Title: Burned Soul
Writer: Kaline Bogard
Beta: YouJustGotPitchSlapped
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Sterek
Classification: K

Hi guys!

I want to say "thank you" to YouJustGotPitchSlapped, for helping me with this fanfic. Thanks for save me! :3

So, enjoy.

Burned Soul

Kaline Bogard.


Pain shot through the fingertips of Stiles' fingers as he blew them. The toast was on the floor. Counting slowly to ten, he picked up the toast and tossed it onto a plate, happy to have accomplished the small task without third degree burns.

Stiles placed the dish on the table and spread grape jam over one toast with a butter knife, and then spread the other with a generous layer of peanut butter. Those were his.

He was almost finished with his first slice of peanut butter covered toast when the sheriff entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, son."

"Mffm mmm." Stiles mumbled, his mouth full of bread so his answer was not understandable.

"Today is the day you visit San Francisco's Museum?" John asked.


"Be careful out there."

"Dad, don't worry." Stiles managed to swallow the toast. "The Museum is huge, and has loads of visitors and all my friends will be with me. It's not like some supernatural creature is gonna attack us..."

John sighed and poured himself some coffee before shaking his head.

"That's not what I meant. Stiles, the museum you will be going to is full of works of art that are priceless. Do not get close to the frames, sculptures or vases of ancient ceramic-"

The boy was indignant.

"-I won't break anything, dad! I'm not that clumsy. It's not like I'm Percy Jackson and- and all the important art pieces are in showcases of alarm guarded glass."

"Okay, son. Just be careful."

"I can do that," Stiles smiled, getting up from the table and clenching the unfinished toast between his teeth. He was late."Take care as well."

He barely heard his father's response. Walking out the kitchen door, he headed towards his jeep to find Derek Hale leaning against the blue vehicle.

"Hey Derek. Please don't be here just to tell me to be careful at the Museum, ok?" Stiles approached the wolf, his mood being uplifted just from the sight of Derek, and Derek could feel the happiness radiating off the boy. "I promise I'll keep at least 50 feet between me and the displays. Or even better, I won't go into the rooms."

Derek opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by peanut butter toast being shoved in his mouth.

"Anyway, good morning."

"Good morning to you too." The werewolf replied, biting into the toast. Derek removed it from his mouth and held it in his hand, then looked like he was going to lean in, until Stiles felt very uncomfortable. Derek knew why.

The two had been together, romantically speaking, for almost a week. Everything was very new for both of them and Stiles felt uncomfortable with PDA. He almost died of shame when they kissed in public. The word 'boyfriend' still made him blush.

"Enjoy your day." Stiles said as he slid into the car seat and slammed the door shut. "All of your werewolf buddies will be on the trip. Beacon Hill is all yours...but-"

Stilinski couldn't finish his sentence. With supernatural speed, Derek was at his side faster than you could click your fingers, holding Stiles' neck with his free hand to steal a peanut butter flavored kiss.

"Let's go out tonight." Hale suggested upon their separation. "After you return from your trip."

"A- A date?" the teenage stuttered.

"Yes. A date." The werewolf confirmed.

"Oh. Yeah. Okay." Stiles nodded breathlessly, having still not recovered from the unpredicted kiss and invite. "Our first romantic dinner under the moonlight, sour wolf." Stiles grinned.

"Eight?" Derek asked, ignoring the nick name.

"That's good. It'll give me time for the tour."

"Take care..."

"Don't worry about anything. There are three wolves and a banshee to protect me." He pointed out.

"Stiles, that's not what I meant." Despite the previous warning, Hale felt obliged to make sure his boyfriend understood. "There will be works of art worth millions there. If you break something-"

"I've already heard this speech! Where does everyone get the idea that I'm clumsy? More of this, and there will be no date tonight." Stiles threatened, twisting his keys into the car to start it.

Derek did not answer. He simply took a step back to make space for his boyfriend to maneuver himself out of the driveway after taking another bite of the toast in his hand. Stiles sped off out of sight.

Derek then nodded towards the kitchen window; where he knew his in-law, the sheriff Stilinski discreetly peeked through the gap in the curtains. The relationship between Derek and Stiles was unusual for everyone. No matter what angle you looked at it from, it was still weird.


Upon arriving at school, Stiles noticed the sophomores were out of the building, forming small groups near two yellow buses. The tradition had continued for generations: each year the sophomores did a tour of the Museum of San Francisco and spent the day analyzing various works of art.

Scott and Kira approached.

"Hey dude!" Scott greeted, standing beside his motorcycle. Stiles approached. Scott's backpack was hung around his shoulder as he greeted the newcomer.

"Hi Kira. Dude..." Stiles nodded hello.

I need you to cover for us." MacCall requested.

"What? Why?!"

The young Alpha smiled suspiciously, and exchanged an even more suspicious smile to the Japanese descendant. Now, Scott had the ability to control his inner wolf well, even in full moon, so he no longer feared what could happen if he stayed with the girl.

"We're not going to San Francisco Stiles. I want to take Kira out and spend the day with her..."

"But Scotty..." the human whined, "We've waited for this day since we got to high school!" Scott gave him a skeptical look. "Fine, okay, I've waited for this day." Stiles sighed. "Do what you gotta do, champ. Have fun bro."

"Thank you so much dude."

"No probs'." Stiles smiled as he watched his friend and new romantic interest exited the school, pushing the motorcycle in order to remain undetected. Apparently nobody bothered to look for them.

"At least I still have Isaac..." he mused, "oh, look. The same Isaac who is currently sitting in Allison's car...not stopping. Ugh, great. Another couple who will skip class. Absolutely perfect."

Finstock, the coach began to call out students by name, reading them out from the sheet attached to his clipboard. Gradually, teenagers began entering their designated buses. Finstock would be responsible for one bus, along with another teacher, and another duo would be responsible for the other vehicle.

"Stilinski, on Bus One. And do not go anywhere near the showcases, as you will be the one paying for anything you break." Finstock continued to call out other names.

Stiles didn't bother to reply. It would be waste of breath. He heard his name, but didn't enter the bus, since he knew which of his friends would be in which car. In the end, none of his friend were called out: Lydia, Danny, of the twins. He sighed and entered the bus. Stiles understood that everyone had planned couples day, avoiding the trip if their parents hadn't agreed with it.

As he hopped on board, he seriously considered sending a text to Derek to ask for his boyfriend to meet him at the Museum, but he soon changed his mind. The journey was long and tedious. It would be unfair to do that to Hale, as he probably already had plans for the day.

Since several students were absent, there were plenty of free seats. Stiles chose a seat near the back and threw his backpack on the closest seat, so he was sitting beside the window. He then grabbed his phone, looking forward to spending the next few hours entertaining himself with video games or updating social websites. He didn't bother with the battery, the charger could be plugged in at the Museum's indoor restaurant.

He had been previously looking forward to the ride, being anxious and exited, but now he was just bored. He would just have to walk along through the Museum. How annoying.

But on the bright side, there was the promised date with his boyfriend. Thinking about it made Stiles' heart beat speed up and his face turn a light shade of red. So, to distract himself on his journey he began to count how many seconds would pass until he went on his date.

Unfortunately for Stiles, he didn't know that fate had very different plans for him.

To be continued...