobby slowly stands and takes a look around his ruined car loot and turns round to the group, holding up four fingers and says "Four Thousand."

Sam jumps up and screams "Yes."

And runs off to the office, with Ron and Bobby following him. Tia shakes her head and walks off to her bike to wait for them.

Unknown to her the Car was studying her trying to figure out how she knew he was sentient. He decided that he was going to have to keep a close eye on this Tia, woman.

A/n Please read and review and I'll update as often as I can.